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1、免疫产品简介picture placeholder第1页,共16页。抗体销量最好的抗体:CKMB、DD、Ferr、Insulin、E2。Roche单抗为冻干品,建议用0.9%的生理盐水溶解,溶解浓度为10mg/ml。溶解液的储存条件: 1 周 (+2 to +8C), 12 周 (-25 to -15C). 请避免反复冻融。第2页,共16页。抗体肿瘤:项目抗体批号备注CEAMABTU2 IgG MABM-TU3 IgG 11 353 713 103 10 777 498 103 鼠源单抗冻干AFPMABM-LJ738 IgG MABM-TU11 IgG 11 492 101 103 11 49

2、2 080 103 鼠源单抗冻干FerrMABM-3.170 IgG MABM-4.184 IgG 11 547 089 103 11 547 119 103 鼠源单抗冻干第3页,共16页。抗体内分泌:项目抗体批号备注LHMABM-11412 IgG MABM-2.406 IgG 11 547 925103 11 547 038103 鼠源单抗冻干FSHMABM-1.303 IgG MABM-W3 IgG 11 493 540103 11 493 531103 鼠源单抗冻干HCGMABM-INN22 IgG MABM-INN2 IgG 11 812 564103 03 116 263103 鼠

3、源单抗冻干PRLMABM-C4E4 IgG MABM-H12G10 IgG 11 458 701103 11 027 689103 鼠源单抗冻干E2PAKK IgG 05 344 255 103兔源多抗液体第4页,共16页。抗体甲功:项目抗体批号备注TSH MABM-1.20 IgG MABM-A8 IgG 10 767 7781 03 11 367 978 103 鼠源单抗冻干T3PABS IgG 10 907 332 103 羊源多抗冻干T4PABS IgG 10 767 794 103 羊源多抗冻干第5页,共16页。抗体其他:项目抗体批号备注Insulin MABM-ST3 IgG MA

4、BM-BM1 IgG 12 208 750 103 12 208 725 103 鼠源单抗冻干CK-MB MABM-7.4.5 IgG MABM-6.12.47 IgG11 719 815 103 11 719 823 103 鼠源单抗冻干D-DimerMABM-1.2.57 IgG MABM-2.1.16 IgG12 156 903 103 12 045 206 103 鼠源单抗冻干IgEMABM-323 IgG MABM-7H8 IgG 11 543 393 103 11 988 204 103 鼠源单抗冻干CRPPABS IgG 11 888 714 103羊源多抗液体第6页,共16页。

5、酶和底物ALP底物项目抗体批号备注ALPAlkaline Phosphatase, EIA Grade10 556 602 103液体酶活3000u/mgALPAlkaline Phosphatase, recombinant, highly active03 137 031 103液体,酶活7000u/mg糖含量20-30%ALPAlkaline Phosphatase, recombinant, highlyactive, carbohydrate reduce03 535 452 103液体,酶活7000u/mg近天然,糖含量5-10%项目抗体批号备注pNPP4-Nitrophenyl

6、Phosphate10 004 847 103结晶粉末BCIP5-Bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-phosphate10 760 978 103结晶粉末第7页,共16页。酶和底物POD底物项目抗体批号备注PODPeroxidase (POD), EIA Grade10 815 462 103冻干酶活225u/mgPODPeroxidase (POD), Grade I10 121 606 103冻干酶活250u/mgPODPeroxidase (POD), Grade II11 378 783 103冻干酶活200u/mgPoly PODPoly POD, EIA Grade

7、11 578 545 103冻干酶活600u/mg项目抗体批号备注TMB3,3,5,5-Tetramethylbenzidine10 203 700 103结晶粉末第8页,共16页。放大系统名称英文名称批号备注链霉亲和素 Streptavidin,recombinant11 520 679 103冻干生物素D-Biotin-N-hydroxysuccinimide ester10 734 250 103白色干粉,短链生物素D-Biotinoyl-aminocaproic acid-N-hydroxysuccinimide ester11 003 933 103白色干粉,长链链霉素包被磁珠Str

