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1、、固定资产配置例 (仅供学习参考且仅适用于初学者)从 ICN 折旧表 COPY-个折旧表 LDG(T_code :EC08)路 径: Financial Accounting-Asset Accounting-Organizational Structures- Copy Reference Chart ofDepreciation/Depreciation AreasChange Vievf *Chart of depreciation: Specify neme4*: OverviewTable view m就 oto detection criteria ytilities 5峥tern

2、 help3 H0e|口册3|:力 SB回网ChDe|Description3J_NLpample chart of depreciation: NetherlandsLRUSample chart of depreciation: Connm, Indep. StatesLESample chart of depreciation: SwedenISCSample chart of rfepreelation: SingaporeLUSSample chart of depreciatiori: USAIZASample chart of deptedation: South AfricaA

3、UOOSample chart of depretiation;ECMaxlrndm vluatjon: ChinaFioa6葡t of depreciation ftr bankingLDGChart of depreciation ftr LDG=UNI6日mfile chart of depreciation; Uriverssl把折旧表LDG派给公司代码 LDG(T_code:OAOB)路 径: Financial Accounting-Asset Accounting-Organizational Structures- Assign Chart ofDepreciation to

4、Company Code* rhiingp Viz -MAintAiin rempiwiiy rndp in 库的t arcnunHrkgi2 (Ivprvipw新增 Account determine(Tcode:SPRO)路 径: Financial Accounting-Asset Accounting-Organizational Structures- Asset Classes- SpecifyAccount determineChange Vi&w FI-A At Account determination! UvervicuiTable view Ednt Goto Nekdt

5、ion criteria Utilities System Helf, Il3 回 庄喻 |QMia| 丁 DC% Ww entries Q 国啜)凰g 国Acct, determ-Name fbr account determinationADOEpowerL而2而亡二BuildingsLDG29U0Asset under constructionDG3D0DMachinery and EqiJpmenlLEUDOD(VehiclesDG5D0DExmininQ equipment and TealsDG7D00|Cannputer and DevicesEG720DOfficeDG730D

6、Furniture and fixturesDCS2O0Other4、新增拷贝 screen layout (SPRO)路 径: Financial Accounting-Asset Accounting-Organizational Structures- Asset Classes- CreateScreen Layout Rules5、定义固定资产屏幕版面路径:Financial Accounting-Asset Accounting-MasterData-Define Screen Layout for Asset Master Data=1MJ J1-sh e -HMi1 Lit H

7、比d W*HfhritH片 LXhiefi StBii *n.-日心0eUMM 。电|同团格Liohg Gfrixture-I 不划 60Mt- 白bogie超1出 /泌 白 !jap njpe.1-DjrbEn.步啕盟巴日妈Fet w十艇人3r#si入“WH3L 1Dbscpb hi I萍广r1-J-,tyIjQQ-ptjcri 2C考crF-F 一JX脚油Eq的壮c1pfcimta 巾 njntr麻rppFunttif rr礴rrFp 1P,jijudnrbkar广g-bqF_ 1n?, Igrltr.rFEi*ifI m fidsr麻 rFpF,虹nt wkcwlrr博pN nation

8、esIP一F4cajEil9m dartsflfr J第DeoitiiiaLfic广 LPPJJpfentri jg.rTfr.iiricr 方rr二科LOHiB pMte1 rumterruhrErrest 匚erE演rr口IF |际一邛Plantr rpP|r_ ?ELbtiem nj(| ckPr二建IHtJ-FtiLcF守口J9i.lcrigMn 肥r rPQv如至惜却2rr毋rrEhl 1k.CrMTilSflUff|L1UO 1455usgkd ft! L| p|DEntru 1 d EU.“疗H hFir.i Et H- leu Cl) 7?T OW ILJB ,*.:!-wmt

9、fts - :【上口” nn/冷lUi H: 1- 6、给公司LD金殍定资产编码(AS08)路 径: Financial Accounting-Asset Accounting-Organizational Structures- Asset Classes- DefineNumberRangeInterval7、新增 asset 7ass(OAOA)路 径: Financial Accounting-Asset Accounting-Organizational Structures- Asset Classes- Define AssetClasses8、Assign G/L Accoun

10、ts指定会计科目(AO9。(会计科目仅供参考) 路 径: Financial Accounting-Asset AccountingIntegration with the General Ledger- Assign G/LAccountsSAP R/3He |pIc |i3 a | e e e | a m saDetermine Work Area: EntryChart of ccoLints|BCAcct d白termimt蛇n|DG2000gather 网Ixt BindAppend|x|Uhangc Vkw Dchnc dtcpraatioin jmunt/J Detailslab

