



1、译林版(三起)四年级下册Unit6单元综合检测模拟卷(一) 一、看图写单词。二、根据汉语提示写单词。一Whose(毛衣)are these?一Theyre Tims.Su Hai and Su Yang(去聚会)(在星期六晚上).一(谁的毛衣)are they?一Theyre.(我的堂兄的)Lefs.(听音乐). Look at Jims shirt. Its(太大 了).三、用单词正确形式填空Look at these(dress). They are so nice.My cousin(have) many toy cars.Look at(we) fruit salad.一Whats t

2、he matter, Jim? 一My arm(hurt). In winter some people like to go(skate).四、单项选择题一My trousers too long.()一Try, please.A. is; thisB. are; theseC. are; it一What would you like?()rd like.A this glovesB. that dressC. these skirt一Whose jacket is this?()Its.A Yang LingsB. Yang LingC. is Yang LingThe shorts to

3、o small. Try.()A. is; thisB. is; theseC. are; these. is a shirt and are trousers.()A. This; theseB. this; theseC. This; that. 一What can you see the river?()一I can see a boat.A. onB. inC. atLook at Joe. His hat so small and his shoes so big.()A. are; isB. is; isC. is; are一Is this Dans sweater?()No. Y

4、oure.A. rightB. wrongC. good一Your jeans white.()I like white.A. amB. isC. are一Whose trousers?()一Ma Mings.is itB . these areC. are these五、排序题A. Whose coat is this?B Whats the matter?C Look at my coat.D. Oh, they are just right. Thank you.E Its too cold. Put on your coat, Helen.F. If s too small.G. If

5、 s Su Hais.H. You can try this.EC( )()()()H()六、情景匹配。A. At seven twenty.Its my cousins.Its so beautiful.D. Theyre Miss Greens.Shes Helen.If s eight thirty. TOC o 1-5 h z What time is it?()When do you go to school?()Whose skirt is it?()Whos that girl over there?(). Look at my dress.()Whose shorts are

6、these?()七、填内容补全对话/短文Look at the first (第一幅)picture. Who are they in it?They are Sam and h 1 friends.What are they doing (在做什么)?They are having p 2 (在野餐).A: Oh, then what season is it now?Its autumn. Its fine and c 3 in autumn.Look! Who are in the second (第二幅)picture?T 4 are Su Hai and his friends.Ar

7、e they also having picnics?N 5 . they are climbing.Oh, yes. Its the best time (最好的时节)to go c 6 in a 7Do you 1 8 autumn?A: Yes, I like summer too.八、按要求完成句子。l.are, shoes, they, sisters, my(.)2.late, for, are, party, we, the(.)3.sofa, move, you, can, the(?)party, fun, very, is, the(.)these, father, glo

8、ves, are, your(?)九、阅读理解,判断正误,对的写(T),错的写(F)oJohn lives (住)in a big city (城市).His father and his mother are doctors. He is seven years old and he is a student in Grade One. The school is far from (远离)his home, so his father drives a car (开车)to take him to school every day. His teacher likes him very m

9、uch.It is Monday. Miss Green is teaching them (在教他们)to count (数) from one to ten. John studies hard (学的很努力),soon (很快)he can count them. Miss Green is happy and asks (问)J How many people are there in your family (你家里有几个人那)? John stands up and says, “Nobody (一个人都没有),Miss Green.” Why?(为什么)” “Father, mo

10、ther and I are not at home now. John says. TOC o 1-5 h z Johns mother is a doctor.()John goes to school by bike (乘自彳亍车)every day.()There are three people (人)in Johns family.()Johns father teaches him to count from one to ten.()John is a very fool (愚蠢)boy.()十、阅读短文,选择正确答案。A man has a parrot. Its blue

11、and green. It can fly and speak (说 话).Every morning, the man goes to talk with (同说话)the parrot.But the parrot doesnt say anything (不说话)to him. The man is angry with (对生气)it. One morning, he doesnt give it any food or water(食物和水).The next morning (第二天早晨)the man goes to see the parrot again (又). He sa

12、ys something (对说话)to it. But the parrotstill (仍旧)doesnt speak. At last (最后)the man says, Fool (傻瓜). Youre a fool. Soon (很快)he hears (听见)the same words (同样的话) from the parrot. He laughs (笑).He loves it very much. What colour is the parrot?()A. Blue.B . Green.C. Blue and green. The man goes to talk to

13、 the parrot.()A. every morningB. every two daysC. every eveningThe man is angry with the parrot because (因为).()A. it can flyB. it eats too muchC. it doesnt say anything to himThe man laughs because.()A. the parrot can speak at lastB. the parrot likes the foodC. the parrot flies away. The man.()A. is not foolB. loves the parrotC. doesnt like the parrot 参考答案一、1. coatsweater. trousersgloves二、1. sweatersgo to the party on Saturday eveningWhose sweaters my cousinslisten to music. too big三、1. dresses. has. our. hurts. skating四、BBACAACBCC五


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