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1、东丽区2021-2022学年度第二学期高二英语期末质量监测试题本试卷分第卷 和第卷 两部分,共120分,考试时间100分钟,第卷1页至 8 页,第卷 9页至10页。第I卷(共75分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】Which city has the woman been to?A. Pa

2、ris.B. London.C. Amsterdam.A【原文】M: Ah, Lucy, youre back. How was your weekend adventure?W: Fantastic, although two days isnt really long enough for Paris. It needs at least a week.M: I agree. I felt the same way when I visited London and Amsterdam over a long weekend.2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】How much do

3、 two shirts cost today?A. $15.B. $20.C. $30.C【原文】W: Do you still have the sale on shirts? Two for $20?M: No. That ended last week. Shirts are back to the regular price of $15 each.3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】What does the woman think of the person yesterday?A. He is smart.B. He is careless.C. He is brave.B

4、【原文】M: Careful with that, please. Its a very expensive piece of scientific equipment.W: I know. Im not the one who was careless yesterday and broke a glass to pieces.4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】What will the woman probably do next?A. Help the man with his school project.B Continue to do her homework.C. Do

5、some cleaning.C【原文】M: Mom asked me to clean the floor before she left for work this morning, but I need to finish my school project. Can you do it, Martha?W: I guess so. I just finished my homework. But you have to do it next time.5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】What is the main topic of the conversation?A. Pr

6、inters.B. Reports.C. Online shopping.A【原文】W: I wanted to print out my report but the printer ran out of ink. Ive only just filled it before using.M: Some printers are like that. You can order a new one online.W: Actually, the one I have at home isnt bad.第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分 )听下面3段材料。每段材料后有几个小题,从

7、题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段材料前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段材料读两遍。听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】6. Why does the man refuse to play badminton at first?A. He got hurt.B. He is busy on Sunday.C. He is not good at it.7. What do we know about the badminton players?A. They will pl

8、ay for the first time this weekend.B. They are all professionals.C. They are a relaxed group.8. What does the man decide to do?A. Join the game.B. Get into better shape.C. Play a different sport.6. C 7. C 8. A【原文】W: Hi, Paul. I was wondering if you would like to play badminton with us on Sunday afte

9、rnoon. We need another person for mixed doubles and I thought you might enjoy it.M: Oh thanks, Grace. It sounds fun, but Im really out of shape. Besides, Im not good at it and I havent played for years.W: Thats all right. We just play to meet up with each other, have a chat, have some fun, and get a

10、 little exercise.M: Really, Ill probably feel awkward in front of your friends.W: Dont worry about it. Were not professionals. Wed love to have you with us, and it would be great if youd come along on Sunday. One of the men who usually plays with us was injured during the last game.M: Oh. In that ca

11、se, then Ill see you on Sunday. Now Ill have to dig out my old badminton equipment.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】9. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Coach and athlete.B. Father and daughter.C. Doctor and patient.10. What did the man suggest the woman do?A. Go to the hos

12、pital.B. Take some days off.C. Change to another sport.11. What is the world record for running 400m?A. 47 seconds.B. 47.6 seconds.C. 48 seconds.9. A 10. B 11. B【原文】W: Sorry, that was a poor effort.M: Youll need to run faster than that, if you want to make the 400m Olympic team.W: I know. Im trying.

13、M: Something on your mind?W: Yeah, my dad is not feeling very well.M: What did the doctor say?W: He was positive, but I doubt hell be playing football anytime soon though.M: Well, your dad is strong. Hell be fine.W: Thanks.M: Look, if your mind isnt in the game, why dont you take a couple of days of

14、f training?W: No, I need to keep going. I want to make my family proud. I want to get that gold medal.M: Thats the spirit. Okay, lets see if we can get under 48 seconds.W: The world record is 47.6 seconds. Lets aim for 47.M: This is the winning attitude you need.听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】12.

15、What was the speakers problem in attending a university?A. His parents didnt support him.B. He wasnt qualified.C. He had no money.13. What is the speakers life-changing moment?A. When he got a job.B. When he received a scholarship.C. When he graduated from university.14. What is the speakers job?A.

