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1、New College English Book Four1Unit ThreeGender Differences2Gender DifferencesPreparationReading-centered activities In-class Reading After-class ReadingFurther DevelopmentWriting and Translation 3PreparationTask 1 An interesting Bible storyTask 2 Whats the difference?Task 3 Womens careerTask 4 A son

2、g of romance4 It is said that the first thing we ask of a new-born baby is Is it a boy or a girl? But it might be considered that this is the first thing we ask ourselves whenever we meet anyone new. Perhaps this is why we find it so threatening if the cues are uncertain or ambiguous, and even more

3、so if we find our first assumptions turn out to be incorrect. That is the concept of gender differences in peoples mind.5Task 1 An Interesting Bible StoryDirections: Do you know how man and woman were made according to the Bible which is very influential in the western culture? Share your informatio

4、n with your partners.6SampleGod took some clay from the ground and made the shape of a man. Then He breathed gently into the shape. The mans eyes opened and he began to live. God called him Adam. The Lord made a beautiful garden for him to live in. The garden, called Eden, was full of many wonderful

5、 things. Beautiful flowers grew everywhere. Birds sang in the trees, streams flowed through the valley and animals roamed across the fields. God hade made the man in His image to keep Him company and look after the world.God brought all the animals to Adam one at a time to be given their names. Elep

6、hant, he would say, or Tiger, or Porcupine. 7Sample But God felt sorry for Adam. None of these animals is really like him, thought God, he needs someone to share his life. Someone who cares for him and who he can care for.That night, God took a rib from Adams side and made a woman. When Adam awoke t

7、he following morning, he found a wife, Eve, lying asleep beside him. Adam was so happy. He took her hand and she woke up. She looked up at him and smiled.8Task 2 Whats the difference?Directions: What is the difference between men and women in your opinion? Express your ideas to the class. You may us

8、e the following words.9Words and Phrases Men: aggressive nature, seldom express feelings, strong and full of vigor, independent, tough and courageous, not bothered by trivial matters, less care about their appearance or looks, make a decision promptly, more dominating, tend to be calm and cool Women

9、: quiet, neat and clean, like to talk, shy and timid, strong need for security, pay attention to their appearance or looks, more sensitive, intuitive, passionate, fashion-aware 10SampleMen are different from women. That would seem to be self-evident. They are different in aptitude, skill and behavio

10、rIn general, men are taller and heavier than women. In sports, men tend to outperform women in strength and speed. Women seem to have greater endurance. In spite of many attempts, sports have never become completely unisex.Women are more sociable, more nurturing, more compliant and have lower self-e

11、steem, are hard to sustain 11SampleAnother is that girls tend to pick up auditory information while boys do better visually. Several studies suggested that, from school age on, boys outperformed girls in areas of mathematics involving abstract concepts of space, relationships and theoryMen, it is sa

12、id, are generally more aggressive, physically and verbally, and enjoy taking risks. They play fighting games and enjoy dares. More men than women are convicted for crimes, especially crimes of violence.12Task 3 Womens careerDirections: Watch the following video and talk about the questions:1. What a

13、re womens roles?2. Why was Marilyn confused?3. How did Marilyn finally decide?4. If you were her, what would be your decision?13Task 3 Womens career14Task 4 A song of romanceDirections: Men and women have a lot of differences. Maybe because of these differences, they are attracted by each other. Tha

14、t is how love happens. Enjoy a song-Ocean Deep, and sing along.15Love, cant you see Im alone?cant you give this fool a chance?a little love is all I ask. a little kindness in the night.please dont leave me behind. no, dont tell me love is blind.a little love is all I ask and that is all.ooh love, Iv

15、e been searching so long.Ive been searching high and low.a little love is all I ask. a little sadness when youre gone.maybe you need a friend, only please dont lets pretend.a little love is all I ask and that is all.I wanna spread my wings,but I just cant fly as a string of pearls.pretty girls go sa

16、iling by.Task 4 A romance song16ocean deep,Im so afraid to show my feelings.I have sailed a million sealings and a solitary rule.ocean deep,will I ever find a lover? maybe she had found another.and as i cry myself to sleep,I know this love of mine, Ill keep. ocean deep.musiclove, cant you hear when

