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1、练习一、根据首字母提示,补全句子:1.I want you to come, it means I h_ you can come.2.The foods you buy at the grocers are g_.3.A person who sells newspapers and magazines is a n_.4.I want to buy some medicine, so I must go to the c_. operoceriesewsagenthemists 练习二、将下列句子变成否定句和疑问句.1.I have a car.(变成否定句) _2.We have got

2、 some books.(变成疑问句) _3.He has two pens.(变成否定句) _I dont have a car.Have you got any books ?He doesnt have two pens.4.They had a bike.(变成疑问句) _5.She has got some money.(变成否定句) _They didnt have a bike.She hasnt got any money. 练习三、用many, much或a lot of填空。 1. I need _ writing paper. I havent got _. 2. How

3、 _ weeks are there in a year? 3. I want to buy _ tins of beer. Have you got _? 4.Have you got _ potatoes on your plate?a lot ofmuchmanya lot ofmanymany5. I saw _ chickens in the garden.6. They havent got _ fresh chicken in the store.7. How _ pounds of sugar do you need?8. There arent _ chocolates in

4、 the box.9. There are _ pictures in this book.10. Were _ students absent yesterday?manya lot ofmuchmanymanya lot of练习四:写出下列短语:1.写一张购物 _2.本周 _3.去食品店 _4.怎么样? _5.去肉店 _6.根本不,一点也不 _make a shopping listWhat about.?go to the grocersthis weekgo to the butchersnot.at allA. What do we have?B. We havent got an

5、y beer.C. Have you got any money?D. What are you going to buy?E. Where are you going?F. We havent got any eggs, either.练习五、补全对话:Dave: 1_Anna: Yes, I have. 2_Dave: 3_. I am going to the grocers to get some.Anna: OK. Do we need to buy any eggs?Dave: Yes. 4_Anna: 5_Dave: We only have some biscuits, pea

6、s and mince.Anna: Oh, I must go to the grocers with you. We must buy some honey, eggs, cabbagesDave: OK.CDBFA L79-80 随堂练习一、记住一个词的“音、形、义”很重要呀! chemist / / 药剂师 2. /ni:d/ ( ) 3. /vedZtEBEl/ 蔬菜4. /steiSEnERi/ ( )stationery 文具 kemistneed 需要vegetable二、“词组”可是造句的基础呀! 1. 许多,大量 _ 2. 怎么样?_3. 写一张采购物品的单子_ 4. 看上去

7、不舒适_ 5. 说实话_ 6. 在前面_ 7. 在前部_ 8. 把某物摔了_ 9. 桥底下_ 10. 在架子上_ on the shelf a lot ofwhat aboutmake a shopping listlook uncomfortableto tell the truthin front ofin the front ofdrop sth.under the bridge三、完完整整。 Mrs. Black hasnt got any bread and cakes. She is going to the b to get some.2.You can get some asp

8、irins and some other kind of medicine at a c .3.We need some meat. We must go to the b .4.My daughter and I are going to the g to get some fruit.5.We havent got any envelopes and writing paper. We are going to the n to get some stationery.ewsagents akershemistsutchers reengrocers四、实战演练 这是小Jimmy 和营业员

9、的对话,补充完整吧。A. Seven, please. B. Yes, please. I want some onions.C. How much are these things? D. Heres the money. E. Ill take it. Woman: Good morning! Can I help you? Jimmy: 1_ Woman: How many do you want? Jimmy: 2_ Woman: OK. Here you are.Woman: One yuan a kilo. Theyre cheap. Jimmy: Thats fine. 3_ Woman: Here you are. Jimmy: 4_ Woman: Let me see. Three yuan fifty fen. Jimmy: 5_ Woman: Thank you. Heres your change. D BAEC五、我是小翻译家。1. 我们希望你明天


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