1、PAGE PAGE 94我喜欢在家里看书而不是出去(ch q)踢球。(prefer)I prefer to read books at home rather than go out to play football at weekends.早点(zodin)起床,你就不会上学那个迟到了。(late)Get up early,and you will not be late for school.毫无疑问,那位穿着考究的绅士给我们留下(li xi)了极为深刻的印象。(impress)There is no doubt that the well-dressed gentleman has im
2、pressed us deeply.在人们遇到困难时,他会毫不犹豫地鼎力相助。(hesitation)When people are in trouble,he tries his best to help them without hesitation.众所周知,在西方文化中,交谈时保持眼神交流是非常必要的。(maintain)As we all know, in western cultures, maintaining eye contact in conversations is very necessary.这张精美的明信片使我想起了我快乐的童年时代。(remind)This fin
3、e postcard reminded me of my happy childhood.这场突如其来的全球(qunqi)金融危机给我们提供了前车之鉴。(teach)This global finanicial crisis has taught us a lesson.她不仅是我们(w men)的老师,她像我们的母亲一样照顾我们。(more than)She is more than our teacher and she always looks after us like our mother.那位穿白衣服的女孩(n hi)多才多艺,给我们留下了深刻的印象。(impress)That g
4、irl in white is of many gifts and she has impressed us deeply.毋庸置疑,越读书对我们越有好处。(doubt)There is no doubt that the more we read,the more good it will do to us.缺乏良好的教育使他与这项工程失之交臂。(lack)Lack of good education made him miss the job.他看上去很低落,但老师的一番话似乎起作用了。(work)He looked downwards,but what his teacher han s
5、aid seemed to work.你和别人(birn)打招呼的方式也很重要。(way)The way you greet others is also very important.在面试要想给考官留下印象,个人仪表(ybio),姿势是很重要的。(impression)If you want to make a deep impression on your judge in the interview,your appearance and gesture are very important.他没有报名(bo mng)参加求职面试,这使他失去了一份高薪的工作。(cost)He didn
6、t enter for the job interview and this cost him a well-paid job.第一次游玩纽约时,我对所见所闻很好奇。(curious)When I visited New York for the first time,I was curious about what I saw and heard.由于经验不足,他如何处理这情形,他不知所措。(lack)Because of lack of experience,he didnt know what to do with this situation.应该建议学生要把注意力集中在老师上课的内容
7、上。(concentrate)Students should be suggested concentrating their mind what their teachers are saying in class.你认为在交谈(jiotn)时保持眼神交流有必要吗?(consider)Do you consider that it is necessary to maintain eye contact in conversations?在我看来似乎到了该采取措施来解决这个(zh ge)地区污染的时候了。(seem)It seems to me that it is time to take
8、 meatures to solve air pollution in this area.他们(t men)似乎明白了他们做的事错了。(seem)They seem to understand that the thing they did is wrong.她已经三个月没收到她在加拿大的儿子的信了。(since)It is three months since she received her Canadian sons letter.每次他妈妈叫他帮助做家务,他总是假装在看书。(time)He always pretend to be reading books when his mot
9、her asks him to help with the housework.她正在考虑到国外深造,但他没有考虑什么时候去。(consider)She is considering going abroad to study further,but he hasnt considered when to go.老师在生物课上给我们(w men)做的实验给我们留下了难忘的印象。(impression)The experiment which the teacher did in the biology class made an unforgettable impression on us.据
10、说(j shu)饭后散步有益于健康。(benefit)It is said that walking after meals benefits our health.以前从来没有人像(rnxing)我们班主任那样关心我们的身心健康。(Never)Never before has anyone cared about our physical and mental health.虽然这辆自行车还很好骑,但昨天却坏了。(in spite of)In spite of the fact that my bike is still in a good condition,but it went wro
11、ng yestiday.多参加体育锻炼,你就不那么容易感冒了。(exercise)Take more physical exercise and you will have a cold so easily.我从来没有看到过这么一部引人入胜的电影。(Never)Never before have I seen such an arractive film.据估计大约(dyu)超过5000人去过这个景色迷人(m rn)的机会。(estimate)It is estimated that about more than 5 thousand people have been to the fasc
12、inating valley.看了杰克画的卡通画,他的母亲(m qn)忍俊不禁。(laugh)After Jacks mother saw the cartoon which was drawn by Jack,she couldt help laughing.我没有想到这位不速之客是我的老班主任老师。(occur)It never occurred to me that the unexpected teacher was my former class teacher.你谈到的那个女演员与那不是一个著名的电影明星。(far from)The actress who you talked a
