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1、Project No.: BHTJ010-TDProject: Baxter TJ FINA 3Black Utility Design Specification非洁净公用工程设计说明NP AuthorInitials:Date:Signature:NP Peer ReviewerInitials:Date:Signature:NP ApproverInitials:Date:Signature:Customer ApproverInitials:Date:Signature:Table of Contents 目录12345roduction 介绍3Design Principles 设计

2、原则3Regulations and forms.3Design basic 设计基础4General Requirement 总体要求45.15.2Prerpe Sement 压力管道4FM Requirement FM要求46Design Content 设计内容56. Air System 压缩空气系统5Chilled Water (CHWS/CHWR) System 冷冻水系统7Hot water (HWS/HWR) System 热水系统10Black(ST) System 蒸汽系统127Construction & Commis施工及调试13

3、 and Regulation of installation and acceptance 施工及验收规范13Equipment installation & commis设备安装13Piinstallation管道安装148Change Log变更.161roduction 介绍Comply with the overall production plan, Baxter Tianjin is executing FINA III project to build a new PD solution plant.由于生产发展需要,百特工厂扩建项目拟新建腹膜透析液

4、厂房.Thisdescribes the black utility systems for PD solution plant of Baxter TJ FINA3project DD phase. Black utility design covers the following systems:本文针对百特FINA3项目新建腹膜透析液厂房施工图阶段公用工程系统设计, 非洁净公用工程包括下列系统:Compressed air generation & distribution system (CA/PA); 压缩空气产生及分配系统; Chilled water (CHWS/CHWR) ge

5、neration & distribution system; 冷冻水产生及分配系统; Hot water (HWS/HWR) generation & distribution system; 空调用热水产生及分配系统;Black&condensate (ST/STC) distribution system; 蒸汽及凝结水配系统Cooling water (CLS/CLR)distribution system 冷却水分配系统2Design Principles 设计原则Black Utilities design shall base on the following principle

6、s: 公用工程设计基于以下原则:Reliability / Meet the production requirements of Project; 可靠性/满足项目的生产要求;Flexibility; 具有一定的弹性;Cost efficiency; 投资经济效益高;Energy saving payback. 节能效率高3Regulations and formsUtility system design shall beplished in accordance with the applicable Codes andStandardshe latest edition as foll

7、ows, but not limited to:公用工程系统设计应遵循如下标准及规范的版本,但不仅限于此:Design Codes and Standards 设计GB50019-2003Code for design of heating ventilation and air conditioning采暖通风与空气调节设计规范GB50019-2003Code for design of heating ventilation and air conditioning采暖通风与空气调节设计规范GB50029-2014Code for Design of Compressed Air Sion

8、压缩空气站设计规范GB50016-2014Code of design on building fire protection and prevention建筑设计防火规范ISO8573-1: 2010Compressed air- Part 1Contaminants and purity class压缩空气-第1部分空气污染物及洁净等级GB50316-2000(2008版)Code for Design of Industrial Metallic Pi工业金属管道设计规范4Design basic 设计基础This black utility detail design is based

9、 on requirements from c nt; utility consumptionrequirement from pros、clean utility, HVAC and so on. Please see below: “Black UtilityConsumption List” (Doc. No: BHTJ010-DD-33-02-LS-002).本次公用工程施工图设计是基于业主要求;工艺、洁净公用工程及HVAC等专业的公用工程消耗量进行的,详见下公用工程消耗量表(文件号:BHTJ010-DD-33-02-LS-002)55.1General Requirement 总体要

10、求Prerpe Sement 压力管道Both compressed air & clean compressed air pipe with nominal diameter not lessn DN150belongs to GC3 prerpe. Thepipe andcondensatpe beforecondensate unit with nominal diameter no lessn DN50 belongs to GC3 prerpe.公称直径大于等于DN150的压缩空气及洁净压缩空气管道为GC3级压力管道.公称直径大于等于 DN50的蒸汽管道及公称直径大于等DN50的凝结

