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1、 2020人教版英语八年级下册Unit 9重点词汇、语法自测一、单项选择 The picture of the Snowflake Boy has become very popular recently.Yeah, it receives Internet hits a day.(l|)A. thousands of B. thousand C. hundredD. hundredsThe words “ racecar ” ,“ kayak ” and “ level ” are the same they are rearight or right to left.A. since B.

2、 thoughC. unlessD. whether Do you still remember our primary school teacher, Mrs. Liu? Yes, she always encouraged us and gave us support we met difficulties.(深圳 )A. wheneverB. whateverC. however Do you know Jack well? No, I have never met him. I heard abouthim.A. suddenly B. simply C. really D. clea

3、rlyOnone hand, she wants to live in a new house. On other hand, shehas no enough money to buy one.A. the; /B. a; the C. the; theD. /; /Steve Jobs was full of _always coming up with new ideas which led to greatchanges in society.A. instruction B. invitation C. introduction D. invention I havent been

4、to the science museum for a long time. What about you? . Could you go with me this weekend?A. Me too B. Me neither C. So have I D. Me either There is a beautiful park near your school, ? Yes. I often gowalking there. 宿迁( )A. is there B. isnt there C. are there D. arent thereTheaters may have a brigh

5、ter future if they can provide a movie experience people cannot get at home. (河南 )A. that B. who C. whom D. whatTheres too much noise here. Why dont we go ?A. quiet somewhere B. somewhere quiet C. quiet everywhere D. everywhere quiet 二、根据句意用括号内所给词的适当形式填空Could you please tell us about the four great

6、(invent) of China?What do you do for (amuse) in this town? My mobile phone doesnt work, but I cant find a shop to repair it. Oh, let me show you (first) near our school.What happened to you? Have you been(cry)?Its a great way (solve) the problem.The girl is always telling lies. What she said is (bel

7、ieve).Blue is a(peace) color. People often feel quiet in blue rooms.He(performance) perfectly on the stage yesterday.I take part in a lot of(society) activities every year.We had snow in May, which was very(usual).We have seen some(India) movies.His stories were(most) about his travels in foreign co

8、unt riesI practice(play) the piano every evening.You can(simple) dance on the staled).He bought a(Japan) car last year.三、根据汉语提示完成句子You speak德语)much better than me.You,ll be all right in几天(.All his articles seemed an expression of the same 主题).He invited me to5 风)in his new car.Zhejiang is a) of Chin

9、a.About three妈分之)of the earth is covered with water.Its not always簧全的)to shop online.Some students 害怕)to speak in front of the class.(论何时)we had problems, they always gave us a hand.It is very hot near the 便道).Tom has made great j() in his Chinese study.The disease is spreading at a(S 的)rate.When he

10、 was young, he liked to(集)stamps.I have never met a foreigner who speaks such p Chinese.Bell j the telephone in 1876.四、根据汉语提示完成句子。每空一词.她父母鼓励她为这次考试努力学习。Her parents study hard for the exam.我认为我们有必要走开一下去考虑这件事。I think we need to go away and this.我以一种不同的方式度过了今年暑假。I spent this summer vacation.我想了解一下英国的历史。

11、I want to the history of England.谁知道将来会发生什么事?Who knows what will happen?. 一方面我想去参加聚会,但另一方面我应该学习。, I want to go to the party, butI ought to be studying.中央电视台的朗读者吸引了成千上万各年龄段的人。The CCTV programThe Readerterests people of all ages(孝感).不管将成功还是失败,我们都必须尽力而为。we will succeed fail, we have to try our best.t m

12、elt.那些山很高,上面的冰长年不化。The mountains are high and the ice on them doesn.这座城市非常靠近大海。This city is very the sea.U9重点语法练习题一、单项选择Julies father to London last month. He there three times.A. went; had goneB. has gone; has been C. went; has beenD. has been; had goneyou ever to the history museum?A. Did; goB. W川

13、;goC. Have; goneD. Have; been Frank, where is your father? He isnt at home now. He NewYork.A. has gone toB. has been toC. goes toD.go to Look! Your teacher Miss White is over there. No, it cant be her. She to Beijing.A. has goneB. has beenC. wentD.will go 5. Wheres your brother?Oh, he the library an

