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1、 PAGE 11 / 112022 年长宁区第一学期高三英语教学质量监测试卷(考试时间 120 分钟;满分 140 分)Listening Comprehension Section ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. Attheendofeachconversation,a questionwillbeaskedaboutwhatwassaid.The conversations and the questions will be spoken only

2、once. After you hear a conversationand the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decidewhich one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A.$10.B. $20.C. $25.D. $50.A. Join a walking club.B.Find another lift.C. Take the lift.D.Walk upstairs.A. He is sensiti

3、ve.B. He is rude.C. He is determined.D. He is frank.A. Breakfast time.B.Telephone service.C. Room number.D.Business hours.A. Buy some food.B.Attend to her father.C. Go to a cafeteria.D.Send her father to hospital.A. He is looking fora new job.B. He is unwilling to work.C. He has recently lost his jo

4、b.D. He is a diligent person.A. He has received several offers.B. He regrets turning down the offer.C. He takes business trips frequently.D. He dislikes being away from home.A. They are dissatisfied with it now.B.They are delighted at its French food.C. They are glad to see its new manager.D. They a

5、re unhappy with the prices of its food.A. They were not part of the campus.B. They are surrounded by trees.C. They were rebuilt in the 1500s.D. They have a long history.A. The man should be working on his project.The man needs to relax at the weekend.She is worried about her project.She is uninteres

6、ted in surfing.Section BDirections : In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When

7、you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paperand decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13are based on the following passage.11.A. A special school.An important decision.A new education policy.A typical teaching method.A. Par

8、ents.B. Students.C. Kitchen staff.D. Cleaners.A. It has no time table at all.Teachers give no homework.It imposes its system onto students.Students have their say in how to run it.Questions 14 through 16are based on the following passage.A. People used the stoves less often.Outdoor air pollution was

9、 not that serious.Indoor air pollution was related to the way of cooking.An increasing number of trees were cut down every year.A. Taking advantage of greener energy.Building a base in the Himalayas.Depending on animal waste for fuel.Finding land covered with forests.A. It was resistant to water.It

10、was easy to pack and move.It worked well on rainy days.It looked like a pot or a pan.Questions 17 through 20are based on the following conversation.A. He is acollector.B.He is an environmentalist.C. He is studying China.D. He ispromoting animal protection.A. For six years.B. Forseven years.C. For th

11、irty years.D.For fifty years.A. He has 500 ofthem.He got them fromsecond-hand shops.He gave some of themto his friends.He spared a room forthem.A. His friendsrequested him to start the club.China elephants enjoya relatively long history.Little informationabout china elephants was available.He wanted

12、 to keep intouch with other elephant lovers.Grammar andVocabulary Section ADirections: Afterreadingthepassagebelow,fillin the blanksto makethe passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blankwith the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks,

13、 use one word thatbest fits each blank.Accenting AccentsTo be a “slasher”,a person with multipleoccupations,is a recent popularconcept among young Chinese. However,Xu Kaifei(2)( do)this since 20 years ago.Born and brought up in Haikou,HainanProvincein South China, Xu is a now new media journalist. B

14、ut the36-year-old,(22) stage-name isJinanzai, is better known as a rapper (说唱歌手) .Xus high school years were filledwith pop songs from Hong Kong,(23) ( write ) in the Cantonesedialect,which is mostlyspokenin south China,including HongKong. (24)(listen )to them, he realized that few people used the H

15、ainan dialect to write songs. In2008, he wrote a rap song,Domldoml , meaning (25)to do in Hainanese.“Hainanese is not a systematiclanguage. It is difficult to rhyme (押韵) when rapping.But theartist wrote good words. Also, thegenre (类型) of this song is advanced, manyyears aheadof todaysHip Hop trend,”

16、 amusic fan posted onNetEase CloudMusic, a music platform set up by Internet technology giant NetEase, commenting(26) Xus effort.(27)Xus social media account has only about 26,000 followers, much lessthan famous pop stars accounts, he is still proud of his music because (28) records his hometowns be

