1、PAGE 16THE HYMALL WAY FIRE SAFETY GUIDANCE FOR THE MANAGER PAGE 18JANUARY 2005 ISSUE 1FIRE SAFETY GUIDANCE FOR THE STORE MANAGER门店店总的消防安全指南FIRE SAFETYRULES FOR THE MANAGER对于经理的消防安全条款Fire is one of the most serious hazards that any company faces. The following rules must be in place for store mangers
2、. Local legal requirements may add additional rules. Application of the rules will be reviewed through Trading Law and Technical audit.对于任何公司而言,火灾是最严重的隐患。以下的条款店总必须遵守。可能由于各地的当局机关要求不同,会增加条款。对于此些条款的执行将由TLT部门审查。To ensure that everyone who uses your building can do so in a safe manner, the following rule
3、s must be followed:为确保在使用您建筑的每个人都采用安全方式作业,下列条款必须遵循:Rules that save lives拯救生命的守则Fire exits and escape routes must be properly maintained and free from obstruction at all times.安全出口和逃生通道必须正确维护,确保所有时间不得阻挡Staff receive regular training on how to prevent fires and what to do if a fire is discovered or re
4、ported.员工接受定期培训:如何防火和如果发现火灾怎么做及怎么报告。Rules that prevent fires防火守则Waste should be removed regularly and systematically and stored in a secure place until collected for disposal. 必须有系统的清除垃圾,同时在被运走前必须在安全合适位置储藏Implement a Hot Permit System运行“动火许可系统”Implement a Smoking Policy执行“吸烟政策”Maintain store electri
5、cal equipment对门店电气设备进行保养Control access to plant rooms机房,配电间进出要控制Preventing Arson防止纵火Rules that provide fire protection, enhance our ability to fight, contain and control a fire提供防火保护,增加我们防火,控制火灾的能力的守则Sufficient numbers and types of fire extinguishers are available are maintained in good working orde
6、r.配备足够数量的灭火器,良好保养,确保在良好工作状态。The fire alarm system and fire sprinkler system (where fitted) and emergency lighting systems are operating correctly and are tested and maintained to the required standards.消防报警系统,喷淋系统(安装点)和应急照明系统确保操作正常,正确测试与保养以达到要求标准。Rules that keep the business legal确保经营合法的守则Accurate r
7、ecords are kept to prove that fire equipment maintenance checks and personnel training is conducted.校验消防设备保养检查和人员培训均有正确记录,以证明有实际执行。Legal documentation must be made available on request to local enforcement authorities当地执法部门要求的法律文件必须到位The frequency of the periodic inspection and maintenance that must
8、 be carried out by stores is outlined in the fire log book门店需要进行的定期的检查和维护,都已列于火灾防范日志中Rules that Save Lives拯救生命的守则Fire exits and escape routes must be properly maintained and free from obstruction at all times安全出口和逃生通道必须正确维护,确保所有时间不得阻挡All fire exit routes & exits must be checked each day to ensure:所有
9、消防出口及消防通道必须每天检查,确保:Fire Exits and Fire Exit Doors are maintained free from obstructions by goods or any materials, which may inhibit escape.消防出口和消防出口门必须良好维护确保不被货物或者原材料阻挡 可能影响逃生。Stairways and corridors should not contain flammable objects/furniture or equipment.楼梯井和通道不能容纳易燃物/家具或者设备。Floors, stairs, ra
10、mps and steps on escape routes are maintained in good order.位于逃生通道的地面,楼梯,坡道和台阶必须有良好的维护状况。The position of furniture and fittings in occupied areas allow direct exit routes from any position in the area.家私和设备的位置不阻挡消防通道,确保区域内任何位置能直接通向消防出口。All external escape routes, including stairs, landings and gangw
11、ays are kept safe for use at all times from the effects of snow, ice and vegetation.所有对外消防通道,包括楼梯,码头和过道在雪,冰和植被作用下都能保持安全使用。Fire exit doors are only fastened so that they can be immediately opened by persons on their way out, without the use of a key. Additional security features may be permitted in c
12、ertain areas.消防出口门只能紧闭,在人员逃生时能立即开启,不必使用钥匙。在特定区域允许增加安保设施。All self-closing fire resisting doors are maintained in good working order and kept free from any means of holding the door open other than approved electrical door holders.所有自行关闭的防火门必须维持在良好状态,除了经过认证的电子固定器外不得有其他方式固定器Fire doors held open electro
