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1、 冀教版九年级下 Lesson 60Get a Good Education1234678910基础巩固练提示:点击 进入习题51112答案呈现131415mallfaintedagencydefinitelyintroduceADCCDmetbeingCanadianheroesimmediately答案呈现基础巩固练1617181920held outdreamed ofask; forgot a chancekeep your eye on答案呈现2122232425I have not replied to Lees letter yetCould you give us some a

2、dviceWe got there three hours later基础巩固练I believe I will go abroad somedayThey had to accept it答案呈现262728astronauts; in spaceup to; shook my handsTo get ready; half an hour基础巩固练2930At first; to relaxthink of313233DBD3435CD答案呈现能力提升练12346789105aboutexcitingforgivedifferentmaketomanyto jointhem11121314

3、15make people get jobsPeople with little education.To make people get a way of living.答案呈现能力提升练Education is well-rounded and it is mainly for improving a man.认为像历史和地理这样的学科不需要教给每个人是错误的。一、根据句意及所给提示填空。1. I often buy something in this m . It sells all kinds of things.2. She _(昏倒)because of hunger yester

4、day.3. You can book the ticket at the local travel _ (代理机构).allfaintedagency4. I _ (肯定)remember closing the door when I left.5. On the first day of the school, our teacher asked us to _ (介绍)ourselves to the class.definitelyintroduce二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。6. I _(meet) Jenny on my way home yesterday.met7. Hav

5、e you thought of _(be) there in the night?being8. She has worked for the _(Canada) Space Agency since 2008.Canadian9. We will always remember these _ (hero) who saved many peoples lives from the flood.heroes10. He _ (immediate) came up to me when he saw me.immediately三、单项选择。11. 2019深圳 We will have a

6、 big basketball game next week, but we still need another player. Why dont you _ Bryan to join your team? He is fantastic.A. invite B. teachC. warn D. makeA【点拨】句意:下周我们将有一场大型的篮球比赛,但是我们仍需要另一名球员。为什么不邀请布赖恩加入你的队伍呢?他非常出色。invite意为“邀请”; teach意为“教授”; warn意为“警告”; make 意为“使”。根据句意应该选择A。12. When he heard the goo

7、d news, he almost fainted _ excitement.A. of B. to C. on D. fromD【点拨】表示“因而晕倒”用faint from/with/for。13. All the students are getting ready _ the coming final exam.A. in B. to C. for D. ofC【点拨】get ready for是一个固定短语,意为“为而准备”。14. I didnt know _ deal with the problem.A. what to B. to whatC. how to D. to ho

8、wC【点拨】how与deal with连用,what与do with连用。15. I have dreamed of _ all over the world in the future.A. travel B. will travelC. to travel D. travellingD【点拨】介词of后面跟动名词形式。四、从方框中选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空。16. When Tom saw me on the street, he ran to me at once and _ his hands.keep ones eye on , dream of, hold out, askf

9、or, get a chanceheld out17. My little brother has always _ playing basketball in the NBA when he grows up.keep ones eye on , dream of, hold out, askfor, get a chancedreamed of18. If you have any trouble in learning English, you can _ Ms. Green _ help.keep ones eye on , dream of, hold out, askfor, ge

10、t a chanceask for19. You must _ the ball when you play tennis.keep ones eye on , dream of, hold out, askfor, get a chancekeep your eye on20. What a pity! I havent _ to visit the painting and calligraphy(书法) exhibition.keep ones eye on , dream of, hold out, askfor, get a chancegot a chance五、连词成句。21.

11、Lees, not, yet, I, to, letter, have, replied_.I have not replied to Lees letter yet22. advice, us, you, could, give, some_?Could you give us some advice23. hours, got, we, there, later, three_.We got there three hours later24. I, abroad, I, someday, go, believe, will_.I believe I will go abroad some

12、day25. it, they, to, accept, had_.They had to accept it六、根据中文提示完成句子。26. 飞船上的6 名宇航员将在太空度过10 天。The six _ on board will spend ten days _ _.astronautsin space27. 他朝我走过来,热情地和我握手。He came _ _ me and _ _ _ warmly.up to shookmy hands28. 为了准备好,他花费半小时打扫屋子。_ _ _, he spent _ _ _ cleaning the house.To get ready h

13、alfan hour29. 起初我很紧张,但很快就开始放松了。_ _ I was nervous, but I soon started_ _.At firstto relax30. 我想不起我的生活中有任何对的事情。I cant _ _ anything right in my life.think of七、语法专练。31. I _ a wrong way. I spent fifty more minutes getting there.A. take B. will takeC. am taking D. tookD32. Can you give me some information

14、 about the book?Sorry, I _ it. I dont know what its about.A. wont read B. havent readC. dont read D. wasnt readingB33. 2020咸宁 Our school sports meet _ next week. Which sport will you take part in? The long jump and the high jump. Im good at jumping.A. holds B. heldC. was held D. will be heldD34. Don

15、t take the dictionary away. I _ it.A. use B. usedC. am using D. have usedC35. 2020 鄂州 What do you usually do in your spare time? I often go to our community library. It _ for two years in order to encourage us to read more.A. opens B. has openedC. has been opened D. has been openD一、 根据短文内容或所给提示,在文中的

16、空白处填入正确的词。The new term is about to begin, and the students will step into the new school. When students leave junior high school, they are often worried _1 moving to senior high school. It is a hard time for them, but it can be an _2 (excite) one as well.aboutexcitingTo make it easier, students need

17、 to get familiar with their new school. Most senior high schools have a freshman(新生) speech _3 students.Sometimes the school office will _ 4 (give) out a map of the school. It can help students and parents find _ 5 (difference) places in the school.forgivedifferentOne way to know the senior high sch

18、ool better and _6 (make) new friends is to join a club. Senior high schools often offer new students chances _ 7 join different clubs. There are _ 8 (much) clubs, such as the chess club, the soccer club, etc. maketomanyStudents from different grades are allowed _ 9 (join) these clubs. The school off

19、ice will make a list of the clubs and give the information about how to join _ 10 (they). Hope you have a better time in the new school.to jointhem二、任务型阅读。11 题完成句子11. Not all people accept the idea that the purpose of education is to _.make people get jobs【点拨】根据原文第一段中句子It seems that the purpose of e

20、ducation is to make people get jobs. But this isnt accepted by all people.可知答案。12 题简略回答问题12. Who usually have fewer chances to get a good job?_People with little education.【点拨】根据原文第一段中句子It is true that people with better education are usually able to get better paying jobs. In other words, they have more chances to choose a good job


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