1、2017年北京市中考英语试卷一、听对话,从下面各题所给的 A、B、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片.每段对话你将听两遍.(共5分,每小题1分)二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三 个选项中选择最佳选项. 每段对话或独白你将听两遍.(共15分,每小题 分)6.请听一段对话,完成第 6至第7小题.What does the woman want to drink ?Tea.Milk .Juice .How much does the woman pay ?A. $ 7.$ 8.$ 9.8 请听一段对话,完成第8 至第 9 小题8 Where are the sp
2、eakers going to have a picnic TOC o 1-5 h z A In the park On the hillC At the seaside Who will join the speakers for the picnicA The boys dad B The boys grandpaC The boys grandma 10请听一段对话,完成第10 至第 11 小题How did the boy go to the wild animal parkA By train By car C By bus What did the boy do in the wi
3、ld animal parkA He drew a pictureB He fed an elephant C He saw a bird show 12请听一段对话,完成第 12 至第 13 小题What are the speakers mainly talking about TOC o 1-5 h z A Different reading skillsB Some benefits of readingC The mans reading habits What does the man think of reading ?A He believes it is enjoyable
4、B He finds it a little difficultC He thinks it takes too much time 14请听一段独白,完成第14 至第 15 小题What can we know about the speaker ?A She lives near her schoolShe likes traveling abroadShe wants to improve her English. Why does the speaker send this message ?To describe her trip in LondonTo tell the way t
5、o her house .To introduce her hometown .听对话,记录关键信息.本段对话你将听两遍.请根据所听到的对话内容和提示词语,将所缺的关键信息填写在答题卡的 相应位置上.Service Request FormName(16) WhitePhone(17) Address56 (18) RoadServiceMoving a double (19) TimeOn (20) , July 31四、单项选择(共10分,每小题1分)从下面各题所给的 A、B、C、D四 个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项. TOC o 1-5 h z . My father is a
6、worker . is very kind.()A. He B. She C. His D. It. More and more young people go skatingwinter .()A. at B. in C. on D. to.did you stop playing?Because I was tired .()A. HowB. WhyC. When D. Where. The hotel is very old . Its one ofbuildings in the city .()A. old B. older C. oldest D. the oldest25.I h
7、and in the report today TOC o 1-5 h z No, you neednt .()A. Can B. MustC. ShallD. CouldHow do you usually go to school ?I to school on foot.()A. go B. wentC. was going D . will goMy mother some washing when the telephone rang .()A. doesB. did C. is doing D. was doingLily is my classmate . Weeach othe
8、rsince she came to our school .()A. knowB. knew C. have known D. will knowThe mobile phone in 1973.()A. inventsB. is invented C. invented D. was inventedJudy, could you tell me the schoolbag ?Oh, yes . I bought it in a store on the Internet.()A. where did you buy B. where will you buyC. where you bo
9、ught D. where you will buy五、完形填空(共15分,每小题分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项.A Meaningful GiftEmily was an eighth grader . To pass her Civics course (公民课程),she had to do some volunteer service in a nursing home for a week.When sheOne Monday Emily went to the nursing home after school arr
10、ived , she was told she would(31 ) an hour every weekday with an elderly lady , Mrs. Blair . She was then led into a room, where an old lady in aflowery dress was sitting on a sofaEmily (32)awkwardly (别扭地)in front of the lady . She clearedher throat and said , Good afternoon Im EmilyGood afternoon ,
11、 Emily . Take a seat , please . Mrs. Blair repliedThen, (33) filled the space between them. Emily wondered whatto sayTell me about yourself,Emily , Mrs . Blair said suddenlyWell , Emily started ,I dont have any grandparents,so I cantrelate to elderly peoplemuch I love the performing arts . Im herema
12、inly because I have to(34)here to get a good grade formy Civics classMrs. Blair didnt seem to (35) . Many people , especially teens , dont seem to care about old people like me. Now you arehere , and Im going to change that about you . Ask me anything .Emily thought for a moment and finally decided
13、, What was your job ?I was a Broadway star in the 1950s. Mrs . Blair answered .Cool!Can you tell me about it ? Emily asked , amazedMrs. Blair smiled . Back then , only the lead actress had the honor to wear a (36) bracelet . I was the lead in almost all of the plays , so I always wore the bracelet .