11、水回收泵组之前的蒸汽凝结水管道为GC3级压力管道.All the prerpes must follow related Chiprerized system requirement.所有压力管道系统必须遵循有关压力管道的相关规定.5.2FM RequirementFM要求The wholack utility system shall meet FM requirement,非洁净公用工程系统应满足FM的要求.Design Codes and Standards 设计GB 50264-2013Design Code for Insulation Engineering of Industri

12、al Equipment and Pipe工业设备及管道绝热工程设计规范GB/T 20801-2006压力管道规范-工业管道Prercode-industrial piGB150-2011钢制压力容器Prere vesGBZ1-2010工业企业设计卫生规范Hygienic standards for the design of industrial EntrisesGBJ87-85Code for noise control design for industry entrises工业企业噪声控制规范GB50073-2013Code for design of clean room洁净厂房设计

13、规范百特压缩空气系统指导说明Compressed Air System Guideline ied by Baxter66.1Design Content 设计内容Compressed Air System 压缩空气系统Compressed air as per requirement is dividedo air for compressed air (CA) and cleancompressed air for pros (PA).压缩空气根据用途的不同可划分为压缩空气(CA),洁净压缩空气(PA).6.1.1Compressed Air DemandThe total compres

14、sed air peak demand amounts to 3597Nm3/h wi below:压缩空气峰值总需求量约为60Nm3/min(3597Nm3/h),摘要如下:bstraction listed asA compressed air generation system will be setup in utility room on the 4th floor and will supplyinstrument air and clean compressed air to uso s by dedicated pipes withhe building.本项目在生产车间四楼公

15、用工程间内设一套压缩空气系统,经独立管道分别将仪表空气和洁净压缩空气分配至车间各个用户点.6.1.2Compressed Air Generation/Distribution System 压缩空气产生及分配系统Totally 4 water-coolel-free screw typed air compressors will be designed with 3 on duty and1 backup. 2 air compressors are VSD controlled air compressors with rated capacity of 22.1 m3/min(F.A.

16、D)8.6Bar each and the other 2 air compressors are fixed frequency with rated capacity of 19.6 m3/min(F.A.D)8.6Bar each. Total compressed air capacity amounts to 64 m3/min(F.A.D). Each compressor is served by a dedicated micro-heatdesiccant dryer and prere dew powill be -40C , micro-heat desiccant dr

17、yer self-consumption of compressed air shall be7%. Other auxiliariech as bufferand filtersare also included. Compressed air production system is made up of following units:Four (4) air compressors (3 on duty & 1 backup)Four (4) micro-heat desiccant air dryers (3 on duty & 1 backup) One (1) air buffe

18、rTwo (2) air storage FiltersGroup control system压缩空气系统共设4台无油水冷螺杆式空压机,3用1备.其中2台空压机为变频驱动,单机排气量约为22.1 m3/min(F.A.D)8.6Bar;另外2台空压机公频运行,单机排气量约为19.6 m3/min(F.A.D)8.6Bar.压缩空气系统总排气量为64 m3/min(F.A.D)8.6Bar.每台空压机均配1台微热再生吸附干燥机与之一一对应,压力为-40C , 微热再生吸附式干燥器的自耗气不大于7%.系统同时设置过滤器、缓冲罐等其他辅助设备. 压缩空气产生系统主要包括:Sn序列号End user

19、用户Compressed air Demand压缩空气需求量(Nm3/h)Compressed air Demand压缩空气需求量(Nm3/min)1Clean compressed air洁净压缩空气3357562Instrument air仪表压缩空气24043Total合计3597604台空压机 (3 用1备)4台微热再生吸附干燥器 (3 用1备)1个压缩空气缓冲罐2个压缩空气储罐过滤器压缩空气群控系统The compressed air quality shall comply with requirements of ISO 8573-2010 class 1.2.1regardin

20、g to content of particles、water content anl content:压缩空气的品质如固体颗粒量、含水量及含油量应符合国标ISO 8573-2010中1.2.1 级的要求.Content of particles固体颗粒量Water content含水量 : class 2 (Prere dew po 压力:-40C )Concentration total oil含油量:class 1 (=0.01mg/m3)For clean compressed air, sterilization filter is installed with preciof 0.

