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1、2017暑期系统班之第三讲PPT内容预习版讲师:【Albin】【】【luobin-english秋季班抢占名额中:大家记得提前报秋季班【一本班或985班】。希望能持续看到大家的进步,各位加油!如何最大程度保证学习效果?六个字:今日事, 今日毕1 克服拖延症,提前预习做题【核心课讲义+课课练讲义】;2 提前到“课程资料”“课ppt1”没有的例句及知识点等笔记,同时注意个别ppt和讲义不同的地方,以ppt为主,在讲义上提前做好修改。3 认真听,紧跟老师思路,积极互动;过程积极做笔记,个别没跟上的部分课后补充;4课后及时复习,认真完成作业;有问题课下在班群给助教老师或【Albin】给我留言。以下内容

2、结合核心课讲义第三讲做好预习,因为以下有的内容是讲义内容,所以建议先把第二讲内容预习,题目做掉,再预习本ppt内容,提前做好笔记【可以写在笔记本/核心课第二讲讲义每页旁边的“课堂笔记”处】,这样听课更轻松,加油!高考核心词及advice【基本含义】n 建议, 意见【搭配】take advice接受意见【搭配】ask for/seek sbs advice 征询建议【搭配】accept/follow/take ones advice 接受某人的意见【同义词】suggestion, pro【变体】vt/vi. adviseal【搭配】advise sb. to do sth.建议某人做某事【搭配】

3、advise建议做某事【搭配】The doctor once advisedng sth.tstudents (should) take exercise everyday.1affect【基本含义】vt 影响, 使感动, 侵袭【词义】Taking a part-time job wont affect my study. vt 影响【词义】We were affected deeply by his words. vt 使感动【词义】He was affected by cold., 侵袭vt【变体】n. 喜爱affection【搭配】have an affection for sb. 喜爱

4、某人【同义短语】喜爱;喜欢be fond of ; be keen onallow【基本含义】vt 允许; 使能够; 给与 vi 考虑, 顾及【搭配】If you were head of theernment, would you allow cloning?allowng 允许做【搭配】Children, whenpaniedby their parents, are allowed to enter the stadium.allow sb to do sth. 允许某人做【搭配】The click of a button allowspeopleapart to talk or see

5、each other without even leaving their homes.allow sb/sth to do sth 使能够/有可能.【搭配】The large seat allows the driver greater freedom of movement.allow sb sth 给与/提供某人某物(金钱/时间/食物/自由等)【熟词僻义】Have you allowed yourselfenough time to get to the airport?allow sb sth 给与/提供某人某物(金钱/时间/食物/自由等)【搭配】Allowing for the ba

6、d weather,we should set off right now. allow for 考虑到, 顾及apart【基本含义】ad./a. 分开地(的), 分离地(的) ad.相隔2【搭配】Apart from providing warmth, what was fire used for? 除外【搭配】Their experience of life isworlds apart.完全不同;截然相反【搭配】My dreams are so realistic andcomplext its hard tolthem apart from reality.把区分开来【搭配】In or

7、der to understand this new term, lets break it apart. 将某物拆开appeal【基本含义】n/vi 呼吁, 恳求, 上诉, (有)吸引力 vt 上诉()【搭配】Theernment is appealing toeveryone to save water. appeal (to sb) (for sth)/ appeal to sb to do sth呼吁某人(做)某事【搭配】make/launch an appeal for money and clothes呼吁捐钱捐衣物【搭配】Sporse an importantent, appea

8、lingform of entertato both men and women appeal to 吸引【搭配】wide/popular appeal广受欢迎【搭配】He appealed the case five times, always losing.vt/vi 上诉【搭配】lose an appeal上诉失败【变体】adj. appealing【搭配】 appealing design造型优美apply【基本含义】vt 应用, 使用, 专心于, 涂, 敷 vi 申请, 适用【搭配】She appd to seven companies for a job.apply to sb f

9、or sth 向.申请.【搭配】The new technology was appd to3farming.apply sth to sth 将.应用/使用到.【搭配】If the constitution saidt allpeople were free and equal, then she thought it should apply to her.apply to sb/sth (对)适用;(对)有效【搭配】Over the next months, he appd himself to improving the technique.lf (tong sth) 专心致力于,专心

10、从事apply o【熟词僻义】apply the brakes踩刹车【变体】n. application【变体】n. application n 应用;申请;适合;专注,努力;敷用,药膏 Knowledge will not be acquired without pain and application.apprete【基本含义】vt 感谢, 感激, 欣赏, 赏识, 重视, 了解, 知道【词义】I really apprete your handwriting vt 欣赏, 赏识【搭配】We would apprete you letting us know of any problem.t

11、e (sb)ng sth感激某人做了.appre【写作】如果你能提出好的意见,我将不胜感激。I would appre【搭配】te it if you could give me a bit of good advice.It took me a long time before I was able to fully appre vt 了解, 知道【变体】n. 感谢;欣赏te what my parents had done for me.appretionacknowledge【基本含义】vt 承认, 感谢, 答谢, 告知收到, 向.打招呼【搭配】He acknowledged cheat

12、inghe exam. acknowledgeng sth 承认4rror 承认错误acknowledge o【写作】它被界公认为是目前为止最成功的系列。It is now acknowledged by the movie industry as the most suc acknowledge as 认为.是.【词义】sful firies ever.I was standing right next to her, but she didnt even acknowledge me. vt 向打招呼【词义】We gratefully acknowledge the contributio

13、ns of every vt 感谢, 答谢【派生】n. 承认;确认;致谢acknowledgementho helped us.assote【搭配】I assote Switzerland with the Alps assote.with.把联想/联系起来【搭配】Do notl me of the people you assote with; let me observe it by your manners.assote with sb 交往, 结交【搭配】an assoa. 副的【搭配】business assote professortesn C同事(colleague);(生意)伙

14、伴【派生】n. 关联;联合;assotioname【词义】It is generally amedt stress is caused by too much work.med +t 从句:假定, 认为it is a【词义】The prince will ameer upon the death of his father.meer 掌权a【同义词】take on, undertake, shoulder【变体】n. 假设;就职amption高频词汇精讲5scholarship department competitionencouragementappomentappretiondicion

15、 partnership repuion exhibition hardshipdependencereception imagination satisfaction equipment importanceexpanneighborhood generation situation applicationappearancecomitionsportsmanshipfrequency词组互译1. in large amounts3. explode winger2. leave sb. a dempres4. be/get angry wi6. answer for8. in appearancet sb.5. owing to/nks to7. appear+to do/to have done/to be9. approa


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