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1、.PAGE :.;附件9 理学与工学门类各学院“高程度国际会议名录一、资料学院“高程度国际会议名录1. International Conference on Fatigue, 2. International Conference on Strength of Metals and Alloys, ICSMA conferences began in 1967.每三年一届,在不同国家举行,今年是14届3. International Conference on Superalloy, 美国TMS协会举行4. International Congress on Fracture, 5. Int

2、ernational Conference on Mechanical Behaviour of Materials6. International Conference on Martensitic Transformations7. International Conference on Nanomaterials, 8. Inter Conference of Hydrogen Energy, 国际氢能协会、美国氢能协会等9. International Institute of Welding (IIW), 国际焊接学会10. International Thermal Spray C

3、onference, Organized by ASM International, IIW (International Institute of Welding), DVS (German Welding Society), (美国资料学会, 国际焊接学会与德国焊接学会结合组织)11. International Conference on Solid State Ionics, Organized by International, Society of Solid State Ionics (国际固态离子学会组织)12. International on Science & Proce

4、ssing of Cast Iron(SPCI), 13. International Conference on Wear of Materials, Elsevier Sequoia S.A., Lausanne14. Wear of MaterialsWOM), Elsevier美国ASME15. International Congress on Ceramics, 16. The American Ceramic Societys Annual Meeting, 17. International Cocoa Beach Conference & Exposition on Adva

5、nced Ceramics and Composites International Conference and Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society, 18. Powder Metallurgy World Congress, 19. International Conference on High Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composites, 20. International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Organized by European Jo

6、int Committee on Plasma and Ion Surface Engineering (EJC/PISE).二、机械学院“高程度国际会议名录IEEE国际会议;ASME国际会议。三、电气学院“高程度国际会议名录高程度国际会议称号主办单位IEEE各学会Society主办sponsor或cosponsor的系列会议IEE主办sponsor或cosponsor的系列会议CIGRE国际大电网会议International Conference on Electrical MachinesInternational Conference on Electrical Machines an

7、d Systems (ICEMS)International High voltage engineering Symposium国际高电压工程讨论会委员会International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis电力设备维护与诊断国际会议委员会International symposium on Discharge and Electrical Insulation in VacuumInternational Conference on Gas Discharge and their ApplicationsConferen

8、ce on the Computation of Electromagnetic FieldsInternational Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference IPEMCChina Electrotechnical Society, IEEE PELSPower Conversion Conference PCCThe Institute of Electrical Engineers JapanEuropean Conference on Power Electronics and Applications EPEEuropean P

9、ower Electronics and Drives Association四、电信学院“高程度国际会议名录学科序会议称号主办者周期一切IEEE系列会议IEEE Societies计算机科学与技术1ACM系列会议ACM2Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture ConferenceSpringer LNCS年3International Conference on Grid and Cooperative ComputingSpringer LNCS年4INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WEB-AGE INFORMATION

10、MANAGEMENTSpringer LNCS年5International Conference on Web-based Learning (ICWL)Springer LNCS年6International Workshop on Advanced Parallel Processing TechnologiesSpringer LNCS年7Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data mmining, and Granular Computing (RSFDGrC)Springer LNAI年信息与通讯工程1Global Telecommmunication confere

11、nceIEEE年2International Conference on Ground Penetrating RadarSPIE年3International Conference on Microwaves, Radar and Wireless CommunicationsIEEE年4Asia-Pacific Microwave ConferenceIEEE年5International Symposium on Intelligent Multimedia, Video and Speech ProcessingIEEE年6European Conference on Computer

12、 VisionSpringer LNCS2年7European Conference on Wireless TechnologiesEuropean Microwave Association8International Symposium on Video/Image Processing and Multimedia Communications EURASIP年9ICPR International Conference on Pattern RecognitionIAPR( International Association for Pattern Recognition)2年控制科

13、学与工程1IFAC World CongressIFAC(International Federation of Automatic Control)4年2American Control Conference (ACC)AACC(American Automatic Control Council)年3AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control ConferenceAIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics)年4European Control Conference (ECC)Europe

14、an Union Control Association (EUCA)年5Asian Control Conference(ACC)IEEE, IFAC and the hosted country年6International conference on Information fusionISIF,IEEE and AESS年7International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR).2年8Int. Joint Confer.

15、On Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)IJCAI2年电子科学与技术International Meeting on Ferroelectricity (IMF)IFA4年Am. Cerm. Soc. Annual MeetingAmerican Ceramic Society年International Conference on Integrated Optics and Optical Fibre Communication (IOOC)EUREL, IEEE, OSA2年Conference on Optical Fiber Sensor(OFS)OSA1.

16、5年International Conference on Electron, Ion, Photon Beams and Nanotechnology (EIPBN)American Vacuum Society年International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering欧洲各国轮番主办年Symposium on Information DisplaySID年SPIE ConferenceSPIE年五、能动学院“高程度国际会议名录1. Symposium of the Combustion Institute 国际熄灭会议2. ASME Co

17、nference 美国机械工程学会会议3. IIR国际制冷大会4.ISOBE (国际吸气式发动时机议)5. ImechE Conference 英国机械工程师学会会议6. International Compressor Engineering Conference国际紧缩时机议7. International Conference on Membrane and Membrane Processes 国际膜与膜过程会议8. International Conference on Hydrogen Energy国际氢能会议9. International Heat Transfer Confe

18、rence国际传热会议10. IUTAM 国际实际力学与运用力学会议11. Process System Engineering Conference 过程系统工程会议12. SAE International Meetings国际汽车工程会议13. World Congress of Chemical Engineering 世界化工大会14. International Conference on Pressure and Vessel Technology国际压力容器技术会议15. International Cryogenic Engineering Conference 国际低温工程

19、大会16. 国际动力工程大会17. 国际多相流学术会议18. 国际实验流膂力学、热力学、传热学会议19. 国际化学学会大会20. 美国ASC大会21. International Conference on Multiphase Flow22. World Conference On Experimental Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer and Thermophysics23. IMechE Conference (英国机械工程师学会会议)24. PHYSOR反响堆物理系列国际会议,2年一次,美国核学会牵头,世界核兴隆国家核学会全部参与国际型顶级盛会25. I

20、CONE (International Conference on Nuclear Engineering)核工程国际会议26. IFAC(世界自动控制结合会会议)27. Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference核与空间辐射效应会议28. Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems Conference元器件和系统的辐射效应会议29.International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference国际能源转换工程会议30.Internati

21、onal Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics.NURETH) 反响堆热工水力会31.International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics, Operations and Safety (NUTHOS) 反响堆热工水力、运转和平安会议六、航空航天学院“高程度国际会议名录IUTAM symposiumsASME meeting SPIE meetingMRC meetingIEEE meetingImech. MeetingInt. Conference on

22、Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM) European Conference on Nonlinear OscillationsInternational Symposium on Neural NetworksInternational Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC)Int. Conf. on Computational & Experimental Engineering & Sciences (ICCES)Smart Structures and Materials / NDE Conferences (SPIE)Int. Congress for Fracture (ICF)Int. Symposium on Integrated Ferroelectrics (ISIF) Int. Conf. on Computation


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