8、eptavidin Magnetic Particles11 636 502 103悬浊液磁珠直径2um左右裸珠第9页,共16页。干扰消除蛋白非特异性干扰第10页,共16页。非特异性干扰消除蛋白Bovine IgG PABB-IgG (DE)Cat. No. 11293621 Interference reduction in assay system working with polyclonal bovine IgG through blocking of e.g. antibody solid phase interference Basic interference eliminati

9、on. Specials: IgG fraction from bovine plasma, purified by DE chromatography with 5 % aggregated IgGBSA VCat. No. 10738328 Saturation of unoccupied binding sites on the solid phase Basic interference elimination. Specials: Contains no detectable IgGsSheep IgG PABS-IgG (DE)Cat. No. 10717606 Interfere

10、nce reduction in assay system working with polyclonal sheep IgG through blocking of e.g. antibody solid phase interference Basic interference elimination.Rabbit IgG PABK-IgG (DE)Cat. No. 10912280 Interference reduction in assay system working with polyclonal rabbit IgG through blocking of e.g. antib

11、ody solid phase interference Basic interference elimination.第11页,共16页。非特异性干扰消除蛋白BPLA I + IVBovine Plasma AlbuminCat. Nos. 1172 6536 1172 6544 0353 5240 Avoidance of non-specific adsorption or antibody interactions for more complex applications with higher demands on sensitivity. Specials: High purit

12、y plus pH 4.5 treatmentType I: purity HPLC 95 %, low content of steroids, lipids and haptens Type IV: purity HPLC 95 %, Type IV NEW !: purity HPLC 95 %, Protease-free ! 2 more production steps compared to old version.Poly BSA I + IICat. Nos.11866737 + 11816438Due to their own polyvalence they show o

13、ptimal protection against polyvalent interference (e.g. in infectious disease assays). The negative charge also avoids hydrophobic interactions.Specials: Very efficient background signal reduction.Type I - acetylated; diameter 30 nmType II succinylated; diameter 40 nm It is recommended to combine a

14、mono- and a polyvalent reagent !The total amount of non specific IEP is recommended to be at 2-5%.第12页,共16页。特异性干扰-MAK33 家族单体 IEPsNote: The use of a framework-specific IEP is covered by Roche patent.MAK33 IgG (lyo) Cat. No 1200 941 - monoclonal IgG1 antibody with defined specificity - for test formul

15、ations working with intact IgG1 - mainly for elimination of monomeric and specific interferenceIEP-FrameworkCat. No. 03369846 - for elimination of monomeric and highly specific Interference against the framework regions - caused by highly specific and mostly Mab-therapy-induced HAMAS - developed by

16、comparing the amino acid-sequences of different assay antibodies - use identical immunoreactive amino acid sequences in the framework regions of the interference eliminating reagent as in the test antibodies. - recommended for tumor marker, thyroid and cardiac assays.第13页,共16页。特异性干扰-MAK33 家族多聚体IEPs

17、Note: The use of polymerized IEPs is covered by Roche patent.MAK33-IgG1/IgG1 Poly (liquid) Cat. No 1939 661 polymerized version of MAK33 (DSS linker chemistry) for test formulations working with intact IgG1 higher efficiency concerning HAMA interference type 1 (spontaneous HAMAs) mainly for eliminat

18、ion of polymeric and more unspecific interference.MAK33-IgG1/Fab1 Poly (lyo) Cat. No 1368 338 recommended for test systems working with Fab conjugates comparable characteristics as the a.m. MAK33-IgG/IgG1 poly in addition it covers Fab Neo-epitopes mainly for elimination of polymeric and more unspecific interference.Poly MAK IgG2b/Fab2a (lyo) Cat. No 1355 830 recommended for tes


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