14、 Till this day , I still have it .Emily smiled along with Mts. Blair and listened to the other stories , attentively . She had become sointerested in Mrs . Blairs(37) that she decided to comeearlier the next dayTuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday passed by quickly . Then came Friday . As she was leavin
15、g , Emilywas really (38) to say goodbye .Dont be sad. You can still visit mq Mrs. Blair comforted her. She then handed a small box to Emily , Its my gift to you .Emily (39) opened the box and was surprised to see what was inside . Its the bracelet that youwore. Thank you!Emily said , with tears in h
16、er eyes . Im sure tovisit you whenever Im free .On the way home , Emily thought of her own love for the performingarts . She touched the bracelet andmade a (40) that she would keep her word to Mrs . Blair .31. A. wasteB. spendC. plan D. exercise32.A. askedB. satC. stoodD. danced33.A. warmthB. sadnes
17、sC. happinessD. silence34.A. studyB. liveC. volunteerD. play35.A. mindB. fearC. insistD. regret36.A. strangeB. specialC. commonD. private37.A. dreamsB. hobbiesC. storiesD. jokes38.A. upsetB. confusedC. surprisedD. nervous39.A. proudlyB. secretlyC. worriedlyD. carefully40.A. promiseB. changeC. judgme
18、ntD. choice .六、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、R C D四个选项中,选择最佳选项.(共30分,每小题2分)41. Summer Programs at Museums*Fh* postal Museum:E MrE郡l 加什tsI帅iMy.的 like to jcrm us rus *Jvac*却电读ii餐)漏谭 .时即净vrti勒ur awn安国科wm自白例 |注京铝%。.赢g嵯o;W,阜幡譬芸飞 :VV* 7、,.产:“TIihq ScriericB MuBeLiUti.s映碘露造?1:Mr年港fY,hi 63力 tfMptiicneo video ait
19、h anti :+ . g J / I.J. ; s 1市 JiJ4wlao. pHy VR arnsi tq : npteffl(掘*a却即 礴;n*帆 I襁 que EHcno afaout 4a 痴睡,.1: d u - :ij.闻知.,雷:/*-一营相,-昌 P- - * -科呷门 * 弓* 声#;ThftAirand pace iukupi:8 帕 My29-3Q;*a:函九J瓯曲崎m 同球匈擒id j*聆卷刖m曲隔脂 H rfOOd : 阻* to 卅自出 中而 的 gm gn策抑群J Birpbop, walch 日* IMAX nw, ind 1 B L|Hwrry.LT.l
20、*|昆|照*曰.竹加工;加SM-M3P峭会期: ?S”力” 2Z 嗔 - 2 *The building Museum-J k瓯制; i5A lh u iioy rjcij-y n m:M:用 na8 串 M&tcard. Bfud fesirn 3&珑 甘* 1 . M 口厂叫 A . 1 , _!1 * !U _ F 3Q .廿 0wm渔Q&H eww炯晞睢.q部*rGrn _声廊演 *触目鬲,,跑ir hn a岫*Birpbo&a watch 灯号(MAX rr里疝民93加中M6MThe Science Museunri典瑞同城由智3*褚帆,1kiiiHiai:痴;帧k* IjqNr W
21、imiDg-v pldy VR garnaa m 如即a 覃2 Mun喻句nd jeKW 出 叫曲日皿 3tM seiand* I Uuril MThe Buildin9 LIlJsblOal* 27喊喊 HnjAitfiefigc78而 end JoHD u Yem nn staa ga on,噬画/51bdiln! Rfflaii muuk vrth Ml hfeeka AlEh& Z?IFJE1E与 Li e fTCO 2恰捌。You can join in the programs at the Postal Museumany day A .from July 17to 23from
22、 July 29- 30from August 7 - 20from August 21to 27If you are interested in the program about video arts, you canphone C .0400-0930-3030-0560A 15 - year - old student can take part in the programs atthe Building Museumthe Postal Museumthe Air and Space Museumthe Science MuseumIn the Air and Space Muse
23、um , you can C .create a stampbuild a housemake a paper airplaneexplore a future city【考点】O7:广告布告类阅读.【分析】文中是博物馆的暑期的四个活动,邮政博物馆,太空博物馆,彳 技博物馆和建筑博物馆,分别做了简介,开放时间.【解答】41. A.细节题,根据第一个图片 Date: July 17-23,可知是从 TOC o 1-5 h z 七月 12 日到 23 日,故选AC.细节题,结合第三个图片you can experience video arts and ,可知可以打电话 357- 3030,故选C
24、.A.细节题,结合四个图片可知只有第四个图片上年龄限制是十三岁到十五岁,故选AC.细节题,结合第二个图片Its a good place to makeand fly yourown paper airplane ,可知能制造自己的纸飞机,故选CThe Sixth Time I Went to the Principals OfficeWhen I was in the seventh grade , I had problems behaving My heart was in the right place , but Icouldnt always follow the rules I
25、played many tricks on my schoolmates Once, I even pulled a girls hair on the school busto get her attention As a result , I was repeatedly sent to the office of the principal (校长) Although I hated going there , I did not hate the principal , Mr Ratcliff Mr Ratcliff was a kind , elderly man When he s