13、bout was far from a famous pop star.只有努力工作,我们才能解决这个问题。(Only)Only by working hard can we solve the problem.普遍可被接受的是我们的大脑越用,我们就越聪明。(accept)It is generally accepted that the more we use our brain,the cleverer we will be.在这样一座大城市里要我找一份称心的工作(gngzu)不是轻而易举的事。(satisfactory)It is not easy to find a satisfact
14、ory job in so big a city.我对父母给我提供这么好的学习(xux)环境心存感激。(grateful)I am grateful to my parents for offering me such a good learning environment.你必须为你的所作作为(zuwi)向所有在场的人道歉。(present)You must apologize all the people present for what you have done.希望所有的学生掌握一门外语。All the students are expected to master a foreig
15、n language.要鼓励学生向老师提问。Students should be encouraged to ask their their teachers question.听说那场出人意料的大会造成了200多人失去了家园。(cause)It is said that the unexpected fire has caused more than two hundred people to lose their home.直到(zhdo)20世纪(shj)后半叶,他的这个想法才被普遍接受。(Not until)Not until the second half of the twenti
16、eth century was his idea generally accepted.直到(zhdo)他通过了驾驶考试,我才知道他努力工作。(Not until)Not until he passed the driving test did I know he worked hard.当战争终于结束时,那个国家发现它正面临着各种各样的问题。(face)When the war was over,that country found it was facing different kinds of problems.教室外面太闹了,我根本不能集中思想听Smith教授做的讲座。(sothat)
17、It is so noisy outside the classroom that I cant listen to Smith professors lecture in concentration.尽管他病了,但是他仍旧一小时又一小时地坚守自己的岗位。(stick to 坚守)Although he was ill,he still sticked to his post one hour after another.知道他在车祸中受了伤,他才明白遵守(znshu)交通规则很重要。(Not until)Not until he was injured in the accident did
18、 he know it is very important to follow the traffic rules.正在采取行动以防止(fngzh)苏州河的水进一步污染。(prevent)Action is being taken to prevent the Suzhou River from being polluted.必须(bx)采取积极措施来帮助那些落后的学生。(measures)Action measures should be taken to help those students who have fallen behind.他对什么事都感到好奇。(curious)He is
19、 curions about everything.我们的童年总是充满了甜蜜的回忆。(fill)Our childhood is always filled with sweet memories.努力学习,你就会取得进步。Study hard and you will make progress.这个地区的巨大变化给外宾留下了深刻(shnk)的印象。(impression)The great changes in this area made a deep impression on the foreigners.这张照片使我想起了我在乡下度过(d u)的日子。(remind)This ph
20、oto reminded me of my days in the countryside.据报道(bodo),这个地区历史上发生过多次地震。(report)It is reported in the newspaper that many earthquakes happened in this area throughout the history.显而易见,吸烟有害于健康。(it)It is obvious/clear/apparent that smoking is bad for health.做志愿者的经历让我受益匪浅。(benefit)The experience of bein
21、g volunteer benefited me greatly.只有仔细的观察(observe),我们才能找到这个问题的关键。(Only)Only through careful observation can we find the answer to the question.老师(losh)刚要分发试卷,这时候手机铃声响了。(when)The teacher was about to give away the papers when the mobile phone rang.很显然,应该鼓励学生把课堂上所学到的知识(zh shi)运用到生活中去。(clear)It is clear
22、 that students should be encouraged to apply what they have learnt in class to practice.正要付钱时,我发现(fxin)我的信用卡不见了。(when)I was about to pay the money when I found my credit card had disappeared.那本蓝色封面的词典不是我的。(which)The book of which the cover is blue doesnt belong to me.听说昨天他闹情绪,没来上班。(absent)I hear tha
23、t he was in low spirits so he was absent from his work.他总是全力以赴面对挑战(tio zhn),这使大家印象深刻。(which)He always goes out to face challenges which impresses us deeply.直到他给我写了封信,我才知道(zh do)他在国外的情况。(Not until)Not until he wrote a letter to me did I know his life abroad.这部电影百看不厌,它让人们(rn men)想起了童年时光。(remind)This f
24、ilm is worth seeing a hundred time which reminds people of their childhood.我刚要关掉电视,这是一档新闻节目引起了我的注视。(when)I was about to turn off the TV when a news programme caught my interest.他迫不及待地要回家告诉家人这个好消息。(wait)He couldt wait to go home to tell his family this good news.每当妈妈叫他做家务,他总是假装在看书。(Every time)Every t