13、 magnetically will close automatically when the fire alarm is activated. Nothing should be placed to prevent these doors from closing automatically.当消防报警系统被激活时,防火门的电磁开门装置自动关闭。不得有任何物品妨碍这些门的自动关闭。Remember记住Fire doors play an important role in protecting fire escape routes for staff and customers and th
14、erefore their integrity must be maintained对于保护员工和顾客的消防逃生通道来说,消防门至关重要,因此需要良好保养。Staff receive regular training on how to prevent fires and what to do if a fire is discovered or reported员工接受定期培训:如何防火和如果发现火灾怎么做及怎么报告。Fire Safety Training消防安全培训The store manager must appoint a departmental manager to ensur
15、e all employees receive the correct type of fire safety training.店总必须指定一个部门经理,确保所有雇员都接受到正确的消防安全培训There will also be staff involved in certain activities that will need instruction in specific duties in the event of a fire. These may includeKitchen staff and Receptionists. Supervisory staff and those
16、 with a particular responsibility in case of fire should be given additional instruction and training. These may include Heads of departments, Supervisors, Security staff , Fire Marshalls/wardens and Fire Fighter Specialists.从事某些工作的员工需要专职的指导,以预防火灾情况。这些人员包括厨房员工和前台。管理人员和那些在火灾情况下有特殊责任的人员需要额外指导和培训。这些人员包
17、括部门主管,课组长,防损人员,防火监护人/看守员和消防专员。Typical training must cover;主要的培训The action to be taken upon discovering a fire发现火灾后采取的行动The action to be taken upon hearing the fire alarm and what the fire alarm sounds like听到火警后采取的行动和火警的声音是怎样的The location of the fire exit routes and exits.消防逃生通道和出口的位置The importance o
18、f keeping them clear确保通道和出口通畅What a fire alarm call point looks like and where they are situated around the building and how to operate them.消防报警点是什么样子的,在建筑物内的哪里和如何操作Where fire extinguishers are located.灭火器在哪里Where the fire assembly point is火灾逃生后集合地点在哪里What the stores evacuation procedure is门店的疏散程序是
19、什么Who takes responsibility during a fire evacuation.谁是火灾疏散时的责任承办人What roles employees have during a fire evacuation.在火灾疏散时,每个员工的角色是什么What the smoking policies are.吸烟政策是怎样的The reasons for good housekeeping, eg Kitchens: Staff and Contractors who work in staff and test kitchens should be aware of the
20、risks associated with frying or grilling processes and not leave them unattended. Cooking processes that present a risk should never be left unattended.烹饪流程可能会有危险,不能无人看管,例如厨房:在厨房工作或者测试的员工或者承包商服务人员必须知道炸和烤的工艺流程中的相关危险,并有人注意看管。Identifying particular areas of risk定义高危区ALL staff should be aware of the spr
21、inkler installation and instruct on the following points;所有员工必须知道喷淋装置,操作中必须遵循下列各点:Materials or stock must be kept away from the sprinkler pipe-work and sprinkler heads.原料或者货物须远离喷淋管道和喷淋头。Ladders or any other equipment must not be leant against any sprinkler pipe work爬梯或者其他设备不能靠于喷淋管道上进行工作The pipes mus
22、t not be used for hanging signs or displays管道上不得悬挂标示或者招贴Remember记住It is the responsibility of all staff to maintain fire safety standards and report missing or damaged fire equipment, locked exits or blocked passageways, etc对于消防安全标准的维护和消防设备缺损,消防出口上锁,消防通道堵塞等的报告是全员的责任Fire Drills消防演习Fire evacuation dri
23、lls should be carried out to local authority requirements.必须根据当地执法部门要求进行消防疏散演习The drill should simulate conditions in which one or more of the escape routes from the building are obstructed. 消防演习中,模拟1条或者多条从建筑出来的逃生通道被阻挡。Fire safety training/instruction and fire drills should be recorded as staff trai
24、ning, and in accordance with local authority requirements.消防安全培训/指导和消防演习应有员工培训记录,以符合当地执法部门之要求In all premises one person should be responsible for organising fire evacuation drills and training.必须有一人对组织消防疏散和培训负责There shall be, at all times, at least one person nominated as the Senior Fire Marshall, w
