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1、译林版英语四年级(上)Unit 3How many?Story timeLets reviewWarming upfivesixseveneightninetenHow many pandas?多少?thirteenLets count13fourteenLets count14Lets count stickers贴纸15fifteenthirteen fourteenfifteenTry to read131415Look at this picture. Where are they? Can you guess?Look and sayWatch and answerHowmany t

2、oy cars does Mike have?Howmany stickers does Helen have?Check your answers Howmany toy cars does Mike have? Thirteen toy cars.How manystickers does Helenhave? Fifteen stickers.Read and talkLook at my toy cars.Theyre nice. How many cars do you have, Mike?Thirteen.PresentationDo you have any toy cars,

3、 Helen?thirteenfourteenfifteenWhat do you have?No, I dont.I have some stickers.Key wordssticker贴纸Can I have a look?Yes.Key words can 可以; 能 have alook看一看Theyre very beautiful.How many stickers do you have?Can I have one?Sure.sixteenseventeeneighteennineteenI have fifteen stickers.Key words very 很; 非常

4、 sure 当然Listen and repeatNote intonation 注意语调一般疑问句常用升调,如Do you have any cars?而特殊疑问句常用降调, 如What do you have?TipLets readLook at my toy cars.Theyre nice. How many cars do you have, Mike?Thirteen.Do you have any toy cars, Helen?No, I dont.What do you have?I have some stickers. Can I have a look?Yes.The

5、yre very beautiful.How many stickers do you have?I have fifteen stickers. Can I have one?Sure.Look at.Do you have.Retell the storyRetell the storyCan I.Theyre very.Lets talk A: What do you have?B: I haveA: How many do you have?B: I haveA: Can I have a look?/ Can I have one? B: Sure.New words音节记忆法thi

6、rteenI have thirteen eggs.thirteen十三 /tin/fourteen十四/ftin/New words拆分记忆法:fourteen(十四)=four(四)+teenI have fourteen books.New wordsfifteen十五/fftin/联想 five五fifty五十There are fifteen girls in our class.New wordssixteen十六/skstin/联想 six六 sixty六十Mike has sixteen pencils.New wordsseventeen十七/sevntin/联想 seven

7、七 seventy七十 Seventeen boys are in the playground.New wordseighteen十八/etin/联 想 eight八eighty八十 There are eighteen desksin the classroom.New wordsnineteen十九/nantin/联想 nine九 ninety九十Whats twelve and seven?Its nineteen.Lets play打地鼠游戏:用英语大声说出砸到的地鼠 所代表的数字吧!thirteennineteenseventeeneighteenfifteenfourteensi

8、xteenChant timeWow! So many stickers! Can I have a look?Sure. Lets count. Lets count. One, two, three请同学们接 着往下续编 歌谣哦! Language points Thirteen.How many pens do you have?Language points谈论对方拥有某种物品的数量:How many+某物(apples, pencils, books.)+do you have?I have(+基数词).Language pointsWhat do you have?I have a

9、 pencil box.Language points问句是以What开头的特殊疑问,用于询问 对方拥有什么物品。What do you have?I have+物品(a pen, a dog,some books,).Lets learnWe should use numbers correctly and learn to share with others. 我们应当正确使用数字并学会与他人分享。Practice一、根据图片和提示补全对话。A:What _d_o_you _h_a_ve_? B:I have some toy _c_ar_s_.A:_H_o_w_ma_ny_toy cars do you have?B:I have e_i_gh_t_e_e_n_c_a_r_s_.A: Can I _h_a_v_e a look ? B: Sure.每只红色气球上都有加法运算,当游泳运 动员游过红色气球时,大声用英语说出气 球上的运算结果,看看谁的反应最快!二二、小马游过泳河比。赛。seven+ eightfive+sixsix+sixnine+ seveneight+ tenfive+ twelvethirteen+sixseven+ sixSummary询问对方拥有多少物品How many+某物+do you have?(I have+)基数词.答语可以用上述句式,也


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