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1、八年级下册 Modules 4、51. borrow(v. ) _ (反义词)借出2. record (v. ) _ (n. )录音机 3. two (num. ) _ (adv. )两次 _ (n. )第二;秒4. appear(v. ) _ (反义词)消失 _ (n. )出现lendrecordertwiceseconddisappearappearance5. right (adj. ) _ (反义词)错误的;失常的6. medicine (n. ) _ (adj. )医学的;医疗的7. suggest (v. ) _ (n. )建议8. agree (v. ) _ (n. )同意;赞成

2、 _ (反义词)拒绝;谢绝wrongmedicalsuggestionagreementrefuse9. final(adj. ) _ (adv. )最后;最终10. punish(v. ) _ (n. )惩罚;处罚11. true(adj. ) _ (n. )事实;真理 _ (adv. )真实地;诚挚地 12. honest (adj. ) _ (反义词)不诚实的 finallypunishmenttruthtrulydishonest【品词自测】根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空He is a _ (honest) boy so we seldom believe what he says.

3、My son was very unhappy to fail his _ (finally) exam. The _ (two)Sunday in May is Mothers Day. 答案:dishonest final second1. 打开/关闭 turn _ / _2. 开动/赶快/加油come _3. 把和连起来connect. . . _ . . . 4. 挽救某人的生命_ ones life5. 捡起/拾起pick _6. 能,会 be _ to7. 因感到自豪;以为荣be proud _onoffontosaveupableof8. 撵走,开除send _9. 出毛病;出故

4、障go _10. 确保;保证make _11. 生某人的气be angry _12. 毕竟_ all13. tell the truth_14. at least_15. warn sb. about sth. _16. take off_awaywrongsurewithafter说实话;讲真相至少警告某人某事卸掉;拿走1. 如果你想打开录音机,请按蓝色键。_ you _ to turn on the recorder, _ the blue button. 2. 你行, 我可不行!_ you _ me! 3. 如果我弹奏得好,我将在明星大搜索演唱会期间表演独奏。And _ I _ well

5、, _ _ the solo during the Starsearch concert. IfwantpressRatherthanifplayIll play4. 我认为并非任何人都能那样做。_ _ _ anyone _ _ able to do that. 5. 上周,我在图书馆做家庭作业,而不是整理书架。Last week, I was doing my homework at the library _ _ tidying up the shelves. 6. 听说(那件事)我很难过(同情)。_ _ _ _ _. I dont thinkwill beinstead ofIm sor

6、ry to hear that if从句【见P168】1. lend v. (lent, lent) 借出Chen Huan wants a recording for his programme, and he lent me his CD recorder. 陈欢想为他的节目录音, 就把他的CD录音机借给了我。He _ his umbrella to me yesterday, so I didnt get wet. A. borrowed B. kept C. lent D. boughtHow long may I _ the library book? For two weeks.

7、A. get B. borrow C. lend D. keepI lent Sally some money yesterday. (改为同义句)I _ some money _ Sally yesterday. =Sally _ some money _ me yesterday. lendborrow【自主归纳】借出借入lend sb. sth. =lend sth. _(介词) sb. 借给某人某物borrow ones sth. =borrow sth. _ (介词) sb. 向某人借某物fromlend sth. to sb. = lend sb. sth. 借给borrow st

8、h. from sb. =borrow ones sth. 向某人借某物to【温馨提示】表示某物借用了多长时间时,用keep代替borrow。答案: C D lent; to; borrowed; from2. such adj. 如此,这样 But thats such a pity! 但是那样真是可惜!(2012贵阳中考)Teresa is _ nervous _ she cant talk in front of the class. A. such; that B. too; to C. so; thatI have _ many words to tell you. A. so B.

9、 such C. very D. muchWe had so exciting a moment on the beach last weekend. (改为同义句 )We had _ _ _ _ on the beach last weekend. _+ adj. + 复数名词+ adj. + 不可数名词_+adj. /adv.+many/few+复数名词+much/little+不可数名词_ +a/an+adj. +单数名词= _ +adj. +a/an+单数名词【自主归纳】 such/so用法辨析答案:C A such an exciting momentsuchsosuchso【判断抢

10、答】判断下面句子的正误I have never seen so beautiful flowers. ()Workers cant go abroad in such difficult condition. ()There are so many trees on the bank of the river. ()【动脑想一想】so. . . that与such. . . that的异同:都是“如此以至于”之意,但so修饰形容词和副词,such修饰名词。3. turn on 打开If you want to turn on the recorder, press the blue butto

11、n. 如果你想打开录音机, 请按蓝色键。请先打开窗户再打开电视吧。Please _ the window first and then _ the TV. Its time for bed, Jenny. Please _ the computer and wash your face. A. put on B. put off C. turn off D. turn onI cant hear clearly. Please _ the radio a little. A. turn on B. turn offC. turn up D. turn to【自主归纳】turn on用法小结 o

12、n/ _ 打开/关闭(1) turn _ /down调大/调小(2)turn on/off与open/close_ 指“打开/关闭(电视、电灯、水龙头等)”_ 指“打开/关上(门窗、箱子、书本等)”offupturn on/offopen/close(3)有关turn的其他短语turn _把变成,译成turn _翻身,翻转turn _转身答案: open;turn on C Cintooveraround4. instead of代替Last week, I was doing my homework at the library instead of tidying up the shelv

13、es. 上周,我在图书馆做家庭作业,而不是整理书架。Miss Lee didnt eat rice. She ate noodles instead. (改为同义句)Miss Lee ate noodles _ _ rice. When the young man returned to his hometown, he found many high modern building _ sold ones. A. because of B. instead ofC. together with D. out of_副词,意为“代替”“替代”,通常位于句尾;位于句首时常用逗号与后面隔开。_介词

