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1、江门市部分中学2021-2022学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题注意事项:1、全卷共九大题,101小题。满分共150分,测试时间120分钟。 2、答题前,务必将自己的班级、姓名、考号填写在答题卡规定的位置上。 3、答选择题时,必须使用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如果改动,用橡皮擦擦干净后,再选择其它答案标号。 4、答非选择题时,用圆珠笔或黑色签字笔将答案书写在答题卡规定的位置上。 5、所有题目必须在规定的答题卡上作答,在试卷上作答无效。一、听力理解(共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B. C三个选项中选出最佳选

2、项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6、7题。(6) Where is the mans new flat?Beside a post office. B. Opposite a park. C. Next to a school.(7) What does the man have trouble with?A. The lift. B. The stairs C. The gym.听下面一段对话,回答第8、9题。(8) What does the woman think of bu

3、ying a mountain bike?Unnecessary. B. Useful. C. Reasonable. (9) What will the man do next?A. Buy a mountain bike. B. Ask the woman for money.C. Have his old bike repaired.听下面一段对话,回答第10至12题。(10) Why is the man late again?A. Because he got ill.B. Because the traffic was heavy.C. Because he had an acci

4、dent on his way.6. (11) Where is the schoolmaster?A. In a classroom.B. In his office.C. In a meeting room.7. (12) What does the woman suggest the man do in the end?A. Go to bed early. B. Buy a bike. C. Get an alarm clock.听下面一段对话,回答第13至16题。(13) What is the womans opinion about the painting Les Demois

5、e de Avignon?A. Strange. B. Beautiful. C. Modern.9. (14) When was the painting Les Demnoise de Avignon painted?A. In 1881. B. In 1907. C. In 1961.10. (15) What relation is Jacqueline to Picasso?A. His mother. B. His wife. C. His child.二、单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)11. With online course Crazy English has

6、over 20 million students all over China _ the class through the Internet .A. attend B. attended C. attending D. to be attending 12. Helen had to shout_above the sound of the music.A.making herself hearB.to make herself hearC. making herself heardD.to make herself heard13. We saw new houses _ whereve

7、r we went on our visit.A. builtB. being builtC. buildingD. to build14. The old man,_abroad for twenty years, is on the way back to his motherland.A.to workB.working C.to have workedD.having worked15. It is hot and dry. The flowers needs _.A. wateringB. to waterC. being wateredD. watered16. The flowe

8、rs_sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.A.to smellB.smellingC.smeltD.to be smelt17. David apologized for _ to inform me of the change in the plan.A. his being not ableB. him not to be ableC. his not being ableD. him to he not able18._with the size of the whole ear

9、th, the biggest ocean doesnt seem big at all.A.CompareB.When comparingC.ComparingD.When compared19. Certainly I posted your letter I remember _ it.A. postingB. to post C. to be postingD. have posted20. _ is a good form of exercise for both young and old.A. WalkB. WalkingC. The walkD. To walk三、完形填空(共

10、15小题,每小题1分,共15分)This morning I was walking with my husband when I noticed an elderly man was unstable(不稳固的)on his feet. So he was trying to 21 himself by holding a tree, but then slowly 22 to the sidewalk. My husband and I ran to his side. 23 he didnt hit his head on the sidewalk. A few more of us g

11、athered around, discussing the 24 my husband to call 911. It seemed to have happened 25 , but there were at least 4 people by the mans side. Someone took his pulse; another 26 his own coat under his head to make him more 27 . Several minutes later, his wife 28 she had been walking their dog in the p

12、et area. But she was too 29 to do anything. Once the ambulance(救护车)got there, I talked to his wife. His medical 30 was very rough. He had had a triple bypass heart operation(三重心脏搭桥手术)and 31 from cancer. Their son had 32 in the army for many years. This was their last trip here to visit him, who alwa

13、ys had no holidays to see them. Before we all 33 , one young man, who had been so helpful, asked if I was his family. No. I said, shrugging, but then again, arent we all 34 ?He nodded and smiled in 35 .21. A. calmB. balanceC. helpD. challenge22. A. fellB. pointedC. turnedD. escaped23 . A. ActuallyB.

