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1、.PAGE :.;PAGE 40总承包价分期付款_年_月_日 _签署地 以下称公司 以下称打捞方赞同签署本合同,本合同于 年 月 日生效。双方赞同按本合同规定的条款打捞本合同第一条所述的船舶。 1. 船舶船名 船籍 注册地 总长/型宽/型深 设计吃水 总吨/净吨/载重吨 货物概略和性质 船舶位置、形状及作业工地情况 本合同中术语“船舶应包括任何性质的船舶、艇筏、财富或其部件,包括装载于其中或其上的任何物品,诸如但不限于本条描画的货物和燃料。2效力打捞方赞同在履行合同时做到应有的谨慎,并尽量在第10条规定的地点交付或处置船舶。在与合同中商定的效力性质不起冲突的前提下,打捞方要以应有的谨慎防止和减

2、小对环境呵斥的危害。打捞方应提供本合同附件1所载明的人员、船艇、设备,这些人员、船艇,设备该当是打捞方根据船舶情况、位置以及工地情况以为在效力过程中所必需运用的。打捞方的作业方法应按照附件2的商定,并且该当运用附件1中列明的人员,船艇和设备。3价钱和支付条款31 打捞总承包价大小写: 3. 2 延误费率: 元/天33 支付方式:第一期 第二期 第三期 第四期 34 一切向打捞方支付的款项应按照以下商定的银行帐户和货币进展支付:开户行: 开户名: 帐号: 货币 : 3. 5总承包价的每期付款都应按本合同商定,在合理期限内完全并不可撤销地由打捞方获得。本合同下一切应向打捞方支付的费用,应该没有任何

3、折扣、扣除、抵销、留置、索赔或者反索赔。3. 6根据本合同支付的一切款项,打捞方应尽快给公司开具发票。假设打捞方在合同商定期限的3个银行任务日内未收到公司应支付的款项,那么该款项应按年息 记取利息。3. 7假设公司在商定期限7日内未支付合同应付款项,或者应打捞方的要求,根据第12条需求的担保未在5个银行任务日内提供,打捞方可以在以后的任何时间,在不损害本方已得费用及所享有的进一步对公司的权益或救援的情况下,终止本合同。但是打捞方对其行使救援权益应至少提早3个任务日通知公司。4公司代表 在作业过程中应打捞方的合理要求,该当有一名公司全权代表随时在场。公司应尽能够向打捞方提供所要求的一切信息。 另

4、外,公司应在本人承当风险和费用的情况下,提供足够的高级船员或同等资质人员,这些人员应熟习货物体系和船舶布置情况,并在作业过程中应打捞方的合理要求在现场,以便为打捞方提供作业建议。5作业方法 和(或)人员、船艇和设备的调整51 假设在履行合同前或履行期间,由于以下缘由,需求对本合同项下的效力或人员、船艇、以及设备进展本质性的调整,那么打捞方应该书面通知公司,并告知其为完效果劳而估计添加的额外费用这种调整非因打捞方的过失:511由于公司的忽略,打捞方在作业时所根据的资料或数据错误;512船舶或者作业工地的位置情况有艰苦变化。52 双方应不延迟地对承包价上添加的额外费用进展协商并达成协议。 假设在打

5、捞方提供额外费用的5天内,双方不能达成一致协商,那么在不损害第511条打捞方索赔权益的情况下,任何一方都有权终止本合同下的效力,但是必需征得主管当局的赞同。此情况下,打捞方有权根据本合同的规定在终止时获得全部应得费用。 假设主管当局不赞同终止合同,公司应随时按照第3条规定的延误费率向打捞方支付费用。公司有责任向打捞方支付继续提供效力所发生的合理且必要的费用。53就额外费用的合理性和金额,根据合同的条款,双方也可以协商将此提交仲裁,以获得仲裁员的判决(仅在17.1条被选用时适用)。在提交仲裁的过程中,打捞方应继续提供本合同下的效力,同时保管其对额外费用的索赔权。5. 4 在合同履行前或履行期间,