17、I call?cant you hear a word I say?a little love is all I ask. a little feeling when we touch.why am I still alone? Ive got a heart without a home.a little love is all I ask and that is all.Task 4 A romance song17I wanna spread my wings,but i just cant fly as a string of pearls.pretty girls go sailin

18、g by.ocean deep, Im so afraid to show my feelings.I have sailed a million sealings and a solitary rule.ocean deep, will I ever find a lover?maybe she had found another.and as I cry myself to sleep,I know this love of mine, Ill keep. ocean deep.Im so lonely lonely lonely.(baby, baby, ocean deep)on my

19、 own, in my room. Im so lonely lonely.(ocean deep)Im so lonely, oh so lonely. this love of mine Ill keep. Task 4 A romance song18Reading-centered Activities In-class ReadingAfter-class Reading19Task 1 In-class ReadingGender Roles from a Cultural Perspective by Joan Young Gregg20Task 1 In-class Readi

20、ngPre-reading questionsNew words and phrasesText structureLanguage styleLanguage pointsSummary of the text21Pre-Reading Questions221. Whats the typical image of a man / woman in traditional mold? Sample A man should be masculine. He should be strong and responsible enough to protect women, children

21、and the old in a family and in the society. He cares more about his career and success than his looks. However, a woman should be feminine, tender, considerate and smart. She should spend more time on household affairs, on children and the old at home. 23 sample This may deprive girls of the chance

22、of hands-on work, a vital learning experience that would affect their entire lives. (Another example is that the typical American teachers assume that boys will do better in math and science subjects while girls have better verbal and reading skills. This attitude in teaching leads to boys problems

23、in reading and girls lack of interests in science.)2.Is there any gender-bias in education? If so, whats the situation? Can you give an example to illustrate it?24New Words and Phrases251. appropriately adv. correctly, suitably for a particular time, situation, or purpose 合适地,恰当地ExampleHis formal st

24、yle of speaking was appropriate to the occasion. 他正式的说话风格很适合这个场合。262. approve v. 1)have a positive opinion of 认可,赞许Examplea) I dont approve of smoking in public places. 我不赞同在公共场合吸烟。 b) Marys parents now approve of her marriage. 玛丽的父母现在同意她的婚事了。272. approve v.2)officially accept a plan, proposal, etc

25、批准ExampleThe Medical Research Council said it could not approve the use of the new drug without further tests.医学研究委员会声称在没有进一步试验的情况下,不会批准使用新药。283. gender n.the physical or social condition of being male or female 性别(强调社会性别)Examplea) Sometimes gender differences will result in some social problems. 有时

26、候性别差异会导致一些社会问题 。b) Gender inequality should not be ignored in todays society. 性别不平等在当今社会是不容忽视的问题。29同义词比较 sexn. the condition of being either male or female; the set of all male or female people 性别, 男性或女性 (强调生理性别)Examplea) 男性 male sex 女性 female sexb) In the space marked “sex”, put an “M” for male or

27、an “F” for female. 请在性别一栏填代表男性的字母”M”或代表女性 的字母”F”。303. constitute v.1) combine to form; make up 构成Examplea) 一般情况下,一年有365天。 Generally, 365 days constitute one year. b) Three Taiwan girls, Selina, Hebe and Ella, constitute popular girl band “S.H.E”. 三个台湾女孩儿,Selina, Hebe和Ella, 组成了流行女子演唱组“S.H.E”。313. con

28、stitute v.2) formally establish an organization, institution, government, etc. 设立,建立 Examplea) The US Federal Reserve Board was constituted in 1913. 美国联邦储备委员会成立于1913年。b) Chinese Consumers Association is an organization constituted to protect the legal rights of Chinese consumers. 中国消费者协会成立的宗旨是保护中国消费

29、者 的权益324. assign v.give someone a particular job or make them responsible for a particular person or thing 分配,分派,指派(任务)Examplea) 分派给她的工作是照顾无家可归的孩子。 She has been assigned the job of looking after the homeless children. b) After completing the task successfully, his brother was assigned another challe

30、nging job. 在成功地完成了那项任务之后,他的哥哥被分派了 另外一项有挑战性的工作。 assignment n. a duty or piece of work that is given to a particular person (分派的)任务, 指定的(课外)作业335. subordination n. inferiority; an inferior or secondary status 从属,次要地位 Examplea) We should learn from his subordination of his own wishes to the childrens w

31、elfare. 我们应该学习他总将自己的意愿服从于孩子们的幸福的做法。b) Male domination and female subordination, to some degree, still exist in many aspects of social lives. 从某种程度上说,男尊女卑仍旧存在于社会生活 的很多方面。34subordinate v(1) v. (+to) (常与to连用)使居次要地位;隶属(2) adj. (+to) (常与to连用)次要的, 从属的, 下级的(3) n. 下属,下级The prefix sub- has four meanings: 1.

