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1、2中高二下英语期末试题解析【阅读理解】21-23: ACC 24-27:ACBB28-31: CBAC 32-35:ABADA细节理解题。第一段 nowadays there are tons and they9 re in every cuisine category you can think of! Check out these easy-to-make vegetarian meals you can buy right off the web.” (现在有很多种美食,你能想到的各种美食都有!看看这些易 于制作的素食餐,你可以在网上买到。)综合选项可知,首先 是可以自己制作的,其次非

2、常的简单省事。应选B项。C推理判断题。由关键字可以定位到第二段中,综合翻译(在如 果你今晚想吃中餐素食加宫保鸡丁。这道菜是用微波炉加热的, 含有大豆蛋白的鸡肉,裹着咸甜的宫保汁。虽然这道产品很有 活力(鲜艳的)在颜色上,它不使用人造色素或调味剂。)可知, C项并没有涉及到。应选C项。C推理判断题。由burger可定位第四段“Sometimes when you get the craving(&) for a burger or a sandwich”应选 C 项。A细节理解题。根据第二段中间句has grabbed the attention oftens of millions in Ch

3、ina after his extraordinary talent as a mathematician became a viral sensation online. 可知他吸引群众 目光的原因就是他的数学天赋。应选A项。C细节理解题。根据第3段最后一句可以排除B ;第一段最后一 句,可排除A项;根据第四段可以推测D项是错误的;综合 全文,应选C项。B主旨大意题题。根据单数第三段“He is not good at communication. 根据倒数第二段第二句 He throws these award certificates down randomly at home及全文的分

4、析我们知道B选 项为最正确选项。B推理判断题。根据最后一段 Positive reinforcement motivates and has a greater effect on learning than criticism.积极的鼓励比批;评 更能激励学习,对学习有更大的影响。推测作者写这篇文章的 目的是强调鼓励孩子的重要性。应选B项。C细节理解题。根据文章第二段内容” Warfare and the introduction of European diseases led to the decline of Maori populations by the end of the 18

5、00s.(到 1800 年代末,战争和 欧洲疾病的传入导致毛利人口减少。广应选C项。B推理判断题。根据文章第四段内容They combine elements from nature, Maori mythology, the persons background and the history of families, and other symbols that bear personal meaning. (他 们结合了自然元素、毛利神话、人的背景和家庭历史,以及其 他具有个人意义的符号厂可知。应选B项。A推理判断题。根据文章第五段内容”Facial moko often represe

6、nts a rise of passage. It may memorialize the transition from adolescence to adulthood, a personal milestone, or other life event of particular import. (面部moko通常代表上升的一个时期。它 可以纪念从青春期到成年期的过渡、个人里程碑或其他特别重 要的生活事件)应选AC推理判断题。根据文章内容可知通篇讲的都是关于 tattoos(纹 身X由文章最后一段内容In all, the traditional art form of ta moko

7、has formed a bridge between the customary and the contemporary. ta moko的传统艺术形式在传统与当代之间架 起了一座桥梁。)可知,应选CA细节理解题。根据文章第二段开头At the moment, most of it is burned. (目前情况是大多数被燃烧了)可知,应选A。B细节理解题。根据文章第三段“She knew from previous research that the main reason why past efforts fell to pieces when wet is that bagasse

8、 is composed of short fibres which are unable to hold the finished product. n(她从之前的研究中了解到,过去的尝试 在潮湿的情况下失败的主要原因是甘蔗渣由短纤维组成,无法 容纳成品。)可知,应选B。A细节理解题。根据文章最后一段内容Dr. Zhu and her colleagues first poured hot oil onto it and found that, rather than passing through the material, as it would have with previous b

9、agasse products, the oil, was resisted by their invention.(朱博 土和她的同事们首先将热油倒在上面,不像以前的甘蔗渣产品 那样通过材料,而是被阻挡住了。)以及/zThey also found that when they made a cup out of the stuff and filled it with water heated almost to boiling point, the cup remained unbroken for more than two hours.(他们还发现,当他们用这种材料制作杯 子并将其装

10、满水几乎加热到沸点时,杯子在两个多小时内都保 持完好无损。)可知,应选AD推理判断题。根据文章内容第二段 “As she and her colleagues describe in Matter this week,for disposable food containerssuch as coffee cups.(正如她和她的同事本周在Matter中所描 述的那样,通过对甘蔗渣进行一些改进,可以很好地替代用于 一次性食品容器(如咖啡杯)的塑料,并且可生物降解。)以 及第三段结尾,She therefore sought to insert a suitably long-fibred su

11、bstance/7 (因此,她试图插入一种合适的长纤维 物质。)和第四段内容“Bamboo seemed to be the best choice. It grows quickly, degrades readily and has appropriately long fibers. And it worked. When the researchers blended bamboo remainings into bagasse, they found that the result had a strong crossing of short and long fibres/7 (竹

12、子似乎是最好的选择。它生长迅速, 容易降解并具有适当长的纤维。它奏效了。当研究人员将剩余 的竹子混合到甘蔗渣中时,他们发现了短纤维和长纤维的有效 结合。)可知,应选Do【七选五】36-40 : FCAGEF空前一句提到欧睿自2010年以来发布预测,因此空缺处 填的应是预测的内容。结合选项zFIt forecasted that many of the new habits consumers formed during the coronavirus pandemic are here to stay in 2021.它预测,在冠状病毒大流行期 间形成的许多新习惯将在2021继续存在。符合语境

13、,承上启 下。C 第二段开头说 A flexible and convenient life will be highly valued.意思是灵活便捷的生活将收到高度重视本 段还介绍了灵活便捷的生活是什么样子的,因此,结合语境, C 选项They have enjoyed that lifestyle and will cherish it more.” 符合本段主旨A空前一句提到人们对户外工作、活动和娱乐空间的渴望 将继续强烈。因此承接上文,空缺处应填户外活动相关,结合选项,A.A wide range of out-door activities will benefit them.符

14、合语境G 空前一句提至(J the digital technology has contributed a lot to people7 s intereation.数字技术对人们的互动做出了很大的 贡献。空后提到了数字技术的应用,因此空缺处该填的是数字 技术做出了怎样的贡献,结合选项,G IT has helped consumers stay virtually connected desipite being physically seperated.它帮 助人们保持实质上的联系而不是物理别离。符合语境。E空后一句提到 z,promote selfimprovement and lis

15、estyle balance” 结合选项 ,EBecause of the pandemic, consumers are reassessing their priorities, identities and work-life balance.由于这种流行病,消费者正在重新评估他们的优先事项、身份和工作生活平衡。也有提到工作生活平衡,相呼应,符合语境。 【完形填空】41-45 : CDCDC41-45 : CDCDC46-50: BDADB51-55:AACBCC【解析】由第一句Soviet Union是苏联,可知为俄国。应选C项。D【解析】A .倒下B .掉进C超上D.改掉,根据句意, 自从我来到波士顿,我就改掉了这个习惯。应选D项。C【解析】根据句子可知其是一个定语从句,又因为从句 缺少主语,因此用whato应选C项。D【解析】A才氐制B .接受C .带走D .拒绝句意:他 非常的好看,因此我不能拒绝他,可知选D项。C【解析】A .沐浴B .抚摸C .刷毛D .抚摸,根据句子前 后语境可知猫咪喜欢被梳理毛发,可知选C项。B【解析】A .采摘B .采集C .掩埋D .保存根据句子前 后语境可以知道,作者此刻想要表达的是喜欢收集猫毛。应选 B项。D【解析】由YouTube可知,在其上面可以上传视频短片 等,应选D项。A【解析】A .手套B .鞋子C


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