17、autiful dialect. Over 80 percent of the population inHainan speak Hainanese, according to the website of the Hainan Provincial Government. In 2019, over9 million people (29)(estimate )to live in Hainan.Today, more and more songs and films are including dialects. Itnot only creates an artistic effect

18、 but also guides dialect speakers(30)(rediscover )their language. Such artisticofferingscan break geographicallimitationsand win the appreciationof people in other areas.Section BDirections : Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that the

19、re is one word more than you need.A.abandonedB.adventureC.allowD.appreciateE.curvingI. relativelyF.effortlesslyJ.territoryG.K.exploringwindsH.outlinesLocated off the southern coast of Spain, the island of Mallorca is often praised as oneof the jewels of the Mediterranean. As the Spanish royal family

20、s preferred summer vacation spot,Mallorca 31 charms visitors with its beautiful villages and mountains covered in orange and lemon trees.Since it is a(n)32smallisland,Mallorcais best seen by bicycle.The Serra de Tramuntana Mountain range runs along the islandsnorth-western coast and covers nearly 30

21、 percent of the islands33,which makes it a cyclists dream.The34roads that cross the tall peaks and rocky cliffs provide some of the most challenging cycling on theisland.However, most of the islandsvisitors come to see Mallorcas splendid coast. Though thereareseveralbusybeachresortsbuiltspecifically

22、fortourists,yourebetter off35the 260 beaches around theisland on your own.Along the south coast, youllfind white sands and clear blue waters seemingly made just for diving. In the east, keep an eye out for hidden bays that36for peaceful swimming even in high season.AlthoughMallorcasbeacheshavebeen i

23、ts main attractionfor many years,more recently, visitors have begun toappreciate the islands cultural attractions too. Many of Malloreas grand oldhouses and37farms are being turned into resorts where visitorscan enjoy the relaxed lifestyle of the Mallorcan countryside.Palma, Mallorcaslively capital,

24、isalso home to many museums,historicbuildings, and galleries.Here youll be able to38paintingsby great Spanishmaster such as Picasso,Dali, and Miro, whose formerhouse in the cityswesterndistrictis open to visitors.As the day39down, spend an evening enjoying a freshly caught supper in one of Palmas oc

25、eanfront restaurants while taking in abeautiful Mallorcan sunset. What better way to wrap up your Spanish40?ReadingComprehension Section ADirections: For each blankin the followingpassagethereare four wordsor phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the

26、 context.Hugely ambitious in scope,The Lord of the Ringsoccupies an uncomfortable position in 20th centuryliterature.This book of J.R.R.Tolkiensposesa challengeto modern literature and its defenders. (Tolkien on his 41: “Some who have read the book, or at anyrate have reviewed it, have found it bori

27、ng, ridiculous, or annoying; and I have no cause to complain, since I have similar opinions of their works, or of the kinds of writing thatthey evidently 42 .”)Yet The Lord of the Rings has enjoyed massive and enduring popularity. It would seem that Tolkiens work supplied something that was 43 among

28、 the formal innovations of 20th century fiction, something for which readers were hungry.But what was it, and why was it important?It seems that the key point lies inTolkiens wholeheartedrejection of modernity and modernism. This is what so powerfully44some readers, and just as powerfully drives awa

29、y others. In his book J.R.R.Tolkien:Author of the Century, T.A. Shippey expands onthis idea by arguing that Tolkien saw his story of Middle-earth not as fiction or invention, but as the45of something genuine that had become buried beneath the fairy tale and nursery rhythm.“However fanciful Tolkiensc

30、reation of Middle earth was,” Shippey writes, “he didnot think that he was entirely46. He was reconstructing, he was harmonizing conflicts in his source-texts, sometimes he was supplying entirely new concepts, but he was also reaching back to an imaginative world which he believed had once really47,

31、at leastin a collec tive imagination.”The book is also deeply grounded inTolkiens linguistic expertise(语言专长) he48wholelanguagesfor his characters.Sometimeshe became so absorbedin the creation of languages, in fact, that he49the story itself for months or years at a time, believing he could not conti