14、 SurprisinglyC. FinallyD. Luckily24. A. accidentB. storyC. situationD. news25. A. as usualB. all at onceC. in the endD. on time26. A. placedB. threwC. woreD. pressed27. A. healthyB. popularC. importantD. comfortable28. A. came roundB. rushed overC. went aheadD. set off29. A. boredB. embarrassedC. co

15、ncernedD. dissatisfied30. A. billB. studyC. historyD. licence31. A. sufferedB. heardC. resultedD. learned32. A. joinedB. grownC. competedD. served33. A. partedB. wavedC. exploredD. communicate34. A. partnersB. familiesC. friendsD. strangers35. A. excitementB. disappointmentC. argumentD. agreement四、阅

16、读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,共40分)第一节:阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)ARacesVirtual(虚拟的)races-but the running is real! Here are some of the best online races.RAINBOWS VIRTUAL 5KThis is a fun run designed to be completed in any way that is proper for you-whether you run or walk in the garden,dance and walk fast along with

17、your dog. All the organisers ask is that you complete 5Kin one go or over several days of your choice.20rainbows.co, uk/events/rainbows-virtual-5kMILTON KEYNES MARATHON WEEKEND VIRTUAL 5KPart of the yearly September Milton Keynes running festival, this year you can complete the 5Kvirtually. Complete

18、 it in your own timein the garden or on an exercise machine if need be. You can also complete it in smaller runs.From 18, mkmarathon. com/virtual-race10K GARDEN CHALLENGEA virtual race you can complete in your garden or at a local open space or park. Put on your shoes and complete 10K as speedily as

19、 you can. The event helps raise money for mental(精神的)health,with 15% of the entry fee being given to Bath Mind.By the way,the medal(奖牌)is environment-friendly.15, womensrunning.co. uk/ neus/ keep-motivated-with-our-womens-runing-virtual-challengesROCK N ROLL VIRTUALSign up with the virtual running c

20、lub and compete in weekly events alongside runners from around the world. Challenges include running an 8K and 15K in one weekend or running a l5Kwithin a 30-hour time window. Running challenges are all free to enter, but you can buy merchandise(商品)and medals if you want to add to your wall.Free to

21、join,buy your medals from 20, 36. If Mary wants to run just for fun,she will most likely visit_.A. womensrunning.co.uk/news /keep-motivated-with-our-womens-running-virtual-challengesB. rainbows.co.uk/events/rainbows-virtual-5kC. /virtual-raceD. 37. Which of the following races cares about peoples me

22、ntal health?A. 10K GARDEN CHALLENGE.B. RAINBOWS VIRTUAL 5K.C. ROCK N ROLL VIRTUAL.D. MILTON KEYNES MARATHON WEEKEND VIRTUAL 5K.38. What do we know about ROCKNROLL VIRTUAL?A. It is held once a year.B. It welcomes local runners only.C. It offers different choices to people.D. It requires people to pay

23、 the entry fee.BI live in Xizhou in Yunnan Province. on the historic Tea Horse Road. I have to admit that when I first heard that Paul Salopek was going to walk the entire globe on his own two feet. I was blown away. I couldnt imagine that there could be such an unusual person in the world. Last May

24、, I met Paul. He told me that it was his first time in China. He talked to me with great excitement about the history, migrations. and discoveries in my region of China. He spoke of the Shu-Yandu Dao (the Southern Silk Road). the travels of the 17th-century Chinese explorer Xu Xiake, the Tea Horse R

25、oad and the early 20th-century American botanist Joseph Rock. He also talked of Xuanzang. Paul considered many of them heroes and, in a sense, Chinese pioneers of slow journalism. I decided to accompany Paul on his walk toward Yunnan. On September 28. 2021, we set out. Our days were simple: walk. ea

26、t. sleep. and repeat. We woke up at sunrise, set off in high spirits, and rested at sunset, dragging ourselves into exhausted sleep. We met many people on the road. Some were curious, surrounding us and watching us; some gave us directions; some invited us into their home to take a rest; some spoke

27、of the charm of their hometown. We met many beautiful souls, simple souls and warm souls. We were walking with our minds. Together, we were impressed by the biodiversity of the Gaoligong Mountains. As I walked on ancient paths through mountains, I seemed to hear the antique(古老的)voices of past travel

