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1、PAGE PAGE 25初中英语同义句转换的九种类型同义句转换题是近几年中考英语的一个常考题型,其出题形式通常是同时给出两个句子,第一句完整,第二句中设有几处空格,要求考生填入适当的词或词组,使第二句的意思与第一句意思相同。它综合考查考生的语法、词汇、短语或习惯用语和句型结构等知识,要求运用所学的词汇、语法知识和句型结构填写句子,使句子结构完整、逻辑合理、语法知识无误、意思与所给句子相同。通过对近几年的中考英语试题中同义句转换题的分析,我们发现中考英语同义句转换题主要考查以下几个方面: 一、运用同义词(组)进行转换 用同义词或同义词组对原句中的某些词或词组进行替换,注意转换后的词或词组的词形变

2、化要与句子其他成分相适应。如: 1. That day we could see flowers here and there. That day we could see flowers _. 分析:答案为everywhere。everywhere与here and there都表示“到处”。 2. The teacher always takes good care of the children in the school. The teacher always_ _the children well in the school. 分析:答案为looks after。take good

3、care of与look afterwell都表示“好好照顾”。 二、运用反义词(组)的否定式进行转换 即用反义词或词组的否定式表达与原句相同的意思,主要考查学生对反义词(词组)的积累和换位思维的能力。如: 1. Its clear that this visit is different from last time. Its clear that this visit is not the_ _last time. 分析:答案为same as。be different from意为“与不同”;the same as意为“与相同”,其否定式与be different from同义。 2. I

4、 think wealth is less important than health. I _ think wealth is _ important than health. 分析:答案为dont,more。less important的意思是“没有(不及)重要”;more important的意思是“(比)更重要”,该结构与not连用,则表示“不比更重要”。 另外,有的反义词即使不与否定词连用,而只需改变句子结构也可构成同义句。如: He lent some money to his friend. He friend _ some money _ him. 分析:答案为borrowed

5、,from。borrowfrom意为“向借”;lendto意为“把借给”。两个结构意思相反,但若变换“借出者”与“借入者”的位置,则可转换为同义句。 三、运用不同语态进行转换 即运用主动语态与被动语态的变化来转换同义词,但此时要特别注意时态、动词一致性。如: 1. Everyone should give back his library books on time. Library books should_ _ _ on time. 分析:答案为be given back。被动句中含有情态动词should,因此助动词用be。 2. It is widely accepted that mo

6、re people use computers in the world today. Computers _ widely _ in the world today. 分析:答案为are,puters是复数名词,助动词用are。 四、非延续性动词与延续性动词的相互转换 即非延续性动词与延续性动词进行转换,此时往往会涉及时态的变化。如: 1. The manager left two hours ago. The manager _ _ _ for two hours. 分析:答案为has been away。leave为非延续性动词,不能与for two hours这样的一段时间连用,而改成

7、be away这样的延续性动词后,则可连用一段时间。 2. The film began five minutes ago. The film has been _ _ five minutes. 分析:答案为on for。has been提示时态是现在完成时态,“for+时间段”表示“持续(一段时间)”,常用在含有现在完成时态的句子里。 3. Mr Li joined the Party twenty years ago. Mr Li _ _ _ the Party for twenty years. 答案:has been in。短暂动词join,意为“参加、加入(组织,政党)”,不能与延

8、续时间状语连用,与延续性时间状语连用时,将join改成be in或be a member in。 五、运用不同引语进行转换 即将直接引语变为间接引语或将间接引语转换成直接引语。此时还要注意相关时态、人称、动词、状语等相应的变化。如: 1. “Ive found my wallet,” he said to me. He _ me that he _ _ his wallet. 分析:答案为told,had found。此题是将直接引语转换成间接引语。 2. “Did you see her last week?” he said. He _ _ I had seen her the week

9、_. 分析:答案为asked if/ whether, before。此题是将疑问句的直接引语转换成间接引语。 六、运用简单句与复合句之间的转换 即将简单句变成同义的复合句或将复合句变成同义的简单句。如: 1. We didnt go out for a walk because it was raining. We didnt go out for a walk _ _ the rain. 分析:答案为because of。将原因状语从句because it was raining改为表示原因的介词短语because of the rain。 2. He was so excited tha

10、t he couldnt go to sleep. He was _ _ _ go to sleep. 分析:答案为too excited to。将sothat换成tooto结构,原句的that从句为结果状语从句,改写句中的不定式仍表结果。 3. Now I will show you how to do the work. Now I will show you _ _ _ do the work. 分析:答案为how you can。即将原句中的“疑问词+不定式”结构转换成宾语从句。 4. You should put them back after you use them. You s