25、ho will be responsible for implementing and co-ordinating the action to be taken (Emergency Action Plan) in case of fire with sufficient additional persons nominated to carry out specific duties.不论何时至少任命一人作为资深防火监护人,在其余专职人员的配合下,在火灾时,负责协调相应行动的执行(紧急行动方案)This will vary from store to store according to s
26、ize and layout.门店之间的大小和陈列配置不同,所以具体情况可能有异。In the case of precinct stores, the responsibility for full evacuation often rests with the centre management. However, the store manager should be consulted when any drills are planned, and should always ensure the stores fire alarm is sounded in the event o
27、f fire.对于各部门,通常全部疏散的责任落于中心管理层。但是在做演习计划时必须咨询店总,同时店总需确保门店的火灾报警系统在火灾时发声正常。See Toolbox on the minimum standards for an evacuation.参看疏散的最低标准工具箱Rules That Prevent Fires防火守则Waste should be removed regularly and systematically and stored in a secure place until collected for disposal. 必须经常有系统的清除垃圾,同时在被运走前必须
28、在安全合适位置储藏The main objective should be to prevent fire occurring and a major factor in the management of fire risk is ensuring that employees work safely to prevent fires. Our stores produce large volumes of waste and packaging materials which make the main contribution. If allowed to accumulate, it
29、creates a fire risk within the workplace and can obstruct escape routes. The delivery area should be kept clear of all combustibles when it is left unattended, especially at night. A notice to that effect should be displayed in this area at all stores. Waste containers should never be left under or
30、near openings such as windows and extract grills.最主要的目的是预防火灾发生同时对于火灾风险的管理,确保所有员工安全工作。门店会制造大量的垃圾与包装材料,如果允许堆积,将造成火灾风险,也可能阻挡逃生通道。收货区不能有无人看管的易燃物,尤其是晚上。所有门店的此区域必须都招贴相关告示牌。垃圾箱不得放置在敞开区域例如窗口或者排风口附近/下面。Implement a hot permit system执行“动火许可系统”A hot work permit is to be issued by the Manager / Departmental Mana
31、ger to any contractor wishing to carry out works involving; welding, cutting, brazing or grinding or any works which may cause sufficient heat, sparks or naked flame that may cause ignition to materials in the surrounding area. A permit should only be issued if the contractor can demonstrate safe wo
32、rking practices all times and carry out a fire watch after the works are completed, to ensure that there are not smouldering materials left unnoticed.对于那些任何承包商在进行 :焊接,切割,铜接,打磨,或者任何其他可能引燃周边材质的热度,火花,或者明火的工作,任何承包商需要从相关主管那里申请“动火施工许可证”。只有在承包商在任何时间段展示安全工作,同时在工作结束后进行观察确保没有暗火燃烧材料的情况下,才可颁发许可证。Implementing a
33、smoking policy执行“吸烟政策”Smoking should only permitted in designated areas. In these areas suitable ashtrays are to be used, the contents of which are to be disposed of safely and regularly.只有在指定区域允许吸烟。在这些区域需使用合适烟灰缸,同时需定期安全的清除。Maintain store electrical equipment对门店电气设备进行保养All electrical appliances and
34、cables must be in good working order.所有电气设备和电线必须确保良好工作状态Everybody is responsible for reporting defective equipment.每个人都必须对受损设备进行报告Electric sockets must not be overloaded and the rule of one plug one socket must be obeyed. 电器插座不能超载,同时必须遵循“一插座一插头”的规则If there are insufficient electric sockets in any wo
35、rk area the manager should be consulted to arrange for the provision of extra sockets.如果工作区域缺少足够的插座,必须咨询主管,安排增加插座Only qualified personnel can carry out repairs on electrical equipment.有资格认证的人员才能够修理电器设备Defects in fryers can start fires, which can be serious and dangerous if not properly dealt with.炸锅
36、的损坏可能引起火灾,此问题如不正确处理将是严重危险。Control access to plant rooms配电间进出要控制Access to plant rooms should be locked and with “Only authorized access” signage to restrict authorised personnel only and must not be used for storage purposes.配电间需要上锁,张贴“机房重地,闲人莫入”,只允许专人进出。同时不能用作储存目的。Prevent Arson防止纵火Make the premises