28、ers urging me to be careful on the road. Looking back on the more than 200 miles I walked with Paul, I came to a realization. Walking for its own sake. while healthy and admirable, is only a small part of the benefit of moving with our feet. A deeper reward is rediscovering the world around us. shor

29、tening the distance between each other, and sharing each others cultures. 39. How did the writer fist respond Pauls travel plan?A. Scared. B. Puzzled. C. Disappointed. D. Surprised.40. What can we learn about Paul Salopek from Paragraph 2?A. He was a western journalist. B. He had a knowledge of Chin

30、a.C. He came to China several times. D. He was Joseph Rocks friend. 41. What does paragraph 4 tell us about the writer-and Paul?, A. They honored the ancestors. B. They set of in high spirits. C. They satisfied the locals curiosity. D. They connected with locals. 42. What is the main purpose of the

31、writer writing the text?A. To share and reflect on a journey. B. To suggest a new way of travel. C. To advocate protection of biodiversity. D. To introduce and promote Chinese culture. CWere frequently told that our attention problem, being easily distracted(分散), results from modern technology. If w

32、e truly want to focus, according to the popular belief, we need to turn off all our digital devices and quit social media. Heres my opinion about that idea. This era(时代)is no different than any other. There has always been a crisis of attention. Think about life long ago: people in ancient India or

33、Europe didnt have smartphones and social media, but they were faced with the same problem. A crisis(危机)of attention can happen anytime you dont allow yourself a break. When you don allow your mind to daydream, which may inspire your creativity. We are always engaged in something. With these digital

34、tools at our fingertips, we have constant access to all these forms of communication, content, and interaction, and we dont let our thoughts wander freely. When was the last time you stood in line at a store and just. looked around? Thought about whatever came to your mind? Or did you pull out your

35、phone, check your texts, read your email during that time?We all do it. We catch ourselves all the time going from one type of mental engagement to the next. Like surfing online (clicking from link to link), we go from one task to the next and the next. We are all task and no downtime. Even somethin

36、g you might think of as relaxing is more engagement. Checking your phone messages may seem fun, but its just another task for your attention, Your attention is focused on task after task after task, without a moment for the mind to wander freely. Its not always realistic to unplug. We cant just turn

37、 off our phones and pause our email. We cant create a distraction-free world. The problem is not the existence(存在)of modem technology; rather, its how were using it. 43. Why does the author mention people in ancient India?A. To argue against the popular belief. B. To discuss the benefits of technolo

38、gy. C. To suggest a solution to the attention problem. D. To show the seriousness of the attention problem, 44. Which is an example of downtime according to the author?A. Chatting with friends. B. Reading a newspaper. C. Sitting back doing nothing. D. Checking phone messages. 45. What does the under

39、lined word unplug mean in the last paragraph?A. Stop using digital devices. B. Improve technology. C. Work long hours. D. Balance work and leisure. 46. Which section of a website is the text most likely from?A. Culture. B. Fashion. C. History. D. Opinion. DTwo high school students have identified fo

40、ur new planets in distant space about 200-light-years from Earth, making them “the youngest astronomers” to make such a discovery. Kartik Pingle, 16, and Jasmine Wright. 18, who both attend schools in Massachusetts, participated in the Student Research Mentoring Program (SRMP). With the help of Tans

41、u Daylan, an MIT doctor for Astrophysics and Space Research, the students studied and analyzed data from the Transiting Exoplanct Survey Satellite (TESS). Together they focused on Tess Object of Interest (TOI) 1233, a nearby, bright sun-like star and here they found four planets rotating(旋转)around t

42、he star. “We were looking to see changes in light over time,” Pingle explained, “the idea is that if the planet transits the star, or passes in front of it, it would periodically cover up the star and decrease its brightness.”While studying 1233, Pingle and Wright had at least hoped to find one plan

43、et but were overwhelmed with joy when a total of four were spotted. “I was very excited and very shocked.” Wright said. “We knew this was the goal of Daylans research, but to actually find a multi-planetary system, and be part of the discovering team, was really cool.” Three of the newly discovered

44、planets are considered as “sub-Neptunes”, which are gaseous, but smaller than the Neptune that lives in our solar system. While observing the planets, the team determined each one completes their orbit around 1233 every six to 19.5 days. However, the fourth planet is called a “super-Earth” for its l

