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1、.PAGE :.;销售商务谈判-场景会话 Sales and business talk A: Im sorry to say that the price you quote is too high. It would be very difficult for us to push any sales if we buy it at this price. B: well, if you take quality into consideration, you wont think our price is too high. A: Lets meet each other half wa

2、y. - 很遗憾他们报的价钱太高,假设按这种价钱买进,我方真实难以推销。 - 假设他思索一下质量,他就不会觉得我们的价钱太高了。 - 那我们就各让一步吧。 A: Im sorry to say that your price has soared. Its almost 20% higher than last years. B: Thats because the price of raw materials has gone up. A: I see. Thank you. - 很遗憾,贵方的价钱猛长,比去年几乎高出20%。 - 那是由于原资料的价钱上涨了。 - 我知道了,多谢。 A: H

3、ow many do you intend to order? B: I want to order 900 dozen. A: The most we can offer you at present is 600 dozen. - 这种产品他们想订多少? - 我们想订900打。 - 目前我们至多只能提供600打。 A: We have inspected the rice, and were surprised to know that the weight is short. B: We sell our goods on loaded weight and not on landed

4、weight. A: I see. - 这些大米我们检验过了,分量不够,我们感到奇异。 - 我们出卖商品是以装船分量为准,不是以卸货分量为准。 - 我知道了。 A: The next thing Id like to bring up for discussion is packing. B: Please state your opinions about packing. A: All right. We wish our opinions on packing will be passed on to your manufacturers. - 下面我想就包装问题讨论一下。 - 请陈说他

5、们的意见。 - 好,我们希望我们对包装的意见能传到达厂商。 A: You know, packing has a close bearing on sales. B: Yes, it also affects the reputation of our products. Buyers always pay great attention to packing. A: We wish the new packing will give our clients satisfaction. - 大家都知道,包装直接关系到产品的销售。 - 是的,它也会影响我们产品的信誉,买主总是很留意包装。 - 我

6、们希望新包装会使我们的顾客称心。 A: How are the shirts packed? B: Theyre packed in cardboard boxes. A: Im afraid the cardboard boxes are not strong enough for ocean transportation. - 衬衫怎样包装? - 它们用纸板箱包装。 - 我担忧远洋运输用纸板箱不够结实。 A: From what Ive heard, youre already well up in shipping work. B: Yes, we arrange shipments t

7、o any part of the world. A: Do you do any chartering? - 据我所知,他方对运输任务很在行。 - 是的,我们承揽去世界各地的货物运输。 - 他们租船吗? A: How do you like the goods dispatched, by railway or by sea? B: By sea, please. Because of the high cost of railway transportation, we prefer sea transportation. A: Thats what we think. - 他方将怎样发运

8、货物,铁路还是海运? - 请海运发货,铁路运输费用太高,我们情愿走海运。 - 我们正是这么想的。 A: When can you effect shipment? Im terribly worried about late shipment. B: We can effect shipment in December or early next year at the latest. A: Thats fine. - 他们什么时候能交货?我非常担忧货物迟交。 - 我们最晚在今年十二月或明年初交货。 - 那很好商务英语对话进出口贸易Along with the standard procedu

9、res set up for import/export businesses, Western companies (and most others, as well) must deal with tariffs, unless the trade is between members of economic blocks such as NAFTA (North America), EEC(Europe), etc. The global organization dealing with international trade (i.e. import/export) is the W

10、TO.根据进出口业务的规范程序,西方公司其他公司也是必然要处置关税问题,除非是同一经济体成员之间的贸易,如NAFTA(北美自在贸易区),EEC(欧盟)等。 处置全球国际贸易进口、出口的世界组织是WTO(世界贸易组织). 英:In this conversation, Rocky Simons is the owner of a small company that manufactures recreational speedboats.He is having a telephone conversation with Jacques Riviera, owner of a seaside

