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1、2022 2022 学年度第一学期7. 8. 四年级上册英语期末综合练习卷听力部分(60 分)价一,听一听,圈一圈:依据你听到的录音内容内容,将以下每组中符合B A 10. B A 录音内容的图片下面的字母画一圆圈圈住; 10 分12. 9. . 考B A 4. B A B A B A 生3别答名题B A 6. B A 二,听一听,辨一辨:依据录音内容,辨别下面相应的图片是否与4. 不录音内容相符合;符合的在该图片下方的括号里打“ ”,不相符打要5. “” ;(10 分)1. 2. 3. 5. 过此B A B A 线1 / 7 号第 1 页,共 7 页6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 五,听一听

2、,勾一勾:依据录音内容,找出表中各个人的喜好(likes)三,听一听,写一写:依据录音中的内容,在下面句子的空格中填及职业jobs,在相应的空格中“ ”;10 分上适当的词,将句子补充完整;(每格一词)(10 分)1This is my . He is a . likesjobs2. What would you like for lunch. I and . d like some musicsportspaintingcomputer. gamesnursedoctorfarmerteach3. A: What s in your B: Look. A two pencils and th

3、ree erasers. Mike s4. My is small. There is only one . father5. In my class, we have 25 and 18 . Mike smother四,Amy 将捐一些书给期望学校,你将听到她和Miss White的一Mike s uncle段对话录音,请依据你所听到录音,用阿拉伯数字在下表登记好Amy 的捐书情形吧;(10 分)Math bookNotebookMike s Story-book auntChineseEnglishbookbookAmy2 / 7 第 2 页,共 7 页doctor.Mike 笔试部分六,

4、听一听,排一排:依据录音,将下面的图片排序,并将序号用阿拉伯数八,读一读,写一写:依据所给出的图片,在句子的空格中填上适当的单字填在图片下方的括号里;(10 分)词,将句子补充完整;(20 分)on your . 1. Put your 2. Mike is a. . He likes reading ()()()()()七,听一听,选一选:选出你所听到的句子正确答语,把序号写到括号里;(10 分)B. Yes, he is.C. Yes, it is.3. Welcome to my . . We have 23 1. A. Yes, she is. 2. A. It s on the de

5、sk.B. Theyre under your bag. C. In yourpencil-case.B. I like some fish.C.dI like 3. A. I have some fish.some fish. 4. A. Her names Lily.B. My namesJack.C. His namesTom. 5. A. She is in the kitchen.B. She likes music.C. Shesa4. Come and meet my parents . This is my 3 / 7 第 3 页,共 7 页and this is my . B

6、: She is a nurse. A: Wow, she looks beautiful. 5. I dlikesome and for B: Thank you. dinner. 九,读一读,选一选:依据上下文的意思将所给的句子支配在对话中的适当位置,将下面的对话补充完成;(10 分)A. How many people are there in your family.B. Yes, it is.C. Whats your father. D. What sin your hand. E. No, she isn t.A :Hello, Chen Jie. B: A: B: A: B:

7、A: Guess. Is it a photo . Its aphoto of my family. Your family photo. There are 3. My parents and me. Look, this is my father. You father is tall and strong. 听力录音材料一,听一听,圈一圈:依据你听到的录音内容内容 ,将以下每组中符合录音内容的图片下面的字母画一圆圈圈住;(每道题听二遍,每小题之间将停留四秒钟供你填写答案;)1. A: Mom, Can I help. B: Ok. Sweep the floor, please. 2.

8、A: Where is my ball. B: It s under the desk. 3. A: Whats your uncle. B: He s a baseball player. 4. A: Welcome to my home. B: Wow, it s so big. 5. A: What can you see in the kitchen. B: I can see a table. 6. A: What would you like for lunch. B: I d like some fish, vegetables and rice, please. 7. A: I

9、s that your grandpa. B: Yes, he is. 8. A: What can you do at home. B: I can make the bed. 9. A: Look. She s my new friend. B: Wow. She has big eyes and short hair. 10.A: What s on your head. B: A story-book. B: Hes a teacher. Hes a .体育 teacher. 二,听一听,辨一辨:依据录音内容,辨别下面相应的图片是否与录音内容相符合;符合的在该图片下方的括号里打“ ”,

10、不相符打A: Cool. Is your mother a teacher, too. “” ;(每道题听二遍,每道题之间将停留四秒钟供你填写答4 / 7 第 4 页,共 7 页案;)Amy 的捐书情形吧;(该对话将听三遍,每遍之间将停留五秒钟供1. Put up the picture. 2. Idlikesomebeef for dinner. 3. Look, this is my bathroom. 4. Let me clean the board. 5. Answer the phone. 6. My family has five members. 7. My uncle is

11、a football player. 8. Its 15yuan.9. Zhang Peng likes science. 10. Turn on the light, please 三,听一听,写一写:依据录音中的内容,在下面的句子的空格中填上适当的词,将句子补充完整;(每格一词)(每道题听二遍,每道题之间将停留四秒钟供你填写答案;)1This is my brother. He is a teacher. 你填写答案;)Amy : Good morning, Miss White.Miss White: Good morning , Amy. Your schoolbaglooks big

12、 and heavy. Whats in it.Amy :Look. 14 notebooks, 30 English books, 13 math books, 8 story-books and 21 Chinese books.Miss White: Wow, so many books.Amy : They are for the students in Hope Schools.Miss White: You are great, Amy.2. What would you like for breakfast. I d like some milk and 3 eggs. 五,听一

13、听,勾一勾:依据录音内容,及职业 jobs,在相应的空格中“ ”;(该短文将听三遍,每遍之间 找出表中各个人的喜好(likes)将停留五秒钟供你填写答案;)3. A: What s inyourpenc-iclase.B: Look. A ruler and two pencils and three erasers. Hello, Myname is Mike. Come and meetmy family. This is my father. Hes tall.4. My room is small. There is only one window. 5.In my class, we

14、 have 25 boys and 18 girls. 四,Amy 将捐一些书给期望学校,你将听到她和 Miss White的一 段对话录音,请依据你所听到录音,用阿拉伯数字在下表登记好He likes sports. He is afarmer.Hesa nice farmer. This is my mother. She is thin and she likes music. She is ateacher. Shesa super teacher. Who s that man. Oh, he is my uncle. He likes computer games. He is a

15、 doctor. Hesagreat doctor. And she is my aunt. She likes painting. She is a nurse. She is a pretty nurse. This is me. I like sports. I like computer games, too. I am a student.5 / 7 第 5 页,共 7 页Let s be friends. OK.三,3. pencil-case, ruler 4. room, 1.brother, teacher 2. milk, eggs 六,听一听,排一排:依据录音,将下面的图

16、片排序,并将序号用阿拉伯数window Math bookNotebookStory-book字填在图片下方的括号里;(10分)(每道题将听二遍,每道题之间将5. boys, girls 停留两秒钟供你填写答案;)四,1. Act like a nurse.ChineseEnglish2. Let me clean the board.3. The boys like sports.bookbook131484. Pass me a fork.5. Put your notebook on your head.Amy2130七,听一听,选一选:选出你所听到的句子正确答语,把序号写到括号里;五,(每道题听二遍,每道题之间将停留四秒钟供你填写答案;) 1. Is he your brother.likesjobs 2.Where are my books. 3. What would you like for dinner. 4. What s her name.musicsportspaintingcomputer gamesnursedoctorfarmerteach 5. What your mother


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