1、贺桂琼重庆医科大学解剖教研室臀区、股后区、腘窝、小腿后区The gluteal region, the back of the thigh,the poplital fossa and the back of the leg要求掌握臀区的层次掌握经梨状肌上、下间隙出入的血管神经的安排掌握坐骨神经的行径、分支、分布范围及体表投影熟悉股后肌室的肌肉配布及主要功能掌握腘窝的境界,腘窝内血管神经的安排掌握小腿区肌肉的层次及血管神经走行了解踝管的位置及其内容物的安排掌握髋关节后动脉吻合网、膝关节动脉吻合网的组成臀区和股后区基本层次解剖 翻皮 浅筋膜内结构:寻找臀上皮神经和臀下皮神经 深筋膜:即臀筋膜,很
2、发达,清理时注意观察它的延续。肌室 1.解剖臀大肌及股后皮神经 2.解剖出入梨状肌上、下孔的血管神经。 3.观察坐骨神经的行径及其与梨状肌的关系 4.观察股后区的肌肉神经和血管臀区上界:髂嵴下界:臀襞内界:骶尾骨的外侧缘外界:髂前上棘至股骨大转子的连线(一) 境界 The boundaries of the gluteal region superior border: iliac crest inferior border: gluteal groove (gluteal fold) medial border: natal cleft lateral border: a line from
3、 the anterior superior iliac spine to the greater trochanterQuestion: Which quadrant is the relative safest site for doctor to give intramuscular injection in the gluteal region ? Why?(二)层次皮肤:较厚,富有皮脂腺和汗腺。浅筋膜:有许多连于皮肤与深筋膜间的纤维束,故该区皮肤移动性较小;坐骨结节处形成坐垫。深筋膜:即臀筋膜,分两层包裹臀大肌 。深层结构:肌肉、血管神经;1 深筋膜又称臀筋膜,坚实,分层包绕臀大肌,
4、并发出筋膜隔进入肌束间,故臀筋膜不易与臀大肌分离,臀大肌深部脓肿,亦不易溃破至浅面。臀筋膜下份在大转子外侧明显增厚,并与臀大肌、阔筋膜张肌的腱膜融合,组成髂胫束。 2 深层结构(1)肌层:浅、中、深三层浅层:臀大肌、阔筋膜张肌中层:臀中肌、梨状肌、上孖肌、闭孔内肌、下孖肌、股方肌深层:臀小肌(2)血管、神经来自盆腔,穿经梨状肌上、下间隙达臀区、股后区,经坐骨小孔至会阴区。 superficial layer:Gluteus maximusTensor fasciae latae middle layer (from above downwards)Gluteus medius Piriform
5、is Superior gemellus Tendon of obturator internus Inferior gemellus Qudratus femoris deep layer:Gluteus minimus Obturator externusThe muscles: divided into 3 layers 臀区深层结构坐骨大孔 - 骶棘韧带与坐骨大切迹围成坐骨小孔 - 骶棘韧带、骶结节韧带和坐骨小切迹围成 梨 状 肌 - 起自骶骨前面,穿经坐骨大孔,止于股骨大转子。 将坐骨大孔分成上、下两个间隙。坐骨大孔 坐骨棘 坐骨大孔 Greater sciatic foramen
6、坐骨小孔Lesser sciatic foramen骶棘韧带Sacrospinous lig. 骶结节韧带Sacrotuberous lig.梨状肌上、下隙梨状肌上、下隙穿行的结构 梨状肌上隙:三 梨状肌下隙:八坐骨小孔穿行的结构:三1.Structures passing through the suprapiriform foramen (From lateral to medial side) 穿梨状肌上间隙的结构The superior gluteal n.臀上N: arises from the sacral plexus, which accompanied by the corr
7、esponding a. and v.The superior gluteal a臀上A.: is the terminal branch of the internal iliac a. It divides into superficial and deep branches.The superior gluteal v臀上V.: drains into the internal iliac v. 2.Structures passing through the infrapiriform foramen (From lateral to medial side) 穿梨状肌上间隙的结构A.