16、A managing director.B. A university president.C. A professor.15. What advice does the speaker offer?A. To make a difference.B. To be determined.C. To get a job.12. C 13. B 14. A 15. B【原文】M: Its a great pleasure for me to be able to stand before you today. It is something that Ive never imagined 20 y

17、ears ago, even in my wildest dreams. I came from a poor family, and when I finished high school, I didnt think Id be able to go to university. Although my parents supported me, they couldnt afford the education. But I kept applying and finally, I found one Bentley University that was prepared to off

18、er me a scholarship. I now realize that was the moment my life changed. Without attending this university and getting my degree, there is no way I would have been able to get a job at an international company, let alone be standing here as the managing director of the company. Now its my great honor

19、 to be back at Bentley, looking at the faces of so many eager men and women who are anxious to get out there and make a difference. My message to you is: never give up. Follow your wishes and work to achieve your greatest dreams. Believe me, dreams can come true. Im sure of that.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分25

20、分)第一节 单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。16. Are you going to attend the lecture on Chinese art?_ Its too good an opportunity to miss.A. You deserve it!B. You bet.C. Why me?D. Why bother?B【详解】考查交际用语。句意:你要去听关于中国艺术的讲座吗?一点没错。这个机会太好了,不能错过。A. You deserve it你活该;B. You bet一点没错;C. Why me为什么是我;D. Wh

21、y bother没有必要。由“Its too good an opportunity to miss”可知,第二个说话人要去听这个讲座,空格处意为“一点没错”,故选B。17. Tommy is gifted. By the time he graduated, he _ jobs by several computer companies.A. had been offeredB. has been offeredC. had offeredD. has offeredA【详解】考查时态和语态。句意:Tommy很有天赋。他毕业的时候,已经有好几家计算机公司给他提供工作。由“By the tim

22、e he graduated”可知,“提供工作”发生在过去的过去,应用过去完成时,且主语he和动词offer(提供)二者之间是被动关系,应用过去完成时的被动,故选A。18. The quality of education in this small school is better than _ in some larger schools.A. thatB. oneC. itD. thisA【详解】考查代词。句意:这所小学校的教育质量要好于一些大学校。句中代词代指不可数名词the quality of education,故用代词that。代词it和one都代指可数名词单数。故选A。代词i

23、t, one和that都可指代前面提到的名词。一般说来,it指代同名同物;one与that则指代同名异物,但one为泛指,相当于aan名词,只可代指可数名词;that为特指,相当于the名词,可以代指不可数名词。one既可代替事物,也可代替人,that只能代替事物而不能代替人。掌握好这些知识就不难选出答案。19. The number of firms selling computers in this region _ since January 2012.A. are droppingB. is droppingC. have droppedD. has droppedD【分析】【详解】考

24、查动词时态与主谓一致。句意:自2012年1月以来,该地区销售电脑的公司数量已经下降。A. are dropping现在进行时,复数形式;B. is dropping现在进行时,单数形式;C. have dropped现在完成时,复数形式;D. has dropped现在完成时,单数形式。根据句中时间状语since January 2012可知,谓语动词应使用现在完成时态,又因短语The number of + n.作主语时视为单数,谓语动词也应用单数形式。综上,谓语动词应使用现在完成时态,单数形式。故选D项。20. I was watching the clock all through th

25、e meeting, as I had a train _.A. catchingB. caughtC. to catchD. to be caughtC【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:在整个会议期间我一直在看钟表,因为我要去赶火车。have在本句中意为“有”,根据固定结构Sb have sth to do某人有某事要做,在本句中to do由主语完成,故选C。本句考查的是have的复合结构:have+宾语+非谓语,既是重点又是难点。对于have的复合结构,非谓语用什么形式,首先确定have的词义,是“有”还是“让”,have(有)+ sth to do sth (由主语完成);have(让)+宾

26、语+do / doing / done (用哪种形式需要具体分析),所以要正确理解句意和本结构的具体用法,灵活掌握才能把题作对。21. We will put off the hiking until next week, _ the weather may be better.A. thatB. whenC. whichD. whereB【详解】考查定语从句。句意:我们将把徒步旅行推迟到下周,届时天气可能会好一些。该空引导非限制性定语从句,先行词next week,定语从句中做时间状语,应用关系副词when。故选B。22. _ I want to share with you is the

27、respect I have for my teachers.A. ThatB. WhichC. WhetherD. WhatD【详解】考查名词性从句。句意:我想和你们分享的是我对老师的尊重。引导主语从句,从句中缺少宾语,指事情应用what引导。故选D。23. you start eating in a healthier way, weight control will become much easier.A. UnlessB. AlthoughC. BeforeD. OnceD【详解】考查连词词义辨析。句意:一旦你开始更健康的饮食,控制体重就会变得容易得多。A. unless除非;B.