6、假设船舶或者作业工地的位置情况发生艰苦变化,导致原打捞方案见附件2无法实施,打捞方有权变卦方案,但打捞方应将方案的变卦情况书面通知公司。6其他商定61公司应该安排所需的船舶设标和警告并支付相应费用。打捞方应该安排作业期间本方设备所需的设标和警告并支付相应费用。62打捞方在履行合同期间或为了到达合同目的,可以免费合理地运用船舶机械、索具、设备、锚、链、贮藏品,以及其他附属品,但不能对财富标的做出不用要的损坏、弃置,或者丢弃。63在获得公司赞同 (公司不得不合理地回绝)并征得主管当局的答应的情况下,假设打捞方以为是为完成合同目的所合理必需的,打捞方有权从船舶上移除、处置或者丢弃货物、船舶部件或设备

7、。 64应打捞方的要求,公司应向打捞方提供船舶图纸,货物舱单,积载图纸等资料。7答应证 公司/打捞方该当获得并持有为履行合同目的所需的执照、同意书、资质证书、授权书或答应证,同时支付相关费用。另一方应在获得答应证方面提供合理协助 。8延误 假设在履行合同期间,打捞方由于公司、公司效力人员或代理人违反合同、忽略,或任何其它过失或由于任何打捞方所不能控制的其它缘由导致效力及与之有关的任务,那么在延误期间,公司应按照第3条第2款所列的延误费率给予打捞方补偿,缺乏一天按适当比例计算。 打捞方应将一切延误情况及时告知公司,公司应尽快以书面方式确认实践发生的延误情况。 9终止91在打捞方的人员、船艇、设备

8、调遣开场之前,公司有权随时终止合同。终止时应支付 的终止合同费用。92在履行合同时或进展第5条双方赞同的调整时,打捞方在技术上和现实上曾经无法继续进展,在征得公司赞同后(公司不得不合理地回绝),打捞方可以终止合同且不承当责任,终止合同时,打捞方有权根据本合同获得一切应得费用。93假设主管机关不允许暂停或者终止合同,公司该当按照第3条规定的延误费率,在打捞方待命期间,向打捞方支付人员、船艇和设备的费用。同时,公司该当向打捞方支付因继续提供效力而产生的合理且必要费用。10船舶交付101 交船地点: 10. 2 公司或其授权代表该当在收到打捞方的书面交船通知后 小时内在交船地点接受并且接纳船舶。 船

9、舶交付地点对打捞方自有或者租用的船艇以及船舶的进入和操作应该是平安的,并且应该是打捞方经政府或者相关当局允许交付或者处置船舶的地方。 假设公司在收到打捞方书面交船通知后 小时内没有接受船舶,或者由于打捞方所不能控制的政府或者相关部门的行为致使船舶交付遭到阻止或者延误,应由公司承当从估计交付之日起打捞方发生的一切必要费用,且应该在第3条指定的延误支付费用上进展追加。10 3 假设打捞方以为无法在交船地点交付或处置船舶,或以为交船地点不平安,且公司未指定替代交付地点,那么打捞方在无不合理延误的情况下,有权在其可以平安到达的最近地点交付船舶。一旦交付或处置船舶后,可视为曾经履行了应有的合同义务。 公

10、司应按照第3条规定的延误费率并根据此款所运用的额外时间,对打捞方予以补偿,并应对打捞方在此款规定下发生的任何额外费用担任。10. 4 假设船舶是在泵和(或) 空压机或者其他设备的控制下交付,那么公司应做出适当派遣,安排己方设备和操作人员交换打捞方的设备和操作人员。 交换完成后,公司应按照合理费率支付给打捞方,自船舶交付之日起至打捞方设备和人员前往打捞方基地之日止(包括到达日)的打捞方设备和人员的运用费用,及与此相关的其它额外费用。10. 5效力终了后,假设公司在打捞方提供书面交付通知书后5日内没有及时接受船舶,或者打捞方以为船舶能够会恶化,腐烂,变得没有价值,或者会产生超越船舶价值的仓储或其它

