



1、大堂方案大堂空间是酒店留给人的第一印象。在这里设计师展开对“生命、信息”的阐述。同时设计也围绕着大堂这一概念轴心四向浸润。这是一个幽雅、简明注重功能,同时又带有现代品位的舒适空间。它成功的将内敛的恢宏设计与优秀的信息设备结合,液晶信息屏、商务服务中心、等等。针对酒店的性质,色彩以亚灰、暗红等低纯度色彩为主,材质则选用高级理石,空间稳重、高贵。大厅的主体光源天花吊灯亦是空间的表述的媒介。雨珠垂帘造型吊灯在空间有序阵列诗意般的将生命的照射到大堂的每个角落。大厅的空间主体服务台,传统手法多做封闭处理,服务员与客人界限分明。在本案中却采取更具人情味的设计,1 米高的半开放服务台设置空间上更有助于人的交

2、流,而针对 vip 服务更设无间隔的沙发座办公区,去除了服务于被服务者的空间界限,空间更具亲和力。大厅内的抽象漆画则自然的体现着地域色彩。Plan for LobbyThe spacehe lobby always gives the visitors theimpresaboutthe whole. Here, the theme of Life and Information gets full illustration,and the design also sets the lobby as the axis. It is a place with theemphasis on the

3、 elegant atmosphere and clear functions, as well ascoziness and modern taste. The sucsfulegration of the containedmajesty and excellent information equipment, such as the message screen,business center, and etc, further suggests the design consideration on thehuman-oriented.he account of the nature

4、of a ho, it then apps light gray and darkred as the major colors, and top marbles as the main material todemonstrate the spanobility and maturity.The ceiling l, the major lighting source for the lobby, also functionsas one of the media measures for the space theme. The ceiling l, likeraindrop curtai

5、n, in an order arrangement poetically irradiates the themeof the design, Life,o each corner of the lobby. The main service andinformation counter in the lobby, with the traditional practifor theclose treatment, it can clearly differentiate the hostand the visitors.The design is very human oriented, for instance, the semi-open servicecounterhe height of one meter can effectively draw close the distanceto develop an easy conversation. The VIP areahe office district withsofa and on partition further enhanthe amiability of the space, for itcan eliminate the sense of serving


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