11、resort in another country.Rocky: Good morning, Jacques. Nice talking to you again.Hows the weather in your part of the world?Jacques: Couldnt be better, Rocky.Sunny, 29, light breeze.Rocky: Stop! I cant take any more.So, what can I do for you, Jacques?Jacques: I need a couple of your SB2000 speedboa

12、ts to rent to guests. Can you give me a price quote?Rocky: Lets see. Uh, the list price is $6,500 U.S. Youre a valued customer, so Ill give you a 10% discount.Jacques: Thats very reasonable. Do you have them in stock?Rocky: Sure do! We set up new inventory controls last year, so we dont have many ba

13、cklogs any more.Jacques: Thats good. The tourist season is just around the corner, so I need them pretty quick. Whats the earliest shipping date you can manage?Rocky: They can be ready for shipment in 2-3 weeks.Jacques: Perfect.Whats the total CIF price, Rocky?Rocky: Hang on . The price will be $15,

14、230 U.S. to your usual port. Do we have a deal?Jacques: You bet! Send me a fax with all the information, and Ill send you my order right away. Ill pay by irrevocable letter of credit, as usual. Same terms as always?Rocky: Of course.Jacques: Great! Nice doing business with you again, Rocky. Bye for n

15、ow, and say hello to the family for me.Rocky: Will do, and the same goes for me. Bye, Jacques. 中:在这那么对话中,Rocky Simons 是一家制造休闲快艇小公司的业主。他正和另外一个国家一家海滨度假地的业主Jacques Riviera在里交谈。Rocky: 早上好,Jacques,很高兴又和他说话。他们那儿的天气怎样样?Jacques: 再好不过了,Rocky。晴朗,29度,微风Rocky: 别说了!我受不了了。我能为他做什么吗,Jacques: 我需求两只他们消费的SB2000快艇租给游客。

16、他能给我个报价吗?Rocky: 让我想想呃,报价单上是6,500美圆。您是我们的一个重要客户,我会给他10%的折扣。Jacques:那很合理。他们有现货吗?Rocky: 当然有!我们去年建立了新的存货控制系统,所以我们不再有很多的积压订单。Jacques:那很好。旅游旺季就要到了,所以我很快就需求它们。您最早的发货日期是什么时候?Rocky: 可以在2-3周内预备好装船。Jacques: 棒极了。到岸价钱是多少,Rocky?Rocky: 稍等价格是15,230美圆,到原先的港口。成交吗? Jacques: 当然!给我发一份一切相关信息的,我会立刻下订单。我会按惯例以不可撤销信誉一方式付款。按照

17、一惯的条款吗?Rocky: 当然。Jacques: 好极了!很高兴再次和他做生意,Rocky。那再见了,带我问他家人好。Rocky: 我会的,也带我问侯他家人。再见,Jacques.中:在这那么对话中,Rocky Simons 是一家制造休闲快艇小公司的业主。他正和另外一个国家一家海滨度假地的业主Jacques Riviera在里交谈。Rocky: 早上好,Jacques,很高兴又和他说话。他们那儿的天气怎样样?Jacques: 再好不过了,Rocky。晴朗,29度,微风Rocky: 别说了!我受不了了。我能为他做什么吗,Jacques: 我需求两只他们消费的SB2000快艇租给游客。他能给我

18、个报价吗?Rocky: 让我想想呃,报价单上是6,500美圆。您是我们的一个重要客户,我会给他10%的折扣。Jacques:那很合理。他们有现货吗?Rocky: 当然有!我们去年建立了新的存货控制系统,所以我们不再有很多的积压订单。Jacques:那很好。旅游旺季就要到了,所以我很快就需求它们。您最早的发货日期是什么时候?Rocky: 可以在2-3周内预备好装船。Jacques: 棒极了。到岸价钱是多少,Rocky?Rocky: 稍等价钱是15,230美圆,到原先的港口。成交吗?Jacques: 当然!给我发一份一切相关信息的,我会立刻下订单。我会按惯例以不可撤销信誉一方式付款。按照一惯的条款

