外研版九年级上Module7Great books模块读写训练课件(共20张PPT)_第1页
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1、模块读写训练Module 7 Great books一、写作技能提升(三):单句改错请找出句子中错误的部分, 并将正确的句子写在横线上。1. I like reading stories written a well-known writer J. K. Rowling. _2. Over six languages speaking in this small country. _I like reading stories written by a well-known writer J. K. Rowling.Over six languages are spoken in this s

2、mall country. 3. Many friends are invite to Beckys graduation party. _4. All the parents are pleased to the teachers hard and smart work. _Many friends are invited to Beckys graduation party. All the parents are pleased with the teachers hard and smart work.5. Mark Twains short stories are fill of h

3、umor and wisdom(幽默和智慧). _Mark Twains short stories are filled with/ full of humor and wisdom.二、读写综合A. 回答问题请阅读下面这篇文章, 根据所提供的信息, 回答5个问题。要求所写答案语法正确、语义完整, 并把答案写在横线上。 I liked reading when I was a boy. I would read every word on everything I saw. Most of the time when other kids were playing outside, I en

4、joyed reading books alone at home. Even now, that reading habit has been with me. I always have at least one book being read. And Im always talking about real books, books made of paper and you can hold in your hand to read at the table or on the underground. However, the number of people reading bo

5、oks is dropping. A recent survey tells us that on average (平均), each American only reads three books a year and in China, about half of the people say they didnt read a book last year! So whats stopping people from reading? The answer is the changes that the phone brings to our life. Why we need to

6、read a book when we can watch a movie or a TV play on our smart phones or iPads? For young people, books may not be as exciting as online games. But we can still fall in love with books easily. We all have this thing called imagination. It is more powerful than any computer. In fact, any online game

7、 is written in words as a story by its writer at first. Its all about his or her imagination. So we need to read. If we do not read, it will be hard for us to improve our ability (能力) to have an imagination. Reading is a process(过程) in which we need to compare and connect other things we read and sa

8、w in the past. If we do not read, this will influence our study as well as our social life in the future. So why not follow me to enjoy reading now?1. What are real books, in the writers opinion?_In his opinion, real books are books made of paper and we can hold in our hands to read at the table or

9、on the underground./ Books made of paper and we can hold in our hands to read at the table or on the underground.2. How many books does each American read a year according to a survey?_3. Whats more exciting than books for young people?_Each American reads three / 3 books a year. / Three / 3.Online

10、games are more exciting than books for young people. / Online games.4. What is more powerful than any computer?_5. What will be influenced if we do not read?_Our imagination is more powerful than any computer./Our imagination.If we dont read, our study as well as our social life in the future will b

11、e influenced. / Our study as well as our social life in the future.B. 书面表达在下周的俱乐部读书会中, 每位成员需要介绍一本自己最喜爱的书。假设你最喜欢的书是Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone, 请你上网查找该书的相关信息, 并写一篇发言稿。内容包括:(1)该书的背景介绍。(2)该书的大致情节。(3)该书的主题。(4)该书的语言风格及受欢迎度。作文要求:(1)不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。(2)语句连贯, 词数80个左右。【巧列提纲】( 点拨部分仅供

12、参考, 希望同学们可以多开动脑筋、发散思维)【实战演练】_ My favourite book is Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone by J.K. Rowling. The story is set in Hogwarts School. The main characters are Harry Potter, Hermione, Ron and Voldemort. The book tells some stories about Harry who makes friends with Hermione and Ron in Hogwa

13、rts School, fights against _ Voldemort and protects the Philosophers Stone. Harry faces all kinds of difficulties. He doesnt give up and challenges them bravely. With the help of his friends, Harry stops Voldemort from taking away the Philosophers Stone. This book tells how children grow, how childr

14、en get along with each other and how children challenge the difficulties. It is written in simple and humorous language. So many people like it a lot.【语言点拨】(以下短语和句子仅供参考, 旨在帮助同学们升级文章的语言表达)1. 背景介绍:Speaking of favourite books 说起最喜爱的书籍The first book that comes to my mind is 第一本印入我脑海的书籍是The story took place in a small village twenty years ago. 这个故事发生在20年前的一个小村庄。Therere three heroes in this book. 这本书里有三个主角。2. 情节与主题:Heres what the book is about. 以下是这本书的梗概。So mainly its a book about 所以总体而言这是一本关于的书籍。


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