11、费用,打捞方可以不经通知且不产生任何责任的变卖或者处置船舶,变卖船舶所得应返还给公司,并可将收益冲抵公司应支付给打捞方的费用。本条款不影响打捞方所享有的对公司的其它索赔权益。 假设上述变卖所得缺乏以支付打捞方的应得费用,公司仍应支付缺乏部分。10. 6 船舶交付应包括船舶部件、船上的货物以及船舶上的其他物件,并且可以在不同时间、不同地点进展交付。11额外费用 以下一切的费用本钱,当其到期时,应该由公司支付:111一切港口费用、引航费用、港务和运河费,以及对打捞方拥有或者租用的船艇进展征收或者应支付的一切其他类似性质的费用。112当打捞方合理以为是必要的,或者由港口、其他当局规定的辅助拖轮的效力

12、费用;113一切与港口手续、代理、签证、担保有关的费用,以及一切类似的费用。114一切税费、社会治安防卫费用(非打捞方在其主要营业地点所在国正常交纳的费用)、印花税,或者与本合同有关的其它应征收的费用、进出口税和海关关税;115在履行合同时所发生的超出打捞方合理费用以外的应政府、相关当局要求而发生的费用。116在对船舶进展处置或其他作业时,承包方合理耗费的便携式救助设备、资料或者贮藏品的一切费用。 假设以上费用实践上曾经由打捞方或者打捞方代表进展了支付,公司在收到打捞方发票时应根据打捞方实践发生的费用补偿给打捞方。12担保 公司应在签署本合同时,以双方协商赞同的方式和数额提供不可取消和无条件的

13、担保。假设在签署合同时未商定担保,但事后打捞方要求做出担保,那么公司该当对应付或将付款项的全部或部分,以双方协商赞同的方式和数额提供担保或者进一步担保。 应打捞方要求,这种担保应一次或者多次予以提供。13责任1311在履行合同期间,由于以下人员的伤亡所裁定的应担任任或经过合理调解的索赔,公司应保证打捞方不受损害:公司的效力人员或其代理人;代表公司或应公司的恳求,不论何种目的处在或接近作业工地的其他人员。1312在履行合同期间,由于以下人员伤亡所裁定应担任任或经过合理调解的索赔,打捞方应保证公司不受损害:打捞方的效力人员或其代理人;代表打捞方或应打捞方的恳求,不论何种目的处在或接近作业工地的其他

14、人员。1321公司及其效力人员和代理人对打捞方一切或租用的船艇或设备(不包括在对船舶处置或其他作业期间合理耗费的可携带的救助设备、资料或贮藏品)蒙受的任何性质的损失或损坏,不负任何责任,不论这种损失或损坏能否由于公司及其效力人员和代理人违反合同、忽略或其它过失所致。1322打捞方及其效力人员和代理人对船舶所蒙受的任何性质的损失或损坏包括但不限于船体变形、构造损坏等,不负任何责任,不论这种损失或损坏能否由于打捞方及其效力人员和代理人违反合同、忽略或其它过失所致。1331 在履行合同期间,公司应担任并赞同保证打捞方免受不论任何缘由导致的由船舶产生的实践的或潜在的任何污染损害引起的索赔、本钱、费用、

15、行为、诉讼、要求和责任。1332 在履行合同期间,打捞方应担任并赞同保证公司免受不论何种缘由导致的由打捞方本人或租用的船艇产生的实践的或潜在的污染损害所引起的索赔、本钱、费用、行为、诉讼、要求和责任。134 除非本合同有其他额外规定,公司或打捞方对任何缘由引起的另一方的利润损失、运用损失、消费损失或其它间接损失不负有责任。14喜玛拉雅条款本合同规定的有利于打捞方或公司的全部例外、豁免、辩护、免除、责任限制、赔偿、优惠和条件将同样适用于打捞方或公司各自的分包人、运营人,船东(假设公司是光船承租人)、船长、高级船员和船员;也适用于各自的母公司、子公司、分公司或与其在同一管理下的一切法人团体,以及团

