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1、. PAGE 下载后可自行编辑修改,页脚下载后可删除。课时分层作业(九)语言知识练习固根底 .单句语法填空1He said that he was accustomed to making(make) command decisions.2This failure results from ignorance(ignore) and negligence.3Im glad the bathroom met with your approval(approve)4Of course,you can.You need a sense of urgency(urge)5His words could

2、nt have been more inspiring(inspire)6Because of illness she didnt get much benefit from her stay abroad.7I was under the assumption(assume) that you were coming tomorrow.8He made a quick adaptation(adapt) to the new environment.9He concluded his speech with a motto of Shakespeare.10We want to take y

3、ou out to show our appreciation(appreciate).完成句子1很紧迫的是,应立即采取措施阻止这一事态的开展。It is urgent that immediate measures should be taken to stop the situation.2普遍认为,紧张系工作过重所致。It is generally assumed that stress is caused by too much work.3我不仅认识她,还是她最好的朋友。Not only did I know her,but I was her best friend.4如果你借给我

4、一百美元我会非常感谢的。Id appreciate it if you could loan me a hundred dollars.5你假设在一家国外公司工作,你可能发现很难适应不同的工作方式。If you work in a foreign company,you may find it hard to adapt yourself to a different work style.高考题型练习提能力.阅读理解AWith exams just around the corner,now is a good time to explore some of UCLs lesserknown

5、 (鲜为人知的) study spaces and get down to some revision.Here are some good choices for you:UCL Senate House HubUCL Senate House Hub opened in 2021 and provides 144 study spaces.Whats more,you can check how many spaces are available online before you head to the place.Located on the 3rd floor of the Sout

6、h Block of Senate House,the center has room for individual (供一人用的) and group study in traditional library spaces,as well as armchairs and computers.UCL Eastman Dental LibraryThe newlyredecorated UCL Eastman Dental Library is located halfway along Grays Inn Road and is open from Monday to Friday,9 am

7、 to 8 pm.The library has 72 study spaces and many IT facilities (设备)The library also has a study room for meetings and a computer room with a whiteboard.UCL Language & Speech Science LibraryUCL Language & Speech Science Library (LaSS) has disabled access and has recently been redecorated to add extr

8、a study spaces.With only 49 spaces,LaSS is smaller than most UCL libraries and tends to fill up quickly,so get there early to avoid disappointment.Senate House LibraryThis one may be cheating as Senate House Library is not technically a UCL library.However,all UCL students and staff can register (注册

9、) for free membership online.With millions of books and journals,Senate House Library offers some places which are a little less used by UCL students but perfect for students who want to focus on some hard work.【语篇解读】考试在即,想知道伦敦大学学院鲜为人知的复习场地吗?在这里也许你会找到。1The four places are mainly introduced to someon

10、e who .Aloves readingBis preparing for examsClikes learning onlineDprefers to study in librariesB细节理解题。根据第一段的“With exams just around the corner,now is a good time to explore some of UCLs lesserknown (鲜为人知的) study spaces and get down to some revision.Here are some good choices for you可知,这些场所主要是推荐给着手复

11、习备考的学生的。2What should students do online before they go to UCL Senate House Hub?AMake an appointment in advance.BCheck the librarys opening hours.CCheck whether there are available seats.DCheck whether there are available armchairs.C细节理解题。根据第二段的“Whats more,you can check how many spaces are available

12、online before you head to the place.可知,去UCL Senate House Hub之前最好在网上查看下是否有空位。3How many libraries can offer Internet services?ATwo. BThree.CFour.DFive.A推理判断题。根据文章内容可知,有两家图书馆有电脑及网络资源可使用。4What can be inferred from the passage?ALaSS may be the smallest one in the four libraries.BUCL Senate House Hub has

13、the longest history.CUCL Eastman Dental Library has no computer room.DSenate House Library is not open to UCL students.A推理判断题。根据文章内容以及第四段的“With only 49 spaces,LaSS is smaller than most UCL libraries and tends to fill up quickly,so get there early to avoid disappointment.可知,该图书馆可能是四个图书馆中最小的一个。B“Baref