32、under e.g. subway 2. secondary, lower in rank e.g. subculture 3. not quite e.g. subnormal 4. (used with adj. v. ) secondary repetition e.g. subdivide 356. call on 1. ask (students) to answer questions 要求 The teacher always called on her first. 老师总是要求她先回答问题。 2. make a short visit to 拜访,探望 I shall cal

33、l on him tomorrow. 我明天会去拜访他。3. appeal to or urge sb. (to do sth.) 呼吁,号召,敦促(某人做某事) They called on the workers of the country to support the strike. 他们呼吁全国的工人都来支持罢工。367. Put away 1. move sth. into the place in which it is usually kept 放好,收好 Come on, its time to put these toys away. 来,该把玩具放起来了。 2. save

34、 (money) to use later 储存,贮存 He has a good sum of money put away for his old age. 他存了大笔的钱以备年纪大了用。37 Text Structure381. Introduction (Para. 1)It has been proven repeatedly that the various types of behavior, emotions and interests that constitute being _ and _ are patterned by both _ and _.391. Introd

35、uction (Para. 1)It has been proven repeatedly that the various types of behavior, emotions and interests that constitute being masculine and _ are patterned by both _and_.401. Introduction (Para. 1)It has been proven repeatedly that the various types of behavior, emotions and interests that constitu

36、te being masculine and feminine are patterned by both _and_.411. Introduction (Para. 1)It has been proven repeatedly that the various types of behavior, emotions and interests that constitute being masculine and feminine are patterned by both heredity and_.421. Introduction (Para. 1)It has been prov

37、en repeatedly that the various types of behavior, emotions and interests that constitute being masculine and feminine are patterned by both heredity and culture.432. Development (Para. 2-4)There is a _ in education that favors boys over girls.Teachers called on males in class far more than on female

38、 students. (Para.2)Teachers assigned boys and girls different tasks according to _. (Para.3)_ is also reflected in the typical American teachers assumption that boys will do better in science subjects while girls tend to have better verbal and reading skills. (Para.4)442. Development (Para. 2-4)Ther

39、e is a cultural bias in education that favors boys over girls.Teachers called on males in class far more than on female students. (Para.2)Teachers assigned boys and girls different tasks according to _. (Para.3)_ is also reflected in the typical American teachers assumption that boys will do better

40、in science subjects while girls tend to have better verbal and reading skills. (Para.4)452. Development (Para. 2-4)There is a cultural bias in education that favors boys over girls.Teachers called on males in class far more than on female students. (Para.2)Teachers assigned boys and girls different

41、tasks according to stereotyped gender roles. (Para.3)_ is also reflected in the typical American teachers assumption that boys will do better in science subjects while girls tend to have better verbal and reading skills. (Para.4)462. Development (Para. 2-4)There is a cultural bias in education that

42、favors boys over girls.Teachers called on males in class far more than on female students. (Para.2)Teachers assigned boys and girls different tasks according to stereotyped gender roles. (Para.3)Gender-biased education is also reflected in the typical American teachers assumption that boys will do b

43、etter in science subjects while girls tend to have better verbal and reading skills. (Para.4)473. Conclusion (Para. 5)Educational bias begins at home and develops at school, which in turn reinforces its _ and turns out each sex in its _ _.483. Conclusion (Para. 5)Educational bias begins at home and

44、develops at school, which in turn reinforces its established values and turns out each sex in its _ _.493. Conclusion (Para. 5)Educational bias begins at home and develops at school, which in turn reinforces its established values and turns out each sex in its traditional and expected mold.50Languag

45、e Style51The frequency of long sentences in this passage impresses the readers formal and authoritative, brings on an effect of logic in argumentation, strictness in thought, and exactness in expression. 52 Language Points531. Over the past few decades, it has been proven innumerable times that the