16、体中的全部董事、高级职员、任务人员和代理人;也适用于代表双方实行合同的一切任务人员,代理人和分包人。打捞方或公司应充任上述人员、实体和船舶的代理人或受托人,并代表他们的利益,但目的仅限于为了将利益扩展给上述人员、实体和船舶。15留置权 在不损害打捞方享有的对人或物的权益的情况下,打捞方为了获得合同中的应得款项,有权对船舶行使留置权,在行使留置权的过程中,有权占有船舶财富。同时,打捞方或其代表在执行留置权时不论何种缘由所产生的本钱和费用,公司都该当支付给打捞方。16诉讼时效任何由本合同引起的或与本合同有关的争议,或由履行合同所引起的索赔,应以电传、电报或其它书面方式通知被索赔方,通知要在完效果劳

17、或效力终止后的12个月内,或在第三方提出索赔恳求的12个月内提出(以较迟者为准)。诉讼该当在向被索赔方提出索赔恳求的一年内提出。否那么,将会失去本合同下的索赔权益和诉讼权益。17适用法律和管辖 本合同受中华人民共和国法律管辖并据此解释;由本合同引起的争议应由合同双方友好协商处理,如协商不成,那么按以下方式处理(二者选一):17. 1 提交中国海事仲裁委员会在北京按其仲裁规那么仲裁。17. 2向 海事法院提起诉讼。 签字公司: 签字打捞方: (总承包价分期付款) 附件1人员、船艇、设备细目表 (总承包价分期付款) 附件2打捞方案 China Diving and Salvage Contract

18、ors Association (CDSCA) Wreck Removal AgreementLump Sum Stage Payments Date: Place: This Agreement is entered into by and between (hereinafter referred to as “the Company) and (hereinafter referred to as “the Contractor) and is effective this day of .The Company and the Contractor mutually agree to

19、remove the vessel stated in Clause 1 subject to terms and conditions hereunderThe Vessel Name Flag Place of Registry Length/Beam/Depth Maximum Draft GT/NT/DWT Details and Nature of Cargo Position and Conditon of Vessel, Condition of Worksite The term Vessel shall include any vessel, craft, property

20、or part thereof of whatsoever nature, including anything contained therein or thereon, such as but not limited to cargo and bunkers, as described in this ClauseThe Services The Contractor agrees to exercise due care in performance of this Agreement, and will endeavour to deliver or dispose of the Ve

21、ssel at the place indicated in Clause 9 Insofar as it is not inconsistent with the nature of the services to be rendered under this Agreement, the Contractor will also exercise due care to minimize damage to the environmentThe Contractor shall provide the Personnel, Craft and Equipment set out in An

22、nex I of this Agreement which the Contractor deems necessary for the services based upon the Specifications, Condition and Position of the Vessel and Worksite. The Contractors Method of Work shall be as described in Annex II, utilising the Personnel, Craft and Equipment described in Annex I.3 Price

23、and Conditions of Payment31 Lump Sum Price (in figures and words): 32 Delay Payment Rate: 33 Payments:1st Installment 2nd Installment 3rd Installment 4th Installment 34 All payments to the Contractor shall be made in the currency and to the bank account stipulated hereunderBank: Account Name: Accoun

24、t Number: Currency: 3 5 Each installment of the lump sum shall be fully and irrevocably earned at the moment it is due as set out in this Clause All monies due and payable to the Contractor under this Agreement shall be paid without any discount, deduction, set-off, lien, claim or counterclaim36 The

25、 Contractor shall promptly invoice the Company for all sums payable under this Agreement If any sums which become due and payable are not actually received by the Contractor within 3 banking days after due, they shall attract interest at annual rate of _37 If any amount payable under this Agreement

26、has not been paid within seven (7) days of the due date, or if the security required in accordance with Clause 12 is not provided within five (5) banking days following the request by the Contractor, then at any time thereafter the Contractor shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement without pre

