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3、n the contrary, it isjust a matter of time. University and college is the placet people make friends with sameerests, andthen devote themselves to the same profesal research for more years in order to discover something,which improves their theoretical learning, strengthens their knowledge po, and f

4、inally bring a crownto the graduate,his case, a pr6made diploma.162However, it is a must to get a degree from higher education society, people have less time to estimate candidates. In spite ofodern society, because in a strongert, people makeimpreson theeducational background. Thus, students from r

5、eputable university wiso6called “hot” major willthefor an ideal profesmuch easilyn those who without a diploma. It is natural to quotetevaluation system, people have to regard diploma as a proof for ones potentials and abilities.2.& $! 261Admittedly, to achieve theof promoting products to consumers,

6、 advertising also disguises itself asan attracting performance, in order to draw more attention from audien. The entertaining elementswill concentrate peoples eyesight, which provide a chance for the seller to try all efforts to promote aproduct to your hands without notice. Actually, the ultimate p

7、urpopularize their commodity all the time.e of commerls is nothing but to262To be honest, some commerls do have the pleasurable functions to some audien, but the scannot conceal the nature of advertisement, which iling commodities to common residents throughmass media propagation. On the other side,

8、 not all advertising iitable to entertain such as charitytypes containing much sadness and disasters will encourage people to fight against difficulties. It is notonly be inappropriate, but also misleading if there were some funny partshose publications.3.& $! 361With the pure of catering to mass de

9、mands, the leading media always create and come somedegraded performanprograms soar ra, which attract muore eyesight from general public. If so the ratings of thely, making far more advertising fees for the TV sion. This cycle will encourage4 | media to continue their way to appeal to the mass taste

10、 with the excusecitizens called right6to6know.t it is a civil right for all362Because the right6to6know is for everyone in community, theernment or any other supervisor cannotconfine the content of media. However, the unlimited broadcasting will ime negative impacts on everycorner. The way to take c

11、ontrol of negative sides without banning all those news report is as simple as awinking: classifying all programs and media content by rand adults.ing in different levels and groups like young4.& $! 461Old buildings like museums aretered and dangerous to live or work in, so the best solution for tho

12、searchitectures is removing as soon assible. Besides, the population explowill call for more livingspace for new residents from rural area. All of these signs lead to the determination of knocking down those old buildings without doubt. However, to deal with the problem, people should cultivate alon

13、gsighted view for the future descendants.462When it comes to the reason of preserving those ancient buildings, two aspects should be mentioned:,many architectures are still functional even in a modern time, such as many museumshe world aredecorated from a castle. For exle Forbidden City Museum is th

14、e royal palace for countless Chiemperors. Second, even if some of them were unsuitable for living in, they would have been with thehistorical and cultural meaning gling grey with time.5.& $! 561Obviously, the old generation has experienced more events and fluctuations, which accumulates moreundersta

15、nding and profesalism. As a result, people should respect those seniors in order to get wiseadvice from their past living. Moreover, in a civilized society, the old deserves moren respect, becausethey have contributed when they were young. In return, the descendants should take good care of theirfat

16、hers generation, sot they will get the same rewards when they are growing old.562On the other hand, young generation with fewer burdens is easy to accept new changech asinnovation technology, brave new lifestyle and sogroup in society, so they should have more chanl revolution. In spite of this, the

17、y cannot be dominantin order to be encouraged to try their new thoughts.Onlyhis way, can the youth experience more fluctuations and failures, whiakes a wise and bravenext generation for the future development.5 | 6.& $! 661It is entirely wrong to classify alls in a single category, because not all c

18、riminals have the samemotivation, even if they had committed the same kind of law6breaking ies. The ultimate pure of lawand rule is to renew criminals but not to eliminate them forever, so to discover the deep root of their impulse will be of great help in all those two aspects. Besides, those convi

19、cts also have civil rights like allother citizens out of prison. According to the legislation system, court can only sentence criminals to acertain punishment without subjective andal hatred.662However, some of the criminals are incurable for them are recidivists who ime serious risks on thewhole co

20、mmunity once they are setting free from prison. Maybe theirplete family or lack of basiceducation gives rise to their anti6sol behaviors, but it is definiy wrong to share the burden willresidents around. As a result, those people can hardly be rehabilied, should be seriously punished as asymbol for

21、the dignity of laws and justice.7.& $! % 761Cheap air flight enables more people to treat air travel as a common choice, which improves the usingefficiency of aircraft, and this may reduce the negative impacts on environmenlarge. As a basic facilityodern society, the local authorities from tax reven

