1、Teaching PlanTitle : Fashion and DesignTopic: What do you know about fashion and design both at home and abroad?: Purpose of TeachingIn this unit, we will:Learn about fashion and design both at home and abroad.Learn to express reminding and being reminded by model expressions and sample dialogue.Sti
2、mulate students to discuss more on fashion and design.: Time ArrangementTime ArrangementPeriod One (45 Minutes)Part One: Lead-in10 MinutesPart Two: Communicative Skills20 MinutesPart Three: ln-putting& Out-putting15 MinutesPeriod Two (45 Minutes)Part Three: ln-putting& Out-putting15 MinutesPart Four
3、: Follow-up Activities15 MinutesPart Five: Entertainment:10 MinutesReviewing Checklist5 Minutesee: Teaching ContentsLead-inIntroductory remarks:What is fashion? What are famous designs in China? In foreign countries? More stories and discussions about fashion and design will be followed, try your be
4、st!ACTIVITY 1Teaching Tips:Guide the students to listen to the dialogue and take notes if necessary.After the first listening, ask some students for their answers.Listen to the dialogue again and explain the questions students may have problems.ACTIVITY 21 Teaching Notes:differentiate: recognize or
5、ascertain what makes (someone or something) different 区别;区分e.g. Children can differentiate the past from the present.孩子们可以区分过去与现在。no obj.(differentiate between)identify differences between (two or more things or people).区分,区分e.g. He is unable to differentiate between fantasy and reality.他分不清幻想与现实。ma
6、ke (someone or something) appear different or distinct.使不同; 使有差另U e.g. Little now differentiates the firms products from its rivals.该公司与其对手的产品现在差异很小了。cliche: a phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought 陈词 滥调e.g. The old cliche uone mans meat is another mans poison doe
7、s make sense to me.2 Teaching Tips:Practice dictation skills by listening to the following story. Remind students of the tense and part of speech of the words and phrases.Let students be familiar with the new words in the column by reading aloud in pairs.Play the video from the beginning to the end
8、once to see to what extent the students can take the notes of the blanks. Then let students watch it again by dividing it into 4 parts to leave enough span of pause, making students take down the answers to the 4 incomplete sentences.ACTIVITY 3Teaching Tips:Teachers are expected to require students
9、to work in pairs, and then ask one or two groups to present their own opinions on fashion.Ask students to share their ideas.II Communicative SkillsACTIVITY 1 ORAL FUNCTIONSTeaching Notes:Expressing RemindingExpressing being RemindedCould I remind you of the English class you have to attend this Sund
10、ay?Id like to remind you the rent is due.I expect youve already done it, but the manager asked you to give him a ring this afternoon.I wonder whether youYe remembered my birthday.Please dont forget turn off your mobile phone in class.Youll remember to bring me the books, wont you?Why cant we go back
11、 to the way things were?Thank you for what youve told me.I do appreciate your reminding.Im grateful to your reminding.Im much obliged.YouYe a real friend in need.I should like to express my gratitude for your kindness.Thank you for reminding. 111.Sorry, I forgot all about it.Just let me get it right
12、, oh, yes.Its like this, you see.Wait a moment! IVs on the tip of my tongue.The problem is not as simple as it seems. Oh, I understand what youre saying, but I really cant agree.What you said is perfectly logical, but unfortunately also quite impractical.I don5t understand what youYe getting at. Cou
13、ld you explain more it in details concretely?Teaching Tips:Attract students5 attention to the useful expressions by asking them how to express reminding and being reminded. Guide them to read each model sentence and focus on the key patterns.Encourage students to work in pairs to put up any possible
14、 words or phrases.Then ifs the teachers turn to direct them to underline or make sentences, referring to the useful patterns in the box.Ask students to present the sample dialogue in pairs and put forward a few questions to emphasize the key patterns of this unit.Sample dialogue:Mary: Tony, you look
15、 so fat. You really should get some exercise.Tony: Not only fat, sometimes I feel tired.Mary: Do put yourself on diet; otherwise youll be too fat.Tony: What do you mean by diet? Eating less? I couldnl bear it.Mary: That means you should eat foods containing less fat. Youd better take part in some ex