28、although尽管;C. before 在之前;D. once 一旦。unless相当于if not,引导条件状语从句;although引导让步状语从句,不能和but连用;before引导时间状语从句;once引导具有条件意味的时间状语从句。故选D。24. _ volcanoes for many years, I am still amazed at their beauty .A. To studyB. StudyingC. Having studiedD. StudiedC【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:我已经研究火山很多年了,但是我仍然对它们的美感感到惊讶。空处是非谓语动词做状语,动词

29、study(研究)和逻辑主语I二者之间是主动关系,且“我研究火山很多年”发生在“我对它们的美感感到惊讶”之前,应用现在分词的完成式having done,故选C。25. I cant find my purse. I _ it in the supermarket yesterday, but Im not sure.A. should leaveB. could have leftC. might leaveD. must have leftB【详解】考查情态动词。句意:我不能找到我的钱包了,昨天我有可能把它落到超市了,但我不确定。根据句中时间状语yesterday可知,是对过去事情的推测,

30、故用情态动词+ have done,再根据后句but Im not sure.可知,此推测为不能肯定的推测,故用情态动词could,表示“可能”。故选B。第二节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)We are so used to the beauty of trees, plants and flowers that we may even take it for granted without realizing how much inspiration it has given us. For instance, an open flower might make us th

31、ink how _26_ it resembles an umbrella. Its natural to think in this way, but actually it is the flower that inspires the umbrella.Nature has inspired many of the most fascinating designs around us, those in architecture included. Today, architects continue to _27_ ways to capture the beauty of natur

32、al forms, to mimic the way nature _28_ or even to make natural organisms part of a building.People whose interest is exploring the _29_ between art and science will enjoy Singapores ArtScience Museum. It is _30_to resemble a lotus flower whose floor collects rainwater and then recycles it through th

33、e plumbing system. Visitors are often _31_ to find themselves in an urban building that so _32_ captures the beauty of natural form.Watching a nature documentary in which termites were constructing their nests inspired Zimbabwean architect Mick Pearce to create the Eastgate Centre. The design _33_ t

34、he need for traditional air conditioning and heating systems, so the building uses less energy and costs _34_to run.The worlds first algae-powered building is in Hamburg, Germany. The _35_ of the apartment building is covered in panels containing algae, which capture _36_ from the sun and change it

35、into energy that powers the building. Therefore, the building not only _37_ its environment and uses less energy, but also reduces _38_ to the environment.Creating buildings such as these enables us to live _39_ our environment. To meet the needs of today while protecting the world of tomorrow may b

36、e a challenge, but even the _40_organisms can help teach us how to achieve this.26. A. nearlyB. hardlyC. closelyD. narrowly27. A. discoverB. exploreC. tendD. support28. A. polishesB. sharesC. respectsD. works29. A. relationshipB. discussionC. balanceD. friendship30. A. paintedB. shapedC. sculpturedD

37、. translated31. A. pleasedB. disappointedC. amazedD. annoyed32. A. trulyB. fiercelyC. suddenlyD. slightly33. A. increasesB. formsC. reducesD. creates34. A. fewerB. lessC. moreD. much35. A. surfaceB. foundationC. bottomD. background36. A. lightB. steamC. radioD. heat37. A. keeps offB. sticks toC. com

38、es up withD. responds to38. A. attackB. damageC. qualityD. amount39. A. in need ofB. beyond control ofC. on basis ofD. in harmony with40. A. simplestB. mildestC. worstD. latest26. C 27. B 28. D 29. C 30. B 31. C 32. A 33. C 34. B 35. A 36. D 37. D 38. B 39. D 40. A【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章主要举例子说明受大自然的激发,人类周围出现

39、了许多最迷人的建筑设计。【26题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:例如,一朵开放的花可能会让我们觉得它有多像一把伞。A. nearly几乎;B. hardly几乎不;C. closely紧密地;相似地;D. narrowly勉强地。由上文“We are so used to the beauty of trees, plants and flowers that we may even take it for granted without realizing how much inspiration it has given us. ”和上下文“an open flower might make

