1、East and west, different value 第1页,共22页。Content . Enlighten thinking of values .The definition of values.Expressions of east and west, in difference.Reasons of east and west, in difference. conclusion第2页,共22页。.价值观的启蒙思想( Enlighten thinking of values )其实东西方价值观的是全方面的不同,西方的自然价值观念是由古希腊传统的自然价值观念、基督教( chri
2、stianism )传统的自然价值观念发展来的,而中国的价值观是由道家(Taoist school)的、以及儒家的自然价值观发展来的。在西方价值观中二元对置乃是关键,它是一种“双重二元对置”:首先是造物者与造物的二元对置,诸如本体实在与现象的对置、神与万物的对置之类,例如柏拉图的理念世界与现象世界的对置;然后是人与自然界的二元对置。这是整个希腊思想、也是整个西方文化的基本构架。 中国价值观中一元存在是关键,不管是道家还是儒家,都认为有一个大的标准存在,如道家的道和儒家的礼;在这个标准下有一个互相转化的二元对置,如儒家的王道和霸道的理解,阴阳鱼就是这种思想的体现。这里既没有人与自然的二元对置,更
3、没有造物与造物主的二元对置。在儒家观念中,人性也是自然,并永远是自然。人不仅是自然之子,而且还应该是自然的孝子。这个思想,在张载的西铭里有很透彻的表达:“乾称父,坤称母,予兹藐焉,乃混然而中处”什么叫做自然的孝子?所谓孝,中庸说:“夫孝者,善继人之志,善述人之事者也。”述者,循也,循父母之道也。这就是说,孝子就是善于继承发展父母未竟的事业;同理,自然的孝子就是善于继承发展自然未竟的事业。这也就是周易所说的“干父之蛊”、“干母之蛊”。转自: 陨石站 48f第3页,共22页。价值观价值观是指一个人对周围的客观事物(包括人、事、物)的意义、重要性的总评价和总看法。像这种对诸事物的看法和评价在心目中的
4、主次、轻重的排列次序,就是价值观体系。价值观和价值观体系是决定人的行为的心理基础。 价值观是人们对社会存在的反映。是社会成员用来评价行为、事物以及从各种可能的目标中选择自己合意目标的准则。价值观通过人们的行为取向及对事物的评价、态度反映出来,是世界观的核心,是驱使人们行为的内部动力。它支配和调节一切社会行为,涉及社会生活的各个领域。第4页,共22页。The concept of valuesvalues are ideas about what is right and wrong, desirable and undesirable, normal and abnormal. proper
5、and improper.It also includes the assumptions, the unquestioned givens, about people, life, and the ways things are.第5页,共22页。The concept of valuespeople who group up in a certain culture share certain values, that does not mean they all share exactly the same values to the same extent; it does mean
6、that most of them. most of the time, agree with each others ideas about human nature, social relations, right and wrong. a mainstream culture can be viewed as a collection of values and assumptions that go together to shape the way a group of people perceive and relate to the world around them.第6页,共
7、22页。The concept of valuesIn the United states, for example, values might include material comfort, wealth, competition, individualism or religiosity and sex, drugs and rock and roll. the values of a society can often be identified by nothing which people receive honor or respect. In the US, for exam
8、ples, professional athletes are honored( in the form of monetary payment) more than college professors, in part because the society respects personal vales such as physical activity, fitness, and competitiveness more than mental activity and education.第7页,共22页。The concept of valuesValues are related
9、 to the norms of a culture, but they are more general and abstract than norms. Norms(规范,准则) are rules for behavior in specific situations, while values identify what should be judged as good or evil. flying the national flag on the holiday is a norm, but it reflects the values of patriotism, wearing
10、 dark clothing and appearing solemn are normative behaviors at a funeral .they reflect the values of respect and support of friends and family.第8页,共22页。.Expressions of east and west, in difference 1. collectivism and individualism 1)the definition of collectivismcollectivism is a social pattern cons
11、isting of closely liked individuals who see themselves as parts of one or more collectives (family, co-workers, tribe, nation); are primarily motivated by the norms of, and duties imposed by those collectives; are willing to give priority to the goals of these collectives over their own personal goa
12、ls; and emphasize their connectedness to members or these cultures .( Triandis,1995)第9页,共22页。2)The definition of Individualismindividualism is a social pattern that consists of loosely liked individuals who view themselves as independent of collectives; are primarily motivated by their own preferenc