11、hould put them back _ _ them. 分析:答案为after using。即将after引导的状语从句改写为after引导的介词短语。 七、运用并列句与复合句之间的转换 即将并列句变成同义的复合句或将复合句变成同义的并列句。如: 1. Come on, or well miss the early bus. _ we _ hurry, well miss the early bus. 分析:答案为If,dont。if引导条件状语从句。 2. The man gave us a talk last week. Now he will give us another talk

12、 this week. The man _ gave us a talk last week _ _ us another talk this week. 分析:答案为who/ that,will give。who/ that gave us a talk last week为定语从句,修饰先行词the man。 八、运用关联连词连接或合并句子 即运用关联连词bothand,neithernor,eitheror,not onlybut also等将两个简单句合并为一个简单句。此时要注意的是,bothand连接两个主语时,谓语总是用复数,而neithernor,eitheror,not onl

13、ybut also连接两个主语时,谓语动词通常应与靠近的主语保持一致。如: 1. Tom cant speak Japanese well and Jim cant, either. _ Tom _ Jim can speak Japanese well. 分析:答案填Neither,nor。neithernor表示“和(两者)都不”,刚好与原句的两个否定结构的意思相吻合。 2. Alice has read the book and Peter has read it, too. _ Alice _ Peter have read the book. 分析:答案为Both,and。botha

14、nd的意思是“和(两者)都”。 3. This store sells mens shoes, and it also sells mens clothes. This store sells _ _ mens shoes _ _ mens clothes. 分析:答案为not only,but also。表示“不仅而且”之意。 九、利用某些典型句式或结构进行转换 这类典型结构如sothat,tooto,enough to,notuntil,so do I等。如: 1. Jim wants to go boating and his parents want to go boating, to

15、o. Jim wants to go boating, and _ _ his parents. 分析:答案为so do。句意为“他的父母也一样(一样想去)”。 2. John went to bed after he finished his homework. John _ go to bed _ he finished his homework.训练:(一)Most Americans also have watches with them wherever they go.Most Americans also have watches with them _ _where they

16、go.I preferred to stay in the small hotel rather than sit in the cold cinema.I preferred to stay in the small hotel _ _ sitting in the cold cinema.3. Would you like to come over for dinner tonight?_ you _ to come over for dinner tonight?They are so busy that they cant go to the campus every day.They

17、 are _ busy_ go to the campus every day.They arent _ _ to go to the campus every day.They had a picnic yesterday. They_ _ a picnic yesterday.6. Most accidents happen because people drive too fast.Most accidents _ _ because people drive too fast.7. China has spent 18 billion yuan on its manned space

18、programme in the past 11years.China has_18 billion yuan _ its manned space programme in the past 11years.8. The woman was surprised to hear that.The woman _ _ to hear that.9. The simple game is often used to make decisions.We _the simple game to _decisions.10. He finds it easier to work in that way.

19、 He finds _ _ easier to work in that way.11. Sometimes, their parents buy mobile phones for their children as presents. _ _, their parents buy mobile phones for their children as presents.12. They seem to forget how they themselves felt when they were young. It _ that they themselves dont _ how they

20、 felt when they were young.13. If you find the card, please return it to the bank. If you find the card, please_ it _to the bank.14. It is enjoyed by people throughout the world. It is enjoyed by people _ _ the world.15. It was better to get some food. _ _ some food was better.16. It is the largest

21、museum in the country. It is _ than _ other museum in the country. It is _ than _ other museums in the country.17. He decided to tell people how important it was. He _ _ his mind to tell people how important it was.He _ a _to tell people how important it was.18.The teacher didnt want to teach Tom an

22、y more.The teacher _ _wanted to teach Tom.19. He didnt know what to do. He didnt know what _ _ do.20. He often buys something from that businessman. That businessman often _ something _ him.21. The children were very interested in dinosaurs. The children _ _ in dinosaurs.22. Surfing is interesting.

23、Surfing is _ _.23. The old pictures are very beautiful. The old pictures are _ _ beautiful.24. In a few years time, those mountains will be covered with trees, too!In a _ _, those mountains will be covered with trees, too!In a few years time, those mountains will be covered with trees_ _!25. The moo

24、n travels round the earth. The moon _ _the earth.26. They had never lost to Brazil before. They had never _ _ by Brazil before. 27. You neednt thank me. Theres _ _ to thank me.28. He tried his best to reach the top of the mountain. He tried his best to _ _ the top of the mountain.29. Along the way,

25、they met and talked to strange people. Along the way, they met and had a _ _ strange people.30. After the holiday, you can see rubbish everywhere in the square. After the holiday, you can see rubbish _ and _ in the square.31. The mother said to her child, “Eat one more apple.” The mother _ her child

