人教新目标(Go for it)版 八年级上Unit 7 Will people have robots- 仿真模拟测试题课件(共42张PPT)_第1页
人教新目标(Go for it)版 八年级上Unit 7 Will people have robots- 仿真模拟测试题课件(共42张PPT)_第2页
人教新目标(Go for it)版 八年级上Unit 7 Will people have robots- 仿真模拟测试题课件(共42张PPT)_第3页
人教新目标(Go for it)版 八年级上Unit 7 Will people have robots- 仿真模拟测试题课件(共42张PPT)_第4页
人教新目标(Go for it)版 八年级上Unit 7 Will people have robots- 仿真模拟测试题课件(共42张PPT)_第5页
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1、Unit 7 仿真模拟测试题(时间:90分钟 满分:120分)一、听力理解(本大题分为A、B、C、D四部分,共30小题,每小题1分,共30分)(见听力训练本)二、语法选择(本大题有10小题, 每小题1分, 共10分)Computers are playing an important part in peoples lives now. How much do you know about the computer? _31_ history of the computer may interest you. _32_ is the father of the computer? An Eng

2、lish _33_ named Charles Babbage designed the first computer in the 1830s. It was not electronic _34_ scientists didnt know how electricity worked at that time. The design needed more than 50,000 moving parts. The machine was designed to follow instructions that people gave by _35_ special cards. It

3、was so complex (复杂的) that Babbage never got it built, but people still see it _36_ the first computer. The first electronic computers appeared in the 1940s. Instead of mechanical parts, people used electronic devices called vacuum tubes (真空管). These computers were so big that just one of _37_ could

4、fill a whole room. They _38_ millions of dollars. Computers improved after people used the transistors (晶体管) instead of vacuum tubes. Transistors were much _39_ and worked better than vacuum tubes. The new computers were smaller, cheaper and faster. The first computers with CPUs _40_ in the early 19

5、70s. A CPU had many very small transistors on one small chip (芯片). It made personal computers possible. As more transistors were included in the CPU, computers became faster and less expensive. ( )31. A. /B. The C. AD. An( )32. A. HowB. Where C. WhoD. What( )33. A. inventsB. invent C. inventionD. in

6、ventor( )34. A. soB. because C. ifD. until( )35. A. useB. to use C. usingD. usesBCDBC( )36. A. withB. for C. aboutD. as( )37. A. theyB. them C. theirD. theirs( )38. A. costB. costs C. will costD. are costing( )39. A. smallB. the smallest C. smallerD. smallest( )40. A. appearB. will appear C. are app

7、earingD. appearedDBACD三、完形填空(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)You may play with robot toys and see robots on TV or in films. Those robots may look like people. Most _41_ robots, however, do not look like people at all. You might _42_ one before but did not even know it. People use robots in many _43_, such as ho

8、mes, restaurants and factories. Robots in factories help people make _44_ kinds of things, from chocolate to cars. They can do the same thing over and over again and they will _45_ get bored. Robots are also useful under the water. Its _46_ and dangerous for people to work in deep (深的) water, _47_ r

9、obots dont mind that. They can take the place of people in this case. Several years ago, there was even a robot _48_ in the Mojave Desert. Teams competed to see whose robot traveled the _49_ to get to the finishing line (终点线). It was not easy because the robots must find their own way to the finishi

10、ng line. People in the teams couldnt help _50_ robots after the games started. At last, the winner got a lot of money. There are already many different kinds of robots helping people now. I think in the future there will be more. ( )41. A. rightB. real C. healthyD. natural( )42. A. seeB. sound C. ma

11、keD. dislike( )43. A. magazinesB. sports C. subjectsD. places( )44. A. difficultB. same C. differentD. easy( )45. A. neverB. really C. almostD. trulyBADCA( )46. A. dirtyB. difficult C. boringD. useful( )47. A. soB. because C. orD. but( )48. A. movieB. visit C. schoolD. race( )49. A. fastestB. slowes

12、t C. farthestD. nearest( )50. A. itsB. his C. herD. theirBDDAD四、阅读理解(本大题有15小题,每小题2分,共30分)ATony I think I will be a teacher in ten years because I like children. I will meet lots of interesting students and Ill also make friends with them. I want to keep a pet dog now, but my house is small and I don

13、t have free time. In ten years, I think I will have a pet dog.What will you be in ten years? Yesterday I did a survey (调查) among the classmates in my group. Here are their answers.续表Betty I will be a guide because I like traveling. As a guide, I can show my tourists around the world. Although it is

14、a busy and tiring job, it can make me feel happy. So I must work hard from now on.David I want to be a scientist in ten years. I will make different kinds of robots. Robots can do lots of heavy and dangerous work for people. Then people will have more time to do something they like.续表Tina I hope to

15、be a cleaner in ten years. Id like to make our city cleaner and more beautiful. Of course, I will use more machines (机器) to make it easier to clean the streets. Maybe robot cleaners will appear in the streets.( )51. Tony cant keep a pet dog now because _. A. his parents dont like any petsB. his hous

16、e is too small and hes busyC. he doesnt have money to keep a pet dogD. he is afraid that the pet dog will be noisy( )52. Betty thinks being a guide is _. A. happyB. differentC. badD. easyBA( )53. David may be interested in _according to his words. A. historyB. geographyC. musicD. science( )54. _want

17、s to be a cleaner in ten years. A. TonyB. BettyC. DavidD. TinaDD( )55. Which of the following is TRUE? A. More people will study at home in ten years.B. Betty likes children and hopes to be a teacher. C. People will be freer in ten years because of robots.D. Tina wants to make machines to clean the