8、 Sciatic n.坐骨NB. Posterior cutaneous n.of thigh股后皮N : runs vertically behind the line of the Sciatic N.C. Inferior gluteal n臀下N. D. Inferior gluteal a.臀下AE. Inferior gluteal v.臀下VF. Internal pudendal a.阴部AG. Internal pudendal v.阴部VH. pudendal n.阴部NRe-enter the pelvis through lesser sciatic foramen R
9、elationship of sciatic n. to the piriformis 坐骨N与梨状肌的关系即坐骨N的变异Sciatic pain (Sciatica) 5.3% 29.5%60.5%3.2% 0.3% 0.5% 0.5%VariationsThe point of division of the sciatic n. into its major components (tibial and common peroneal) is very variable. The common site is at the junction of the middle and lower
10、 thirds of the thigh, near the apex of the popliteal fossa. The division may occur at any level above this, though rarely below it. It is not uncommon for the major components to leave the sacral plexus separately, in which case the common peroneal component usually passes through piriformis at the
11、greater sciatic notch while the tibial component passes below the muscle. 股后区 (一) 股后区境界上界:臀襞下界:经髌骨上方两横指环线内侧界:后肌间隔外侧界:外侧肌间隔(二)股后区层次1、皮 肤2、浅筋膜3、深筋膜4、深层结构 (1)肌肉外 侧 - 股二头肌 内 侧 - 半腱肌、半膜肌 (2)血管神经股深A穿支形成的股后穿A链 坐骨N 股后深层结构肌肉血管神经 Sciatic n坐骨N: runs downwards into the back of the thigh. Deep to the biceps, It
12、divides into 2 terminal branches: the tibial and common peroneal nerves. The nerve to the short head of biceps springs from the lateral side of SN. The nerve to the other muscles of this region springs from the medial side of SN. That is: The sciatic n. gives off many muscular branches from its medi
13、al side, and only one from its lateral side. So it has a side of danger and a side of safety. (clinical significance)解剖操作要点观察并记录坐骨神经的起始行程、分支分布特点梨状肌上、下隙的安排皮肤切口1.解剖臀大肌及股后皮神经切深筋膜在臀大肌下缘中点,纵行切开深筋膜。在深筋膜深面可找到股后皮神经。切臀大肌清理臀大肌上、下缘,沿上、下缘中点连线切开臀大肌,向两侧翻。 臀小肌臀中肌臀大肌梨状肌闭孔内肌股后皮神经坐骨神经臀大肌臀中肌臀上动脉和神经1.浅 层:皮肤和浅筋膜一同翻起(股后区
14、同)2.深筋膜:厚、不易分离,不需过多修洁2.解剖出入梨状肌上、下孔的血管神经(1)穿经梨状肌上孔的血管和神经(外-内) 臀上神经、动脉和静脉 (2)穿经梨状肌下孔的血管和神经(外-内) 坐骨神经 股后皮神经 臀下神经、动脉和静脉 阴部内静脉、动脉和阴部神经臀上神经、动脉、静脉臀下神经、动脉、静脉梨状肌坐骨神经股后皮神经阴部内静脉、动脉和阴部神经3.观察坐骨神经(sciatic nerve)的行径及其与梨状肌的关系坐骨神经与梨状肌关系的类型4.观察股后区的肌肉神经和血管肌肉:半腱肌(semitendinosus muscle)大腿后区内侧半膜肌(semimembranosus muscle)位
15、于半腱肌深层股二头肌(biceps femoral muscle)大腿后区外侧神经:坐骨神经走在股二头肌深面,发肌支支配股后区肌群。血管:股深动脉穿支。臀大肌臀中肌臀小肌梨状肌上孖肌下孖肌闭孔内肌股方肌第一穿动脉第二穿动脉第三穿动脉大收肌坐骨神经股二头肌(短头)股二头肌(长头)腓总神经股二头肌(长头)半腱肌半膜肌股后皮神经臀区、股后区小结一. 梨状肌上、下隙梨状肌上隙(外内:三)臀上N:臀中、小肌之间 臀中、小肌臀上A: 浅支:臀大、中肌间 臀大肌 深支:臀中、小肌间 臀中、小肌臀上V:伴同名A 髂内V梨状肌下间隙(外内:八) 坐骨神经股后皮神经臀下神经臀下A、V阴部内A阴部内V阴部神经至股后
