已阅读5页,还剩8页未读 继续免费阅读




1、 初一下必做题一、单选1(1分) TheresA. an; theone-legged desk inB. a; theclassroom.C. /; theD. an; aB答案解析考查冠词。根据用法: an用于元音发音的单词前面。a 用于辅音发音的单词前面。one-legged为辅音发音,所以用a,在教室里为in the classroom。故答案选B。考点语言知识运用冠词2(1分) The students in our school plant overtrees every year.D. fives hundreds ofA. hundred of B. hundreds of C

2、. five hundredC答案解析考查hundred of/数字+hundred的用法。hundreds of成千上万,应加s;数字+hundred,不加s,可排除A、D选项;又,根据over超过,应有具体数量才能用修饰词over。故答案选C。考点语言知识运用数词3(1分)There is a riverA. in; Inthe two cities.B. between; Overthe river there is a bridge.C. between; On D. outside; UnderB答案解析考查介词。根据two cities可知此处应用between在之间;over表在

3、之上,正上方之上;on 表在表面上。故答案选B。大海1对1第1页(共13页) 考点语言知识运用介词4(1分)Wecarefully, but we didntB. listened; hearanything.A. listened; heardC. listen; heardD. listen; hearB答案解析考查listen/hear的用法。listen强调听的过程,hear强调听的结果。又,根据题意,我们听得很认真,但是我们什么都没听到,可知前者强调听的过程,后者强调听的结果。故答案选B。考点语言知识运用动词5(1分)After school, she either playsnei

4、ghborhood.orwith her friends in herA. volleyball; the guitarC. the volleyball; the guitarB. volleyball; guitarD. the volleyball; guitarA答案解析考查的是:play的搭配用法,解析:play与球类名词搭配时,该类名词前不用冠词;而与乐器搭配时,乐器名词前需要用the。考点语言知识运用固定搭配6(1分)It is about twenty minutes by bike.A. How far B. How longis it from your home to y

5、our school?C. How manyD. How muchA答案解析第2页(共13页)大海1对1 考查四个how。根据回复骑自行车大约20分钟,可知此处应是问距离,how far多远;how long多长时间,问时间; how many多少,对数量提问; how much多少钱,对价格提问。故答案选A。考点语言知识运用简单句特殊疑问句7(1分)Heres one of your sports shoes.Wheresone?A. theB. otherC. anotherD. the otherD答案考查不定代词。根据sports shoes为两只,此处应用the other两者之间另

6、一个应用theother; another另一个,三者或三者以上。故答案选D。解析考点语言知识运用代词不定代词8(1分)Peter is a goodand he is good at.A. running; runnerB. runner; runner C. running; running D. runner; runningD答案解析考查名词和动名词。句意为:Peter是一个好的跑步运动员,他擅长跑步。第一个空应该填名词runner,介词后面应该接动名词,所以第二个空应该是running,故答案为D。考点语言知识运用名词非谓语动词动名词9大海1对1第3页(共13页) (1分)- Wou

7、ld you like to go to the cinema with me this evening?- . But I have finish my homework first.A. Id love to B. Thats all right C. Youre welcomeD. Not at allA答案解析考查情景交际。根据Would you like to do.? 委婉拒绝Id like/love to, but.。故答案选A。考点语言知识运用情景交际10 (1分)- Its so noisy outside.What happened?- I dont know, but I

8、 need a place to read books.C. quickA. quietB. quiteD. quicklyA答案考查形容词和副词辨析。根据语境,上句:外面太吵了,发生了什么事?下句:我不知道,但是我需要一个地方来读书,读书应是选择安静的地方,quiet安静的。quite相当的;quick 快的;quickly快地,皆不符语境。故答案选A。解析考点语言知识运用形容词和副词辨析11 (1分)We saw the dog jumping into the roomA. across B. through C. crossthe window.D. byB答案解析考查介词。介词thr

9、ough从里面穿过;across从表面穿过。根据语境,我看见那狗从窗户跳进了房间,从窗户通过应是through从里面穿过。故答案选B。考点语言知识运用介词介词辨析第4页(共13页)大海1对1 12 (1分)- Will there- Yes. Therea football match on CCTV 5 this evening?usually football matches on Sunday evenings.A. have; haveB. be; will beC. are; areD. be; areD答案解析考查there be句型。根据时间标志词this evening可知此处

10、应将来时态,there will be可排除A,C选项;又,根据时间标志词on Sunday evenings在每周星期天晚上,应用一般现在时。故答案选D。考点语言知识运用动词时态一般现在时一般将来时特殊句式倒装句there be句型13 (1分)There isA. a fewsheep on the farm.B. a littleC. fewD. littleB答案解析考查few/little的用法。谓语is可知此处应单数,故可排除A、C选项;又根据sheep为可数名词,可排除D选项。又根据语境,农场里有一只小羊。故答案选B。考点语言知识运用形容词形容词词义辨析其他形容词辨析14 (1分