37、as resistant to arson as possible.尽一切可能防止纵火。How:如何:Take a look at your building and assess where the most likely areas are where fires could be started deliberately. Most fires affecting commercial premises are lit outside. The culprits are often young vandals with no other motive other than to caus
38、e trouble. They light their fires with anything readily available such as waste, plastic trays, cardboard, packaging, rubbish in open containers etc. Fires are also lit inside premises by extremists, by people who may be mentally ill or may have a grudge. 对建筑内和进出处最容易被人故意放火的地方进行查看。许多火灾是从外部点起。通常,会是些年轻
39、的小商贩,只是为了故意制造麻烦。他们使用任何触手可及的物品点火,比如垃圾,塑料盒,纸板,包装,在敞开容器内储藏的垃圾。同时也有可能由极端分子在内部纵火,这些人通常有精神问题或者心怀怨恨。Small deliberately started fires are all too often a warning of worse to come.星星之火 ,可以燎原。小火不扑,大火即来。Have there recently been any small fires? 近期有小火灾吗?Have you heard of fires occurring locally? 当地有无发生其他火灾?If s
40、o, be especially vigilant. 如果有,需额外小心。Limit, as far as possible, the numbers of entrances in use (but do not lock fire exits) keep a watch on what is going on. Security personnel & store management/staff should practice vigilance at all times and routinely walk the perimeter of the store. As part of
41、staff training, remind all employees of the arson threat and ask them to report any suspicious behaviour by customers (or staff). 尽可能限制,使用的进出口数量(但是不能锁住消防门)对于正在进行的事情留心观察。所有时间防损人员和店总都需提高警惕。作为员工培训的一部分,提醒所有员工关于纵火恐吓,同时要求他们对任何顾客(或者员工)的可疑行为进行报告。Ensure that windows and doors (that are not required as fire e
42、scapes) are locked at night that they are in good repair and that locks are working. 确保所有门窗(此要求不含必要消防逃生门)在夜间上锁,保养维修良好,锁的运行正常。Gaps under doors facing streets should be as narrow as possible to stop lighted material being pushed in. 对于临街门的下缝要尽可能的小,防止轻质材料被推进。Keep a list of key holders and investigate a
43、ny keys that are missing. 对于钥匙持有者列出清单,对于任何钥匙的遗失进行调查。Identify possible entry points for intruders, i.e. via back areas, drain pipes, flat roofs. 找出入侵者的可能进入点。例如:通过后场,水管,平台,风管排风口。Special danger areas are storage/warehousing: Ensure no packaging, waste, rubbish is left to accumulate anywhere on the prem
44、ise. Packaging, waste, and rubbish should be moved regularly to a safe storage place away from the fabric of the building. Arrange frequent collection of garbage/waste by the local authority or contractor.特别危险的区域 储存间/仓库:确保门店范围内任何地方没有包装料,垃圾,废弃物的堆积。包装料,垃圾,和废弃物必须定期移去安全的存储区。安排由当地机关或承包商定期收取处理。Training re
45、freshers should be conducted in accordance with the fire safety training program.对于新人的培训必须包括消防安全培训项目。Rules that provide fire protection, enhance our ability to fight, contain and control a fire提供防火保护,增加我们的防火能力,控制火灾能力的守则Sufficient numbers and types of fire extinguishers are available are maintained i
46、n good working order配备足够数量的灭火器,良好保养,确保在良好工作状态。All fire extinguishers must be placed so they are readily available for use at all times and must be maintained in good working order.Fire Extinguishers should be checked regularly to ensure they are present, accessible, correctly hanging on their bracke
47、ts. They should also be inspected that their pins are in position (extinguishers), straps are in place (blankets), with no signs of damage. Where pressure gauges are fitted the pressure reading is correct. Any defects are to be noted and reported.所有灭火器都必须到位,确保任何时间都可获取,同时必须维持于良好工作状态。灭火器必须进行经常检查,确保到位,
48、可拿取,正确的置于箱内。每周检查,确保灭火器插稍准确到位,消防毯准确到位,良好无损。压力量表数据记录正确。Fire extinguishers should be examined and periodically tested by a fire extinguisher maintenance company. The date of such tests should be clearly marked on the appropriate equipment.灭火器必须进行检查,且由灭火器维保公司定期检测。此日期必须在设备的显著位置标注。Where fire hoses are ins
