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1、 Unit 15 Religions and FaithCONTENTS Teaching Aims Text A12 Text B3 Supplementing Reading41TEACHING AIMSAfter studying this unit, you are required to:1. Have a general idea of Religions and Faith.2. Understand the history of Religions and Faith.3. Master the difficult words and expressions. Text A A

2、merica During and After World War I TEXT A Preview清教,基督教新教派别之一,16世纪出现于英国,承认圣经为唯一权威,反对国王和天主教的专制。1620年,102名清教徒乘坐著名的五月花号(Mayflower)来到美洲的普利茅斯建立殖民地,他们是英国第一批的新大陆移民,是未来150年后美国大多数人民的祖先,他们在旅途中签署的五月花号公约成为了未来独立宣言的蓝图。清教徒提倡勤俭清洁的生活,希望在新大陆上建造自己的山巅之城。同时,他们的思想即清教主义也对北美殖民地的政治、经济、文化等方方面面产生了深远影响并对后来美国主流文化和价值观的形成起到了重要作用

3、。 TEXT A Notes1.The Church of England is the officially established Christian church in England, the Mother Church of the worldwide Anglican Communion and the oldest among the communions thirty-eight independent national and regional churches. The Church also extends to the Isle of Man via the Dioce

4、se of Sodor and Man, while the Channel Islands form part of the Diocese of Winchester, and a number of Anglican communities in continental Europe, the former Soviet Union, Turkey and Morocco are formed into the Diocese of Gibraltar in Europe. TEXT A Notes2.The Catholic Church, also known as the Roma

5、n Catholic Church, is the worlds largest Christian church, with more than a billion members. Its leader is the Pope who is head of the College of Bishops. The Church defines its mission as spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ, administering the sacraments and exercising charity. It operates social p

6、rograms and institutions throughout the world including schools, universities, hospitals, missions, shelters and charities. The Church teaches that it is the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church founded by Jesus Christ, that its bishops are consecrated successors of his apostles and that the Pop

7、e as the successor of St. Peter possesses a universal primacy of jurisdiction and pastoral care. TEXT A Notes3.John Winthrop (12 January 1588 26 March 1649) obtained a royal charter, along with other wealthy Puritans, from King Charles I for the Massachusetts Bay Company and led a group of English P

8、uritans to the New World in 1630. He was elected the governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony the year before. Between 1639 and 1648, he was voted out of the governorship and then re-elected a total of 12 times. Although Winthrop was a respected political figure, he was criticized for his obstinacy

9、regarding the formation of a general assembly in 1634, and he clashed repeatedly with other Puritan leaders like Thomas Dudley, Rev. Peter Hobart and others.TEXT A Notes4.Alexis-Charles-Henri Clrel de Tocqueville (29 July 1805, Paris 16 April 1859, Cannes) was a French political thinker and historia

10、n best known for his Democracy in America (appearing in two volumes: 1835 and 1840) and The Old Regime and the Revolution (1856). In both of these works, he explored the effects of the rising equality of social conditions on the individual and the state in western societies. Democracy in America (18

11、35), his major work, published after his travels in the United States, is today considered an early work of sociology and political science.TEXT A New Words and Expressions: 1.protestant prtistnt adj. 抗议的;持异议的n. 抗议者;持异议者A majority of Christians in America were Protestant.而大部分美国的基督徒都属新教。2.abhor bh: v

12、t. 痛恨,憎恶They abhor all forms of racial discrimination.他们憎恶任何形式的种族歧视。3.extirpate ekst:peit vt. 使连根拔起;灭绝,破除The police arrested dealers in an attempt to extirpate drug aBuse.在禁毒运动中警察逮捕了很多毒品交易者。4.confiscate knfis,keit vt. 没收;充公;查抄adj. 被没收的Did the teacher confiscate your toy?老师没收你的玩具了吗?TEXT A New Words a

13、nd Expressions: 5.slit slit vt. 撕裂;使有狭缝n. 裂缝;投币口vi. 纵裂There will therefore be very little diffraction parallel to the edges of the slit.因此,在平行于狭缝两端边界的方向上,几乎没有什么衍射。6. sedition sidin n. 暴动;煽动性的言论或行为;妨害治安They sowed sedition broadcast over the country.他们在全国广为散布煽动性言论。7emigrate emireit vi. 移居;移居外国vt. 移民Yo