11、)-youthe football match yesterday?-Yes, I did. It was great.A. Did; seeB. Are; seeC. Will; seeD. Do; see大海1对1第5页(共13页) A答案解析考点考查时态。根据时间标志词yesterday,可知应用一般过去时。故答案为A。语言知识运用动词时态一般过去时15 (1分)-Remember to give my wishes to your mother.-A. No, I wont.B. OK, I willC. Yes, I wouldD. Yes, I doB答案解析考查祈使句答语。祈使句

12、回答动作未发生应用将来时,可排除C、D选项;又根据语境,记得带我向你妈妈问好,合理回答应是,好的,我会的。故答案选B。考点语言知识运用简单句祈使句肯定祈使句16 (1分)- Maths is too hard for me, Mum.- Honey, work hardA. butyoull find it easy.C. andB. orD. soC答案解析考查祈使句+ and/or的用法。祈使句+ and,做那么表提醒;祈使句+ or,做否则表警告。根据语境,亲爱的,努力工作,你就会发现它很简单,表顺承关系应用提醒。故答案选C。考点语言知识运用连词简单连词第6页(共13页)大海1对1 17

13、 (1分)- Its a fine day. Shall we go fishing?- But we need to go home before six.A. Have a nice time! B. Youre right. C. Sounds bad.D. A good idea!D答案解析考查情景交际。根据语境,上句:今天天气很好,我们去钓鱼好吗?下句:好主意,但是我们必须在6点之前回家,说明交谈者双方都参与活动,应表示赞同对方观点,Agood idea!好主意。Have a nice time!玩的开心,表达祝福他人;Youre right你是对的;Sounds bad听起来很不好

14、,皆不符语境。故答案选D。考点语言知识运用情景交际18 (1分)Dont forgetA. writeto me when you arrive in England.B. writes C. writingD. to writeD答案解析本题考查非谓语动词。forget有两个用法:forget to do表示“忘记要去做某事”;forget doing表示“忘记做过了某事”。结合句意“别忘了去给我写信”,所以表示还没做要去做,因此选择D。考点语言知识运用非谓语动词动词不定式19 (1分)-Shall we go to the Science Museum? I hear theres-Id

15、love to, but I have to get ready for the mid-term exam.there.A. something newB. nothing newC. new somethingD. new everythingA答案解析考查形容词。句意:我们去科学博物馆怎么样?我听说那有一些新东西。形容词修饰不定代词放在其后。因此选A项。大海1对1第7页(共13页) 考点语言知识运用代词不定代词复合不定代词形容词形容词做定语20 (1分)What does your new English teacher look like?She is.A. friendly and

16、smartB. shy and has long curly hairD. honest and generousC. slim and looks pretty with blond hairC答案解析考查交际用语,What does sb. look(s) like?表示 某人看起来.样? 问的是外表看起来的样子,选项A,B,D都有性格的描述,故排除,故选C。考点语言知识运用情景交际二、阅读理解21 (8分)A bag is useful and the word bag is useful, too. Here is an interestingphrase, to let the ca

17、t out of the bag . In meaning it is the same as to tell the secret .And there is an old interesting story about it. w10Long ago, when farmers wanted to sell chickens at the market, they would usuallyjust throw the chickens in cloth (布) bags. But cats were cheaper than chickens at thattime, so many f

18、armers would put cats into the cloth bags but not chickens. One day, awoman asked a man for a chicken. The man gave her a cloth bag in which there was acat. .When the man opened the cloth bag, a big black cat ran out. Not a chicken! Themans secret was out and everyone knew it.Now when we say someone

19、 gives away a secret, we say He lets the cat out of thebag. And that is the story where the interesting phrase came from. 第8页(共13页)大海1对1 (1) (2分)The underlined word it in the passage refers to (指的是).A. the useful bagB. the phraseC. the catD. the chickenwhen they(2) (2分)The farmers put cats but not c

20、hickens in the bags tosold chickens.A. tell the secretB. sell the cats D. keep the cats quietC. get more money(3) (2分)Which of the following sentences is the best for the blank (空白处) inthe passage?A. The woman was angry to see a cat. B. The man put a cat in the bag.C. The man asked her to see thechi

21、cken.D. The woman wanted to see thechicken.(4) (2分) The writer wrote the story to tell us. A. the woman was smartC. the phrase is usefulB. how farmers sold their catsD. where the phrase came from(1) B(2) C(3) D(4) D答案(1) 考查细节题。根据Here is an interesting phrase, to let the cat out of thebag . In meanin

22、g it is the same as to tell the secret . 可知此处让猫从袋子里出来的含义就是说出秘密, 故此处的it指代的就是这个短语。故答案选B。解析(2) 推断题。根据But cats were cheaper than chickens at that time, so manyfarmers would put cats into the cloth bags but not chickens.可知那时候猫的价钱比鸡便宜, 所以当农民卖鸡时会把猫放在布袋里是为了赚到更多的钱。故答案选C。(3) 细节题。根据第二段When the man opened the c