11、ls Edit finto Sedinn aiferri 已 jjtiitra ?terB jdpe I3(a|e|日,必|,|固囱|0cturi of dccu|HCEC ChNt jf Accfiurti.fiecoLnI dwt目m.陋皿口Buldn 中AteaOrdlirury d&precg tbon cMimunL JMJynmarilsendee, erdmry deorEaation|I5J29DO = Areumulatl1 ctep日pr诉 厘aunt for andridiy 皿丁 wtp 130150 _口。pr3KletiRevtMjs? from

12、w由+4 on aid 4叩1匚.ktig StTUcture- CjChcose chyt 0f accojit 白 Cheese acrount dc- 口 Define acquit lim L-Ceflne dsprecatmUnplanned dEprsciation account assignment/Sccimuted ctep account uipL depiec.E)P&tg xcoimt for urplamod cfcpr口亡 R&1111yB u& 1hn N值*卬 un urplriu- Lbpr&L.9、Define document types (OBA7路

13、径: Financial Accounting-Asset AccountingIntegration with the General Ledger- Post Depreciation to the General Ledger- Specify Document Type for Posting of Depreciation10、Specify Intervals and Posting Rules(OAYR路 径: Financial Accounting-Asset Accounting-Integration with the General Ledger- Post Depre

14、ciationto the General Ledger- Specify Intervals and PostingRules11、Define Depreciation Areas(OADB定义折旧围)路 径: Financial Accounting-Asset AccountingValuation- Depreciation Areas- Define DepreciationAreasTafcle vievj it &Qt口 ielectiori criteria f 口芬 5/stem lp3 0 e 0 q 0明m a o a 国团步垣口 Bl卷图用国Chart of dsp.

15、lIG Chart of depredation for LDGAsset Accounting: Define depreciation areaDepr.areaName of depreciation area日口口k depredation-12、Maintain Period Control Methods (AFAMP路 径: Financial Accounting-Asset AccountingDepreciation- Valuation Methods- Depreciation KeyCalculation Methods- Maintain Period Contro

16、l MethodsTable vie附 印it Goto Choose Utilties System Help|Q|磁您|口的附|必S1|由四步 New entries g 国 国回国 W* Usage Q Copy methodChart of dep. llG Chart of depredation for LDGPeriod Control MethodPrd.c.melDescription of the methodAcqArld|Ret_Trn21/01/02/02010020200204/06/02/D2Od06D2020D3Q1/05/02/0201口 60202DD4口6

17、/06/0囚02U6060202Z0111/11/02/0211110202Z0211/11/01/0111110101ZD311/11/11/111111j111113、Maintain Depreciation Key (AFAMA路 径: Financial Accounting-Asset AccountingDepreciation- Valuation Methods- Depreciation Key-Maintain Depreciation Key工a# ye忖 Edt Goto ChMse Unites Ssterr detq i回口岫删*e_L苞回他竽国, U v时比也t

18、tDdlug Elrumiri 口匚时 UFbitin 由y 日常叫” rnL of Cdtty肥|Orrf.flepifiriatinn二Phass|FKJM 廿电 Uft cf Bh。中115chart of depDep. IcEychart of cfebE口父izn 切 LDG Loe i3qzirEndtdn for LD3i昌与qQnmmt of UlkUatiDn MethodsEa汨met忙d0007Ced -ha. irelThodii rd centZo7Milito?.rneih,55sJk:str 5rnE ccflraaaxn二Chug巳 methzdNo auto

19、matic廿i事可日”己riJiarcEOrateMLltflla SrtftJnrrcacc in aocraciation nd oorodofJ Ifo,rlSerac Munnsdeiatcn e mntrled by*r kevJSnutdowni |hE_J14、 Determine Depreciation Areas in the AssetClass(OAYZ)路 径 : FinancialAccounting-AssetAccounting-Valuation-Determine Depreciation Areas inthe Asset ClassA、一般资产

20、rhgE一LUMOAsset undei oonslnxtlon(X53DODMduhr iery and EquipnttitCW DODVehiclesDG5ODDEtTihino enutinrert ard Todsfcooncomputer and ue/icesCG72D0OfficeCG7?U0Fumiturs and fixtursfCG32D0Other两T B5tw39 asetw3? AirB、在建工程15、为在建工程指定结算规则(OAAZ)路 径:FinancialAccounting-AssetAccounting-Transactions-Capitalizatio