32、nue until some inconsistency(不一致) in his invented world had been resolved.But Tolkiensgreatintellectandknowledgeis not the sourceof his50;without his storytelling gift,The Lord of the Ringswould be little more than a curiosity. And this gift seems to originate straight from his51to break from classi

33、caland traditional forms.Tolkienhimselfoftenspokeof hisworkas somethingfoundordiscovered, somethingwhose existencewas52of him. Its wise to be carefulwith this sort of interpretation,butit seems53thathe believedhisworkto be somethinggiven, something revealed,which contained a kind oftruth beyond meas

34、ure.54,his details have the weight of reality, and because of this his great sweep ofstory feels real as well;you might say that his55castles are built with a certain amount of genuine stone.41. A. booksB. criticsC. readersD. ambitions42. A. dislikeB. challengeC. reviewD. prefer43. A. commonB. possi

35、bleC. missingD.funny44.A. annoysB. influencesC. attractsD. concerns45. A. recoveryB. designingC. analysisD. questioning46. A. taking it downB. making it upC. turning it downD.looking it up47. A. remainedB. struckC. movedD.existed48. A. spokeB. inventedC. neglectedD. recalled49. A. put asideB. set up

36、C. look intoD.get along50.A. styleB. tensionC. successD. tradition51. A. decisionB. requestC. struggleD.refusal52. A. representativeB. independentC. consciousD.thoughtful53. A. clearB. weirdC. unfairD. pitiful54. A. As a resultB. On the contraryC. Even soD. Whats worse55.A. ancientSection BB. broken

37、C. imaginaryD.foreignDirections: ReadthefollowingthreepassagesEachpassageisfollowedby several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A, B,Cand D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)It was on

38、e of the most destructive days in the history of our planet, and now we knowhow it played out.Scientists have pieced together the first day of the dinosaurs extinction,by drilling into the crater(火ft口) that formed from the asteroid(小行星) that caused their downfall.The asteroid, which led to theextinc

39、tion of all dinosaurs that cant fly, crashed into the Gulf of MexicosYucatan Peninsula some 66 million years ago. In 2016, a scientific drilling project by the International Ocean Discovery Program got rocks from the impact site, which has been underwater for a long time. Now, scientists have analys

40、ed these rocks to travel back in time to that particular day itself.“Its an expanded record of events that we were able to recover from within ground zero,” said Dr Sean Gulick, a geophysicist at the University of Texas at Austin and leader of this study. “It tells us about impact processes from an

41、eyewitness location.”In just 24 hours following the impact, a layer of material 130m thick was deposited. This include charcoal,which provides evidence for the intense wildfires that are thought to have been caused by the crash.Meanwhile, the impact also led to a huge tsunami, an extremely large wav

42、e in the sea caused by an earthquake, as evidenced by layers of rocks and sand in the core samples, which appear to have been deposited by flooding waters.Onething conspicuouslymissingfromthesamples,though,istheelementof sulphur ( 硫 磺 ) .Although the surrounding area is full of sulphur-rich rocks, t

43、he crater isunusuallysulphur-free.Thissupportstheideathattheasteroidimpactinstantly vaporised sulphurous rocks, releasing the sulphur into the atmosphere, where it remainedand reflected away the Suns light, cooling theEarths climate.Although the impact had destructiveeffects on a regional level, its

44、 this large-scale global cooling thats thoughtto be behind the dinosaurs eventual extinction, as well as that of countlessother plant and animal species.“The real killer has got to beatmospheric,” said Gulick. “The only, way you get aglobal mass extinc tion likethis is an atmospheric effect.”Dr Sean

45、 Gulick isquoted in paragraph 3 in order to.stress the impact ofthe crashillustrate thesignificance of their studyexplain what they didin their studystate the reason fordinosaursdeathThe word“conspicuously(”in paragraph 6 )is closest in meaning to“ ”.A. obviouslyB. restlesslyC. occasionallyD. potent

46、iallyWhich of thefollowing is acause of the dramatic dropin temperaturementionedin thepassage?The tsunami.The wildfires.The vapourisedsulphur.The deposit of rocks.Which of thefollowing might be the best title of the passage?Touching on thedinosaurs timeDrilling into the daythe dinosaurs diedWhy we n