27、judice to the sums already due to the Contractor and to any further rights or remedies which the Contractor may have against the Company Provided always that the Contractor shall give the Company at least three (3) working days notice of its intention to exercise this right4 Company Representative I

28、f reasonably required by the Contractor a representative of the Company will be available during the operations with the full authority to act on behalf of the Company The Company will use its best endeavours to provide all information required by the ContractorIn addition, the Company will provide

29、at its sole risk and expense sufficient officers or their equivalents, who are fully conversant with the cargo system and layout of the Vessel, and who should be in attendance when reasonably required during the operations in order to provide advice as and when requested by the Contractor5 Change of

30、 Method of Work and/or Personnel, Craft and Equipment51 The Contractor shall forthwith give notice in writing thereof to the Company and of the estimated additional costs to effect the services, if before or during performance of this Agreement, , there is a substantial change in the work to be done

31、 under this Agreement, or in the Personnel, Craft and Equipment required to undertake the services due toprovided always that such changes are not caused by fault on the part of the Contractor:511 any error in the information or specification upon which the Contractor has relied caused by the neglec

32、t of the Company.512 a material change in the position and/or condition of the Vessel or the worksite.52 The parties shall, without delay, consult each other to reach agreement on the amount of the additional costs to be added to the Lump SumIn the event that the parties are unable to reach agreemen

33、t on the additional costs within 5 days of the Contractor providing details of the extra costs, either party may terminate the services under this Agreement, without prejudice to any claim the Contractor may have under Clause 511 , provided always that such termination is permitted by the competent

34、authorities In such event the Contractor is entitled to be paid all sums due at the time of termination in accordance with this agreementIf permission to terminate is not given by the competent authorities the Contractor shall be paid by the Company at the Delay Payment Rate set out in Clause 3 duri

35、ng any standby period, and the Company shall be liable for the Contractors reasonable and necessary costs of continuing with the services5 3 Alternatively the parties may by agreement refer the matter to Arbitration in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement for a decision by the Arbitrator

36、 on the reasonableness and quantum of such extra costs (only applicable when Clause 17.1 is selected).In the event the matter is referred to Arbitration the Contractor will continue to provide the services hereunder, without prejudice to his claim for additional remuneration.5 4 Before or during per

37、formance of this Agreement, if the method of work (as specified in Annex = 2 * ROMAN II) can not be carried out as a result of a material change in the position and/or condition of the Vessel, or the worksite, the Contractor is entitled to change the method of work provided always that notice in wri

38、ting of such changes of the method of work is given to the Company by the Contractor6Miscellaneous61 The Company shall arrange and pay for any marking of the Vessel and cautioning required The Contractor shall arrange and pay for any marking or cautioning required in respect of its own equipment dur

39、ing the services under this Agreement 62 The Contractor may make reasonable use of Vessels machinery, gear, equipment, anchors, chains, stores and other appurtenances during performance of and for the purposes of this Agreement free of expense but shall not unnecessarily damage, abandon or sacrifice

40、 any property the subject of this Agreement63 Subject to approval of the Company, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, and subject to it being permitted by the competent authorities, the Contractor shall be entitled to remove, dispose or jettison cargo, or parts of the Vessel or equipment from

41、the Vessel if such action is considered by the Contractor to be reasonably necessary to perform this Agreement64 The Company will provide the Contractor with such plans and drawings of the Vessel, cargo manifests, stowage plans, etcas the Contractor may require7PermitsAll necessary licenses, approva

42、ls,qualification, authorizations or permits for the purpose of this Agreement shall be obtained, maintained and paid for by the Company/the Contractor The other party shall provide the party above with all reasonable assistance in connection with the obtaining of such licenses, approvals, authorizat

43、ions or permits8DelaysIf the Contractor is prevented from performing any meaningful work in and about the services due to breach of contract, negligence or any other fault on the part of the Company, its servants or agents, or due to any other reasons outside the control of the Contractor, then duri

44、ng all such delays the Contractor shall be remunerated by the Company at the delay payment rate set out in Clause 3.2 which shall apply on a pro rata basis for parts of a working day.The Company shall be promptly advised by the Contractor about all delays, which shall be confirmed in writing as soon