26、 _eat one more apple. The mother said to her child, “Eat _ _”32. They started fighting with each other and many people died. They started fighting with each other and _ many people_.33. It is said that the rooster lay an egg. _ _ that the rooster lay an egg.34. American families still get together e

27、very autumn to give thanks. American families still _ a _ every autumn to give thanks.35. He flew to London so that he could see his daughter very soon. He _ to London by _ so that he could see his daughter very soon.He flew to London _ _ to see his daughter very soon.He flew to London so that he co

28、uld see his daughter as _ as _.He flew to London so that he could see his daughter as soon as _ _.36. Workers had time off from work to visit their mothers. Workers asked for _ _from work to visit their mothers.37. The workers had three days off. The workers had a _ _. The workers had a _ _ holiday.

29、38. The naughty boy was drawing on the wall, paying no attention to his headmaster.The naughty boy was drawing on the wall, _ _ attention to his headmaster.39. We were all interested in the story. The story was _ _ us.40. During the day, there are a large number of people here. During the day, there

30、 are _ _ of people here.41. The man told him to wait to be handled(处置). The man told him to wait to be _ _.42. It has a kind of oil to keep metal away from rust. It has a kind of oil to _ metal _rust.43. Ill ring the travel agent right away and check the availability. Ill ring the travel agent _ _ a

31、nd check the availability.44. He came to China last week for a two-day visit. He _ _ China last week for a two-day visit.45. He always enjoyed flying. He was always _ _ flying. 46. People with a long head line are said to have an excellent memory.It is _ _people with a long head line have an excelle

32、nt memory.47. Youd better try your best to speak while you do much listening. _ the best for you _try you best to speak while you do much listening.48. Susan said she couldnt wait to start. Susan said she was _ forward to _.49. Thanks to Liu Chang, I quickly became used to China. _ the _ of Liu Chan

33、g, I quickly became used to China.50. In the end he finds that he has lost the best friends he has. _ _ he finds that he has lost the best friends he has.51. He hoped to collect two examples of every kind of animal on his island. He hoped _ _collect two examples of every kind of animal on his island

34、.52. Now very few people jump off the bridge because it was painted green. Nowadays very few people jump off the bridge after the workers _ the bridge _.53. I went upstairs and found him in bed asleep. I went upstairs and found _ he _ in bed asleep.54. The old man didnt say anything for a minute, be

35、cause he was thinking. The old man _ _ for a minute, because he was thinking.55. Rabies(狂犬病) killed more people in China than any other disease. Rabies killed the _ people in China of all the _.56. The holiday goes on for seven days. The holiday _ _ seven days.57. Its going to rain tomorrow. There _

36、going to _rain tomorrow.58. Studying on our own brings the most knowledge. Studying _ _ brings the most knowledge.59. The cool air over the water moves in and takes the place of the hot air.The cool air over the water moves in and is _ _ the hot air.60. Beijing will be rainy. There will _ _ in Beiji

37、ng.61. For that reason, we can get good result. _ _ that, we can get good result.62. Now we know the earth circles the sun. Now we know the earth _ _ the sun.63. It is too hot for people to live anywhere near it. It is _ hot for people that they _ live anywhere near it.64. The next morning she went

38、to the factory again. The next morning she went to the factory _ _65. Bob lent Jim ten dollars. Jim _ ten dollars _Bob.66. Long ago, people in Rome talked to one another in Latin. Long ago, people in Rome talked to _ _ in Latin.67. They want a quiet place where they can eat a good meal.They want a q

39、uiet place _ _ they can eat a good meal.68. So the students should not be allowed to have mobile phones. So the students should not _ _ mobile phones.69. But more and more of the earth is always becoming desert. But more and more of the earth is becoming desert _ the _.70. Summer is from December to

40、 February in Australia. Summer _ in December and _ in February in Australia.71. They are between the Us and Canada. They _ between _ and Canada.72. Those who were left knocked the building down. The building _ knocked down _ those who were left.73. There are about six large plates in the world. The

41、world _ _ six large plates.74. I stayed in a luxury car with six rooms. I stayed in a luxury car, _ _ six rooms. 75. If everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become more beautiful. If everyone _ _ to protect the environment, the world will become more beautiful.

42、76.It is a pretty city with an interesting flower market. It is a pretty city _ _ an interesting flower market.77. Most of the Indians werent interested in it. Most of the Indians _ no _ in it.78. At last he thought of an idea. At last he _ _ with an idea.79. Long ago there was a king named Solomon.

43、 Long ago there was a king _ _ _ of Solomon.80. After my daughter finished school, she went abroad. After my daughter _ _ school, she went abroad.81. I am very proud of my daughter. My daughter is the _ _ me.82. Plants do not let the wind blow the soil away. Plants _ the wind from _the soil away.83.