14、u tell the lawyer anything about why I had to emigrate?你告诉律师我为什么要移民过来了?8.explicit iksplisit adj. 明确的;清楚的;直率的;详述的However, insofar as the government supports the sector, it wants this support to be explicit and limited unlike the status quo.然而,就政府对该行业的支持而言,它希望这种支持是明确而有限的与目前的现状不同。TEXT A New Words and E

15、xpressions: 9.inclination ,inklinein n. 倾向,爱好;斜坡By and large, this inclination towards optimism is one of Americas strengths.总的来说,这种乐观倾向是美国的长处之一。10terminate t:mineit vt. 使终止;使结束;解雇vi. 结束,终止;结果adj. 结束的Should any part of this Agreement be declared , this Agreement shall terminate forthwith.若本协议任何部分被宣布

16、无效,则整个协议也随之立即终止。11mandate mndeit n. 授权;命令,指令;委托管理;受命进行的工作vt. 授权;托管On the domestic front, say his advisers, Mr Sarkozy intends to use the five-year mandate in three phases.关于国内的阵地,他的顾问表示,萨尔科齐先生打算把五年任期分为三个阶段。TEXT A New Words and Expressions: 12theocracy ikrsi n. 神政;神权政体;神治国(复数theocracies)Europes enlig

17、htenment may have put an end to the sort of formal theocracy in which pops commanded armies and kings ruled by divine right.欧洲的启蒙运动,大概是给这种正式的,就是教皇们掌管军队,国王由神权管制神权的政体送了终。13revoke rivuk vt. 撤回,取消;废除The City of London wants to revoke the byelaws, opening the employment of porters to market forces.伦敦金融城想

18、要取消早先的条例,把搬运工人的雇佣权对外开放,交给市场来取舍。14in accordance with依照;与一致Delivery of the System will be made in accordance with the delivery schedule set forth in Annex B.系统按附件二规定的交货时间表交付。运费将加在卖方发票上,由买方支付。TEXT A Assignment Finish the rest of exercises of Text APreview Text B Text B Nathaniel Hawthorne and The Scarl

19、et Letter TEXT B Preview美国 19世纪影响最大的浪漫主义小说家纳撒尼尔霍桑深受清教思想的影响。他的大多数作品都是以美国清教主义盛行的过去为主题,与新英格兰的地理与文化背景有着紧密联系。出版于1850年的小说红字是他的代表作, 主要描写了在清教主义盛行的新英格兰所发生的犯罪、情欲、悔过和社会镇压。表现了清教主义传统在人们思想上和生活上的烙印,批判了清教主义传统对人的精神上的摧残和对人性、人权的压抑. TEXT B Reading Comprehension Choose the correct answers to the following questions.1. I

20、n what century is the story of Hester Prynne set? (A) The sixteenth century (B) The seventeenth century (C) The eighteenth century (D) The nineteenth century2. Where do Hester and Chillingworth live before coming to America? (A) Amsterdam (B) Paris (C) Edinburgh (D) JamaicaTEXT B Reading Comprehensi

21、on 3. What is situated immediately outside the door of the prison in which Hester is kept? (A) A gallows (B) A pine tree (C) A rosebush (D) A graveyard4. How does Hester support herself financially? (A) As a prostitute (B) As a seamstress (C) As a nurse (D) As a farmhandTEXT B Reading Comprehension

22、5. Next to whom is Hester buried? (A) Dimmesdale (B) Chillingworth (C) Pearl (D) No one; her body is burned.TEXT B Notes1.Bowdoin College founded in 1794, is a private liberal arts college located in the coastal New England town of Brunswick, Maine. As of 2010, U.S. News and World Report ranks Bowdo

23、in sixth among liberal arts colleges in the United States. The college enrolls approximately 1,700 students and has been coeducational since 1971. It offers 33 majors and 4 additional minors; the academic year consists of two four-course semesters, and the student-faculty ratio is 9:1.Brunswick is l