21、nofAssetsunder Construction-Assign settlement profile tocompany code匚 |心门口 View FI-A A; Settlement pro File: OverviewTable view Edit 岸g S&l&dtian criteria Utilities Stem Help三回1 0 目M照的的Q婚沙国回国CoteCompany nmeSProfi |Text0008powerWODIDES AGASettlement assets under con5t.2CDDIDES UKkiSettlementunder con

22、st.300DIDES J5 INCkiSettlement a5sets under con5t.10DDIDES CanadaAISettlernent assets under consL5D0DIDES Jap-an6000IDES 雌m,S,A, de C,V,kiSettlement assets under const.AUODDW LimitedSettlement 基,白乜 under const.FIDOBankhaus FrankfortLEGLDGALGettl&rnent isseti under terist.n、固定资产一般操作1、新增固定资产(AS01)Crea

23、te Asset: Master dataiAsset Edit Goto Extras Environment Settings System HelpI oiljdH|c0e|aaaBa|aaa|gg|SI 园 Asset valuesAsset|ir4lHRhToo6cn 0Buiding(Production plant)ClassEG-20DDBiJdingsCornpany code | LEGGeneral Tirne-deperident | Allocatiors | CXiQin Leasing | Deprec. areas |interval from 01/01/ W

24、OD to 12/31/9999 Business arsa|LDG1 +LDG1Cost tenter丽丽 j ActnriistrationPlantETLDGLocationRoom2、固定资产取得(F-90)3、在建工程转入固定资产操作A、新增在建工程编号(AS01)B、在建工程价值取得(F-90 ,操作同上)此处略C、在建工程转入固定资产(即在建工程结算)(AIAB)点击Enter图标进入下一画面MainftamRule:S:tncfii rdfl Ldt Leto 5制行 Hotc I3 e e| m 幻心口心 图囱|保口口国此品&-7、Hksd i,sat J2?0005 (O

25、理瑜Lnctep confirticn( 此处表不该在建工程价值京MM防.100%转入固定资产点击Settlement 执行图标进入下一画面TCODE: AIBU 执行此操作将在建工程价值转入固定资产 Settlement of As5et u* ConU Receiver ListTcode :AW01N 查询固定资产价值Srrgrif Cade 叵-土LDGStI12UOMDUO 丁BuiWhg(所P bLJl* .丽EEarned value! Posted vdues | m医rsoris I Psrimeters|目心-。-国目领Planned values Book depreci

26、ationFiscal 晔r $:【anCurrAPC gn 河口1Q*103,000.00,J UOJOU,OURMBArquisitrnxalije1 iDi.nrinrn1.1 flnEnnn noRMRreir ir, irf.-n-2J.&26,C0-20.525.QURMPIJnoldniiArl 蚓RMBWM JPRMB伽jj #d|jumwntRMB售自日圆天日芥取,曲的第TransactionsAjriount Trans kp 芒Tidnbdtliu-ii tups nwLDYid dtpBpvE d叩IE哥老5tR NllmD?/1CJ2OJ1 7I.OOQ.OOD UD

27、IOCt/lflifi9iacB19cqu):ilion1 8. r 50 .CO-O.DOO.DOU.QID7M4/20W1M.MD00J4E tfsisfei Cire网”r 刖q Jis ftom AuCI.07S.CO-ODOODOOOIl.ltJUOLJ.nD 2U,ti2bJUa (LLM) ULMJ 殖值4、固定资产销售或报废(F-92)(此处会计科目仅供参考)* Ajset Retire, (rm S4le w/ Cus:Header DataHI1| e | 0 m 找 I|【氯囿|Enter Customer invoic e; Correct G/L account it

28、emDacument Edit Gobo Extras Settings Envircirimenfc 5蛾em Help上囹因 口 Q More data Act assQmnt model.,. G/l item fast entry Tax amountsQ/L accountConpany codeItem 2 / CreditAmountTax codeBusiness 5gWAS elementPurch法inq doc. Assignment TaxtNet line itemPstKyAc171019999Asset for sale (temporary)Enter Cust

29、omer invoice: Display OverviewDcKument Edit Goto Etrs Sttixp Environment System HelpIII00 0盘Q H (Ha e a困囱麴Display currency Taxes ResetIkiCLnient date07/12001Type顺Corapany code而Ptis ting da re口 7打日以DWPeriodTCurrency前一DocLtnent numberIMbkkLFiscal yeai2CWTranslation dte而,而如讶ReferenceCrosSCC no.1)0仁.11E且|1 textTrading pait,BAItems in document currencyPKDDL 4口BusA AcctLCG1


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