25、ime his mother asks him to help do with the housework,he always pretends to be reading books.我们(w men)只有努力奋斗才能使自己的理想变为现实。(Only)Only by striving hard can we turn our dreams into realities.这是他第一次在校运动会上获得冠军(gunjn)称号。(It)It is first time that he has won a championship at the school sports meeting.收集(shu
26、j)钱币使我受益匪浅。(benefit)Collecting coins benefits me deeply.只有通过了面试你才能被那所著名的大学录取。(Only)Only by passing the interview can you be admitted to that famous university.那场突如其来的地震使得数以千计的人无家可归。(cause)That sudden earthquake caused thousand of people to lose their homes.显而易见,因特网人们的日常生活中起着非常(fichng)大的作用。(obvious)I
27、t is obvious that Internet plays an important part in peoples daily lives.直到2年后他才在纽约(ni yu)住下来。(Not until)Not until two years later did he stay in New York.据报道2008年越来越多的大学生去边远(binyun)地方工作。(It)It is reported that more and more college students went to remote areas to work in 2008.我从来不知道这个城市有那么美丽。(Nev
28、er)Never before have I known such a beautiful city.运动员是否能准时举行还是一个问题。(remain)Whether the sports meeting will be hold on time remains a problem.跟他争论是于事无补的。(It)It is no use arguing with him.是不是明天举行生日晚会(wnhu)还不得而知。(remain)Whether the birthday party will be hold tomorrow remains unknown.毫无疑问,应该鼓励(gl)年轻人按
29、照自己的特长选择职业。(encourage)There is no doubt that young people should be encouraged to choose their careers according to their strong points.老师使她相信她儿子因学习(xux)努力已经被提前录取进入大学。(assure)The teacher assured her that her son had been admitted to the university because of his hard work.他是否会通过这次考试尚不清楚。(remain)Whet
30、her he will pass the exam remains unclear.我们学校规定,学生在学校必须穿校服。(make it a rule)Our school makes it that students must wear school uniforms in school.在考试中越是冷静(lngjng),就越少出错。(the morethe more)The calmer you are in the test,the fewer mistakes you will make.承蒙你帮我学习英语(yn y),我不甚感激。(appreciate)Id appreciate i
31、t if you could help me study English.这台电脑一直(yzh)好用,但昨天坏了。(wrong)This computer is still in a good condition,but it went wrong yesterday.他向我们保证,他会努力学习,并且取得更大进步。(assure)He assured us that he would study hard and make greater progress.我们的祖国从来没有像今天这样强大。(Never)Never before has our country been so strong a
32、s it is today.电子邮件和电话一样,在人们的日常交往中起着重要的作用。(role)E-mail plays an important role in daily communication as same as telephone.应该注意(zh y)把注意力集中在老师课堂上讲的内容。(attention)Attention should be paid to concentrating on what teachers are saying in class.听到2010年世博会在上海举行(jxng)时,我们欣喜若狂。(be on top of the world)We were
33、 on top of the world when we heard the 2010 Expo would be held in Shanghai.在阳光下看书(kn sh)对你的眼睛有损害。(damage)Reading books in the sun does bad to your eyes.经常大声朗读英语是明智的。(wise)It is wise for you to read English loudly frequently.只有那些为科学献身的人们才会明白科学的真谛。(Only)Only those people who devote their lives to scie
34、nce would understand the true meaning of science.毋庸置疑,越读书(d sh)对我们越有好处。(doubt)There is no doubt that the more we read,the more good it will do to us.他们(t men)是否参加这次求职面试尚不得而知。(remain)Whether they will enter for this job interview remains unknown.你和老同学老死不相往来,是不对的。(It)It is wrong of you that you dont k
35、eep in touch with your former classmate.他向我们(w men)保证他说话算数。(guarantee)He guaranteed that he would keep his word.为了保持健康,经常锻炼身体,是非常必要的。(fit)To keep fit,it is very necessary for us to take physical exercise.1.千万要把书本只是运用到实践中去。(apply)Be sure to apply what you have learnt from books to practice.2.据报纸报道,这些
36、(zhxi)电子产品均保质5年。(guarantee)It is reported in the newspaper that these electronic products will be guaranteed for five years.3.希望这里(zhl)的志愿者都精通英语。(commmand)All the volunteers here have a good command of English.4.我们打算开个派对来祝贺Helen获得这场比赛(bsi)的胜利。(congratulate)We plan to have a party to congratulate Hel