22、ue fund air flight and airport, so it is a must toensure the factt most citizens in society should use the infrastructures equally, and it is entirelywrong make air travel as a privilege only for the rich.762Theernment plays a regulatory role in public airs, but this cannot be exaggerated withoutlim

23、iion in any particular area such as adjusting and controlling the pricing systemhe market,because this may cause some unfair situation without notice. To deal with the ie compley, it isdefiniy not sufficient to just restrict the air travel through changing the price. More importantly, theinnovation

24、and improvement of new tech will always be the very solution. Onlyhis way, can peoplesolve the transporion ie no matter in a low or a high flight charge.8.& $! 861Apparently, people love visiting museums for the entertaining functions, such as theme6center exhibition of a paer or a history6based dis

25、play of an emperor. All these shows contain full imaginations andreference for people havingerests in such a certain area of knowledge. This would bring them back tothe ancient time to feel and understand the changes and fluctuations.6 | 862More importantly, museums like Forbidden City and Museum of

26、 Great Britain are not just tourists stands,barry muore educative meaning for people, espelly for the young generation. The fantasticarchitecture represents the glorious past of their nation, which is regarded as an encouragement for theinnovation for theing generation. In addition, people in common

27、 would get great chantocommunicate with each other on the platform created by public museums, through which they may findthey are not weirdo even in a strange field.9.& $! 961The usage of new energies like nuclear and solar system will innovate some technologies with the resultt economy and markets

28、will develophe foreseeable future. Facing the shortage of current energy,people have no other choithe newly discovered resourbut to make reasonable and effective use of alternative ones. In other words,provide people with brave new ways to generateers greenly.962Obviously, finding some kinds of alte

29、rnative energy will be a smart solution for human future. However,the way people utilize those current energies like coal, oil and hydroer should be rectified as much assible, instead, people have to preserve the current and future discovered resour, because the usageof those energies determines the

30、 ratio of disappearance of them. As a result, people have to invent sometechnologies to consume those natural sourenergy crisis.with efficiency, which is the only and ultimate solution for10. & $! 1061Education in primary level should always be outlined in any area for anyernment, because it is thef

31、oundation of the whole nationhe future. Theernment is the supervisor for the sol stability,who has an inevitable obligation to prevent the public from suffering illness. Once this happens, it willdefiniy lead to the sol chaos and many unpredictable disasters.ernments have moreer toprevent the transm

32、isof disease such as perfect disease research system, accurate diagnosing systemand high6efficient treatment, all of which needs constant investment. This is a misindividual.imsible for any1062However, the security of a nation is vital for not only the national development, but also for the basic ci

33、vil rights for every individualhe community. So it is a must to maain a strong military force for acountry to defense othspending on daily basis. Theotential attacks, but the investment of national defense cannot block theernment should make all efforts to gaore profits and then spend themoney with

34、efficiency and effectiveness.7 | 11. & $! 1161It is wise for a develocountry to depend on their own natural resourand other features todevelop their economy and the like, for this would be the only motivation for the local people, amingt all vital elements are controlled by other nations will reduce

35、 the national dignity. The worse isttheernational aid from otharts of the world will also bring the sacrifice for the national treasureand even supremacy.1162However, some urgent ies like warfare, disasters like earthquake and typhoon are easily dealt with inernational level. The finanl aid will exc

36、hange for more shelters and medicines for the sick. However,the support from other nations will never last for a long period of time, and speaking of development after crisis, the responsibility will always fall to the local residents, who should reconstruct theirhomeland without others advice.12. &

37、 $! 1261It is reasonable for all students to attend to lingual training at school, becausehe teaching syllabus,language abilities are combinedhe education system for years as a standard for a long time. Inaddition, as globalization goes, the communication betn different nations stimulates with the g

38、reathelp ofernational language such as English and French, so students should make all efforts to master asecond language when they are young with the pure of future development and career.1262Furthermore, it is better for people with talents to devote themselves to lingual learning, for they spends

39、hort timeastering the tiny difference betn their mother language and second language. Moreimportantly, people with talents will contribute to the native and foreign language by creating some newexpresenriching their lingual diversity. For exle, some new cyber expreslike “blog” is theabbreviation for

40、 both “web” and “log”.13. & $! 1361Keng equal number of both genders in each occupation will protect the females equal rights to workto a large extent, because many kinds of jobs seems to exist the unfairness and discrimination againstwomen. Although the equal number is definiy not real equality, is

41、 a symbolic meaning morenanything. Every singlehas his right6to6choose. The job6ting cannot be classified only by sex,which seems to be reasonable, but violates the freedom of work choosing, at the same time, damages theauthority for the employers deci.8 | 1362Furthermore, men and women are differen

