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1、2019届高考试卷分项版解析专题09英语试卷【含答案及解析】姓名 班级 分数题号一总分得分、单项填空online shopping has changed our life , not all of its effects have been positive.A. Since B. AfterC. While D. UnlessHe is a shy man,he is not afraid of anything or anyone.A. so B. butC. or D. asthe damage is done, it will take many years for the farm

2、land to recover.A. Until B. Unless C. Once D. AlthoughIf you miss this chance, it may be years you get another one.A. as B. before C. sinceD. afterWe need to get to the root of the problem we can solve it.A. while B. afterD. asC. beforeI believe you will have a wonderful time here you get to know ev

3、eryone else.A. thoughB. as ifC. once D. so thatthe students came from different countries, theygot along quite well in the summer camp.A. WhileB. UnlessC. SinceD. Untilhe once felt like giving up, he now has thedetermination to push further and keep on going.A. WhereB. AsC. In caseD. Now thatthe job

4、 takes a significant amount of time,most students agree that the experience is worth it.A If only B AfterC Although D In casethe forest park is far away, a lot oftourists visit it every year .A. AsB. WhenC. Even though D. In caseyou start eating in a healthier way, weightcontrol will become much eas

5、ier.A. unlessB. AlthoughC. BeforeD. OnceIll be out for some time. anything importanthappens, call me up immediately.A. In caseB. As ifLessons can be learned to face the future, history cannot be changed.A. though B. asC. since D. unlessThe meaning of the word nice changed a few tines it finally came

6、 to include the sense pleasant. A. before B. afterC. sinceD. whileCathy had quit her job when her son was born she could stay home and raise her family.A. now thatB. as ifC. only ifD. so thatIts not easy to change habits, with awareness and selfcontrol, it is possible.A for B orC but D soI was glad

7、to meet Jenny again, I didnt want to spendall day with her.A. but B. andC so D orDont turn off the computer before closing all programs, youcould have problems.A. or B. andC. but D. soI have heard a lot of good things about you I came back from abroad.A. since B. untilC. before D. Whenwe have enough

8、 evidence, we cant win the case.A Once B As long asC Unless D SinceHe is so busy. He cannot afford enough time with his son hewants to.A even if B as ifC because D beforesmall, the company has about 1, 000 buyers in over 30countries.A. As B. IfC Although D OnceI have to give a speech, I get extremel

9、y nervous before I start.A. Whatever B. WheneverC. Whoever D. HoweverMark needs to learn Chinese his company is opening a branch inBeijing.A. unlessB. untilC although D. sinceShe says that shell have to close the shop business improves.A. if B. unlessC. after D. whenIn the global economy, a new drug

10、 for cancer, it is discovered,will create many economic possibilities around the world.A whatever B whoeverC wherever D whicheverI took my driving license with me on holiday, I wanted to hire a car.B. even ifA. in case参考答案及解析第1题【答案】【解析】第2题【答案】【解析】瞿热啸揩词褊勰霭矗魄罂普何人。虱3口因此i B. but但是彳C.第3题【答案】第4题【答案】【解析】腾森

11、患肾普然喟薄3mx由于工法搜之后九包夏:如果在错过因欠机会,可育猥等Before ,表不要0 多么才有s o f故选B项口第5题【答案】【解析】试题钞;faf -bejr+, ;在我理决问题之前z我们需要蜂裁胃刖彳口,正如0C. bef oxie国湃辘金豺当.时候.巴第6题【答案】C【解析】试题分析g句意;我聪丁科津这里的每个大,你将玩得很愉快,tbkh虽然j妙迂好像j once一旦1so that为了 q所以选C中第7题【答案】*用 析费 靠回 杳除时 考S3在A :le用选 1 折皿常故 析分国通口 解 题.,1 好 沈 丁很口作Q晏手他们在直合营里面ey* 11旬导 帖省 AX1-0第8