37、en on winning the game.5.给我印象最深的是中国人对未来满怀信心。(confident)What makes me a deep impression is that Chinese are full of confident of future.6.他把毕生精力花在医学研究上并且取得了很大成就。(devote)He devoted all his time to studying medicine and made great achievements.你根本不用愁眉不展(chu mi b zhn),一切看起来都有条不紊。(order)You should not be
38、 very worried about because everything looks in good order.我现在(xinzi)急需一台电脑,可我买不起。(afford)Now I need a computer very much ,but I cant afford it.这些天杰克正忙于筹备(chubi)他的婚礼。(busy)These days Jack is busy preparing for his wedding.只有持之以恒地锻炼才能使人延年益寿。(Only)Only by taking persistent exercise can people live lon
39、ger.给他这么多钱毫无意义。(point)There is no point in giving him so much money.这是我们宇航员第一次在太空行走。(It)It is the first time that our astronauts have walked in space.我们(w men)正在散步突然下起大雨。(when)We were walking when it suddenly rained.我们(w men)一心一意地帮助他们不求回报。(devote)We devoted our energy to helping them without asking
40、for anything in return.这多可惜(kx)啊,这么多古建筑在战争中遭到了破坏。(pity)It is a pity that so many ancient buildings were destroyed during the war. 下午5点之后,有课不准进入博物馆。(admit)After 5 p.m.,visitors are not admitted to the museum.桂林漓江,沿岸的风光就像一幅美丽的风景画。(like)The scenery along the Li River in Guilin like a beautiful landscap
41、e painting.去年,爷爷开始谢顶了。(bald)Last year,Grandfather began to go bald.如今(rjn),农民工发挥着越来越重要的作用。(role)Nowadays,farmer workers are playing a more and more important role.你为地震(dzhn)的灾民捐了这么多钱,真是慷慨。(devote)It is generous of you that you have devoted so much money to the victims in the earthquake.我们从未见过这么严重(yn
42、zhng)的食品问题。(Never)Never before have I seen such serious problem about food.喝水有益于健康。(good)Is it good for your health to drink water?5我们非常感激出租车司机救了我们儿子的命。(grateful)We are very grateful to the taxi driver for saving our sons life.6她演奏这首古典乐曲到了炉火纯青的地步,每个人留下了深刻印象。(impression)She played the classical music
43、 very perfectly and it made a deep impression on everyone.1.依我看来,只有大量实践,我们(w men)才能提前完成任务。(opinion)In my opinion,only by practicing more can we finish the task in advance.2.毫无疑问,将采取积极措施(cush)防止这种事的再次发生。(prevent)There is no doubt that active measures will be taken to prevent this kind of thing from h
44、appening again.3.花了一个多世纪的时间(shjin)科学家才实现了在宇宙飞行的梦想。(realize)It took scientists more than a century to realize the dream of flying in space.4.那未能通过这次考试的原因是他没有好好复习这些课文。(reason)The reason why he failed to pass the exam was he hadnt gone over.这个电影明星深受年轻人的喜爱。(popular)The film star is very popular with you
45、ng people.这场事故表明,许多人仍然未对新的交通法则给予足够的重视。(pay attention to)This accident shows that many people still havent paid attention to new traffic rules.我校规定(gudng),学生不许讲手机带进校园。(allow)Our school makes it a rule that our students arent allowed to bring their mobile phones to our campus.多可惜,在我离开(l ki)之前,你回不来。(pi
46、ty)It is a pity that you cant come back before I leave.你能将自行车借给我的话(dehu),我将十分感激你。(appreciate)Id appreciate it if you could lend your bike to me.我没有想到在这些偏僻地区有这么多孩子上不起学。(afford)It never occurred to me that so many children couldnt afford to go to school in these remote areas.艾菲森(Iverson)身材虽矮,但是作为篮球运动员
47、,他却无与伦比。(beyond)Iverson is short,but as a basketball player,he is beyond comparison.据报道另一座横跨长江的新桥已在建设之中。(construction)It is reported that another new bridge over the Yangtze River is under construction.他从未想到他被拒绝的原因(yunyn)是他不会用电脑。(occurr)It never occurred to him that the reason why he was refused was
48、 that he couldnt use the computer.运动会否被推迟到了周五,仍然(rngrn)不得而知。(remain)Whether the sports meeting will be put off till next Friday remains unknown.人们相信,因特网在人们的日常生活中正起着重要(zhngyo)作用。(believed)It is believed that Internet is playing an important part in peoples daily life.据他口音(accent)来判断,他是日本人。(judge)Judg