26、panked ( 打屁 股) me for putting some ants into aclassmates pencil boxit didnt hurt at allbut it did hurt myfeelings I thought so much of him andmoments like that seemed to prove I was hopelessly badWhen I got called to Mr Ratcliffs office for the sixth time,I had no idea what I had done I feltdisappoi
27、nted as I walked down there I went into his office , sat down, and looked at the floor Then he said the last thing I expected to hear : Kevin , Ive heard youve been behaving really well lately I want you to know how proud I am of you , and I just called you down to my office to give you a peppermint
28、 Really ? I was surprised Yes Now you can take that peppermint and go back to class I carried the peppermint with me as if it was a gold coin When I got into myclassroom , I bragged ( 吹嘘) to myclassmates about my turnaround , excitedly I wasnt so bad after all Mr Ratcliff was really kind He mademere
29、alize that I was just a kid who had problems with behavior He bought some peppermints and took the time to notice me when I got something anything 一right Mr Ratcliff gave mesome hope by giving mesomelove I willjust remember him for the rest of my lifeIn his seventh grade , the writer B .hated the pr
30、incipalhad problems behavingalways followed the rulesoften helped his classmatesHow did the writer feel when he went to the principals office for the sixth time ? DLonely .Excited .Confident .Disappointed .The sixth time the writer went to the principals office, hegot A .a pepperminta model busa pen
31、cil boxa coin48 . The writer will always remember Mr . Ratcliff , because the principal D .talked with him in the officeplayed games with himexpected him to be a teachergave him some hope and love【考点】O1:人物故事类阅读.【分析】文章大意:这是一篇人物故事类阅读,主要介绍作者第六次去校 长办公室,因为作者很调皮,总是不遵守学校规定.当作者走进校长办公 室时,内心很忐忑,但善良的校长却奖励给我一个薄
32、荷糖,还表扬我这些 天表现很好.这让作者很惊讶,一下子让作者改变了许多,他给作者的不 只是一个薄荷糖,还有一些爱.【解答】45.答案:B.细节理解题.根据第一段第一句Whenl was in theseventh grade , I had problems behaving 当我上七年级的时候,我行为举止有问题 可知,选B答案:D 细节理解题 根据第三段第一句和第二句 WhenI got calledto Mr Ratcliffs office for the sixth time, I had no idea what Ihad done I felt disappointed as I
33、walked down there , 当我第六次被叫到 Mr Ratcliff 的办公室的时候, 我完全不清楚自己做了什么 当我走到那里的时候, 感到特别失望 可知, 第六次去校长办公室很失望 选D答案:A.细节理解题.根据第三段最后一句I just called you downto my office to give you a peppermint, 我只是打电话叫你来我办公室给你一颗薄荷糖 ,可知,作者得到的是peppermint 故选 A答案:D.细节理解题.根据最后一段倒数第二句Mr. Ratcliff gaveme some hope by giving me some lov
34、e : I will just remember him forthe rest of my life Ratcliff 先生给了我一些希望,给我一些爱:我会在我以后的生活中记住他.,可知,选项D给了他希望和爱才让作者记住他选D49Buying Is Doing ?Howimportant is shopping to you? Howmuch time do you spend buying things ? And how much time do you spend organizing these things in your home ? In the future , how mu
35、ch time will you spend in movietheaters , at amusementparks , at shopping malls , or at convenience stores ? When you add it all up , you will probably see you spend a lot of your life consuming (消费) things Consuming products is not necessarily bad However, if we spend too much time doing it , we sh
36、ould look at it carefully Imagine that you have a week off from school You dont have to goto class However, in this week ,you cannot spend any moneyno shopping , no movies , no eatingout How would you spend your time ? What things would bring you happiness ? Perhaps you would take a walk with your b
37、est friend Perhaps you would help a child read Or you might spend time with your family Whenwe100k back, it is likely that non - consuming experiences like these will be our most importantmemories . Why? Non consuming activitiesare activenotpassive . They dont come in a package . You make the experi