45、 as possible 9Termination91 The Company may terminate this Agreement at any time prior to commencement of mobilization of the personnel or the craft or the equipment of the Contractor, upon payment of the Cancellation Fee of 92 The Contractor, with the agreement of the Company, which shall not be un

46、reasonably withheld, may terminate this Agreement without any further liability if performance of this Agreement or completion of any agreed change of work under Clause 5 hereof, becomes technically or physically impossible In the event of such termination, the Contractor shall be entitled to paymen

47、t of all monies due in accordance with this Agreement93 If permission to suspend or terminate is not given by the competent authorities the Contractor shall be paid by the Company at the delay payment rate set out in Clause 3 for Personnel, Craft and Equipment during any standby period, and the Comp

48、any shall be liable for the Contractors reasonable and necessary costs of continuing with the services10Delivery 101 Place of Delivery: 102 The Vessel shall be accepted forthwith and taken over by the Company or its duly authorized representative at the place of delivery within hours after receiving

49、 the written notice of delivery from the Contractor The place of delivery shall be safe and accessible for the Contractors own or hired-in craft and the Vessel to enter and operate in and shall be a place where the Contractor is permitted by governmental or other authorities to deliver or dispose of

50、 the VesselIn the event the Vessel is not accepted forthwith by the Company within hours after receiving the written notice of delivery from the Contractor or delivery is prevented or delayed by action of governmental or other authorities outside the control of the Contractor, all costs necessarily

51、incurred by the Contractor from the moment of the tender for delivery shall be for account of the Company These costs shall be in addition to any delay payment as set out in Clause 3103 If it is considered by the Contractor to be impossible or unsafe for the Vessel to be delivered or disposed of at

52、the place of delivery and the Company is unable to nominate an acceptable alternative place, the Contractor is at liberty to deliver or dispose of the Vessel at the nearest place it can reach safely and without unreasonable delay, and such delivery or disposal shall be deemed a due fulfillment by th

53、e Contractor of this AgreementThe Company shall reimburse the Contractor for any additional time used pursuant to this sub-clause at the Delay Payment Rate set out in Clause 3, and shall be liable to the Contractor for any additional expenses arising under this sub-clause104 In the event the Vessel

54、is delivered under the control of pumps and/or compressors or other equipment the Company shall with all due dispatch arrange for their own equipment and operators to replace the Contractors equipment and their operatorsUntil such replacement the Company shall pay the Contractor for the use of its e

55、quipment and operators at reasonable rates as from the day of delivery, until and including the day of arrival of the equipment and personnel at the Contractors base, plus any additional costs relating thereto and incurred by the Contractor105 If the Company fails, on completion of the services, to

56、take delivery of the Vessel within five (5) days of the Contractor tendering written notice of delivery, or if in the opinion of the Contractor the Vessel is likely to deteriorate, decay, become worthless or incur charges whether for storage or otherwise in excess of its value, the Contractor may, w

57、ithout prejudice to any other claims the Contractor may have against the Company, without notice and without any responsibility whatsoever attaching to the Contractor, sell or dispose of the Vessel and apply the proceeds of sale in reduction of the sums due to the Contractor from the Company under t

58、his Agreement Any remaining proceeds will be refunded to the CompanyIn the event that such sale or other disposal of the Vessel fails to raise sufficient net funds to pay the monies due to the Contractor under the terms of this Agreement then the Company shall remain liable to the Contractor for any

59、 such shortfall106 Reference to delivery of the Vessel shall include parts of the Vessel and/or cargo and/or any other thing emanating from the Vessel and such delivery may take place at different times and different places11Extra Costs The following expenses/costs shall be paid as and when they fal

60、l due by the Company:111 all port expenses, pilotage charges, harbour and canal dues and all other expenses of a similar nature levied upon or payable in respect of the Vessel and the Contractors owned or hired-in craft;112 the costs of the services of any assisting tugs when reasonably deemed neces


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