24、ocated on the shores of Casco Bay and the Androscoggin River, 12 miles north of Freeport, Maine, and 28 miles north of Portland, Maine. In addition to its Brunswick campus, Bowdoin also operates a 118 acre (478,000 m) coastal studies center on Orrs Island in Harpswell, Maine and a 200 acre (809,000

25、m) scientific field station on Kent Island, in the Bay of Fundy.TEXT B Notes2.The Phi Beta Kappa Society is an academic honor society. Its mission is to celebrate and advocate excellence in the liberal arts and sciences; and induct the most outstanding students of arts and sciences at Americas leadi

26、ng colleges and universities. Founded at The College of William and Mary on December 5, 1776, as the first collegiate Greek-letter fraternity, it is also the oldest honor society for the liberal arts and sciences and among the oldest undergraduate societies in the United States. It has served as the

27、 inspiration for other academic honor societies such as Delta Epsilon Sigma, Delta Epsilon Iota, Phi Kappa Phi, and Omicron Delta Kappa. Phi Beta Kappa stands for Philosophy is the guide of life.TEXT B Notes3.Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (February 27, 1807 March 24, 1882) was an American poet and educ

28、ator and whose works include Paul Reveres Ride, The Song of Hiawatha, and Evangeline. He was also the first American to translate Dante Alighieris The Divine Comedy and was one of the five Fireside Poets. Longfellow was born in Portland, Maine, then part of Massachusetts, and studied at Bowdoin Coll

29、ege. After spending time in Europe he became a professor at Bowdoin and, later, at Harvard College. His first major poetry collections were Voices of the Night (1839) and Ballads and Other Poems (1841). Longfellow retired from teaching in 1854 to focus on his writing, living the remainder of his lif

30、e in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in a former headquarters of George Washington. His first wife, Mary Potter, died in 1835 after a miscarriage. His second wife, Frances Appleton, died in 1861 after sustaining burns from her dress catching fire. After her death, Longfellow had difficulty writing poetry

31、for a time and focused on his translation. He died in 1882.TEXT B Notes4.Orestes BrownsonOrestes Augustus Brownson (18031876) was a New England intellectual and activist, preacher, labor organizer, and noted Catholic convert and writer. Brownson was a publicist, a career which spanned his affiliatio

32、n with the New England Transcendentalists, through his subsequent conversion to Roman Catholicism.TEXT B New Words and Expressions: 1.transcendentalist ,trnsendentlist adj. 哲超越论者的,先验论者的Certainly Emerson stated the transcendentalist outlook more fully than any of his fellows.的确,爱默生把超验论的观点说得比其他同伴更透彻。2

33、.uppercase pkeis vt. 以大写字母印刷adj. 大写字母的n. 大写字母Start a new sentence with an uppercase letter - many people sometimes forget this.开始一个新的句子时,记得字首要大写,许多人会忘记这麽做。3.adultery dltri n. 通奸,通奸行为But behind locked doors, a story of sexual abandon and toxic adultery was unfolding which would impact on the poets po

34、sthumous reputation.但是随着深宅大院内的放纵性欲和通奸毒害的事实的展开,对诗人死后的名誉有很大的影响。TEXT B New Words and Expressions: 4.scaffoldskfld, -fuld n. 脚手架;鹰架;绞刑台vt. 给搭脚手架;用支架支撑All that are needed to create a scaffold are a database table, its corresponding model and controller, and some conventions.创建一个脚手架所需要的东西包括一个数据库表,对应模型以及控制

35、器,以及一些鬼测。5.haranguehr n. 长篇大论;高谈阔论;热烈的演说vt. 向滔滔不绝地演讲;大声训斥vi. 高谈阔论;慷慨陈词Unfortunately, no questions from the audience broke the continuity of his harangue.令人遗憾的是,没有听众提出问题来打断他的高谈阔论。6.onlookerhr n,luk, :n- n. 旁观者;观众(等于spectator)I am still an onlooker and my position is privileged.我仍然是个旁观者,我处于享有特殊权利的位置。7

36、.seamstresssi:mstris, sem- n. 女裁缝师;做针线活的妇女The seamstress tacked the two pieces of cloth.女裁缝把那两块布粗缝了起来。TEXT B New Words and Expressions: 8.willfulwilful adj. 有意的;任性的;故意的Just yesterday it seems you were a harum-scarum child with dirty hands and a willful heart.就在昨天,你还象个冒失的傻孩子,一双手脏呼呼的,一颗心顽固任性。9.impish