38、enceyourself . For example , each person who reads to a child will have a different experience . The experience changes with the reader , the child , and the book . Similarly , when you have a conversation with afriend , you are actively creating an experience . Theconversation that you have with yo
39、ur friend cannot be experienced or recreated by anyone else . However, if you watch a movie with a friend , you will each have a package experience . It requires no action and little interaction between the two of you.The environment we live in encourages us to have packaged experiences . Wefeel tha
40、t we must consume because we believe that buying is doing . However, we can start a personal revolution (变 革) against consumerism . How? By consuming less . We can ask ourselves what experiences bring us the greatest satisfaction . Then we can organize our lives so that we have more of those kinds o
41、f experiences .If consuming products takes too much time , we should B .spend less moneythink about it carefullyorganize our thingsgo to convenience storesAccording to the passage , the writer believes thatAwe can say no to consumerism by consuming lessbuying things can bring us the greatest satisfa
42、ctionthe environment seldom influences our shopping choicesconsuming experiences will be our most important memoriesWhat is the writers main purpose in writing this passage B TOC o 1-5 h z To introduce some ways of enjoying our spare time.To encourage people to have more active experiences .To expla
43、in reasons behind peoples shopping behavior.To share his personal experience in consuming products.【考点】O9:日常生活类阅读.【分析】短文讲了人们把生命中的大量时间用于购物消费,作者认为不可 取.他希望人们能够降低消费,换种方式生活,主动的积极的生活状态会 更有意义.【解答】 答案: 49 B 细节理解题 根据第四行句子However, if we spendtoo much time doing it , we should look at it carefully 但是,如果我们花了太多的
44、时间去做,我们应该仔细看看可知如果消费产品占用了太多的时间,我们应该认真考虑它故选 BA 细节理解题 根据最后一段第二行句子By consuming less Wecanask ourselves what experiences bring us the greatest satisfaction通过减少消费,我们可以问问自己,什么经历带给我们最大的满足感可知根据文章,作者认为我们可以通过减少消费来对消费主义说不故选AB 细节理解题 根据整篇文章内容及其最后一段最后一句 Then wecan organize our lives so that we have more of those k
45、inds of experiences 然后我们可以组织我们的生活,使我们有更多的体验可知为了鼓励人们有更积极的体验故选 BSay youre sitting around with somefriends playing video games and someone mentions a game that happens to be one of your favorites Oh, that games easy So not worth the time , one of your friends says The others agree Although you enjoy th
46、e game quite a lot , not wanting to argue with them, you go along with the crowdYou have just experienced what is commonly referred to as peerpressure (同伴压力) , also called peerinfluence You will adopt a certain type of behavior, dress , orattitude in order to be accepted as part of a group of yourpe
47、ers As a teen , you are likely to have experienced the effect of peer pressure in a number of different areas Weare all influenced by our peers at any age For teens , as school and other activities take you awayfrom home, you may spend more time with your friends than with your family As you become
48、moreindependent , your peers naturally play a greater role in your life According to Dr Casey from Cornell University , teens are very quick and accurate in making decisionson their ownand in situations where they have time to think However, when they make decisions in theheat of the momentor in soc