14、d.A. has been to; so Lucy isB. has gone to; so Lucy hasC. has gone to; so has LucyD. has been to; so has Lucy Have you ever been to Hong Kong? No, I haven t. I ve beenthere.A. everB. alreadyC. neverD. always I haven t been to New York. How about you, Li Ming? .A. Me neither B. You are right C. Neith

15、er I haveD. So have I Herb, with his parents,the cinema to watch the filZootopiaOh, that s why I can t find them now.A. have gone to B. have been to C. has gone to D. has been to 9. Julie s father to London last Saturday. He there twice already.A. went; has gone B. went; has been C. has gone; went D

16、. has been; went We all went to the cinema except you last night. Why didn t you come?Because I the movie before.A. have watched B. watched C. was watchingD. wouldwatchHave you ever the Terracotta Army in Xian? Yes, I went there lastyear.12019湘潭】A. gone toB. been toC. been inWhere is Catherine? I ha

17、vent seen her for daysShe Wuhan. Shellbe back next week.A. has gone toB. has been toC. have gone toD.have been toWhen will your sister go to England?- She London since four monthsago.12018 扬州】C. has been toD. hasA. went toB. has gone tobeen in 二、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。.我从未乘船旅行过。I have neveron a boat.许多孩子听说

18、过那个声Lots of childrenthat story.我已经去过科学博物馆三雨二I the science museum three times.晚饭后我的爷爷喜欢在滨江公园四处逛逛。After dinner, my grandpa enjoys the Binjiang Park.我们班里有几个学生曾经去过成都。A couple of students in our class Chengdu.三、语法专练(用所给词适当形式填空)I already(see) the film. I(see) it last week.he(finish) his work today?Not yet

19、.you(be) to Hong Kong?Yes, I(be) there twice.you ever(eat) chocolate sandwiches? No, never. 5. My parents aren t at home. They(gg)do Busjiness.答案:U9重要词汇短语练习题一、1 A【点拨】确数两无,无s和of;概数两有,有s和of。句意:雪花男孩的照片最近非常受欢迎。 一一是的,每天网络点击率几千次。由此可以 判断点击的次数是无法确定的,故选 AoD【点拨】考查连词的用法辨析。句意:赛车、皮艇”和 水平”这几个词无论从左到右读,还是从右到左读,是一样的

20、。 since自从,既然;though虽 然;unless除非,如果不;whetheror无论 还是 。根据句意选D。A【点拨】本题用句意分析法。句意:一一你还记得我们的小学老师刘老师 吗? 一一记得。无论什么时候我们遇到困难,她都一直鼓励支持我们。whenever表示 无论什么时候 ;whatever示 无论什么” ;howeveife示 无论怎 样”。根据句意可知选AoB【点拨】本题用词义辨析法。suddenly突然地;simply仅仅;really真正 地;clearly清楚地。根据 我从来没有和他会过面”可知我仅仅听说过他”。故选BoC【点拨】本题用固定搭配法。on the one h

21、and. on the other han的固定搭配,意为 j方面另一方面”。D【点拨】用词义辨析法解题。instruction指令;invitation邀请;introduction 介绍;invention发明;创造力。分析句意可知空格如应填invention。故选D。7B【点拨】本题用语境分析法。由上旬我已经很长时间没有去科学博物馆了。你呢? ”和下旬 这个周末你能和我一起去吗?”可知答语应为 我也没有”。Me neither我也没有。B【点拨】 考查反意疑问句。根据反意疑问句前肯后否”的特点,排除A、C;结合there is的句子的反意疑问句形式为isnt thera故选B。A10 B

22、【点拨】考查somewhere的用法。形容词修饰 somewhere或everywhere时 放在其后,所以排除A和C; somewhere在某地,everywhere至中处”,根据句 意可知选Bo二、1-5 inventions, amusement, one, crying, to solve; 6-10 unbelievable, peaceful, social, unusual11-15 Indian, mostly, playing, simply, Japanese三、1-5 German, a couple of days, theme, go for a ride, province; 6-10 quarters, safe, fear, Whenever, equator;11-15 progress, rapid, collect, prefer, invented四、1-5 encouraged her to, think about, in a different way, learn about, in the future;6-10 On the one hand on the other hand, thou


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