40、 us think how_1_it resembles an umbrella.”可知,我们如此习惯于树木、植物和花朵的美丽,以至于我们甚至可能认为这是理所当然的,而没有意识到它给了我们多少灵感,所以我们看到开放的花朵时,会觉得它很像一把伞,此处用副词“closely(相似地)”强调我们认为花和伞很相似,故选C。【27题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:今天,建筑师继续探索捕捉自然形态之美的方法,模仿自然的运作方式,甚至使自然有机体成为建筑的一部分。A. discover发现;B. explore探索;C. tend倾向于;照顾;D. support支持。由下文“ways to capture

41、the beauty of natural forms”可知,要捕捉自然形态之美的方法,需要建筑师去探索,下文“exploring”也是提示,故选B。【28题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:今天,建筑师继续探索捕捉自然形态之美的方法,模仿自然的运作方式,甚至使自然有机体成为建筑的一部分。A. polishes擦亮;B. shares分享;C. respects尊敬;D. works工作;运作。由上文“to mimic the way nature”和下段以新加坡艺术科学博物馆为例可知,建筑师模仿自然的运作方式,故选D。【29题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:那些对探索艺术与科学之间的平衡感兴趣的人

42、,将会喜欢新加坡的艺术科学博物馆。A. relationship关系;B. discussion讨论;C. balance平衡;D. friendship友谊。由下文“between art and science”可知,此处指探索艺术与科学之间的平衡,故选C。【30题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:它的形状像一朵莲花,它的地板收集雨水,然后通过管道系统循环利用。A. painted绘画;B. shaped塑造;使成为形状;C. sculptured雕刻;D. translated翻译。由下文“to resemble a lotus flower whose floor collects rai

43、nwater and then recycles it through the plumbing system”可知,新加坡的艺术科学博物馆被建成莲花的样子,故选B。【31题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:游客们常常惊奇地发现自己置身于一座城市建筑中,这座城市建筑能真正地捕捉到自然形态之美。A. pleased高兴的;B. disappointed失望的;C. amazed惊讶的;D. annoyed恼怒的。由下文“to find themselves in an urban building that so _7_captures the beauty of natural form.”可知

44、,游客们发现自己置身于一座能真正捕捉到自然之美的城市建筑,这让他们感到很惊奇,故选C。【32题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:游客们常常惊奇地发现自己置身于一座城市建筑中,这座城市建筑能真正地捕捉到自然形态之美。A. truly真正地;B. fiercely猛烈地;C. suddenly突然;D. slightly稍微地。由上文“It is_5_to resemble a lotus flower whose floor collects rainwater and then recycles it through the plumbing system.(它的形状像一朵莲花,它的地板收集雨水,

45、然后通过管道系统循环利用)”和下文“captures the beauty of natural form(捕捉自然形态之美)”可知,新加坡艺术科学博物馆这座城市建筑能真正捕捉到自然之美,故选A。【33题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:这种设计减少了对传统空气调节和供暖系统的需求,因此建筑使用更少的能源,运行成本也更低。A. increases增长;B. forms形成;C. reduces减少;D. creates制作。由下文“so the building uses less energy”可知,这种建筑使用更少的能源,这说明这种设计减少了对传统空气调节和供暖系统的需求,故选C。【34题详解

46、】考查形容词比较级词义辨析。句意:这种设计减少了对传统空气调节和供暖系统的需求,因此建筑使用更少的能源,运行成本也更低。A. fewer更少的(修饰可数名词);B. less更少的(修饰不可数名词);C. more更多的(修饰可数名词);D. much更多的(修饰不可数名词)。由上文“so the building uses less energy”可知,这种建筑使用更少的能源,进而运行成本也更低,costs不可数名词,用less,故选B。【35题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:公寓建筑的表面覆盖着含有藻类的面板,这种面板捕获太阳的热量,并将其转化为能量,为建筑提供动力。A. surface表面

47、;B. foundation基础;C. bottom底部;D. background背景。由下文“of the apartment building is covered in panels containing algae”可知,是公寓建筑的表面覆盖着含有藻类的面板,故选A。【36题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:公寓建筑的表面覆盖着含有藻类的面板,这种面板捕获太阳的热量,并将其转化为能量,为建筑提供动力。A. light光线;B. steam蒸汽;C. radio收音机;D. heat热量。由下文“from the sun and change it into energy that pow

48、ers the building”可知,含有藻类的面板能吸收太阳的热量,将其转化为能量,为建筑提供动力,故选D。【37题详解】考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:因此,这个建筑物不仅对环境作出反应,使用较少的能源,而且能减少对环境的破坏。A. keeps off让开;B. sticks to坚持;C. comes up with想出;D. responds to响应;对做出反应。由上文“The_10_of the apartment building is covered in panels containing algae, which capture_11_from the sun and cha