49、ial situations , their decisions are often influenced by factors like peers In arecent study , teen volunteers played a video driving game , eitherThealone or with friends watching researchers discovered that the number of risks teens took more than doubled when their friends werewatching , compared
50、 with whenthey played alone . This shows that teens may find it more difficult to controlrisky behavior when theirfriends are around , or in situations where they are extremely angry .Just as people can influence us to make unwise choices, they canalso influence us to makegood ones. A teen might joi
51、n in a volunteer project because his or her friends are doing it , or get good grades because hisor her friendsthink getting good grades isimportant . In fact , friends often encourage each other to study,or try out for sports .While we are always influenced by those around us , the decision to act
52、or not is up to us . So when itcomes to decision making , the choice is up to you .According to the passage, Dr. Casey probably agrees that teens C .like to play driving games with their friendsprefer situations where they have time to thinkmay take more risks when their friends are aroundare slow i
53、n making decisions when they are on their ownThe wordsin the heat of the momentin Paragraph 4probably mean C .when teens avoid possible riskswhen teens trust their judgmentwhen teens lose control over their angerwhen teens give consideration to situationsWhat can we learn from the passage ? B TOC o
54、1-5 h z Teens are eager to be different from their peers.Peer pressure has effects on both teens and adults.Peer pressure does more harm than good to teens .Tees think it challenging to get good grades at school.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage ? DPeer Pressure : Is It
55、Necessary to Deal with It?Peer Pressure : Is It Possible to Get Away from ItC Peer Pressure : Its Benefits to Teens and Friend MakingD Peer Pressure : Its Influence on Teens and Decision Making 【考点】O9:日常生活类阅读.【分析】 文章谈论的是同伴压力对青少年的影响,尤其是对青少年做决定的影响文章前半部分讲的是同伴压力对青少年不好的影响,倒数第二段是同伴压力对青少年好的影响最后一段作为总结,告诉我们,
56、如何做决定取决于我们自身【解答】 CCBD 答案: C 细节题 根据文章第四段第四句 The researchers discoveredthat the number of risks teens took more than doubled when theirfriends were watching 可知认为身边有朋友的时候会有更多的风险,选项C符合.答案:C.猜词题.结合文章第四段第一句According to Dr . Caseyfrom Cornell University , teens are very quick and accurate in makingdecision
57、s on their own and in situations where they have time tothink 可知,在依靠自己或者有时间可以思考的情况下,青少年会又快又准确地做出决定 结合后面的 however 一词, 可知后面的与之相反的情况,即受到外界干扰的情况,选项中的C符合此意.答案:B.推断题.根据文章第三段第一句话Weare all influencedby our peers at any age .可知,在任何年龄段我们会受到同伴压力的 影响.选项B同伴压力对青少年和成年人都有影响,说法一致.故答案选 B.答案:D.主旨题.文章谈论的是同伴压力对青少年的影响,尤其
58、是 对青少年做决定的影响.文章前半部分 We are all influenced by our peers at any age . For teens , as school and other activities take you awayfrom home , you may spend more time with your friends than with your family讲的是同伴压力对青少年不好的影响,倒数第二段However, when they make decisions in the heat of the moment or in social situat
59、ions , their decisions are often influenced by factors like peers是同伴压力对青少年好的影响.最后一段作为总结,告诉我们,如何做决定取决于我们自身.所以文章的主题应该是同伴压力对青少年及 做决定的影响.答案选 D.七、阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处 的最佳选项.每个选项只能用一次.(共10分,每小题2分). From the Other SideLara and Tara are twins . (56)A but they are very different ineverything else .
60、 For example, hot food is Laras favorite , and Tara has a sweet choiceHowever, this isnt the problem with the twin girls. They alwaysargued that the opposite one was wrong .( 57)E , while Tarainsisted that mornings were fresh and it was difficult to stay up till midnight .(58)B . To put an end to th
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