1、Unit One - Translation他死了,是累死的。他在星期天凌晨3点整离开人世,在一个他本该休息的日子里。He died. He worked himself to death, precisely at 3:00 a.m. Sunday morning, on his day off. 对此,他的朋友和熟人并不怎么吃惊。在他们看来,他是典型的A型行为者,一个工作狂,一个典型的工作狂。His friends and acquaintances were not really surprised. To them, he was a perfect type A, a workaho
2、lic, a classic.菲尔每周工作6天,其中5天工作到晚上八九点,而公司上下除了主管经理外已经实行工作4天工作制了。 Phil worked six days a week, five of them until eight or nine at night, during a time when his own company had begun the four-day week for everyone but the executives. 他一个月打一次高尔夫,但这是工作需要,除此之外,他没有什么“业余爱好”。He played a golf game every month
3、 but it was work. Other than this, he had no outside “extracurricular interests.”他的“遗属”包括妻子海伦和3个孩子。48岁的海伦多年前就决定不再和他的工作争宠。His survivors included his wife Helen and three children. Helen, forty-eight years old, had given up trying to compete with his work years ago. 他“深爱的”子女中,长子不了解他,女儿跟他没什么共同语言。Among
4、his beloved children, the eldest son didnt know him well, and the daughter had no shared topics with him.只有20岁的小儿子想方设法把父亲抓住不放,想方设法让父亲看重自己,好让这个人待在家里。Only the youngest son who was twenty, tried to grab at his father and tried to mean enough to him to keep the man at home.葬礼上,60岁的公司总裁说,51岁的死者对于公司来说举足轻重
5、,将会难以取代。 At the funeral, the sixty-year-old company president said that the fifty-one-year deceased had meant much to the company and would be missed and would be hard to replace. 而当天下午五点,总裁已经开始询问接替他的人选。And by 5:00 p.m. the afternoon of the funeral, the company president had began to make enquiries
6、about the replacement.Unit Four - Translation人生际遇真的很奇妙。有时,一次偶遇就能成就一桩幸福的婚姻。Life is full of miracles. Sometimes, a chance meeting can lead to a happy marriage. 20岁的他是个穷大学生,有天出去买啤酒,回来的路上看到邻家的日本女孩在门廊上用锤子敲胡桃。When he was twenty, he was college poor. One day, he went to buy some beer and on his way back he
7、 saw his neighbor, a Japanese woman, cracking walnuts on her front porch他走得很慢,她抬头向他微笑。他也微笑说声你好,然后拎着啤酒回到住处,却把自己的心留在了女孩身边。He walked slowly and she looked up, smiling. He smiled back and said hello, and returned the beer to his apartment, his heart still with the girl.于是,他又冲下楼去,却在快到女孩房前突然停住了,因为不知道该说什么。
8、So he raced his heart downstairs, but stopped short of her house, because he didnt know what to say. 等了一会儿,他装作随意地经过正在清扫胡桃壳的女孩身边,只真诚地说声你好就走开了,心里却懊恼自己的犹豫不决。 After a while, with studied casualness he walked past the girl who was cleaning up the shells, but he only came up with a hearty hello and walked
9、 away. He was troubled by his own indecision. 然后,又走回来,再次经过她身边,彼此微笑,他又什么也没有说就回到自己的住处。Then, he returned, walking past her again. They smiled to each other, but again nothing was said before he returned to his apartment. 后来,他们开始聊天,一起坐在门廊上吃她亲自烤的甜面包。再后来,他们牵手了。最后,他和某天下午看见在敲胡桃的这个女人结婚了。Later, they began to
10、talk, sit together on the porch, and snack on the sweet bread she baked personally. Then they held hands. Eventually, he married the woman he found cracking walnuts on an afternoon.如果那天他没有去买啤酒,如果那天下午碰见的不是她,而是另外一个人,他的人生就会完全不同。Had he not gone for the beer, or had he met someone else instead of her, hi
11、s life would have been totally different.Unit Seven - Translation提到发生在世界贸易中心的那场灾难,人们脑海中涌现的往往是从电视与报纸图片中得来的形象:Talking about the disaster at the World Trade Center, people usually have in mind images from television and newspaper pictures:倒塌的建筑,四散奔逃的办公室职员,蔚蓝天空背景上的黑烟。然而,来到遗址旁边时,却什么也看不到,只有一片辽阔的空虚。the col
12、lapsing buildings, the running office workers, the black plume of smoke against a bright blue sky. However, when one goes around what used to be the World Trade Center, there is nothing to see, except the wide emptiness. 等到眼睛习惯了一切,便会留意到周围的事物。Then, when the eyes have adjusted to what they are looking
13、 at, one begins to notice what is around. 突然之间,你会注意到那些消防队员,以及在大坑另一边等待着的救护车,还有各个角落里的警察,还有那由两根生锈钢条组成的巨大十字架。Suddenly there are firefighters, the waiting ambulance on the other side of the pit, the police on every corner, and the enormous cross made of two rusted girders. 突然之间,你会注意到附近教堂的小小公墓,它的篱笆上满是花环、诗篇、照片,还有无处不在的美国国旗。Suddenly there is the little cemetery attached to a nearby chapel. The fence is a welter of wreaths, poems and photographs, and American flags everywhere.于是,不在那里的东西变得引人注目,缺失拥有了具体的形
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