16、至臀区、臀大肌至会阴区臀大肌的血管神经:臀下神经、臀上A浅支、臀下A;阴部内血管、阴部神经走行:经梨状肌下隙出盆,绕坐骨棘后在骶结节韧带的深面穿坐骨小孔至会阴区;二.坐骨神经 1.结构特点(1)来自于骶丛(L4,5、S1-3)(2)经梨状肌下间隙出骨盆后,位于臀大肌深面;(3)经坐骨结节与大转子间降入股后区;(4)在股后,行于大收肌的表面,股二头肌与半腱肌、半膜肌之间下行;(5)一般在腘窝上方(上角)分为两大终支胫N和腓总N; 髂后上棘与坐骨结节连线中点 至大转子连线内、中1/3点 坐骨结节与大转子连线中点 股骨内、外侧髁连线中点3.分支分布 内 侧 半腱/膜肌、股二头肌长头 外 侧 股二头肌
17、短头 外侧为相对安全侧2.体表投影 腓总神经(2)坐骨N压痛点 (1)坐骨神经痛 臀大肌下缘与股二头肌长头 外侧缘交汇处 (3)梨状肌综合征 4.临床应用 (4)关于臀部肌肉注射的部位 坐骨神经痛梨状肌综合征piriformis syndrome臀部肌肉注射(1)位置:臀大肌深面,股方肌和大转子附近 (2)组成:旋股内、外侧A;臀下A;股深A第一穿A(3)意义:沟通髂内、外A,代偿供应分布三. 臀部十字吻合cruciate anastomosis臀部十字吻合 The arterial anastomosis of the back of thigh股后动脉链: no arterial trun
18、k in this region Perforating a.: is the branches of the deep femoral a. The 4 perforating arteries encircle the shaft of femur, hugging it so closely that they must surely be torn if the shaft is fractured. The perforating arteries form 2 structures: A. the chain of posterior femoral a. B. the cruia
19、te anastomosisCommon iliac a.External iliac a.Internal iliac a.Femoral a.Medial femoral circumflex a.Lateral femoral circumflex a.Deep femoral a.1st perforating a.2nd perforating a.3rd perforating a.The cruciate anastomosis consists of inferior gluteal a., the medial femoral circumflex a., the later
20、al femoral circumflex a., and the 1st perforating a. It is connected distally with the chain of posterior femoral a. 翻皮 层次解剖 1.浅筋膜内结构 2.腘窝深筋膜 3.深层结构 解剖小腿后区的肌肉及血管神经 内踝后面肌腱和血管、神经的安排基本层次解剖腘窝和小腿后区腘窝popliteal fossa(一)腘窝的境界上外侧界:股二头肌上内侧界:半腱肌、半膜肌下外侧界:腓肠肌外侧头下内侧界:腓肠肌内侧头底:股骨的腘平面、膝关节囊、 腘肌及其筋膜顶:腘筋膜(二)腘窝的层次1、皮 肤2
21、、浅筋膜3、深筋膜:腘筋膜4、深层结构胫神经、腓总神经 腘动脉 腘静脉 腘深L 、NPopliteal artery腘动脉 origin: begins as a continuation of the femoral a. at the adductor hiatus. In the lower border of the popliteus, it divides into 2 terminal branches: anterior and posterior tibial a. It encloses the femur. Branches: A. Muscular branch B.
22、5 articular branches: superior medial genicular a膝上内A superior lateral genicular a膝上外A middle genicular a膝中A inferior medial genicular a膝下内A inferior medial genicular a膝下外Athese 5 branches participate in forming genicular anastomosis 膝关节动脉网.Ant. tibial a.Ant. tibial recurrent a.inferior lateral geni
23、cular a Post. tibial a.inferior medial genicular a superior medial genicular a superior lateral genicular a descending genicular branch of femoral a.descending genicular branch of femoral aThe genicular anastomosis膝关节动脉网: consits of 5 genicular branches of PA, descending genicular branch of femoral