37、impi adj. 顽皮的;心地不良的;小鬼般的His inquisitive and often impish brown eyes mirrored an understanding of everything verbal.他那双褐色得眼睛,好奇又顽皮,透出他对所有言语的理解。10.eloquent elkwnt adj. 意味深长的;雄辩的,有口才的;有说服力的;动人的It is a succinct and eloquent defense of the basic philosophical principles of liberalism.它还用简明、流畅的笔触阐述了自由主义的基

38、本哲学观点。11.round-the-clockraundklk adj. 全天的;全天候的;不分昼夜的;连续不停的Is the Emergency Center open now? Yes, it is open round-the-clock.对不起,我的朋友胃疼得厉害。我来拨打急捄中心的电话。TEXT B New Words and Expressions: 12.tormentst:ment, t:m- vt. 折磨,使痛苦;纠缠,作弄n. 痛苦,苦恼;痛苦的根源There must be an answer, a way to defeat this evil that tormen

39、ts us.那里一定会有答案,有打败折磨着我们的恶魔的方法。13.impulsiveimplsiv adj. 冲动的;受感情驱使的;任性的Impulsive loads for structural tests have been generated by explosive cartridges or by small rockets.人们曾用过弹药筒的爆炸或用小型火箭来产生结构试验所需的脉冲荷载。14.charitable trtbl adj. 慈善事业的;慷慨的,仁慈的;宽恕的She says she makes her living as a pig farmer and spent

40、her senators salary on charitable projects.她说道,她的生活清贫得如同一个养猪专业户,而把她的参议员工资用于了慈善项目。TEXT B Assignment Finish the exercises of Text BPreview supplementing reading.Supplementing Reading1. Religious Bodies in the United StatesAfrican Methodist Episcopal ChurchAfrican Methodist Episcopal Zion ChurchAmerica

41、n Baptist AssociationAmerican Baptist Churches USAAntiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North AmericaArmenian Apostolic ChurchAssemblies of GodBaptist Bible Fellowship InternationalBaptist General ConferenceBaptist Missionary Association of AmericaBuddhismChristian and Missionary AllianceChri

42、stian Brethren (Plymouth Brethren)Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)Supplementing ReadingIndependent Christian Churches/Churches of ChristChristian Congregation, Inc., TheChristian Methodist Episcopal ChurchChristian Reformed Church in North AmericaChurch of God in ChristChurch of God of Prophec

43、yChurch of God (Anderson, Indiana)Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee)The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsChurch of the BrethrenChurch of the NazareneChurches of ChristConservative Baptist Association of AmericaCommunity of ChristCoptic Orthodox ChurchSupplementing ReadingCumberland Presb

44、yterian ChurchEpiscopal ChurchEvangelical Covenant ChurchEvangelical Free Church of AmericaEvangelical Lutheran Church in AmericaEvangelical Presbyterian ChurchFree Methodist Church of North AmericaFull Gospel FellowshipGeneral Association of General BaptistsGeneral Association of Regular Baptist Ch

45、urchesU.S. Conference of Mennonite Brethren ChurchesGrace Gospel FellowshipGreek Orthodox Archdiocese of AmericaHinduismIndependent Fundamental Churches of AmericaInternational Church of the Foursquare GospelInternational Council of Community ChurchesInternational Pentecostal Holiness Church Supplem

46、enting ReadingIslamJehovahs WitnessesJudaismLutheran Church - Missouri Synod, TheMennonite Church USANational Association of Congregational Christian ChurchesNational Association of Free Will BaptistsNational Baptist Convention of America, Inc.National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.National Missionar

47、y Baptist Convention of AmericaOld Order Amish ChurchOrthodox Church in AmericaPentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc.Pentecostal Church of GodPresbyterian Church in AmericaPresbyterian Church (U.S.A.)Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc.Reformed Church in AmericaReligious Society of Friends (Conservative)Roman Catholic ChurchRomanian Orthodox EpiscopateSalvation ArmySupplementing ReadingSerbian Ort


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