14、短语,意为“代替”“而不是”,后面跟名词、代词或v. -ing充当宾语。【自主归纳】 instead/instead of的用法辨析答案:instead of Binsteadinstead of5. Rather you than me! 你行, 我可不行!她不是待在家里,而是离开了。She left _ _ _ at home. The children would rather _ (walk) there than take a bus. She likes dancing rather than _. A. sing B. singing C. to sing D. sings【自主

15、归纳】rather than的用法(1)rather than 连接两个并列成分,意为“是 而不是”、“宁愿也不愿 ”,后面可以接名词、动词、形容词、介词短语及句子等。(2)“宁愿也不愿”的表达方法:would do sth. _ _ do sth. =would rather do sth. than do sth. = _ to do sth. rather than do sth. 答案:rather than stayed/instead of staying(此时表示客观事实,不是主观愿望) walk Brather thanprefer6. I dont think anyone

16、will be able to do that. 我认为并非任何人都能那样做。I think teenagers should choose their interests freely. (改为否定句并完成反意疑问句)I _ think teenagers _ choose their interests freely. I think teenagers should choose their interests freely, _ _ ? He thinks that buying tickets online is very hard for migrant workers. (改为否

17、定句并完成反意疑问句) He _ that buying tickets online _ very hard for migrant workers. He thinks that buying tickets online is very hard for migrant workers, _ _? 【自主归纳】 I/We think + that从句(1)“I/We think+that从句”结构变为否定句时,否定_句,而不否定_句,即否定前移;变为反意疑问句时,看_句,而不看_句。(2)类似的动词还有believe, suppose, guess等。答案:dont; should; s

18、houldnt theythinks; isnt; doesnt he主从从主. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. (2011无锡中考)Last Friday afternoon the young man _ (hurt) in the traffic accident which happened on the highway. 2. (2011上海中考) _ (final), Grace made up her mind to live abroad with her daughter. 3. (2012兰州中考)Dont tell lies. Nobody likes those _ (ho

19、nest) people. 答案:1. was hurt 2. Finally 3. dishonest. 单项选择1. (2012兰州中考)I prefer sports shows _ soap operas. What about you? Me, too. A. at B. than C. to D. of【解析】选C。考查prefer. . . to. . . 的用法。prefer. . . to. . . 意为“比起,更喜欢”。由句意可知选C。2. (2012烟台中考)Do you like communicating with your friends on QQ or MSN?

20、 _. Id rather _ mobile phone. A. Either; use B. Neither; useC. Both; not to use D. Neither; to use【解析】选B。考查不定代词和动词的用法。either“(两者中的)任何一个”;both“(两者)都”;neither“(两者)都不”。would rather“宁愿”后跟动词原形。句意:你喜欢用QQ还是用MSN和你的朋友聊天?都不用。我宁愿使用手机。故选B。3. (2012连云港中考)The First Huaguoshan International Golf Open was _ success

21、that we enjoyed ourselves very much. A. such a great B. a such greatC. so a great D. a so great【解析】选A。考查such和so的区别。修饰单数名词时,用such a/ an+adj. +n. 或so+adj. +a/an+n. 。故选A。4. (2012福州中考)Its time for the weather report. Could I _ the TV, Dad? Go ahead, please. I also want to know about the weather for tomo

22、rrow. A. turn on B. turn off C. turn down【解析】选A。考查动词短语辨析。turn on意为“打开”;turn off意为“关闭”;turn down意为“调小(音量等)”。由答语可知爸爸也想看电视了解天气状况,因此此处需要用表示“打开”的短语动词,故选A。5. (2011遵义中考)It will _ much time if we drive instead of walking. A. take B. spend C. save【解析】选C。考查save的用法。句意:假如我们开车而不是步行的话,那将会节省很多时间。take花费,物作主语;spend花

23、费,人作主语; save节省。故选C。6. (2011陕西中考)If there _ no buying and selling of animals, there _ no killing in nature. A. is; will be B. will be; will beC. is; is D. will be; is【解析】选A。考查if引导的状语从句的时态。if 意为“如果”,引导条件状语从句,遵循“主将从现”原则。故选A。. 完成句子1. (2012随州中考)我宁愿呆在家里看电视剧也不愿到外面踢足球。I would _ watch TV plays at home _ play

24、 soccer outside. 2. (2011包头中考)You will _ (意识到)the mistake you made today in the future. 答案:1. rather; than 2. realize3. (2011滨州中考)They invited me to the play, but I had to _ (拒绝) because I was very busy. 4. (2011包头中考)Have you got any English books on those _ (书架)? 5. (2011永州中考)雨下得如此大以致我不得不呆在家里。It is

25、 raining _ heavily _ I have to stay at home. 答案: 3. refuse 4. shelves 5. so;that6. (2011潍坊中考)刘翔的妈妈以他为自豪。_7. (2011遂宁中考)他的父母对他做的每件好事都感到自豪。His parents always _ pride _ everything good he does. 答案:6. Liu Xiangs mother is proud of him. 7. take; in 对未来的想象是历年来许多地市中考考查频率比较高的话题之一,其中以初中毕业若干年后的情景设题最为常见。在写作此类话题作文过程中要特别注意三“当”:1. 时态恰当;2. 计划条理妥当;3. 内容全面,发挥适当。【典题示例】 成为一名电影明星是很多年轻人的梦想,荧屏上他们会给人们带来无限快乐,


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