49、talled they must be checked regularly by to ensure good condition.消防栓必须经常检查,确保正常工作状态。The date of such tests clearly marked on the appropriate equipment or on stout tabs securely attached to them.所有检测日期必须在设备明显处标注或者张贴硬标签。The fire alarm system and fire sprinkler system (where fitted) and emergency ligh
50、ting systems are operating correctly消防报警系统,喷淋系统(安装点)和应急照明系统确保操作正常,正确测试,保养以达到要求标准。Sprinkler System喷淋系统Once water is flowing, a signal from the sprinkler system automatically sounds the fire alarm and is indicated on the fire alarm panel.In order to minimise water damage as a result of an accidental l
51、eakage all the senior management team should know where the sprinkler supply valves are located, how to shut off the main sprinkler supply valve, and drain down the system by using the drain valve. The sprinkler maintenance operative should be able to demonstrate this to you. Sprinkler supply valves
52、 should be kept accessible but secured; ensure all the senior team knows where any keys are located.Defects to the sprinkler system must be reported immediately through the normal procedures and the insurance department notified.一旦水体流动,喷淋系统自动给出信号激活消防警铃,同时在消防报警面板上也给出信号。在意外泄露情况下,为了降低水的流失,所有资深管理层成员(经副理
53、)必须知道喷淋供水阀门的位置,如果关闭主喷淋供水阀,如何通过排水阀排水。喷淋保养单位必须告诉你上述事宜。喷淋供水伐不得阻挡,但需确保安全。确保资深成员知道钥匙的位置。喷淋系统的损坏必须通过正常程序立即上报,同时告知保险部门(如有需要)。Alarm System报警系统The fire alarm system is operated in one of two ways manually by operating a break glass call point or automatically by a fire/smoke detector or sprinkler head.消防报警系统
54、具备2种操作方式 通过玻璃击碎器手动或者通过火/烟感探测器或者喷淋头自动Manually operated break glass call points are situated at strategic points around a building, normally on escape routes and adjacent to all exits from the building, they must not be inhibited from view or use.手动玻璃击碎器报警点位于建筑的关键位置,通常在消防通道或者靠近建筑出口,不可被挡住以免不能用或找不到。The
55、fire alarm system is controlled through a fire alarm panel. The panel will indicate the location of the fire by either a zone indicator or a readable display.消防报警系统通过消防报警面板控制。此面板会通过区域显示器或者可读显示屏,显示火灾位置。Regardless of the colour shown on the alarm panel during activation of the alarm, the system should
56、 not be reset until the cause of the alarm has been thoroughly investigated.在警铃激活时期,不论火警面板上的显示颜色,在报警原因查清前不得重设警铃。When the fire alarm activates, the following functions may also operate simultaneously to the alarm sounders.当消防警铃被激活,下列功能需要同时执行。Fire doors held back by automatic holders will de-energise
57、and the doors will close automatically.通过自动固定器固定的消防门将失去动力,门自动关闭Fire exits held shut by security magnetic locks will de-energise allowing the door to open.消防出口的安全电磁锁将失去动力,允许门开启Heating and ventilation systems may shut down.暖通系统将关闭Smoke ventilators (where installed) will open/operate.排烟(如果安装)将开启/运做Auto
58、matic smoke curtains/barriers will release/close自动消防闸门/卷帘将自动关闭/放下。Routine maintenance and checks of the fire alarm system must be carried out. A competent person must test fire alarms systems in accordance with the testing regime.必须对消防报警系统 进行例行保养和检查有资质人员将依据检测制度对消防报警系统进行测试。The fire alarm test should
59、also be used to check that any doors held open by electromagnetic door holders shut automatically, security mechanisms release, heating & ventilating systems shutdown, smoke ventilators open and any automatic smoke curtains close each time the fire alarm is tested.消防警铃同时用来检测:任何电磁门的自动关闭,保全设施的开启,暖通系统的
60、关闭,排烟系统的开启,自动防火卷帘的关闭。The results of all tests and any records of maintenance should be recorded and defects reported for maintenance.所有检测的结果和任何保养记录,和保养的任何损坏报告必须记录归档。Emergency Lighting 应急照明All Hymall Stores have Emergency Lighting installed.乐购所有门店安装应急照明。The emergency lighting system must be tested in
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