49、ing from his accent,he is a Japanese.尽管身体还很虚弱,他还是把所有精力全用在科学实验上。(in spite of)In spite of the fact that he is very weak,he still devotes all his energy to scientific experiments.我希望(xwng)尽快收到你的照片。(hope)I hope to receive your photos as soon as possible.在你做决定(judng)之前请考虑一下我的感受。(account)Before you makea
50、decision,please take my feelings into account.就我记忆(jy)所及,她各门学科都比班上其他同学好。(ahead)As far as I remember,she is ahead of any other students in every subject in her class.我很高兴被聘请担任北京奥运会的口译员。(act)Im glad to be invited to stay in the interpreter in the Beijing Olympics.医生建议他康复后再出院。(advise)The doctor advised
51、 him to stay in the hospital until he recovered.这位科学家终日废寝忘食地埋首于研究。(absorb)This scientist forgot his meals and sleep and was absorbed in his research.与中国人不同(b tn),英国人喜欢在茶里加牛奶和糖。(add)English is different from Chinese because they enjoy adding milk and sugar to tea.边开车(ki ch)边打手机是交通规则的。(against)Using a
52、 cell phone while you are driving is against the traffic rules.游客只有乘坐直升飞机才能(cinng)到达山顶。(accessible)The top of the mountain is accessible to tourists by helicopter.那个撞倒老奶奶的驾驶员承认开车前喝了酒。(admit)The driver who hit the old woman admitted drinking before driving.必须立即采取行动以减少台风带来的损失。(action)Action should be
53、taken to reduce the losing by typhoon.他很独立,所以他不允许任何人牵着他的鼻子走。(allow)He is very independent,so he doesnt allow anyone to lead his nose to go.既然我们(w men)还年轻,就不应该太害怕犯错误。(afraid)Since we are still young,so we shouldnt be very afraid of making mistake.商店里的商品琳琅满目(ln lng mn m),让我们眼花缭乱。(accustomed)We are not
54、 accustomed to many kinds of goods in the shop.显然,人人(rnrn)都钦佩他那绝妙的幽默感。(admire)Apparently,everybody admired him for his wonderful humour.你有没有想到过你现在不努力,将来就会一事无成吗?(occur)Did it occur to you that if you didnt work hard now,you would achieve nothing?有必要每天吃维生素片吗?(necessary)Is it necessary to take vitamin
55、pills every day?只有从所犯错误中吸取教训,我们才能避免犯同样的错误。(Only)Only by drawing a lesson from mistakes which we made can we avoid making the same mistake.这个班级由50个年龄(ninlng)在15到20岁的学生组成。(range)This class is made up of 50 students whose ages range from 15 to 20.不管怎样,我们原则上同意(tngy)你的意见。(agree)Anyway,we agree to your op
56、inion in principle.在旧社会,出身贫寒的人很少有受教育(jioy)的机会。(access)Those who came from poor familities had little access to education in the old society.他的生活方式无法适应公司的要求,只得辞职。(adapt)He couldnt adapt his life style to the demand of his company,so he had to resign.他付不起1000元一日的房租。(afford)He cant afford one thousand
57、yuan a month for the house.他早在二十多岁时就已经(y jing)在工程学领域取得了巨大成就。(achievement)He had great achievement in engineering area in his twenties.充分利用太阳能是节约能源的途径(tjng)之一。(advantage)Taking full advantage of solar energy is one of the way to save energy.我已经(y jing)安排了一辆出租车去机场接你。(arrange)I have arranged for a taxi
58、 to meet you at the airport.教师指定学生写一篇有关切身体验的作文。(assign)The teacher assigned his students to write a composition about their own experience.你该就刚才的所作所为向在场的人道歉。(appologize)You should apologize to the people present for what you have done.他要我注意疏忽(sh hu)的地方。(attention)He asked me to pay attention to what
59、 I had neglected.尽管他很忙,他还是(hi shi)每天抽出一点时间读英语。(as)As busy he is,he spares a little time to read English every day.应该鼓励(gl)学生将课堂所学知识运用到实践中去。(apply)Students should be encouraged to apply what they have learnt in class to practice.看到他在音乐会上的精彩演出,我们惊讶不已。(amaze)Seeing his wonderful performance at the conc
60、ert,we were amazed at it.他为自己食言而感到羞愧不已。(ashamed)He was much ashamed of breaking his word.他与我争论是否应该鼓励人们养宠物。(argue)He argues with me about whether people should be encouraged to raise pets.政府(zhngf)呼吁从节约用水。(appeal)The government is appealing to everyone to save water.出乎意料的是,他对我们采取(ciq)友善的态度。(attitude)
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