19、吗?Rocky: 当然。Jacques: 好极了!很高兴再次和他做生意,Rocky。那再见了,带我问他家人好Rocky: 我会的,也带我问侯他家人。再见,Jacques.35. 如何说最低消费 虽然菜单都已标明最低消费,除非想被炒鱿鱼,否那么顾客问起来,还是得毕恭毕敬地回答“Im afraid the minimum charge for any first order is ¥100我们的最低消费是100元,而不能说:“菜单上有,您不会本人看呀?! 36. 如何回绝降价 顾客讨价讨价几乎是不可防止的事情,直接说no的推销员估计很少,所以他应该充分解释“We make so little on

20、 this line!这方面的东西我们没赚钱 37. 如何回绝小费 假设店铺规定不能收取小费,他可婉拒顾客:“Its so kind of you, sir. But we cant accept your tips先生您太好了,不过我们不能收取小费 38. 如何阐明高/低价位 一分钱,一分货。假设顾客埋怨价钱太高,您可以说:“We have cheaper products if you want. But value depends on expense假设您情愿,我们有更廉价的商品,但是价值完全取决于价钱高低 39. 如何谢绝讨价讨价 假设没有议价的余地,态度虽然要坚决,但口气仍要非常委

21、婉:“We have but one price, sir.我们不二价的或“Sorry we cant reduce the price, sir.很负疚,我们没方法降低价钱 40. 如何说分期付款 如今分期付款很流行,所以要学会说:“You can buy them by installment41. 如何解释分期付款 还要会解释:“You pay a down-payment of five hundred dollars, and then, within a year, one hundred for each an every month.可以先付订金500元,然后在一年内,每月付1

22、00元 42. 如何收取货款 假设是当场付清货款,就能够用到这个句子:“Could you pay at the Cashiers Desk?请到收银台付款 43. 如何找零 以下句子要活学活用:“Thirteen dollars and twenty cents from one hundred dollars leaves eighty six dollars and eighty cents. You might see if thats all right, sir.收您100元,减去13元2角,应找您86元8角,请点下数目 44. 如何开立发票、收据 东西卖出后,并非万事大吉,开发票

23、、给收据、找零钱是一向作业,一句“Heres your receipt过后,别忘了说声谢谢。 45. 找错钱了怎样办 谁都有出错的时候,这时态度一定要诚实:“Im very sorry for the mistake,然后再说:“Heres the right change.这才是要找您的零钱数 46. 规范买一方式 当顾客问他:“How much will this be多少钱?,他可以说“Just a moment, please. Ill calculate that for you.请等一下,我算算看 47. 解释税率及效力费 顾客的疑虑多针对效力费service charge在国外还

24、有税率tax rate,您的阐明一定要明白无误:“A 10% service charge have been added to your bill.账单曾经加了10%的效力费 48. 如何议价 假设情愿降价,可以运用however来转机语气:“However,., we can give you a discount.然而,由于,我们可以给您打折 49. 如何优待熟客 对熟客可以说:“Ordinarily we sell them for one hundred and fifteen dollars, but Ill make a concession.我们普通要卖115元,但您可以优惠

25、50. 如何给新顾客打折 对新顾客可以说:“I can manage to give you a discount of ten percent, deeming it as a kind of expenditure for advertisement.给您9折,当作是宣传费吧51. 如何阐明价廉物美 “Its indeed two-pence colored真是价廉物美这句流行用语可是中外皆宜 52. 如何讲解免税商品 免税商品的标签通常会注明“Its tax-free,当然,您首先要确认顾客能否属于观光客,可以说:“May I see your passport, please? 53. 如何引见名贵产品 名贵产品通常价钱不菲,所以“A good product will always sell.货好销路好要比不断强调“pretty good更具压服力 54. 如何收取首付款 分期付款与收取其他货款并没有多大不同,后者除手续略微复杂一点外,前提是“May I have some money as a deposit?您可以付部分订金吗? 55. 支票付


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