新标准小学英语一年级起始第 10册Module 6 Unit 2 It was amazing教学设计_第1页
新标准小学英语一年级起始第 10册Module 6 Unit 2 It was amazing教学设计_第2页
新标准小学英语一年级起始第 10册Module 6 Unit 2 It was amazing教学设计_第3页
新标准小学英语一年级起始第 10册Module 6 Unit 2 It was amazing教学设计_第4页




1、新标准小学英语一年级起始第10册Module 6 Unit 2 It was amazing!教学目标基于对学情和整个模块的分析,基于整体教学理念,本课教学目标设 计如下:语言能力:学生能够在特定的语境中听说、读写单词:amazing, take, short, take a . ride;学生能够听说、认读单词 helicopter;学 生能够在特定的语境中听说、认读并理解句子:We took a short helicopter ride over Stonehenge. It was amazing.文化意识:学生能够通过对信的学习,了解玲玲在英国的周末活动, 开拓国际视野;通过讨论、欣

2、赏自己和朋友们的周末,学生能够体验和 感受其中的多彩与不同,能够乐于提供生活中的经历,积极与朋友保持 联络。思维品质:学生能够通过学习,进行一定的深入思考,开展自主思考、 批判性思维的意识和能力,如运用简单的思维导图梳理回顾语言知识; 建立事物的本质与表象之间的关联;能够发现相同单词在不同语境中的 不同含义;能够在语境中运用恰当的时态进行语言表达。通过整个模块, 整册书,甚至是不同年级相关语言知识的复现,帮助学生建立整体感知, 提升思维品质。学习能力:学生能够掌握一定的阅读学习策略:通过快速浏览找关键 词、带着问题听文本、自读划关键句等方式学习文本,为后期自主阅读提供支架;通过小组合作,互相欣

3、赏、订正小作文,学生能够掌握 新的合作方法,提升合作学习效率。教学重难点教学重点:学生能够理解并运用所学语言知识,进行语言表达。教学难点:学生能够运用本课所学,运用过去时态写出自己的周末活 动,并在小组中提供学习。教学过程Warm - upReview Module 6 Unit 1 with a mind map.Presentation &PracticeShow the letter and fill in the blanks.Watch the cartoon with questions:When did Lingling go to Stonehenge? Does she li

4、ke her trip?Read quickly and find out the key words or sentences: How do you know that Lingling likes her trip?Read and underline:Why was it a surprise? What did Lingling do? A:helicopter: show a picture it. Phonetic teaching.helicopter & planeB. take a ride:We went for a bike ride.( book 7 Module 9

5、 Unit 1)Show pictures of part 1 : take a bike ride, take a bus ride. C: short: for a short time, maybe only a few minutes.D : over: show the differences between “over” and “on” with pictures.Learn the second paragraph:What did Lingling do? Choose the photo.How do you know it?How big ? Its about 10m

6、tall. It?s about 40t.But they look different from different views. No matter how they look, the stones are very big. IV s the fact.How did Lingling think of it? It was amazing.take a helicopter ride )take photosShow different meanings of the same word in different sentences.Listen and imitate the te

7、xt.Read and choose.(AB)Talk about the meaning of the letter.Why does Lingling write this letter?Talk about future tense & past tense in this module.III. Consolidation & ExtensionRead and write.Read, talk, write then check.Group work.Write and share.Step 1: Talk about your last weekend.Step 2: Write it down.Step 3: Share and check.Step 4: Show your work.Enjoy a vid


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