1、Earnings and Discrimination收入与歧视Chapter 19Differences in Earnings in the U.S. Today当前美国的收入差距The typical physician earns about $200,000 a year. 普通医生一年赚到20万美元左右。 The typical police officer earns about $50,000 a year. 普通警官一年赚到5万美元左右。The typical farm worker earns about $20,000 a year. 普通农业工人一年赚到2万美元左右。W
2、hat causes earnings to vary so much?什么原因造成个人收入差距如此之大?Wages are governed by labor supply and labor demand. 工资由劳动供给与劳动需求决定。Labor demand reflects the marginal productivity of labor. 劳动需求反映了劳动的边际生产率。What causes earnings to vary so much?什么原因造成个人收入差距如此之大?In equilibrium, each worker is paid the value of hi
3、s or her marginal contribution to the economys production of goods and services. 在均衡时,每个工人都得到了他对经济中物品与劳务生产的边际贡献的价值。Some Determinants of Equilibrium Wages决定均衡工资的若干因素Compensating differentials 补偿性差别工资Human capital 人力资本Ability, effort, and chance 能力、努力和机遇Signaling 信号The superstar phenomenon 超级明星现象Compe
4、nsating DifferentialsCompensating differentials refer to differences in wages that arises from nonmonetary characteristics of different jobs.Coal miners are paid more than others with similar levels of education.Night shift workers are paid more than day shift workers.Professors are paid less than l
5、awyers and doctors.补偿性差别工资补偿性差别工资 是指不同工作的非货币特性所引起的工资差别。煤矿工人得到的工资高于其他有相似教育水平的工人。夜班工人的工资高于同类白班工人。教授的工资低于受教育时间大致相同的律师和医生。Human Capital 人力资本Human capital is the accumulation of investments in people. 人力资本对人的教育和在职培训投资的积累。The most important type of human capital is education. 最主要的人力资本是教育。Human CapitalEduc
6、ation represents an expenditure of resources at one point in time to raise productivity in the future.By the year 2000, a man with a college degree earned more than 89 percent more than without one. Women showed a 70 percent increase in earnings due to a college degree.人力资本 教育代表着为了提高未来生产率而在某一时点的资源支出
7、。 2000年,一个有大学学位的男人的平均收入比没有大学学位的男人多89。对于妇女来说,上大学的报酬高出70。Table 1 Average Annual Earnings by Educational AttainmentCopyright2004 South-Western表1. 受教育者的平均年收入Copyright2004 South-Western1980年2000年男人 高中,未上大学 36 430美元 36 770美元 大学毕业 52 492美元 69 421美元 大学水平的额外百分点 44 +89%妇女 高中,未上大学 14 953美元 17 898美元 大学毕业 23 170
8、美元 35 431美元 大学水平的额外百分点 55 +98%注释:收入数据根据通货膨胀进行了调整,并用2000年美元表示。Why has the gap in earnings between skilled and unskilled workers risen in recent years?International trade has altered the relative demand for skilled and unskilled labor.Changes in technology have altered the relative demand for skilled
9、and unskilled labor.为什么近年熟练工人与非熟练工人之间的收入差距扩大了呢?国际贸易改变了对熟练劳动与非熟练劳动的相对需求。技术变革改变了熟练劳动与非熟练劳动的相对需求。Ability, Effort, and ChanceNatural ability is important for workers in all occupations.Many personal characteristics determine how productive workers are and, therefore, play a role in determining the wages
10、 they earn.能力、努力和机遇对所有职业的工人来说,天赋能力都是重要的。许多个人特点决定了工人的劳动生产率,因此这些特点在决定工人所挣得的工资水平上起着重要作用。An Alternative View of Education: Signaling教育的另一种观点:信号Firms use educational attainment as a way of sorting between high-ability and low-ability workers. 企业把教育状况作为区分高能力工人与低能力工人的一种方法。It is rational for firms to interp
11、ret a college degree as a signal of ability. 企业把大学学位解释为能力的信号是合理的。The Superstar PhenomenonSuperstars arise in markets that exhibit the following characteristics:Every customer in the market wants to enjoy the good supplied by the best producer.The good is produced with a technology that makes it poss
12、ible for the best producer to supply every customer at a low cost.超级明星现象超级明星 产生在有两个特点的市场上: 市场上每位顾客都想享受最优生产者提供的物品。使最优生产者以低成本向每位顾客提供物品成为可能的是生产这种物品所用的技术。Above-Equilibrium Wages: Minimum-Wage Laws, Unions, and Efficiency WagesWhy are some workers wages set above the level that brings supply and demand i
13、nto equilibrium?Minimum-wage lawsMarket power of labor unionsEfficiency wages高于均衡工资:最低工资法、工会和效率工资为什么一些工人的工资确定在高于使劳动供求均衡的水平上?最低工资法工会的市场势力效率工资Above-Equilibrium Wages: Minimum-Wage Laws, Unions, and Efficiency Wages UnionsA union is a worker association that bargains with employers over wages and worki
14、ng conditions.StrikeA strike refers to the organized withdrawal of labor from a firm by a union.高于均衡工资: 最低工资法、工会和效率工资工会工会 与雇主谈判工资和工作条件的工人协会。罢工罢工工会有 组织地从企业撤出劳动。Above-Equilibrium Wages: Minimum-Wage Laws, Unions, and Efficiency Wages Efficiency WagesThe theory of efficiency wages holds that a firm can
15、 find it profitable to pay high wages because doing so increases the productivity of its workers. High wages may: reduce worker turnover. increase worker effort. raise the quality of workers that apply for jobs at the firm.高于均衡工资:最低工资法、工会和效率工资效率工资效率工资 认为,企业会发现支付高工资是有利的,因为这样做提高了工人的生产率。 高工资会:减少工人的流动性;
