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1、高考英语学习提升课堂:as if巧妙使用一、as if为什么吸睛?正如我们语文里强调修辞,as if最可以体现“比喻”修辞。用修辞与不用修 辞,效果是不一样的。例如:(1)男孩看到面前如此多的人,非常紧张。(2)男孩看到面前如此多的人,心提到嗓子眼儿上来,浑身紧张得就像拉 满了弓的弦一样。而英语里,as if最好应用在“比喻”中。如上面(2)可以写成:When seeing so many people in front of him, the boys heart was like in his throat, and he looked as if the strings of a bow

2、.当然,as if除了可以应用于“比喻”之外,它还可以表达一种“可能性”。 如:他停下来,好像期待着什么。总之,as if就是“好像”,“仿佛”,而这个“语义”具备相当的“可迁移性”。二、as if如何用:(一)省略用法。句型是:X + as if + (可省略部分)+ n / adj / prep /doing / done/ to do“可省略部分”主要是“主语+系动词”。该处的“主语”其实与句子的 主语的“同一”的。He acts as if (he was) a fool.他表现的像个傻子The girl left the room hurriedly as if (she was)

3、angry.这个女孩快速离开房间好像生气了。He looked about as if (he was) in search of something.他四下观望好像在找什么东西。At this good news, he felt his heart beat (as if) in thunder.听到这个好消息,他感觉心跳得像打雷。He paused as if (he was) expecting David to speak.他停下来,好像期待着大卫停止说话。She stood at the door as if (she was) waiting for someone.他站在门口好

4、像在等谁。Fragrant breeze gently stroked my head, as if (it was) comforting all of my tiredness.芬芳的微风轻轻拂过我的头,仿佛在抚慰我所有的疲倦。) A cluster of sunshine cast over the road as if (it was) extending its encouragement and blessing to them.一簇阳光洒在路上,仿佛在给他们鼓励和祝福。He stood as if (he was) rooted to the ground.他站在那里,仿佛生根于

5、地下。(好像脚底生了根。)She stood there for a while as if frozen.他站在那里有一会儿了,仿佛凝固了。(惊呆了)He opened his lips as if (he was) to make some reply.他张开嘴好像要回应什么。The leaves were waving in the breeze as if (they were) to welcome/praise us.(二)非省略用法。句型是:X + as if + Y注意这里:X与Y都是“完句”,它们的主语是不一样的。如果它们 主语同一的话,Y中的动词不是系动词(be)。例如:1

6、 felt hot on my face as if there were a million ants crawling around inside of me.我感到脸上发热,就好像有上百只蚂蚁在我身体里爬来爬去。) He ran as if ghosts were chasing him.他跑起来好像有鬼在追他一样。) He spoke so casually as if the matter was of little consequence.他说的很随便,好像这事儿无足轻重似的。) The injured man acted as if nothing had happened to

7、 him.这位受伤的男子表现得好像没发生什么事一样。【注意】Y中的时态,与X相比,两种情况:同步与提前(Y较X提前)。 如果是“同步”,则传达的意义是真实的(或接近真实的)。如果是“Y较X提前 则传达的意义是:Y是不真实的,也就是虚拟的。例如:He talks as if he is drunk.看他说话的样子像是喝醉了。(说话人觉得他是真得醉了)He talks as if he were drunk.他说起话来像是喝醉了一样。(说话人没觉得他喝醉了)再如:Charlie first picks out the laces and eats them as if they were spag

8、hetti. 查 理先挑出鞋带,然后吃它们,好像它们是意大利面条一样。He talks about Rome as if he had been there himself.他谈起罗马 /就好像他 亲自去过那里似的。三、应用实践 一一以广东二模自闭男孩能唱歌为例原文如下:Music has always been an essential part of my family. As a little girl, I often watched my mom singing with others in the church. As I grew older, she and I would s

9、ing while we did the dishes or hung clothes. My brother Dean was also a musical soul. In good time or in bad, there was always music in our house. It shapes us, comforted us, and gave us a way to express feelings that might otherwise have gone unspoken.After Dean became a father, we learned that his

10、 oldest son was on the autism spectrum(自 闭 症).My nephew Dj did not handle social situation well, and sometimes even for him to speak aloud outside the family was a struggle. He worked very hard to overcome his fears, so much so that the year he was eight, he decided he wanted to be part of the Chris

11、tmas music program with the other children in his Sunday school class. The part he had been offered was one that required him to sing a verse all on his own a solo.My brother carefully explained to him that this would mean singing in front of the audience; There would be no one singing with him. Dj

12、considered this very carefully. After a couple of days, he decided that he would accept the part. He explained to us that he believed he could do it because it was a very special occasion, and he would practice until he was as perfect as he could be. He said he knew his daddy would help him to be th

13、e best singer possible.For over a month, he and his father practiced together. Every evening would find them locked away in the music room, my brother on guitar, and my nephews small voice coming from somewhere deep down inside his little body. He gained confidence, and when the day of the concert a

14、rrived, he was certain all would go well. My brother waited backstage, giving Dj double thumbs-up, and he came out to sit with the rest of the family to watch and take photos.(356 words)【简要分析如下】续段细节:情动话思景(1) Dj的“情、动、语、思”;(2)我的“情、动、语、思”;(3)环境情境:(沉默像要吞噬每个人)情节:有人开始sing,吸引了人们这个情节主要照应续断二首句续段细节:可以描述一下“爸爸的

15、声情节:“声音”激励了 “Dj”细节:观众反应,我的反应(思想)Paragraph 1: When it was finally time for Dj to sing, the music played on, and he froze.Probably he was too nervous. After all, never had he been faced with so many audiences.Suddenly, a round of applause burst out, but it failed to achieve the expected outcome.Silenc

16、e stills existed, as if swallowing everyone5s enthusiasm.Time ticking away, no one knows how to end this embarrassing situation.All of a sudden, a voice rose, as if a beacon brought hope to the people in darkness. However, it obviously was not Djs.Paragraph 2: Everyone turned to see who was singing,

17、 while I knew it was my brother.The singing continued, entertaining us, as if a sweet spring flowed into peoples dried hearts.It undoubtedly woke up my nephew, and gave him enormous confidence.Surprisingly, he opened his mouth and began to sing.At first, his voice was a little small. But with time g

18、oing by, his voice become louder and louder, and finally dominated the entire hall.So fabulous was Djs singing that all of audiences were absorbed in it.And no sooner had Dj finished his song than the thunderous applause burst out.At that time, I couldnt feel prouder and happier for my nephew. And s

19、imultaneously, it dawned on me that where there is encouragement, there is wonder.官方版本:When it was finally time for Dj to sing, the music played on and he froze. His little face grew pale, and we could see the panic in his eyes as the silence grew. The pianist started the music again but still nothing came out. The entire audience seemed to lean forward in expectation. The silence seemed enormous. The whole family of us was all staring at our little boy hoping he would cheer up and act out his part. Th


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