2021-2022学年江西省萍乡市高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 Word版含答案_第1页
2021-2022学年江西省萍乡市高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 Word版含答案_第2页
2021-2022学年江西省萍乡市高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 Word版含答案_第3页
2021-2022学年江西省萍乡市高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 Word版含答案_第4页
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1、江西省萍乡市2021-2022学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷(120分钟,总分150分)本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。考试结束后,将本试卷和答案卡一并交回。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What does the man give the woman?A. A plant. B. A CD. C. Some flowers. 2

2、. What is the woman going to do next?A. Cook a meal. B. Write her paper. C. Do some typing3. What is the mans job now?A. An engineer. B. A teacher. C. A reporter. 4. Why hasnt the man sent the letter?A. He forgot about it. B. He has been too busy. C. He couldnt find the post office. 5. What are the

3、speakers mainly talking about?A. A cake. B. A caf. C. A drink. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What was the weather like in Harbin during the mans stay?A. Hot. B. Cool. C

4、. Cold. 7. Why didnt the man spend much money on his trip?A. He stayed in a little hotel. B. He shared meals with his friends. C. He stayed at his grandfathers house. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. Where are the speakers?A. At a store. B. In a classroom. C. At the mans home. 9. What kind of music does the woman

5、like now?A. Jazz music. B. Rock music. C. Country music. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What should the club members wear?A. Golf shoes. B. Golf pants. C. Club sweaters. 11. How much is a half-hour lesson?A. $20. B. $40. C. $80. 12. What do we know about Westwood Golf Club?A. Tt has a swimming pool. B. Teache

6、rs often give group lessons. C. Club members can invite guests to play there. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. Where did Cindy hear about smart cars?A. From a magazine article. B. From a TV program. C. From a newspaper report14. What does Joe imply about Louis?A. He owns a smart car. B. He works in a car compan

7、y. C. He has a good sense of direction. 15. Why was Joe late?A. He got lost. B. He ran out of gas. C. He got into an accident16. Whats the relationship between the speakers? A. Co-workers. B. Brother and sister. C. Husband and wife. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. How much is a group ticket to the castle?A. $

8、3. B. $4. C. $6. 18. Who should the students give money to?A. Mr. Hill. B. Mrs. Philips. C. Mr. Gifford. 19. What time should the students get to school tomorrow morning?A. At 7:15 a. m. B. At 7:30 a. m. C. At 7:45 a. m. 20. What should the students take with them?A. Munch. B. A pen. C. A piece of p

9、aper. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。AFailure isnt the end, unless you let it be. Dont believe me? Here are four people who lived through failure before going on to become names known around the world:Walt DisneyDisney began his career by b

10、eing fired by a newspaper for not being creative enough. Later, his Mickey Mouse cartoons were rejected because they were considered to be “too scary for women”. Also, “The Three Little Pigs” was turned down because it only had four characters. Thankfully, we have the Disney company today because Wa

11、lt chose not to listen to any of his critics and press forward towards his dreams. Stephen KingKing is a best-selling writer whose work has been made into several motion pictures. However, his first work was rejected 30 times, which lead to King throwing it in the trash. Thankfully, his wife made hi

12、m keep working at it, and from that struggling start Carrie was born. Milton HersheyThe man who blessed us with the sweet milk-chocolate treat we all love wasnt a hit the first time around. He once worked for a local candy factory. But when he went out on his own, he failed miserably. Then he return

13、ed to the family farm and perfected the art of making delicious milk-chocolate candy, which we enjoy in the form of Hershey chocolate today. Theodor GieselThis author struggled to write a novel that publishing companies would call something other than “pure rubbish” several times 27 to be exact. The

14、 man just wouldnt quit, though. One fateful night, he ran into an old friend who was a childrens literature editor. The friend agreed to publish Giesels work. Better known today as Dr. Seuss, Giesel was never again called a failure after his first book struck it.1. Why is Disney company known to us

15、nowadays?A. Disney was rejected many times.B. Disney improve his works later.C. Disney fired a newspaper and began his career.D. Disney ignored critics and fought for his dreams.2. What is Milton Hershey famous for today?A. His big family farm.B. His well-known art career.C. His delicious milk-choco

16、late candy.D. His experience in making milk-chocolate.3. What can we infer about the people mentioned in the text?A. They have a gift for making money.B. They suffered defeat on a path to success.C. They are creative and highly educated.D. They are successful at the very start.BI was born in a poor

17、community on the north side of Boston, US, raised by a single mother who didnt finish 3rd grade, lived each day on food stamps and attended what the media called “the most dysfunctional (功能失常的) public school district”. Not many people expected much of me, so I had to expect something of myself. On m

18、y 13th birthday, I bought a poster of Harvard to hang in my room. Being at Harvard became what dreamt about. Even when my electricity was cut off and I woke up at 5:30 am to pitch blackness, I knew that my poster of Harvard was still hanging only two feet away from me. Reminding myself of my goal ea