12、题【答案】【解析】鬻睡1熟鬻鹘盛蠲溺缗息黑型第9题【答案】部分学生还是认为(从工第10题【答案】无选C口 In cas&ffi句尽词 的门堡层 旬讲情状用转SU- 杳 wjj 考口器 限见仇 句露门 方由, 杳茅句曾正第11题【答案】试题分析:句意:二耳你开始更健康的饮食上撵制体重就会变得音曷符急、史相工除非5 Althcu?hf臧强霸湍悬辘飘鹘僦瞬偷哪徐第12题【答案】【解析】重Ao hb 发絮果答如故费曾话状*知可可3e1BC 话句口鲂艮 J+TJ4ft就种即 de丁立 rr 3.#$C况情s:曾i每g近粤1解析】BgSO来。颔证瑞痛皤黯翻捻手蠹蹋船建招掘褊生第14题【答案】【解析】试题分

13、析:句意:idem打这个单词的含义改变了很多次才终于包含了 “快乐的感觉.这里用连词 bsf or&“在通B.在16在-VI第15题【答案】牌底舞蓑里C. cmly if 只要? D, so that 时候,她蚯痂了自己的工;的1电if子1/ a的 Bly ;th 然 1 ta-t w句 中 n汾 首的快 a - 一 q fix题at顾试比照第16题【答案】【解析】试於分析:考查连词.尽管改变习惯很难,但是只要有自拄意识,还是可以改变的。U连词?要求考生具有一定的典连织量鼠后包嚼斓麟霰舞翳11不过找不想在整天的时间和她在一起。后面句子【解析】1系师点睛】这里都是并列连词 关键词岑1 丸d, d

14、i.(11l t want to_表瞬耀翳器等成我充分利用句卬的第18题【答案】A【解析】的可语,短题和类ri 词于 * 生, 字键 第0 平 晶至元 甘 ifWUi 考赛刑加很句器看才Em於05 句合考 茴反匚 /曾 血每积 +1解行 wi 使,缪,于习01用句于便翁ISM噎吊。试题分析:考查并列句的连词。警示要所有程序都关闭后再关电脑,否贝口等有问题。以否则,要不然。第19题【答案】t解析】懒螂郡舞姿II押虢用愉潮翻【解析】:式题兮析:考查连宿U后句说官司打不显,用unlb/fe表示相反的条件。名用/I常打条iH 1 是if 晴词于4尸1暂正 句思 语的 苦蹈篇处海鬻皤辑喝薪呼评第21题【

15、答案】A【解析】亍析一臂套连闸的用法乙此地睨盟即黄,虽然s as 队他也抽不出是僦的时间与他的JL子卷点一起口妊犹如好像,句意:他是如此忙碌小即性及 到F 及思 造局 卬的 考词0 高 范庄 同口南 连氢 中后 晴1 师习来 直子解,示8 从这 语7 K 金 语至 W星 花系 MX平的 思 占篙 5 普 3 中可 语的第22题【答案】【解析】句中侪countriesffl国家里霰”:喘个春:though, althougli, vhile, as : even if even ,thaug:h.: whether*.-everj legardless 口+名彳司/:连词主要直以.or. . :

16、 no jnatter+|aiqkggp +kouh 不可与hut连用 jj de spite, in spit* o 切记ye【解析】 击题刀j片考查让步状偌从句。I have_lo妥”一,羽野盛中有王信、逋宜和月宿乙国匆的爨,一 芋iatever|CwhMV8弱/1b后回旗副词戢W谷词?我选wkenevez向意:不隹许么时候我,唐讲,在【名师点睛J让步弦治丛句是赞语从句史的一也考问词丘第5 可以作让步状语从句马且近吗 一 natter慑问词缶韵HJ俞;无论o应萍用法要的wka/teYRtj irhoever MiichBver引导的茗1胡生从句工别开,第24题【答案】【解析】查幅试题分析A ,unless 思。句意;克需要学习反诺,因为他的公司。连接i司。his conip any is opening i blanch in5 althouj*inc吧由于京开分农者;,目从谷在句中僦器爨耀强 “既然3粤合句小表,著面劭作发策原国的噂以裕Jth酒;式嬴鼐搦蠲?句第25题【答案】Et解析】试题分析:考查状造从句卬国目以选择*句意:她说除非生意有改善,否则也将不得不关闭这家商店 。加1”意为川除菲兴 ,符若宿量.是“ 也正 句思 从意 语的 件 条Ifn 是If 睛词于 占鲁 晴相 名用J


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