16、ercise. Jogging is an easy fat-consuming exercise. And why dont you go bird-watching with me this afternoon?Tony: That sounds boring. Whafs bird-watching all about anyway?Mary: Bird watchers study birds in their natural surroundings. Ifs a great hobby.ACTIVITY2 ORAL PRACTICETaskl ListeningTeaching N
17、otes:trim: make (something) neat or of the required size or form by cutting away irregular or unwanted parts使整齐;整修,修剪e.g. Trim the grass using a sharp mower.用锋利的割草机修剪草地。pare:剪指甲;削皮Task 2 ViewingTeaching Notes:skyrocket: no obj.(informal) (of a price, rate, or amount) increase very steeply or rapidly
18、 (非正式)(价格、比率或数量)急速增长,猛长e.g. The cost of the welfare system has skyrocketed.福利系统费用急速增长。overextend: make too long 拖得太长;过分扩展e.g. At nine minutes plus the song is somewhat overextended.这首歌要唱9分多钟有点拉得太长了。Task 3 SpeakingTeaching Tips:Help students set the confidence to open their mouths freely and enlarge
19、the vocabulary by making up a dialogue themselves. You may ask students to brainstorm the useful suggestions for fashion. The teacher may provide the hints and help when necessary, from controlled exercises to semi-controlled exercise, and finally to free discussion.Sample DialogueWhat did you think
20、 of the mini-skirt at the fashion show last weekend?I think ifs not decent for Chinese girl students to wear a dress like that.The dress seemed quite all right to me. I think, they looked pretty nice to me.Do you think college students can wear that stuff and walk around the streets?Yes, I do. YouYe
21、 out of fashion. This is the 21st century. Many youths prefer high-fashion clothes to show off their uniqueness and style.Well. I still think mini-skirt is not proper for you. Youd better stick to conservative style patterns.Ill In-putting & Out-puttingACTIVITY 1 Listening to learnTasklTeaching Note
22、s:auspicious: giving or being a sign of future success 吉利的;吉兆的e.g. They said it was an auspicious moonit was rising.他们说那是一轮预示吉祥的月亮一一它正徐徐升起。jubilant: feeling or expressing great happiness and triumph 欢喜的,欢腾的, 喜气洋洋的e.g. The whole nation is jubilant.举国上下一片欢腾。Teaching TipsTeachers may ask students to te
23、ll the statement true or false, and correct the wrong ones.Task 2Teaching Tips:After that, teachers may guide them to fill in the following blanks of task 2 after asking them to retell the key sentences.Task 3 Oral PracticeInternet Resources :/traditions.cultural-chinaXXX/en/16Traditions34.html :/tr
24、aditions.cultural-chinaXXX/en/16Traditions80.html :/traditions.cultural-chinaXXX/en/16Traditions4970.html :/traditions.cultural-chinaXXX/en/16Traditions4930.htmlMore for teachers:Masks are an age-old cultural phenomenon shared by all ethnic groups of China. In awe of the unknown world, ancient peopl
25、e created numerous totems and divinities, praying to them for the power to overcome disasters and protect their life.Commonly known as nxiuhua (embroidering flowers), embroidery is an art craft performed by using needle and colored thread (silk, cloth with soft nap, and thread) to prick and stitch f
26、abrics including silk, satin, ninon, yarn, thin silk, cloth and hemp according to designed patterns, thus forming patterns or characters on the basis of embroidered trace.Large carpets, particularly large wool carpets, were not used in China until comparatively recent times. Rugs to cover the Kang o
27、r fire heated brick bed platform typical in North China were not uncommon at least as early Ming times. These rugs were typically divided to give a place to set a table on the Kang or designed to cover the entire Kang. Most of these rugs were made of felt and used camel hair, which was dyed black an
28、d red at the borders. The felt rugs, some silk and others wool, in the Shoso-in at Nara, Japan are probably the earliest examples of Chinese carpets and although dating is questioned may date back to Tang times.Fancy lanterns, a special handicraft product of Chinese tradition, are widely used for de
29、corations in the country on festivals and holidays, on weddings and other personalcelebrations.ACTIVITY2 leMng to learnTasklTeaching Notes:interline: with obj.put an extra lining between the ordinary lining and the fabric of (a garment, curtain, etc.), typically to provide extra strength (衣服、窗帘等)织物与
30、普通衬 里间加内衬(多为使织物挺括)e.g. interline a garment with an inner lining衣服里面加上内衬top-notch: (informal)of the highest quality; excellent (非正式)最高质量的;极好的 e.g. a top-notch hotel一处极佳的旅馆Task 2Teaching TipsTeachers may ask students to tell the statement true or false, and correct the wrongones.Task 3Teaching TipsGiv