19、ch day made it easy to say no to the same choices I saw my peers making, because those paths wouldnt have gotten me closer to my goal. Even poverty (贫穷 ) could not take away my power to decide what I choose to do with my day. The poster gave me the courage to cold email about 50 Harvard students so

20、I could ask for feedback on my application essays; it gave me the energy to study just one more hour on my SATs when my friends were asleep; and it gave me the determination to submit just one more scholarship application when 180 others had already turned me down. Every day I could feel myself gett

21、ing closer and closer to my goal as my writing got better, my SAT score increased, and my scholarship checks started coming in. Finally, an email arrived from Harvard. The first word was “Congratulations!”. A month later, Harvard flew me up to visit the campus where for the first time I stepped onto

22、 my dreaming land. Who you are today is the result of the decisions you made yesterday, and who you will be tomorrow will be the result of the choices you make today. Who do you want to be tomorrow?4. What can we learn about the author from the first paragraph?A. He experienced disability.B. He grew

23、 up in a happy family.C. He accepted special education.D. He had high expectation of himself.5. What efforts did the author make to achieve his goal?A. He often wrote feedbacks on others essays.B. He spent more time preparing for the exams.C. He learnt from his peers from time to time.D. He consulte

24、d his teacher when having problems.6 Which can best describe the authors character?A. Intelligent and humorous.B. Courageous and friendly.C. Determined and hardworking.D. Generous and selfless.7. Which of the following can be the main idea of the text?A. Perseverance can make your dream come true.B.

25、 Explanation of “Failure is the mother of success”.C. The longest journey begins with the first step.D. Hardship serves as a textbook of life.CFor anyone connected with a school, the last couple of weeks should have been a pile-up of plays, choir (合唱团) performances, and talent shows. But a report fo

26、und, alarmingly, that 53% of primaries and 63% of secondaries that normally hold a festive concert at the end of the first term did not do so. It is deeply troubling that music is no longer being taught to 11-to-14-year-olds in more than half of state secondaries. And some children get as little as

27、one day of music lesson a year. If this situation is allowed to continue music-making will become the preserve (保留地) of those who can afford it. And the intense competition for better academic performance has only sped up this trend. A survey published this month of more than 1, 300 music teachers f

28、ound that a third of British primary schools are not singing, while a quarter have stopped instrumental lessons. Almost three-quarters of primary and two-thirds of secondary schools have cancelled extracurricular music. Though a sharp decline of music provision is due to various social factors, Ofst

29、ed appeared to put this down to schools themselves, rather than pointing the finger at the governments silence to educators appeal. This is very sad and shortsighted. On the most basic level, music aids academic achievement. Research suggests that music-making improves speech and literacy. But acade

30、mic progress is too narrow a standard of success. In her book, Joan Koenig argues that music is fundamental to a well-functioning society. Besides that, music-making nurtures sympathy and belonging. “People stand a much better chance of finding meaning and happiness in their lives if they feel that

31、they belong,” as Koenig puts it. “Studies show that group musical practice can create and increase this feeling. It is when people dont have a sense of belonging that things go wrong.”In this time of uncertainty and fear ensuring that all children can access music-making is a cause deserving meaning

32、ful backup and help from the government.8. What docs Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?A. Music plays an important role in schools.B. Music lessons are nearly absent from classrooms.C. Schools only value academic achievements.D. Parents cannot afford students, music lessons.9. According to Ofsted, who i

33、s to blame for the affected music provision?A. The government.B. The educators.C. The schools.D. The researchers10. What does the underlined word “nurturest” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A. Worsens.B. Ruins.C. Symbolizes.D. Promotes11. What does the author mainly convey in the last paragraph?A. Musi

34、c education calls for support and attention.B. Music education is uncertain.C. Music-making is tough.D. Music-making makes sense.DTo find out how effective language learning applications allow mobile users to study a new language anywhere anytime, Shawn Loewen, a professor at Michigan State Universi

35、ty, recently conducted a study focusing on Babbel, a popular language learning app and e-learning platform first launched in 2007, to see if it really worked at teaching a new language. “Despite the fact that millions globally are already using language learning apps, there is a lack of published re

36、search on their effect on speaking skills,” Loewen said. “Actually there are no other studies that have researched mobile language learning apps in this way. Therefore, this study makes an important contribution to the field.”In the study, which is published in Foreign Language Annals, 85 undergradu

37、ate students at MSU used Babbel for 12 weeks to learn Spanish. At the beginning of the study, the students took a pre-test to examine their existing oral proficiency (熟练), vocabulary and grammar in Spanish. After 12 weeks, the 54 students who completed all study requirements took the same test again

38、 to see how much knowledge they had gained. The study showed that nearly all the students who completed improved in their Spanish language knowledge and ability to communicate. “The result proves that using Babbel can advance the development of oral communication skills and not just grammar and voca

39、bulary, as a previous study had shown,” Leowen said. As one might expect, learning gains were related to the amount of time students used. The more time the learners used, the more progress they made. Also, no matter how convenient and effective a language learning app may be, what might be the most

