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1、Dr.Feng英语演讲2020-11-301第1页,共17页。Ive been thinking for a long time what we will do in our life.我从很久以前就想,这一生,我要做些什么May be we have life like that.2020-11-302第2页,共17页。We start by being taught in schoolhow to become good citizens.We spend a great part of our childhood studying,and finally we get the diplo

2、ma that willensure us “the position we deserve”.我们接受的教育一直要求我们做个好人。我们大把的美好童年被用来学习,学着学着终于得到了一个能给自己些许保障的、被称为“文凭”的东西。2020-11-303第3页,共17页。We participate to the increase of unemployment.until we find a job.Through hard tests we areaccepted in the world of work.直到找到了工作我们一毕业就失业,通过了很难的测试找到一份工作2020-11-304第4页,

3、共17页。We perform a good professional careerfilled with activity and effortsa lot, a lot of efforts.till we fall down exhausted.BUT we are great professionalswith our valuable market share.但总是坚信自己的价值能在这个社会发出闪闪光芒!我们对待工作时全心全意、充满激情虽然时常太过拼命,让自己精疲力尽2020-11-305第5页,共17页。Time keeps on passing, and.we select n

4、ew targets.We meetthe sweetheartof our life.and promisea neverendinglove.我们慢慢长大,然后也有了些新的生活目标。当终于遇到了生命中的那个TA,我们毫不犹豫的许下不朽的誓言2020-11-306第6页,共17页。We keep on advancingin the societytrying to make the best of our time.We are the starswherever we goand we are finallyRICH!But we needsome time moreto triumph

5、 completely.我们还在继续向上爬啊爬,。总希望爬的越高越好终于有一天,自己走到哪就成了哪里的焦点没错,我们有钱了!当然,真正的成功也许尚未到来,我们还得不断努力2020-11-307第7页,共17页。Gosh! One day the company tell they can do without you.By this time,you think getting crazy,you feel destroyed,you feel youlost means ofcommunication.You realise you are cut off from everything.天

6、啊,有一天公司对你说,他们不需要你了在这时候,你快疯了你感到糟糕你觉得自己被孤立了。挫败感让你丧失一切与他人沟通的能力和心情。2020-11-308第8页,共17页。You realiseyouve been livingin the fogin search ofa silly target.You become a walkingghosttrying to escapeyour enemies.You are the only one longing for thehours to passtill your timecomes.当你云里雾里的活着的时候,有天突然发现自己一直追求的东西怎

7、么这么弱智。你觉得自己像个行尸走肉,小心的避开敌人也不知道自己想要什么常常自顾自的琢磨着,时间啊,你快跑吧!赶紧让我结束这样的一生吧!2020-11-309第9页,共17页。WILL WE HAVE THIS KIND OF LIFE ?Absolutely not!2020-11-3010第10页,共17页。After thinking day and night , I know what kind of life I really want.在日夜的思索下,我知道了我到底想要什么样的生活!2020-11-3011第11页,共17页。Ill take thingseasy.Ill try

8、to open my heartto my love.Ill listen moreto the onessurrounding me.Ill save more timeto spend it with my friends.Ill try to travel more.Ill sing more.我打算简单行事。我打算毫无保留的去爱。我学着去倾听身边的大家的想法。我要花更多时间和朋友们在一起。我要走过更多地方,看更多风景。我会唱歌2020-11-3012第12页,共17页。Ill go more timesto the seaside.Ill make my bestto cook tas

9、ty food.Ill join my friendswarmth.A bit love more.Ill be happierto get news from my friends.and achieve together commonobjectives我要多多去海边看看!我要学着做些好吃的东西来我学着去感受友情的温度,学着爱,更爱。要是听到了朋友们的好消息,我会打心眼里觉得高兴!我学着合作,从此,目标也不再遥不可及。2020-11-3013第13页,共17页。I cant be sure,but I believeit worths trying.“Well, say what you

10、want, but I ama nice guy!”Ill co-operate toclean the worldfrom nasty people.No harmfrom a glass more.And I hopethey wont stop mewhen my time comes.我会去大胆尝试,做更多看上去不靠谱的事情比如“嘿,你觉得我怎么样?我其实人还不错的!” 的这种告白我学着更有社会责任感。再也不让酒精控制我的大脑!如果我的大限将至,也希望他们可以尊重自然和我的意愿。2020-11-3014第14页,共17页。I do not know whether it is good for everybody, but Im sure that at least I will have had a wonderful time which by the way is what counts more.DONT YOU


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