14、oot Mike gets a lot of attention when he shows up at the beginning of a race.He loves to run and has been running since he was a kid.He loves to race,and often competes in 10K races.But thats not the reason he gets so much attention.People notice him because when he runs,“Barefoot Mike runs barefoot

15、.Running barefoot has become a huge trend in the world of running.“I didnt set out to be a trend setter, laughed “Barefoot Mike,otherwise known as Mike Whitaker.“Ive always been a runner,but until a few years ago,I always wore shoes.Then one day I was running after a rainstorm.I stepped off into the

16、 grass to avoid a puddle(水坑) on the sidewalk,and accidentally stepped into a huge muddy puddle that had been hidden in the grass.I tried to keep running,but the wet and dirty shoe made it really hard.I figured the best solution was to just get rid of the shoes.Mike took off his shoes and dropped the

17、m into the nearest trash can.“Then I started running.At first I went really slowly because I was watching out for rocks or other things that could hurt my feet,but there really werent any problems. He started going faster.“It felt so good! Mike said.“My knee,which always ached,didnt ache.My foot was

18、 able to spread out so I had better balance.And my feet didnt feel all hot and sweaty.It was awesome!“There are actually potential health benefits to running barefoot, said Dr.Nancy Bower,a podiatrist(足科医师)A recent study agrees.A team of researchers recently videotaped several people runningfirst we

19、aring shoes and then barefoot.In almost every case,when wearing shoes,the runners tended to land on the heel of their foot,which they call “heelstriking. Many runners have impact injuries such as knee pain.Heelstriking may be the cause of these injuries or may make an existing injury worse.When runn

20、ing barefoot,the runners tended to land on the middle part of the foot.The force is spread out throughout the foot.The ankle,shin(胫部),knee and hip dont get the shock of a hard landing with every step.【语篇解读】根据Mike光脚跑步的经历和医学分析,光脚跑步能平衡身体,治疗膝盖疼痛,对身体有益。5Why does Mike receive a lot of attention while runn

21、ing?ABecause he runs very fast.BBecause he loses his shoes.CBecause he wears no shoes.DBecause he wears strange clothes.C细节推理题。根据第一段“People notice him because when he runs,Barefoot Mike runs barefoot.可知Mike备受关注是因为他光脚跑步,应选C。6According to Paragraph 2,why did Mike run barefoot years ago?AHe liked runni

22、ng barefoot.BHe was advised to run barefoot.CHis shoe became very uncomfortable.DHis dream of becoming famous motivated him.C细节推理题。根据第二段“I tried to keep running,but the wet and dirty shoe made it really hard.I figured the best solution was to just get rid of the shoes.可知几年前由于他的鞋又湿又脏,影响他跑步,所以他甩掉鞋开场光脚

23、跑步,应选C。7After running barefoot for a while a few years ago,Mike .Awas very tiredBwas badly hurtCgave up runningDfelt unexpectedly greatD推理判断题。通过第三段Mike 的描述 “Then I started running.At first I went really slowly because I was watching out for rocks or other things that could hurt my feet,but there rea

24、lly werent any problems. He started going faster.“It felt so good! Mike said.“My knee,which always ached,didnt ache.My foot was able to spread out so I had better balance.And my feet didnt feel all hot and sweaty.It was awesome!可知几年前他光脚跑了一会儿后发现感觉非常好,膝盖不疼了,跑起来更平衡,脚也很舒服。应选D。8According to the recent st

25、udy,heelstriking .Ais bad for ones healthBis caused by existing injuriesChappens when one runs barefootDcan be avoided by wearing sports shoesA推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“Many runners have impact injuries such as knee pain.Heelstriking may be the cause of these injuries or may make an existing injury worse.可知Heel

26、striking会造成膝盖疼痛,对身体有害。应选A。.短文改错My parents run the restaurant in our city.I help out there after school every time when I am free.Yesterday afternoon I went there help out as usual.While I was there,two foreigners from Australia came to have a meal.Learned that they didnt speak Chinese at all,I went up and greeted them with English.I recommended some typical dish to them and th


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