49、nge it into energy that powers the building.”可知,建筑表面覆盖着含有藻类的面板,能捕获太阳的热量,这是指建筑对环境做出反应,故选D。【38题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:因此,这个建筑物不仅对环境作出反应,使用较少的能源,而且能减少对环境的破坏。A. attack攻击;B. damage损坏;C. quality质量;D. amount数量。由上文“which capture_13_from the sun and change it into energy that powers the building”和“uses less energy”可

50、知,含有藻类的建筑物不仅使用较少的能源,还能减少对环境的破坏,故选B。【39题详解】考查介词短语词义辨析。句意:建造这样的建筑使我们能够与我们的环境和谐相处。A. in need of需要;B. beyond control of无法控制.;C. on basis of以为基础;D. in harmony with与和谐相处。由上文“Therefore, the building not only _12_its environment and uses less energy, but also reduces_13_to the environment.”可知,这种表面覆盖着含有藻类面板的

51、建筑,不仅使用较少的能源,而且能减少对环境的破坏,所以说这种建筑使我们能够与我们的环境和谐相处,故选D。【40题详解】考查形容词最高级词义辨析。句意:在保护未来世界的同时满足今天的需求可能是一个挑战,但即使是最简单的生物体也可以帮助我们实现这一目标。A. simplest最简单的;B. mildest最温和的;C. worst最坏的;D. latest最新的。由上文“To meet the needs of today while protecting the world of tomorrow may be a challenge”和but even可知,此处指“最简单的生物体”,它强调了自

52、然给人类带来的灵感,即使是最简单的生物体也能激发人类,帮助人类实现保护未来世界的同时满足如今需求的目标,故选A。第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。AOften called “the universal language”, music can be powerful. Concerts combine music with performance, visual arts and sometimes social causes. The Guardian listed 50 concerts th

53、at changed modern music history. Lets look at some of them. Bob Dylan: Newport Folk FestivalRhode Island, US,July 25, 1965Bob Dylan is famous for his poetic guitar ballads (民谣). Many of his famous songs were about improving the rights of black Americans and protesting the Vietnam War.However, in thi

54、s 1965 concert, Dylan challenged his audience he took out an electric guitar and made a sharp sound. Many fans felt that Dylan “betrayed (背叛)” them and his style. The Guardian said this is when folk rock was born. Live AidLondon, UK,July 13, 1985As its name suggests, Live Aid was for helping people.

55、 It raised $245 million to fight famine (饥荒) in Ethiopia. Its often seen as the first benefit concert of its kind.The show lasted 16 hours and was broadcast live in more than 140 countries. It had nearly 1.5 billion TV viewers. More than 100 rockstars from around the world participated. Beyonce: Coa

56、chella Music FestivalCalifornia, US,April 14, 2018There is now a rule of show business: A Beyonce performance will steal the show. Her powerful voice, energetic dance moves and creative outfits together give her a unique style.At the Coachella Music Festival, Beyonce had an all-black dancer and back

57、ing vocals lineup. The concert, which fans call “Beychella” on , took 100 backup (支持性的) performers and three months of rehearsals.The Guardian called it a combination of “ancestral spirit (先祖之魂), modern entertainment and personal will”. Beyonce is like “a goddess of war”.41. What were Bob Dylans son

58、gs in the concert like?A. They were soft just like poets and ballads.B. They betrayed Dylan and his fans.C. They were sharp folk rock.D. They were about black peoples rights.42. Why was Live Aid held?A. To improve relationships among different countries.B. To find talented singers.C. To promote rock

59、 music.D. To fight famine in Ethiopia.43. What made Beyonces performance different?A. The specially designed stage at the Coachella Music Festival.B. Her all-star lineup of dancers.C. Her voice, energetic dance moves and creative outfits.D. The themes of her songs.44. Which concert in the passage wa

60、s broadcast live in many countries?A. Newport Folk Festival.B. Live Aid.C. Coachella Music Festival.D. None of them.45. Whats the best title of the passage?A. Greatest concerts.B. Greatest singers.C. Music and Singers.D. Universal language.41. C 42. D 43. C 44. B 45. A【导语】这是一篇说明文,文章介绍了三场改变现代音乐历史的演唱会


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