21、22m and should bein line with the latest verof ISO8573-2, Particle penetration 0.000 5%.对于洁净压缩空气过滤精度为0.22m ,空气质量应满足0.000 5%。版本ISO8573-2,率的要求A group control system from vendor controls the compressors、 dryers and cooling watervalves outlet of compressor by definite procedure according to air supply p

22、rere. Criticalsignals(equipment operation sus、alarm signals、VFD frequency、air supply prere、airflow rate 、prere dew po)are monitored by BMS. Please see “for Compressed Airgeneration System” (BHTJ010-DD-33-02-301)for detail.由设备供应商提供的空压机群控系统自动控制空压机、干燥机的启停并调节供气量.空压机冷却水回水阀门的开关亦与空压机连锁.系统中的重要信号(如设备运行状态、信号、

23、变频器频率、供气压力、供气量、压力等)引入BMS进行监测. 详细信息见“压缩空气产生系统工艺流程图”(BHTJ010-DD-33-02-Compressed air after the buffer pipe according to usage:-301).will be dividedo two dedicated branches from headBranch1:To 7 Bar compressed air end users in non-clean areaBranch2:Sterilized via 0.22um steriliser then distribute to 7

24、Bar clean compressed air end users; 2 Bar clean compressed air pipe will connect from 7bar clean compressed air pipeand de-prered to 2 Bar on each floor individually.根据用途不同,压缩空气自缓冲罐出口总管上分为如下两个支路:支路1:送至非洁净区各用户作为7 Bar仪表用气支路2:经0.22um除菌过滤器净化后送至各7Bar洁净压缩空气用户;各层的2Bar洁净压缩空气在7Bar洁净压缩空气管道上接出,每层单独设减压阀,减至2bar后

25、分别送至各用户6.1.3Equipment Setup 设备选择According to consumption of users together with flexibility consideration, compressed airsystem equipment iected as below:根据生产使用耗量,并考虑一定的富裕能力,压缩空气主要设备选择如下:Main Equipment List主要设备一览表SN序号Name设备名称Qty.数量Specification规格Note备注Class等级Particle size 粒径=0.100.10 d= 0.50.5 d= 1.

26、01.0 d= 5.01Not specified10010One compressor equipment space isfor future development.考虑到将来的发展,本设计预留了1套压缩空气设备空间。6.1.4管道材料及附件 Material and FittingsCompressed air pipe should be seamless stainless steel (SS304) and clean compressed air pipe down stream of steriliser shall be seamless stainless steel (

27、SS304L) outside of cleanroom and sanitary seamless stainless steel (SS304L) inside clean room .Buffermaterialshall be stainless steel (SS304). Ball valves are designed. All valves and other componentsshall have same material with thpes where they are installed. Tees and elbows will be thesame materi

28、al & wall thickness& outer diameter as pis.压缩空气管道采用输送流体用不锈钢无缝(SS304),除菌过滤器后的洁净压缩空气管道在洁净区外为不锈钢无缝管(SS304L),洁净区内采用卫生级不锈钢无缝管(SS304L).缓冲罐材质为不锈(SS304). 阀门为球阀.阀门及管件材质同所在管道材质.三通及弯头等管件的壁厚和内外径与所在管道相同. Water (CHWS/CHWR) System 冷冻水系统Chilled Water (CHWS/CHWR) Generation/distribution System 冷冻水产生及分

29、配系统7/12C or 9/14C chilled water is required as cooling medium for pros/clean utilityequipment 、AHUs and FCUs service building.he production building and also for HVAC end users in new本项目生产车间的工艺/洁净公用工程、空调机组/风机盘管及新服务楼的空调系统需要7/12C 或9/14C 冷冻水作为冷却介质.6.2.2Chilled Water Demand 冷冻水需求量Chilled wateak demand a

30、mounts to 3420Kw wibstraction listed as below:冷冻水峰值需求量为3420Kw,摘要如下:Sn序列End user用户Chilled Water Demand冷冻水需求量(Kw)1Production BuildingPros & Clean Utility470HVAC25682Service Building HVAC3823Total34201Compressors空压机2Screw Type , water cooled, oil free无油水冷螺杆机组, with VSD 带变频, Capacity 供气能力: 22.1m3/min(F.