23、loth bag, a big black catran out. 可知这个女人去买鸡, 这个男人给了她一只装着猫的布袋, 所以空白处应该填写 这个女人想要看下鸡 , 所以她打开袋子, 一只黑猫出来了。故答案选D。(4) 主旨题。根据最后一段And that is the story where the interesting phrasecame from. 可知作者写这个有趣的故事是为了告诉我们to let the cat out ofthe dog这个短语是如何而来的。故答案选D。大海1对1第9页(共13页) 考点阅读阅读理解22 (8分)BYoull have to take care

24、 of the baby today, a woman told her husband. Im feelinga little ill. Then you must stay in bed and rest, dear, her husband said. Ill be happyto look after our baby. Thank you. Ill have a quiet day and Ill soon get better, hiswife told him. Shall I do the shopping for you as well? her husband asked.

25、 She wasvery happy and said, That will help me a lot. Ill give you a list of things to buy. Shewrote out the list and gave it to him. You can put the baby in the shopping cart, thenyou wont have to leave him outside. The man took the baby to the supermarket andput him in the shopping cart. Then he p

26、ushed the shopping cart along the rows of thingsto buy and looked for those on his list. At first everything was well, but then the babybegan to cry. Then he started to scream(尖声叫喊). And scream! And scream!Keep quiet, George, the man said. Dont get excited. Dont shout, George. Dontlose your temper(脾

27、气, George. A woman in the supermarket heard him saying thesethings. She walked up to him. I think youre wonderful. she said, Youre so patientwith your little George. Madam, the man said, Im George. Hes Edward.(1) (2分)Why did the man take care of the baby ?A. Because it was his turn.B. Because his wi

28、fe was not well.C. Because his wife was in bed all day.D. Because he always looked after the baby.(2) (2分)Why did the man take the baby to the supermarket ?A. Because he had to go shopping.B. Because he wanted to teach the baby to do some shopping.C. Because he wanted to give the baby a ride in a sh

29、opping cart.D. Because he wanted to stay with the baby all the time.(3) (2分)What did the baby do in the supermarket ?A. He pushed the shopping cart.C. He screamed.B. He lost his temper.D. He made a lot of noise.(4) (2分)The man toldto keep quiet.B. Edward C. himselfA. the babyD. the woman(1) B答案第10页(

30、共13页)大海1对1 (2) A(3) D(4) C(1) 细节题。根据文中 Youll have to take care of the baby today, a womantold her husband. Im feeling a little ill. 意思是 今天你得照顾孩子, 一个女人对丈夫说, 我觉得有点不舒服。 可知她生病了不舒服。故答案选B。(2) 细节题。根据文中 Shall I do the shopping for you as well? her husbandasked.She was very happy and said, That will help me

31、a lot. 意思是丈夫问:“我也替你买东西吗? 她很高兴地说: 这会对我有很大帮助。 故答案选A。解析(3) 推断题。根据文中At first everything was well, but then the baby began tocry. Then he started to scream(尖声叫喊). And scream! And scream! 意思是起初一切都很好, 但是宝宝开始哭了。然后他开始尖叫尖叫!尖叫!可知由于不停的叫喊, 制造了噪音。故答案选D。(4) 细节题。根据文中 Keep quiet, George, the man said. Dont getexcite

32、d. Dont shout, George. Dont lose your temper(脾气),George.意思是 保持安静, 乔治, 他说, 不要激动, 不要喊叫, 乔治。不要发脾气, 乔治。 及最后一段 Madam, the man said, Im George. Hes Edward. 我是乔治可知, 应该是对它自己说保持安静。故答案选C。考点阅读阅读理解23 (8分)COn the third Sunday of June every year, we admire (钦佩) the person in your likewho taught you how to ride yo

33、ur bike or read a book and who offers helps to the wholefamily. Yes, I mean dad, daddy, father. Fathers Day is the time to show him thanks foreverything he does for you.Oh! Write me song of my father.And tell me the reason. You ever write songs aboutmother. Not a word of dear father you say? These w

34、ords from C. Henrys song. Oh!WriteMe a Song of My Father, have been written by Sonora Dodd, a young girl who, along withher five younger brothers, was raised by her father.On a Mothers Day, Sonora spoke to the government and suggested (建议) herown fathers birthday, of June 5, as the day to thank fath

35、ers. The government chose大海1对1第11页(共13页) the third Sunday in June instead and the very first Fathers day was celebrated on June19,1910 in Spokane Washington.It took some time before Fathers Day became the national holiday we know today.At the time, people disagree with the idea of this holiday because they didnt like theidea that men would get flowers and other gifts. Finally, President Lyndon B. Johnsonmade the decision (决定) that the third Sunday of Ju


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