16、提高工人的努力程度;提高适应企业的工人素质。The Economics of DiscriminationDiscrimination occurs when the marketplace offers different opportunities to similar individuals who differ only by race, ethnic group, sex, age, or other personal characteristics.歧视经济学当市场向那些仅仅是种族、宗教、性别、年龄或其他个人特征不同的相似个人提供了不同的机会时,就出现了歧视。The Economi
17、cs of Discrimination歧视经济学Although discrimination is an emotionally charged topic, economists try to study the topic objectively in order to separate myth from reality.虽然歧视是一个经常引起激烈争论的情绪化话题,但经济学家力图客观地研究这个题目,以便把假象与真实分开。Measuring Labor-Market Discrimination劳动市场歧视的衡量Discrimination is often measured by l
18、ooking at the average wages of different groups.常常通过观察不同群体的平均工资差别来衡量劳动市场上的歧视程度。Measuring Labor-Market Discrimination劳动市场歧视的衡量Even in a labor market free of discrimination, different people have different wages.即使在一个没有歧视的劳动市场上,不同人的工资也不同。Measuring Labor-Market Discrimination劳动市场歧视的衡量People differ in t
19、he amount of human capital they have and in the kinds of work they are willing and able to do.人们拥有的人力资本量以及能够并愿意从事的工作种类不同。Measuring Labor-Market Discrimination劳动市场歧视的衡量Simply observing differences in wages among broad groups white and black, men and women says little about the prevalence of discrimin
20、ation.简单地观察不同群体白人与黑人、男人与女人之间的工资差别并没有说明歧视的普遍性。Table 2 Median Annual Earnings by Race and SexCopyright2004 South-WesternTable 2. 不同种族与性别的平均收入Copyright2004 South-Western男人 38 870美元 30 403美元 22女人 28 080美元 25 107美元 11女人工资低 28 17(百分比)注释:2000年数据。 白种人 黑种人 黑种人收入低(百分比)Measuring Labor-Market DiscriminationBeca
21、use the differences in average wages among groups in part reflect differences in human capital and job characteristics, they do not by themselves say anything about how much discrimination there is in the labor market.劳动市场歧视的衡量由于不同群体之间平均工资的差别部分反映了人力资本和工作特性的差别,这些差别本身对劳动市场上有多大歧视并没有说明什么。Discrimination
22、by Employers 雇主的歧视行为Firms that do not discriminate will have lower labor costs when they hire the employees discriminated against.当不进行歧视的企业雇佣受歧视的雇员时,这些企业的劳动成本更低。Discrimination by Employers 雇主的歧视行为Nondiscriminatory firms will tend to replace firms that discriminate.不进行歧视的企业取代了进行歧视的企业。Discrimination b
23、y Employers Competitive markets tend to limit the impact of discrimination on wages.Firms that do not discriminate will be more profitable than those firms that do discriminate.雇主的歧视行为竞争性市场倾向于限制歧视对工资的影响。不进行歧视的企业将比进行歧视的企业更具有赢利性。Discrimination by Customers and GovernmentsAlthough the profit motive is
24、a strong force acting to eliminate discriminatory wage differentials, there are limits to its corrective abilities.Customer preferencesGovernment policies顾客与政府的歧视行为虽然利润动机是消除歧视性工资差别的一种强大力量,但也存在着针对这种力量的矫正能力的限制。顾客偏好政府政策Discrimination by Customers and GovernmentsCustomer preferences: If customers have d
25、iscriminatory preferences, a competitive market is consistent with a discriminatory wage differential. This will happen when customers are willing to pay to maintain the discriminatory practice.顾客与政府的歧视行为顾客偏好: 如果顾客有歧视偏好,竞争性企业就与歧视性工资差别相一致。这种情况只有在顾客愿意为他们的歧视性行为付出代价时才会发生。Discrimination by Customers and
26、Governments顾客与政府的歧视行为Government policies: When the government mandates discriminatory practices or requires firms to discriminate, this may also lead to discriminatory wage differentials.政府政策:当政府命令实行歧视性作法或者要求企业进行歧视时,将会导致歧视性工资差别。The Debate Over Comparable Worth关于同工同酬的争论According to the doctrine of co
27、mparable worth, jobs deemed comparable should be paid the same wage.根据同工同酬学说,可以相比的工作应该得到相同的工资。The Debate Over Comparable Worth关于同工同酬的争论Advocates of comparable worth want jobs to be rated according to a set of impartial criteria such as education, experience, responsibility, working conditions, and s
28、o on.同工同酬的支持者根据一套客观的标准教育、经验、责任、工作条件等等来评价工作。The Debate Over Comparable Worth关于同工同酬的争论Critics of comparable worth argue that a competitive market is the best mechanism for setting wages.同工同酬的批评者认为,竞争市场是决定工资的最好机制。SummaryWorkers earn different wages for many reasons.To some extent, wage differentials co
29、mpensate workers for job attributes.Workers with more human capital get paid more than workers with less human capital.小结工人由于许多原因而赚到不同的工资。在某种程度上,工资差别是对工人工作性质的补偿。人力资本多的工人得到的工资高于人力资本少的工人。Summary 小结The return to accumulating human capital is high and has increased over the past decade. 累积的人力资本的收益是高的,而且在过去的十年里一直在增加。There is much variation in earnings that cannot be explained by things economists can measure. 有许多收入差别不能用经济学家可以衡量的事情来解释。SummaryThe unexplained variation in earnings is largely attributable to natural ability, effort, and chance.Some economists argue that more-educated work
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