31、A.D), 8.6bar2Compressors空压机2Screw Type , water cooled, oil free无油水冷螺杆机组, Capacity 供气能力: 19.6m3/min(F.A.D), 8.6bar3Micro heat adsorption dryer微热再生干燥机4Capacity 能力: 21.6m3/min, dew po: -40C4Buffer缓冲罐1V=5m3,Material 材质:SS3045Buffer缓冲罐2V=15m3,Material 材质:SS304A chilled water system, coming of chiller and

32、 free cooling heat exchanger, will be setup inutility room on the 4th floor of production building and will supply 7/12 or 9/14 chilled water to end users both in production building and in service building.本项目在生产车间四楼公用工程间内设一套冷水机组与“免费制冷”相结合的冷冻水系统,为生产车间及服务楼内各用户提供7/12或9/14 冷冻水.6.2.3Chilled Water Gener

33、ation/Distribution System 冷冻水产生及分配系统The chilled water system is preliminary pump system with variable flow mode. In in summer and warm season, the preliminary pumps circulate the 12 return chilled water to chillers and is chilled down to 7 and in w er the preliminary pumps circulate the 14 return ch

34、illed water to free cooling heat exchanger and is chilled down to 9 , then supply to user pos via pipes.本系统采用一次泵变流量系统,夏季及过渡季一次泵将12冷冻水回水输送至冷水机组降温至 7 ,然后经管道送至各个用户;冬季一次泵将14冷冻水回水输送至“免费制冷”换热器降温至9 ,然后经管道送至各个用户;。The chilled water system includes 2 water-cooled centrifuge type chillers with 2110kw capacity

35、each. Chilled water total cooling capacity is 4220kw. Environmental-friendly R134a- is chosen as refrigerant. 2 preliminary pumps are designed to serve for centrifugal chillers.冷冻水产生系统含2台水冷离心冷水机组,单台制冷能力为2110KW机组,总制冷能力为 4220kw。冷水机组采用环保型R-134a作为制冷剂.设计2台一次泵,服务于离心冷水机组.Chilled water is required year roun

36、d by pros & HVAC end users wibout 994kw demandin warm season or in w er. A water-cooled screw type chiller with capacity of 1231KW isdesigned, which will be used in warm season. Environmental-friendly R134a- is chosen asrefrigerant. Since 9/14 chilled water is acceptable to pros and HVAC end users i

37、nwer, an additional 1230KW “free cooling” water-water heat exchanger is also setup for free cooling in w er when cooling tower can supply 7/12 cooling water as cooling medium to produce 9 /14 chilled water. 2 additional preliminary pumps are designed to serve for screw chiller/“free-cooling” heat ex

38、change, 1 pump on duty and 1 standby. These two pumps also serve as backup pumps if the pump for centrifugal chiller breaks down. Domestic water will serve as make-up water.冷冻水系统将全年运行,在冬季及过渡季工艺用户及暖通用户的冷冻水需求约为994kw.本系统另设1台制冷能力为1231kw的水冷螺杆冷水机组用于过渡季运行.冷水机组采用环保型R-134a作为制冷剂.由于冬季时工艺和空调用户亦能接受9/14 冷冻水,因此本系统

39、同时设1台1230KW的水-水式“免费制冷”换热器, 冬季当冷却塔的供水温度达到7时,开启“免费制冷”模式,利用冷却塔提供低温7 /12 冷却水作为冷却介质,9 /14 冷冻水供给用户.,系统另设2台一次泵服务于螺杆机及换热器,水泵1开1备。如果离心机所配的水泵出现故障,这2台水泵可作为备用。补水采用工厂水.Chilled watroduction system is made up of following units:冷冻水系统包括如下设备:Two (2) centrifugal chillers 2台离心冷水机组Two (2) preliminary pumps for centrifu

40、gal chillers 2台一次泵服务于离心冷水机组 One (1) screw chiller 1台螺杆冷水机组One (1)“free-cooling” exchange1台“免费制冷”换热器Two (2) preliminary pumps for screw chiller/ free-cooling exchange2台一次泵服务于螺杆冷水机组/免费制冷”换热器Prere stable unit 1台补水定压设备Chemical dosing unit 1台化学加药设备 Supply/return header 1台分水器/集水器For energy saving pure,eac