24、a.股动脉的膝降动脉, the descending branch of the lateral circumflex femoral a旋股外侧动脉的降支. and the anterior tibial recurrent a胫前返动脉. Popliteal veinformed by the junction of the anterior and posterior tibial veins near the lower border of the popliteus muscle. Popliteal lymph nodes There may be one or two nodes
25、 just under the deep fascia, close to the popliteal fossa vessels. They drain the deep tissues of the leg and foot and the knee joint. They also receive superficial lymph vessels from the lateral side of the foot, the heel, and the back of the calf. These drain along the line of the small saphenous
26、vein. The arrangement of the blood vessels and nerve (from the surface to the floor of the fossa) At the center of the popliteal fossa: nerve-vein-artery腘窝深层结构腘窝的境界 腘窝的内容 Contents of Popliteal Fossa小腿后区(了解)1、皮 肤2、浅筋膜3、深筋膜4、深层结构肌肉 浅层:腓肠肌、比目鱼肌、跖肌 深层:腘肌、长屈肌、趾长屈肌、胫骨后肌血管神经 胫后动脉、静脉 胫神经(一) 层次小腿骨筋膜鞘小腿后肌群小腿后
27、区的血管神经解剖操作要点观察并记录腘窝的层次及内容物的安排皮肤切口层次解剖1.浅筋膜内结构:小隐静脉(small saphenous vein)及伴行的腓肠神经(sural nerve)关键点外踝后下方找到并追踪小隐静脉见其穿入腘筋膜。2.腘窝深筋膜特点:厚而坚韧切开腘筋膜,清理腘窝。小隐静脉腓肠神经3.深层结构腘窝(popliteal fossa)境界上外 -股二头肌 上内 -半腱肌和半膜肌 下外 -腓肠肌外侧头 下内 -腓肠肌内侧头 顶 - 筋膜 腘窝内容物的解剖 清理股二头肌内侧缘,可找到腓总神经(common peroneal nerve),胫神经(tibial nerve)相当于坐骨
28、神经的直接延续,走在腘窝内,其深面是腘静脉和腘动脉。腘动脉在腘窝发出五条关节支,参加膝关节网。半腱肌腓总神经胫神经腓肠外侧神经腓肠内侧神经小隐静脉股二头肌解剖小腿后区的肌肉及血管神经(了解)清理比目鱼肌(soleus muscle),将此肌起点的内侧份全部切断,翻开,辨认小腿后区肌肉:胫骨后肌(居中间)趾长屈肌(居胫侧)踇长屈肌(位于腓侧)血管神经:追踪腘动脉见其在腘肌下缘分成胫前、后动脉。解剖胫后动脉伴胫神经下降。在腘肌下缘胫后动脉发出腓动脉。胫后动脉在下降途中还发出许多肌支至邻近肌肉,至内踝屈肌支持带深面,分为足底内、外侧动脉。胫神经沿途也发出一些肌支和皮支,于屈肌支持带深面分为足底内、外
29、侧神经。腘肌比目鱼肌腱弓胫前动脉胫后动脉胫骨后肌腓动脉趾长屈肌踇长屈肌腓骨长肌胫神经胫骨后肌腱内踝后面肌腱和血管、神经的安排(了解)切开屈肌支持带,打开踝管,从前向后依次为胫骨后肌腱、趾长屈肌腱、胫后动脉及其伴行静脉、胫神经和踇长屈肌腱等结构。屈肌支持带胫后动脉和胫神经胫骨后肌腱趾长屈肌腱踇长屈肌腱腘窝、小腿后区小结一. 腘窝主要内容:N、A、V 1、胫 N (1)位于腘筋膜深面,位置表浅;(2)沿腘窝中线下行,本干经比目鱼肌腱弓深面入小腿后室深浅两层肌肉之间;(3)分支 皮 支 - 腓肠N,分布于小 腿后区、足背、小趾外侧皮肤 肌 支 - 小腿后群肌 2、腓总N(1)位于腘窝上外侧界内侧(2
30、)经腓骨头后方,继而绕腓骨颈外侧,入小腿外室,即分为腓浅、深N,分布于小腿前、外侧室肌肉(3)腘窝内不发肌支,仅发一皮支,参与腓肠N的组成。胫神经、腓总神经受伤3、腘静脉(1)位于胫N深面,腘A浅面(2)与腘A伴行,共同包于一个血管鞘中,血管损伤后易发动静脉瘘;(3)小隐V末端汇入腘V,故高位结扎小隐V时勿伤及浅面的胫N;(4)穿大收肌腱裂孔续为股V4、腘动脉(1)位置最深,贴近股骨腘平面及 关节囊后壁,故股骨下段骨折 向后移位时,可能伤及腘A;(2)分支:肌支邻近肌肉关节支膝上内A、膝上外A、 膝中A、膝下内A、 膝下外A(3)本干向下经比目鱼肌腱弓深面至小腿后区分为胫前A和胫后A 向 上 向 下:沿胫N、胫后血管 小腿后区 向 前:沿关节支 膝前区 沿坐骨N 股后区 臀区 沿收肌腱裂孔 收肌管5 、腘窝交通6、腘窝血管神经的安排由浅至深、由外至内:胫神经、腘静脉、腘动脉 二. 膝关节A网 组成:八条腘A的五条分支:膝上内、外A,膝下内、外A,膝中A膝降A的分支旋股外侧A的降支胫前返A三.踝 管(了解
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