47、eed to studythe atmospheric effectWhat we should knowabout the history of our planet(B)WhatAre the Limits of Human Endurance?Paragraph 1: When it comes to running, how farand how fast you can go is determined by a number of physical factors,including your VO2 max (the volume of oxygen you can pump r

48、ound yourbody) and your lactate(乳酸盐) threshold, which is thepoint at which your bodyproduces more lactate than it can break down(abuild-up of this chemical makes you run less efficiently ).Some of this is genetic, some of it comes from training. But in recent years,sports scientists have also come t

49、o recognise the importance of mentalstrength. The longeryourun,themoreimportanta well-thought-outmentalstrategyis.Common strategies for coping with pain include motivational selftalk and distraction techniques tohelp block negative thoughts. Paragraph 2: Thirty years ago, scientistscalculated that t

50、he fastest possible marathon, in perfect conditions and with theperfect athlete, would be 1 hour 58 minutes. And were getting close. ThisSeptember, Kenyan long-distance runner Eliud Kipchoge set a new world record of2:01:39 at the Berlin Maraton a race ideally suited tofast times because of itsflat

51、course, few corners, and typically good weatherconditions. Sports physiologists think that the two-hour limit could be brokenin the next few decades, as a bigger talent pool ofrunners,plus advancesintrainingtechnology,createever more idealcombinationsof athlete and runningconditions.Paragraph 3: Lon

52、g-distance running stresses thebody; recent research from the University of the Peloponnese in Greece foundthat post-race levels of inflammation ( 炎 症 ) in the blood of ultraendurance runners ( those who run raceslonger than a marathon ) showed similardescriptions to people with cancer or cirrhosis.

53、 However, over the next fewdays,the runners levels returned to normal,suggesting thatthey have aremarkableability to recover after an extreme workout. Good training is partlyabouthelping you know when, for instance, youve crossed the line from goodpain into bad pain.Match each paragraphwith one of t

54、he following questions, and then make the choice.Is endurance in themind or in the muscles?Isendurance running bad for you?Will endurance runningbecome a hit?Will anyone ever run atwo-hour marathon?Paragraph l: ;Paragraph2: ; Paragraph3: Paragraph 1: ;Paragraph 2: ; Paragraph3: Paragraph 1: ;Paragra

55、ph 2: ; Paragraph3: Paragraph 1: ;Paragraph2: ; Paragraph3: According to theresearch, how can distraction techniques help long distance runners?By raising their VO2max.By helping themconcentrate.By lowering theirlactate threshold.By preventing themfeeling discouraged.What can be learnedfrom the pass

56、age?Good training canhelp you find out your limits.The world marathonrecord is 1 hour 58 minutes.Marathon trainingtechnology hasnt changed a lot.Long distance runningcauses lasting harm to our health.(C)It seems difficult to explain thepersistent success of scientific theories at describingnature. I

57、 explore this challengein my book, What Science Is and How It Really Wor.kIsf the history ofscience teaches us anything, it is that the ability of a theory to predictunobserved phenomena and lead to amazing new technologies is no proof that saidtheory is “true”.For example, Isaac Newtonsmechanics en

58、abled surprisingly accurate predictions ofotherastronomicalphenomena,suchas Halleyscomet( 哈雷彗星) arrivinglater thannormal in 1759 due to the gravitational effects of passing close to Jupiter.Even more impressive,in the early 1800s when astronomersdeterminedthat theorbit(轨道) of Uranus failed to matchN

59、ewtonian predictions, they concluded that Newtons theory wasnot wrong;rather,the existenceof a previouslyunobservedplanetwas proposedand waslater found exactly where it was expected to be(and named Neptune ).Suchsuccessesofthescientificrevolutionweresoimpressivethatphilosophers developed whole newth

60、eories ofknowledge to try to explain how scientists appeared tohave used observationand reason to discover fundamental truths. In doing so, scientists attempted todismiss what logicians have known for long: that no amount of correctlypredicted effects can prove a supposed cause.But dont the successe


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