31、e each pair 10 to 15 minutes to do the task.Since the task is not easy, teachers are supposed to walk around and offer help ifnecessary.Remind students to think why their parents have different ideas about what to wear.Choose some students to talk about his or her ideas.IV Follow-up ActivitiesACTIVI
32、TY 1 LISTENING TO LEARNTask 1 Listening for InformationPassageInternet Resources :/XXX.chinavistaXXX/experience/qipao/qipao.htmlTeaching Notes:elaborate: involving many carefully arranged parts or details; detailed and complicated in design and planning精巧的;复杂的;详尽的;精心设计(或制作)的e.g. elaborate security p
33、recautions详尽的平安防范措施elaborate wrought-iron gates精巧的熟铁门temperament: a persons or animaPs nature, especially as it permanently affects their behaviour气质;性情,性格,禀赋e.g. She had an artistic temperament.她有艺术气质。ConversationInternet Resources :/XXX.davidbeckhamXXX/ :/xxx.qcxxx/Task 2 Oral practiceTeaching Tip
34、sAsk students to prepare for this part before class.Let students limit their presentation within two minutes.Presentation skills are expected to be introduced to students.Evaluation is necessary after students, presentation.More for Teachers% vs to change ones appearanceStep 1 Cut your hairStep 2 Ge
35、t some new eye coverings.Step 3 Change your hair color.Step 4 Get a wig.Step 5 Get a cosmetics consultation. . :/XXX.ehowXXX/how_4455181_change-image-appearance-quickly.html 成 vs to match clothes colorsStep 1 Never wear the same shade of the same color from head-to-toe with nothing to break the colo
36、rs. All black without a splash of red, for instance, is dull. Step 2 Remember that black matches (almost) anything. Here are a few classic color combinations: black and red, black and white, black and purple, black and bright yellow, and black and gray. Step 3 Pair pastels with neutrals: Neutrals ar
37、e dreary colorsbrowns and grays. Pastels are light, traditionally spring colorsbaby pink, baby blue, pale gray, Easter yellow, and sea foam green. Here are color combinations for you to try: beige and baby pink, pale gray and baby blue, khaki and Easter yellow. . :/XXX.ehowXXX/how_2180555_match-colo
38、rs-like-professional-stylist.htmlACTIVITY2: VIEWING TO LEARNTask 1 Viewing for InformationDevil Wears PradaInternet Resources :/XXX.imdbXXX/title/tt0458352/Teaching TipsIfs not necessary for teachers to provide the detailed explanation for every word in the movie script. Some key words might be pick
39、ed out for translation in order to help students to make clear about the general meaning.Teachers may guide the students to figure out the key words and expressions in the blanks and learn to practice the listening sk川s of the native movies.Task 2 Oral PracticeConversation PracticeTeaching TipsAsk t
40、he students to work in pair.Ask them to make a list of the advantages and disadvantages of having cosmetic surgery.Some of the groups are required to report back what they have discussed.Ask two or three groups of students to make a conversation on the topic.More for TeachersReasons for Getting Cosm
41、etic Surgery in ChinaIn the 1990s, many women wanted features that made them look more Western: wide eyes, full lips, large breasts and long legs. These days many young women try to look like their favorite Hong Kong, Taiwan or Chinese movies stars or pop singers. Many young women get plastic surger
42、y for economic reasons. One woman told the China Daily, Tm a salesgirl in a department store. The better I look the more I sell. Another woman told the Los Angeles Times, Tm not looking for a sugar daddy, but I hear good looks may boost your salary by 30 percent.As to the claim that Chinese are havi
43、ng the double slit operation to look more Western, one woman told the China Daily, ul am not trying to look like some American celebrity I am just trying to look like a better version of myself.” “To us doctors, altering beauty is a very natural thing,“ a medical professor told the Los Angeles Times
44、, When you do sports, you alter your muscles. We do the same thing through surgery/7Pair WorkMore for TeachersWho is the most beautiful Chinese woman?It is not easy to reach a conclusion about Chinese beauty. Its even harder for Westerners and Easterners to agree to the same standards.Diverse viewsLu Yan is a Chinese model, she won international fame in Paris and it*s said shes very popular there, but shes only considered so-so in China; said Doufu, a registered user at ShanghaiexpatXXX Big round face with small eyes, big thick lips.B explained at XXX.blogcnXXX that Lu i
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