18、streets. CBTeachers are important to students at school. They help students improve their studies in many ways. Some students like men teachers and others like women teachers. Students in some schools in South Korea were lucky to have special teachersrobot teachers. “Robot teachers never get angry o

19、r speak unpleasant (使人不愉快的) words. They are popular among students in some South Korean schools,” a reporter said. The students were glad to answer the robot teachers questions in class. Scientists sent English-teaching robots to three schools for eight weeks teaching, and robot teachers teaching ma

20、th, science and art to five other schools in Seoul. They found that the English-teaching robots made the students become more interested in the language and more confident about themselves. Scientists said that sending robot teachers to schools was helpful to the students in the countryside. They co

21、uld learn a lot like the students in the city in this way. They were interested in studying when robot teachers gave lessons to them. They also became more creative. Scientists were trying to make robot teachers better. What will students be like if their teachers are all robot teachers? Lets wait a

22、nd see. ( )56. Which of the following is NOT true about robot teachers? A. They never got angry. B. They never said bad words. C. They only taught English. D. They were popular. C( )57. _schools had robot teachers in South Korea.A. ThreeB. FiveC. EightD. Nine( )58. When an English-teaching robot gav

23、e lessons, _. A. the class became too noisyB. the students only cared about the robotC. the students were more interested in learning EnglishD. the students disliked their former (之前的) English teacherCC( )59. We can probably read this passage in a(n) _.A. storybookB. history bookC. music magazineD.

24、education newspaperD( )60. Whats the best title for the passage? A. Robot Teachers in South KoreaB. No Teachers in the FutureC. Teachers in SeoulD. Different Kinds of RobotsAC配对阅读。左栏是五位母亲的需求介绍,右栏是七个机构的介绍,请为左栏的每位母亲选择合适的机构,并将其字母编号填写在题号前的括号内。( )61. Betty has a six-year-old daughter. She wants her to be

25、 a musician in the future. She is looking for a famous music school for her girl. A. Blue WaterMaking swimming safe and funny, we offer different lessons to people of all ages. We have the most experienced coaches (教练). Call 079-4688. D续表( )62. Saras son is 10 years old. He is interested in water sp

26、orts. He wants to be a sailor (水手) when he grows up. B. Childrens CenterThis is a small but nice school with a modern and caring environment for girls aged from 2 to 12. Bring your daughter here. She will have fun with her schoolmates. Call 013-2457. A续表( )63. Alice learned to dance at an early age.

27、 She is a successful dancer now. She wants her little daughter to be a good dancer like her. C. Little KickersChildren can get a kick out of (从中得到乐趣) every class and learn some new skills. If you want your kids to be a football star or to be happier, why not let them come here and practice football

28、with us? Call 017-3831. F续表( )64. Mary is always worried about her daughter, who is poor at math and English at school. She is looking for a training center to help her girl. D. Monkey MusicSince 1993, thousands of children across the UK have grown up with Monkey Music. Our wonderful teaching progra

29、m introduces music to young children in a way they can easily understand and enjoy. Call 019-8286. E续表( )65. Gina has a son who is a football fan. He knows many soccer players. He wishes to be a soccer star. E. McGrath Weekend SchoolDo you want your children to do well at school? We have experienced

30、 math and English teachers, especially for students aged from 7 to 16. Call 014-3303. C续表F. Farnham DanceNew ballet (芭蕾舞) classes start on October 22nd at the St. Johns Center, 19 Tilford Rd. Farnham. Come and join us! G. English CornerDo you want to improve your English? We have all kinds of Englis

31、h activities for people interested in English learning. Call 014-3302. 五、短文填空(本大题有10小题,每题1.5分,共15分)请用适当的词完成下面的短文,并把所缺单词填写在横线上。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。We all dream about life in the future. What do you think it will be _66_?In the future, life will be much _67_. The technology (技术) will make it possibl

32、e for us to _68_ on other planets. People will fly up into space and spend their holidays there. There will _69_ more e-schools, so children can _70_ at home through the Internet or on TV. They _71_ go to school every day. Every family will have a robot and women wont do the _72_. So they will have

33、more free time than now. Also, we will be able to do anything without _73_ our homes. Because of these, many people will have no jobs. Because of the modern machines, we will use arms and legs less. People will _74_ weaker. I think modern machines are good for people but _75_ the same time they are

34、bad for us, too. Do you think so?66. _67. _68. _69. _70. _71. _72. _73. _74. _75. _likebetterlivebestudywont / neednthouseworkleavingbecome / beat六、读写综合(本大题分为A、B两部分,共25分) A. 回答问题(本题有5小题,每小题2分,共10分)请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,回答5个问题。要求所写答案语法正确、语义完整,并把答案写在横线上。Im Jane. Im 12 years old. I think I will be an Engl

35、ish teacher just like my mother in the future. Im Im Linda. Im 13 years old. I think I will be a reporter in the future. I like talking to people. I think its a Im Joe. Im 13 years old. What do I want to be when I grow up? My mother wants me to be a teacher, but 续表interested in English, and Im good

36、at it. Ill live in the school apartment and try my best to teach my students. very interesting job. But I will live far away from my hometown. Ill live in a big city. In my free time, Ill write articles and send them to newspapers. my father wants me to be an engineer. I think Ill be a doctor in the future because I want to help more people in the poor areas. I think Ill be busy all the time so I wont have time to keep pets.76. Where will


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