46、various types of behavior, emotions, and interests that constitute being masculine and feminine are patterned by both heredity and culture. (Line 1)It has been proven ( innumerable times ) that 被(无数次)证明Translationa) It has been proven that the universe is expanding. 宇宙在增大的说法已经被证实了。 b)现已证明吸烟可以引起很多疾病。

47、 Now it has been proven that smoking can cause many diseases.54Pattern v.form the character, qualities, etc., (of oneself) by copying 形成的性格/品质,学的样TranslationHepatternedhimselfaftera man he admired. 他以一个他钦佩的人为自己模仿的榜样。55 2. As a matter of fact, in the late 1960s, when many of the best all womens colle

48、ge in the northeastern United States opened their doors to male students, it was observed by professors and women students alike that the boys were “taking over” the classroom discussions and that active participation by women students had diminished noticeably. (line 18)1)alike: in the same way The

49、 climate here is always hot, summer and winter alike. 这里的天气总是很热,夏天这样,冬天也一样。2) were “taking over” the classroom discussionscontinuous tense used here indicates the male students gradual control of the discussion.563. Research done by the Sadkers showed that sometimes teachers unknowingly prevented gi

50、rls from participating as actively as boys in class by assigning them different tasks in accordance with stereotyped gender roles.(line24) stereotyped: (often in derogatory sense) (of images, ideas, characters, etc.) fixed, unchanging or standardized (指形象、思想、人物等)模式化的,无个性的Translation在各种广告中,总是有千篇一律的女性

51、形象。Stereotyped images of women always appear in various advertisements.574. “比较”表示法1)asas 和一样;像一样 a) Electromagnetic waves travel as fast as light. 电磁波的传播速度与光一样快。 b) Light that is too bright is just as harmful to our eyes as light that is too dim. 光线太亮就像光线太弱一样对眼睛有害。584. “比较”表示法2)no more than 不比多 a)

52、This material is no more elastic than that one. 这种材料并不比哪一种更有弹性。 b) Our village is no less beautiful than this picture. 我们村庄的美并不逊色于这幅画。 594. “比较”表示法3)the sameas, the same as 像一样,与相同 a) This machine is exactly the same in design as the other one. 这台机器与另一台在设计上是完全 一样的。 b) Although he tried another metho

53、d, he arrived at the same conclusion as we had. 虽然他尝试了另外一种方式,但得到的结 论与我们一样。60Summary of the text61In the American education process, it has been experimented to prove that sexual discrimination has been existed in education, in which boys are more favored than girls. In this way, society enhances its

54、 established values and that each gender should be in its traditional and expected mold. This phenomenon prevents the education process being successful all over the world. 62Task 2 After-class readingSummary of passage ISummary of passage II63Passage IBoys are Teachers Pets Dale Spender, a lecturer

55、 at the London University Institute of Education, argues in her book that discrimination against girls is typical of co-educational schools. Teachers spend less time with girls in class than with boys. Moreover, teachers set double standards of treatment towards girls and boys. Girls are criticized

56、for challenging teachers, ignored when seeking attention, despised for their work and considered unladylike if they behave like boys. Hence, Spender suggests that boys and girls be separated within schools for certain subjects.64Passage IIWhat Kind of Brain Do You Have?According to this passage, the

57、 brain type can be divided into three types: type E means empathizing is stronger than systemizing; type S means systemizing is stronger than empathizing; and type B means empathizing and systemizing are balanced. On average, more males than females have a brain of type S, and more females than male

58、s have a brain of type E. The author provides a lot of evidence to prove the theory. But both sexes have their strengths and their weaknesses. Neither sex is superior overall.65Further Development1. Interpreting Opinions2. Single-Sex or Co-Educational 66Task 1 Interpreting OpinionsDirections: Read t

59、he poem by Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892) carefully. Work in groups and answer the questions below.67Man for the field and woman for the hearth (炉边, 喻家庭) Man for the sword and for the needle she Man with the head and woman with the heart Man to command and woman to obey; All else confusion. from The Pr

60、incess (1847)1) How does Tennyson see the roles of men and women? Explain his poem in your own words. You may begin your explanation with: His poem tells us that man works in the field while woman should stay at home. Man 2) Do you agree with him?68Sample 1Man for the field and woman for the hearth


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