13、es, needs, rights; and the contacts they have established with others; give priority to their personal goals over the goals of others; and emphasize rational analyses of the advantages and disadvantages to associating with others.(Triandis,1995 )第10页,共22页。3)A price to be paid for this individual fre
14、edomself-reliance: Americans believed that they should stand on their own 2 feet, achieving both financial and emotional independence from their parents as early as possible. usually by age 18 or 21.most Americans take considerable pride in their ability to do things for themselves rather relying on
15、 help from others. in fact, Americans will sometimes prefer to go through considerable difficulty in order to do something for themselves rather than having others do it for them. on the other hand, Americans expect other people to also be self-reliant第11页,共22页。4.) Individual freedom is probably the
16、 most basic of all American valuesBy freedom, Americans mean the desire and the ability of all individuals to control their own destiny without outside interference from the government, a ruling noble class, the church, or any other organized authorities.第12页,共22页。5)Other differences between individ
17、ualism and collectivism(1). Identity among collectivists is defined by relationships and group memberships. individualists base identity on what they own and their experiences.(2).in collectivists cultures the collective is responsible for the wrongdoing of one of its members; in individualist cultu
18、res, it is solely the individual who is responsible.(3.)History is more important to collectivists than to individualists. collectivists see themselves as links in a long chain that consists of ancestors and descendants. For individualists, the individual is in the center of the stage-what comes bef
19、ore and after is more or less irrelevant.第13页,共22页。2.对权力分配差距的不同态度(Different attitudes in division of powers ) 中西方对社会阶级和权力分配不平等想象持有不同的态度,汉语中许多复合词排列的先后顺序就充分展现了中国人的“尊卑”观念,如:天地、日月、国家、君臣、男女、老少、夫妇师生等等。中国人还把尊老敬老作为传统美德,因此在汉语中把年长者称为老先生、老妇人都是对人的尊称。英美人对此却并不这么认为, 他们一般都不会承认自己老了。 如果你在公共汽车上给英语国家的 ”老人“让座会招来对方的不不满。第
20、14页,共22页。又如,在英语中”vice”、 “deputy ” 等词语都含有“副”、“次”的这层意思,但是它们还有其他的含义。vice出表达“副”、“次”等意义外,还有“代理”的意思。deputy则含有“上级不在的时候代行职责。显然英语需要这些词来区分地位、职责和其它方面的差别,地位并不是唯一重要的因素。而传统中国文化则强调尊卑有序,地位上的差别掩盖了其他的差异,因此汉语只需要作为地位的“副”子就可表达上述的各种差异。第15页,共22页。3.思维方式的差异(Difference of thinking manners)中西方思维方式的哲学基础不同导致了思维方式的差异;中国人似乎更善于总体把
21、握,而西方人更善于条分缕析;中国人善于归纳,西方人善于演绎;中国人重悟性,西方人重理性;中国人重模糊性,西方人重准确性;中国人把宇宙看作是一个整体,充塞其中的是“道”或“气”,西方人把宇宙看作是一个个原子,各自独立又彼此联系;中国人处理事情就想中医,把人体看作是一个有机体,西方人处理事情就像西医,”头疼医头脚疼医脚第16页,共22页。中西方价值观差异的成因(Reasons of east and west, in difference)大到一个民族小至一个群落,其价值观念的产生、形成和发展主要受三种因素的影响:环境适应、历史因素、和思维方式的哲学基础。由于不同民族在地理环境、历史条件等方面的差
22、异性形成了不同的思维方式,同时也形成了不同的价值观。一个民族的基本价值观一旦形成,就会牢牢扎根于本民族人们的心中,很难受其他民族文化迁移,而且代代相传。第17页,共22页。 1.环境适应(Environmental adoption)人们在适应环境、寻求生存、改造自然地过程中形成了对自然界的不同态度。1.西方人突出人与自然的抗争,把人与自然看成是征服与被征服的关系,人们不断地接受自然地挑战,努力支配、改造自然。美国人认为,自然和人是出于对立状态,人应该主宰自然,自然是认得征服对象,人类可以利用不断提高的科学技术改造自然、战胜自然,人是万物之王,自然和物质世界应当受人控制并服务于人。2.中国人强
23、调人与自然的和谐,不愿意主动改造自然,而是努力“顺其自然”,通过改变自己去适应自然。在中国的哲学概念中,人是自然地一部分,只有将自己融入到自然之中,达到了无我的境界才能理解人生的真谛。第18页,共22页。2.历史因素(Historical factors)1.中国的历史因素。中国历史悠久,其中封建统治就长达两千多年,因此封建意识在人们的心目中早已根深蒂固。但由于封建制度本身的不合理,所以思想统治很有必要。此外中国人更加维护等级制度,顺从权威,尊重长辈,强调安分守己。受孔子儒家思想的影响,人们非常强调“尊卑”的思想。2.西方的历史因素 “个人主义的价值取向”的西方文化可以追溯到古罗马时期,提倡乐观主义,确信生命只有为其自己的目的而活着才有价值,为自我满足而奋斗才有意义的希腊精神构成了整个西方文明和价值观的灵活。古罗马人在法制建设方面所体现的精神和观念对西方价值挂念的形成具有重要影响。随着资产阶级推翻了封建统治建立资本主义社会,工业革命不仅是人们的
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