41、h preliminary pump ipp d with VFD to supply therequired chilled water to end users .BMS controls all the chillers、pumps、automatic valvesand prerization unit by definite procedure. Pump running frequency will be controlled byterminal prere difference betn supply and return main pipe. A bypass pipe &

42、flowcontrol valve is installed betn supply header and return header to guarantee the allowedminimum water circulation through chillers evaporators。考虑到节约能耗及降低运行费用,冷冻水一次泵均配备变频器,根据用户的实际冷量需求提供相应的冷冻水. BMS系统自动控制冷水机组、循环水泵、旁路调节阀及补水定压设备的运行.根据供回水干管之间的压差来控制泵运行的频率以维持系统供回水压差恒定。冷冻水分水器和集水器之间设旁通管及流量调节阀,通过调整调节阀开度以确保

43、流经冷水机组蒸发器的最小水流量不低于机组的最小允许流量。Critical signals(equipment operation sus、alarm signals、VFD frequency、chilled watersupply/return temperature、chilled water supply/return prere、flow rate) are shown inBMS。Please se 201).D for Chilled water generation System” (BHTJ010-DD-33-02-系统中的重要信号(如设备运行状态、信号、变频器频率、冷冻水供/

44、回水温度、冷冻水供/回水压力、流量等)在BMS内显示. 详细信息参见“冷冻水产生系统工艺流程图”(BHTJ010-DD-33-02-201).6.2.4Equipment Setup 设备选择According to consumption of users together with flexibility consideration, chilled water systemequipment iected as below:根据生产使用耗量,并考虑一定的富裕能力,冷冻水产生系统主要设备选择如下:Main Equipment List主要设备表Space for 1 chiller and

45、 1 chilled water pump is考虑到将来的发展,本设计预留了1台冷水机组及1台冷冻水泵的空间.for future development.6.2.5管道材料及附件 Material and FittingsChilled watipe material should be seamless carbon steel (20#) in non-clean area. Chilledwatipe should be seamless stainless steel (SS304) in clean area.非洁净区内冷冻水管道采用输送流体用碳钢无缝(SS304).(20#).

46、洁净区内冷冻水管道为不锈钢无缝SN序号Name设备名称Qty.数量Specification规格Note备注1Chillers 冷水机组2Capacity 制冷能力:2110KW, Water cooling Centrifugal type Chiller 水冷离心冷水机组;7/12C2Supply Pump供水泵2Centrifugal 离心泵;Q=440m3/h, H=40m,with VFD 带变频3Chillers 冷水机组1Capacity 制冷能力:1231Kw, Water cooling Screw type Chiller 水冷螺杆冷水机组;7/12C;过渡季运行4Free

47、-cooling heat exchanger免费制冷换热器1Capacity 制冷能力:1230Kw, Water- water type;Supply temp 供水温度:9/14C;冬季运行5Circulation Pump 循环泵2Centrifugal 离心泵;Q=230m3/h, H=40m,with VFD 带变频冬季和过渡季运行DN80 valve will be buffer fly valve;DN80 valve will be ball valve. Valve material is carbon steel in non-clean area and valve m

48、aterial in clean area shall be stainless steel SS304.阀门设置要求如下:DN80管道上阀门为蝶阀,DN80管道上阀门采用球阀.All valves and other components shall have same material with thpes where they areinstalled. Tees and elbows will be the same material & wall thickness& outer diameter aspis. Pipe labelling and coating colour sh

49、ould be app d with Baxter guideline阀门及管件材质同所在管道材质.三通及弯头等管件的壁厚和内外径与所在管道相同. 管道标识及表面涂层颜色须遵守百特相关规程.Insulation of chilled watipe、expanand supply/return will be CFC-free rubberfoam with stainless steel sheet as protection layer in clean room and galvanised steel sheet(0.5mm) in other areas. Rubber foam an

50、d adhesives together wi properties to class 0 and comply with FM requirements.csories shall have冷冻水管道、膨胀罐和分集水器等的保冷材料为不含CFC的橡塑管壳. 洁净区内冷冻水管道外保护层为不锈钢板(SS304),非洁净区冷冻水管道外保护层为镀锌薄钢板(0.5mm)保冷材料,黏胶以及其他辅材配件都需要达到class 0等级并满足FM的要求.6.3Hot water (HWS/HWR) System 热水系统60/50 hot water is demanded as heating medium b