45、arge size and rockiness this one orbits around the star in just under four days. “We have long been studying planets beyond our solar system and with multi-planetary systems, the two young students are kind of hitting the jackpot. They are really blessed.” Daylan said. “The planets originated from t

46、he same disk of matter around the same star, but they ended up being different planets with different atmospheres and different climates due to their different orbits. So, we would like to understand the basic processes of planet formation and evolution using this planetary system.”Daylan added that

47、 it was a “win-win” to work with Pingle and Wright on the study. “As a researcher, I really enjoy interacting with young brains that are open to experimentation and learning and have slightest bias(偏见).”he said, “I also think it is very beneficial to high school students, since they get exposure to

48、cutting-edge research, and this prepares them quickly for a research career.”47. How did the two students identify the four planets?A. By helping professor Tansu Daylan with the data. B. By analyzing the change of brightness of star 1233. C. By studying Neptune that lives in our solar system. D. By

49、interacting with other young talented brains. 48. What is special about the discovery?A. It was made by two high school students. B. It was made with an innovative approach. C. It was meant to be made by Tansu Daylan. D. It found the largest number of planets at a time. 49. Which of the following is

50、 closest in meaning to “hitting the jackpot” in paragraph 5?A. Making a discovery difficultly. B. Achieving the goal easily. C. Succeeding in something luckily. D. Performing a task carefully. 50. According to the article, what benefits does the study bring?A. It allows the scientists to work with y

51、oung people without prejudice. B. It equips future astronomers with better researching abilities. C. It provides more perspectives and thus boosts more discoveries. D. It arouses students interest in exploring the unknown universe. 第二节、七选五(共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)Living a Balanced and Healthy LifeWhat are t

52、he most important steps to follow if you want to feel good from morning to night? Feeling good means that your body and mind are working at their peak level. And you have a general sense of well-being.To feel good day after day, try the following tips:Get sunlight during the day. Sunlight stimulates

53、 the brain chemical serotonin(血清素),which plays a role in helping you feel happy. While youre outdoors in the sun, use the time to exercise. _51_ And it may work better than medicine for preventing depression from returning. It can also help you reduce your anxiety.Set yourself up for good sleep. In

54、the evening as the sky grows darker,your brain makes a hormone called melatonin(褪黑素)._52_ Some of your choice during the day and evening affect your melatonin levels, which in turn can play a role in how well you sleep. So its suggested: * Be sure to get that daily exercise in the sun, since it also

55、 helps you sleep at night. * _53_. If your bedroom isnt completely dark, you wont make as much melatonin.Eat “ feel-good ” foods_54_ Keep these tips in mind:* Focus on multicoloured whole foods that are recently alive. That means fresh vegetables , fruit, beans, and whole grains instead of processed

56、 foods.* Make room for vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage, and kale. _55_* Avoid foods that make your blood sugar soar.like sweetened sodas and sugary baked goods.They arent good for your health,or your energy level. Turn off the lights.Turn on the lights.This helps you get sleep.Theyre super-f

57、oods for feeling good.Health depends on good food , fresh air and enough sleep.The way you eat makes a bit difference in whether you feel strong or weak.Research has found that physical activities can work well for treating depression.五、语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分)During the Lantern Festival, long lines

58、 of customers are waiting outside Daoxiangeun stores in the capital city Beijing. “I feel Im missing something 56 I dont eat yuanxiao during the Lantern Festival. Getting up early in the morning, 57 (put) on warm clothes and waiting in a long line outside a Daoxiangcun store to buy newly-made yuanxi

59、ao is a sort of private ceremony for me and ensures I will have another sweet year.” Dong Shanshan. 58 35-year-old Beijinger said. For many people like Dong, eating Daoxiangcun, yuanxiao 59 (be) an essential Lantern Festival tradition. The Beijing Daoxiangcun Food Company, 60 owns the brand(品牌)and s

60、tores, recently staged an event to mark the official launch of yuanxiao being made at some of its 61 (factory). Shi Yan, the companys representative manager, said. “All 62 (we) yuanxiao are handmade, because it is the only way to maintain the traditional favor.” 63 (meet) local demand, the company w


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