44、 So far, no man has traveled farther than the moon. So far, the moon is _ _ place man can travel.84. She said that it was better to get some food before they got on the train. She said that they _ _ get some food before they got on the train.85. Three quarters of the worlds books and newspaper are w

45、ritten in English. _ _ of the worlds books and newspaper are written in English.86. I can at least provide a coat for you. I can at least provide_ _ a coat.87. The scientists knew something had to be done.The scientists knew they had to_ _.88. He wants to see his mother very much. He _ _ to see his

46、mother.89. No one knows exactly how they came to be. No one knows _ _ how they came to be.90. Each student tried to do as the teacher did. _ _ the students tried to do as the teacher did.91. Spanish has a growing number of speakers. The _of Spanish speakers_ growing. 92. Turpan is a city four hours

47、by bus from Urumqi. It is four hours _ _Urumqi to Turpan.93. The next was in the summer to give thanks for the corn. The next was in the summer _ _ thanks for the corn.94. She went abroad in 2003 and 2007. She _ _ abroad _.95. We are interested in the film Titanic. The film Titanic _ _.96. I called

48、her, but no one answered the phone. I called her but _ was no _.(二)1. I dont know what I will talk about. I dont know _ _ _ _.2. People call James Jim for short. Jim is James. 3. May I have a piece of paper? Could you a piece of paper? 4. English names are not the same as Chinese names. English name

49、s are Chinese names.5. Perhaps Tom will go to school by bike today. Tom today. 6. He walked to the village on a rainy day. He the village on a rainy day. 7. Her room is too small. She wants to find another one. She wants to find a _ 8. You have more mooncakes than I. My mooncakes are not many _ your

50、s. 9. David is twelve, and his brother is ten. Davids brother is not 10. Kate jumped farthest in the long jump Kate jumped _than in the long jump. 11. The pupils are playing happily in the park. The pupils are in the park. The pupils are in the park 12. The air today is very clean. The air today is

51、clean. 13. Could you tell me which is the way to the supermarket? Could you tell me the supermarket? Could you tell me how the supermarket? Could you tell me the supermarket _? 14. She didnt feel well last night. There was last night. 15. The doctor said that he must stay in bed for over ten days. T

52、he doctor him stay in bed for ten days. 16. Maybe your address is missing. Your address missing. 17. You neednt wash your clothes today.You the washing today. 18. Lin Tao ran past Wu Peng. Wu Peng Lin Tao. 19. He saw the bag after he hit it. He see the bag he hit it. 20. Study hard, and you will lea

53、rn well. study hard, you _ learn well. 21. One afternoon a ship set off from England to America. One afternoon a ship England America. 22. Over 500 people died in that accident. 500 people their in that accident. 23. The boy was too short to reach the apple. The boy was not to reach the apple. 24. B

54、e careful, therere icebergs ahead. therere icebergs 25. Its terrible to see the ship sinking into the sea. Its terrible to see the ship _ into the sea. 26. The ship arrived too late to save more people. The ship arrived late that it save more people. 27. Few people understand his words. Few people u

55、nderstand 28. I bought the dictionary for 30 yuan. I 30 yuan the dictionary. 29. He is sure to be on time. sure that be on time 30. She was so excited that she could say no more She was excited say 31. You dont like to play the piano. I think.I think you the piano. 32. I have eleven tapes but she ha

56、s only five. I have _tapes than she. 33. The workers are all tired of their work: The workers are all they are doing. 34. Please return the scissors to me as soon as you can. Please the scissors me as soon as 35 The mountain is very high. We cant climb up The mountain is high us to climb up. 36. How

57、 is the weather in the north of China? the weather in 37. How do you like the fast food? do you _ the fast food? 38. I like tomatoes better than the others. I like tomatoes 39. It will be snowy tonight. Im afraid. Im afraid snow tonight. 40. They found only an empty box in the room. They found an em

58、pty box in the room. ,41. There are no houses on both sides of the river. There are houses on of the river. 42. Kate learned to dress herself when she was five.Kate learned to put on clothes the of five. 43. To their surprise, they found the child was blind. They found the child could 44. Lee ran mu

59、ch faster than the other boys. The other boys ran than Lee. 45. They passed the finishing line together. They ran the finishing line at . 46. Dont talk in the reading room.Please you in the reading room. 47. Your uncle must be repairing the machine, Yes, he is. Your uncle must be repairing the machi

60、ne, . 48. They improved the software with my help. They improve the software the help . 49. Mary helps me and I help her. Mary and I help . 50. What is tile meaning of panda? What panda ? W hat you mean panda?51. Why do you go to the museum in a hurry? Why do you the museum? 52 Miss Li was thankful


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