42、t in both physical and psychological aspects, which influence their working functions as well as efficiency to a large extent. If the difference is entirely ignored, it will beirresponsible for the employees, espelly for those females. The standard of a qualified employeedepends on theal abilities b

43、ut not gender, so to judge whether he or she iitable for theitioncannot only depend on one single criterion. Besides keng the equal number in a company, giving themequal chance for promotion is another behavior to show respect.14. & $! 1461Some technologiech asand theernet do simplify the lifestyle

44、of people in communicationwithout limiion on time or area, timely updates of local news and fashion trends, all of which benefitpeoples life in simplicity. The communicational tools are the instruments of sol changeshe pastfew decades: from letters toegrams, from phone to mobiles, and from tradition

45、al PC to iPad. All thesechanges provide convenience, enabling people to enjoy their modern lifestyle with ease in both time andschedule.1462Admittedly, some technologies blocks people daily routines to some extent. Overly frequent updates ofsoftware whe company huge profits. However, it may confuse

46、the consumers, for the operation costinga long period of time for learning was already out6of6date before they can make full use of thosetechnologies. In other words, the time using for learning the technology is muoren using it withease. In addition, over6depending on those technologies likeand the

47、ernet will force peopleto lose their basic imagination and memory training without notice. Aftert, they wille laziern ever before, making more troublesheir life if the technology stuff goes on strike.15. & $! 1561Privacy is a huge ie for all peopleodern society, which requires people to keep a certa

48、in distancewill others including their famis and relatives. More independent living habits and separated livingstructures will isolate people at the same time. However, the sol networking likeand theernet shortens peoples connection, but with many indirect communications instead. People have tospend

49、 more time in chatting wifriend to make an appoment time and place, and the worse istthey get used to talk with each other without face6to6face.1562So privacy is cool for everyoneodern society, and even is protected by the law. However, the overlyemphasizing on independent living may hurt the harmon

50、y of the whole family affection. So as familymembers, they should make some valuable time play meaningless andmerl activities withrelatives and friends. Speaking of modern communication, it should only be used as a compensation not9 | the major way to make friend, compared with which, face6to6face c

51、hatting is the ideal method.16. & $! # 1661Wealth can transformo enriching material and spiritual enjoyment, consisting the foundation ofsucs. No one can run after his dream withoutmodation, and no one can just indulgeaterialneeds without seeking the spiritual promotion. Obviously, living situation,

52、 economic level, educationalbackground, cultural background and even age will determine the different notion on sucs. Studentswant to be sucsful in study; parents want to be proud of their children; employees want to realize theal achievement in career; andses want toplish their public repuion in so

53、ciety.1662There are many elements consisting of sucs. One of the most vital pasts is wisdom or knowledge.Although someone owns a great amount of wealth, it is not certain for him to promote his living quality ortaste. On the contrary, if he really wants to achieve the higher living situation, the bi

54、g leap of his insight isthe key. In addition, there is another factor for sucs: tolerance and fiveness. It is inevitabletpeople may encounters and debates betn, and the best way to solve this is the restrafromboth sides. Understanding, respect, fwithout asking for rewards.iveness and even toleranhou

55、ld be the feature of sucs17. & $! ( 1761To enjoy the regalement of local food is ideal, for all foods would be just in season, fulfilling with nutrition and tasting just original flavor timely. Without transporting for a long period of time, people may cookfood righthe farming field, and then have t

56、heir well6being dinner away from additives, let alone thiswould boost the local industry and employment for the residents.1762Imported foods, on the other hand, will bring the local community a bigger market competition andhigher level of employment without notice. Most foreign foods are produced by

57、ernational entriseswiglobal standardization and perfesembly line. After all these invas, the local people may getmore job chanwith the loss of the local industry, because it is unfair and unequal to put local privatecompanies on the same platform ofernational cooperation like Starbucks and KFC.18. &

58、 $! 1861Theernment is the supervisor for the sol stability, who has an inevitable obligation to prevent the10 | public from suffering illness. Once this happens, it will definiy lead to the sol chaos and manyof disease such asunpredictable disasters.ernments have moreer to prevent the transmisperfec

59、t disease research system, accurate diagnosing system and high6efficient treatment, all of whichneeds constant investment. This is a misimsible for any individual.1862As citizens themselves, healthy condition should always bersonal and nesary obligation, becauselike the foundation of a building, health is the foundation to build everything upon life. One should beresponsible for his own health, avo


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