40、 important is that learners stick with it.12. What function does Babbel mainly have?A. Creating learning applications.B. Conducting e-learning research.C. Offering language learning.D. Publishing research results.13. What does Loewens study focus on?A. Speaking.B. Vocabulary.C. Reading.D. Grammar.14

41、. How is the study carried out?A. By studying previous studies.B. By researching applications.C. By completing interviews.D. By doing experiments.15. What does the study show?A. Sticking didnt necessarily mean making progress.B. Learning apps did much good to language learning.C. Students participat

42、ing in the study behaved pretty well.D. The amount of time spent on the app didnt matter a lot.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑,选项中有两项为多余选项。Diaolou The Watchtower-like Houses in Kaiping CityThis morning well drive 1.5 hours to visit the unique “Diaolou”houses in Kaip

43、ing City. You will feel puzzled when hearing the word Diaolou, dont you?_16_Kaiping is a small city in Guangdong Province, which has long been known as the native land of a great many overseas Chinese. They, you know, are nostalgic people having a strong feeling of longing for home._17_. Those house

44、s built by the returned overseas Chinese during the late 19th and early 20th centuries are all watchiower-like, with thick solid wails, small and narrow iron doors and windows._18_? Well, the reasons are clear. First, public order at that time was bad and banditry was a real headache and the better-

45、off returned overseas Chinese families naturally became targets for robbery._19_. So these solid and high-rise buildings were good both for defense against bandits and for refuge from the floods._20_ Its total number amounted to 3, 300 in the peak years and now the registered number is 1833, and twe

46、nty of the better ones are written on the World Heritage List by UNESCO. Org(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization).A. Diaolou is becoming more and more beautifulB. Now let me tell you something about Kaiping DiaolouC. Kaiping Diaolou is listed as a key cultural relic prot

47、ected by the stateD. Why did they have their houses built into a structure of a watchtowerE. Those overseas Chinese firmly supported the construction of their hometownF. So, the overseas Chinese would come back to buy a piece of land to build their housesG. Second, the Kaiping area is a stretch of l

48、ow-lying land and floods were a frequent occurrence第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) Since the age of three, Hill had dreamed of becoming a dancer. Hill, then a 17-year-old high school _21_ was in a car accident that left her paralyzed(瘫痪)from the waist down. For most people, that woul

49、d have ended any _22_ of a dancing career. For Hill, it was the beginning. She wanted to prove that she was still _23_. So Hill danced in her wheelchair right alongside her nondisabled high school dance team. It _24_ took a lot of learning and patience.After graduation, Hill met people online who ha

50、d suffered various spinal cord(脊髓) injuries but shared her _25_ , and she invited them to dance with her. Hoping to reach more people in a larger city, Hill moved to Los Angeles in 2014 and _26_ a team of dancers with disabilities called the Rollettes. “I want to _27_ the stereotype(刻板印象) of wheelch

51、air users and show that dance is dance, whether youre walking or youre _28_ ,” she told CBS News.Dancing on _29_, the Rollettes discovered, can be just as fast, artful as the foot-based people. Hill has achieved her childhood _30_. Every year she holds a dance camp for wheelchair users of all ages a

52、nd abilities. In 2019, 173 people from ten countries _31_. For many, it was the first time theyd felt they _32_. “I had a girl say it was the most empowering thing when she rolled into a room and everyone was at _33_ level,” Hill told CBS News. Edna Serrano says that being part of the Rollettes team

53、 has given her the _34_ to get behind the wheel of a car. “I didnt know I could do so many things that these girls have taught me,” she says. “Its so _35_ to have my teammates in my life, because theyre my teachers. I have more confidence.”21. A. teacherB. seniorC. pupilD. worker22. A. talkB. season

54、C. hopeD. beauty23. A. lovelyB. rightC. prettyD. normal24. A. surelyB. instantlyC. exactlyD. only25. A. knowledgeB. worryC. painD. determination26. A. choseB. formedC. supportedD. played27. A. send upB. give awayC. break downD. break off28. A. rollingB. runningC. lyingD. jumping29. A. busesB. street

55、sC. floorsD. wheels30. A. memoryB. dreamC. illnessD. event31 A. attendedB. rushedC. signedD. moved32. A. touchedB. interestedC. relaxedD. belonged33. A. shoulderB. eyeC. mouthD. foot34. A. planB. abilityC. courageD. condition35. A. powerfulB. mysteriousC. stressfulD. natural第二节(共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅

56、读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。The mascot (吉祥物) for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games _36_ (show) to the public at Beijings Shougang Ice Hockey Arena on September 17th, 2019. The name of the mascot is “Bing Dwen Dwen”, _37_ is closely associated with the host nations culture.The image of it is d

57、esigned based _38_ the giant panda. _39_ (dress) in a full body suit of ice, a symbol of purity and _40_ (strong), the panda wears a helmet with colored halo (光环). The lines of the halo represent the snow tracks and 5G technology. The heart shape in _41_ (it) left palm represents the host countrys hospitality.The name “Bing Dwen


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