51、y air conditioning (HVAC) system in the production building and new service building.本项目生产车间和服务楼的空调系统需要60/50空调热水作为加热介质。6.3.1Hot Water Demand 热水需求量Hot wateak demand amounts to 2319Kw wibstraction listed as below:热水峰值需求量为2319Kw,摘要如下:A hot water system will be setup in utility room on the 4th floor of

52、production building and will supply 60/50 hot water to end users both in production building and in service building.本项目在生产车间四楼公用工程间内设一套热水系统,为生产车间及服务楼内各用户提供 60/50热水.6.3.2Hot Water (HWS/HWR) Generation/Distribution System 热水产生及分配系统A heat exchang package includes sackage with heating capacity of 2850K

53、W is designed .The heat exchanger-tube type-water heat exchanger、hot watumps、chemicaldosing、makeup water & prerization unit within one skid. Hot water circulation system has3 VFD controlled supply pumps with 2 on duty and 1 standby. Hot water supply pump motor shall be VFD motor as per c nts require

54、ment.本项目设1套供热量为2850kw的换热机组.该换热机组包括成撬供应的板-壳式汽水换热器、热水循环泵、化学加药、补水定压设备等.撬块内设3台变频控制的热水循环水泵(2用1备).根据业主要求,热水循环泵的电机为变频电机2 s-tube type heat exchanger will be designed since TianJin is classified as cold zone according toClimate Subzone. Each heat exchanger heating capacity is 1425kw.Sn序列End user用户Hot Water D

55、emand热水需求量(Kw)1Production Building20122Service Building HVAC3073Total2358鉴于本项目所在地(市)属于寒冷地区,采暖用换热器(板-壳式)不宜少于2台,每台供热能力约为1425kw.3 Bar blackserves as heating medium to heat 50return watero 60.condensate water will be recycledo condensate recycle unit,serving as make up water forboiler system. Soft water

56、 from clean utility will serve as make-up water.3 Bar工业蒸汽作为一次侧加热介质,将50回水在换热器内加热至60.换热后的蒸汽凝结水将回收至凝结水回收器,做为蒸汽锅炉系统的补水.热水系统的补水采用软化水,由洁净公用工程系统提供.BMS controls all the nesary equipment within hot water system by definite procedure. Acontrol valve is installed onsupply pipe to guarantee hot water supplytemp

57、erature by modulatingcontrol valve. Pump running frequency will be controlled by n supply and return pipe.terminal prere difference betBMS系统自动控制热水系统各设备的平稳运行。蒸汽管道上设有调节阀,通过调整蒸汽调节阀的开度来保证热水供水温度.根据供回水管之间的压差来控制泵运行的频率以维持系统供回水压差恒定.Critical signals(equipment operation sus 、 alarm signals 、 hot water supply /

58、returntemperature、hot water supply /return prere、flow rate) are shown in BMS.系统中的重要信号(如设备运行状态、在BMS内显示.信号、热水供/回水温度、热水供/回水压力、流量等)6.3.3Equipment Setup 设备选择According to consumption of users together with flexibility consideration, Hot water systemequipment iected as below:根据生产使用耗量,并考虑一定的富裕能力,空调用热水产生系统主要

59、设备选择如下:Main Equipment List主要设备表Space for one heat exchanger unit isfor future development.考虑到将来的发展,本设计预留了1台换热机组的空间.6.3.4管道材料及附件 Material and FittingsHot watipe material should be seamless carbon steel (20#).热水管道采用输送流体用碳钢无缝(20#).DN80 valve will be buffer fly valve;DN80 valve will be ball valve. Valve

60、 material is carbon steel in non-clean area and valve material in clean area shall be stainless steel SS304.阀门设置要求如下:DN80管道上阀门为蝶阀,DN80管道上阀门采用球阀.All valves and other components shall have same material with thpes where they areinstalled. Tees and elbows will be the same material & wall thickness& out


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