



1、Unit 9 What does he look like?(B 卷)笔试部分(75分)一、词语运用(10分)A.根据句意及汉语提示填词1.She is( 从不)late for school.答案:never.Who is the(获胜者)in this game?答案:winner.She s a good singer.She s very(受欢迎的).答案:popular.The little dog has white( 卷曲的)hair.答案:curly.He likes telling( 笑话)after class.答案:jokesB.根据句意及首字母提示填词.He is no

2、t fat.He s t.答案:thin.Lucy s hat l like a cat. .答案:looks.The box is very h .I can t carry( 搬)it.答案:heavy.Beijing is the c of China.答案:capital5.The old man has no hair.He is b.答案:bald二、单项选择(10分)1.Jim sits between JackMike.A.andB.orC.butD.also答案:A2.Don t play jokeshim.He s serious(严肃的).A.atB.toC.onD.in

3、答案:C3.Let sfor a walk.A.goB.to goC.comeD.to come答案:A4.Can you help memy English?A.forB.inC.withD.about答案:C5.I am the first oneto school.A.goB.to comeC.goesD.comes答案:B6.Listenme carefullyclass!A.after;in答案:BB.to;inC.to;afterD.at;atA.it;onB.them;onC.on;it答案:B8. Can you playchess?Yes, I can.I can play

4、it very.A.the;wellB./;wellC./;goodD.a;much答案:B9.Do you likeor?A.sing;dancingB.singing;dancingC.sing;danceD.singing;dance答案:B10. What can you do , Li Xin? I canChinese Kung Fu.A.haveB.playC.do答案:C三、根据要求变换句型(10分)1.She is tall with long black hair.(对划线部分提问)does she?答案:What, look like2.I think he has so

5、mething to do.(变为否定句)7.These new clothes are for you.Please putD.on;themD.beI he has to do.答案:don t think , anything3.He is thin.He wears glass .es.(两句合并为一句) He is thin.答案:with glasses4.She has short hair.( 改为复数)sh ort.答案:They have , hair5.He did his homework last night.( 用 at night 改写)He his homewo

6、rk答案:does, at night四、改错(10分)1 Let us are In ends4 TOC o 1-5 h z DLucy sits hatween Jack 汽nd I.A BDYnur are hereH Please on thttn.ABCD-1 Her hair art: light bfdwji丁 E IT D HYPERLINK l bookmark16 o Current Document 5. Dont is late next time, A B -CD一答案:1.C be 2.D me 3.D put them on 4.C is 5.B be五、补全对话

7、(5分)A:I hear( 听说)you have a new friend.B:Yes. J A:What does she look like?B: 2 A:Is she tall? B:Yes.She s tall and thin. A:Does she often wear glasses? B: 34 She often wears a yellow sweater and blue pants.5 She s Betty.A.She has long blonde , curly hair. B.She s from America. C.I think I know her.D

8、.Yes , she does.And she can speak a little Chinese. E.Yes , that s her.答案:1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.E六、完形填空(10分)My School Day in LondonTim Hunt is telling 1 Chinese classmates about his school day back home in London.“My school day in London is different2 my school day here in China.Schoolstarts _3 nine o c

9、lock.I get up at 7:004 weekdaysgo to schoolbyunderground(地铁).It5 about forty five minutes.I have lunch at school.Classesare over at 3:15.It is early , so I stay at school and play games6 my friends.Iam in the basketball team.We practise( 练习)on Monday 7 Wednesday.Wehave a match 8 Friday afternoon.On

10、Saturday morning I get up late.Then I9 my parents tidy( 弄整洁)the houseand the garden.In the evening I often go to a film or to club(俱乐音B ).On Sunday Ihave a good rest and of course , I do 10 !”B.himC.hisD.their答案:CB.inC.ofD.at答案:AB.atC.onD.in答案:BB.ofC.onD.in答案:CB.standsC.wantsD.takes答案:DB.butC.withD.

11、about答案:CB.and答案:BB.in答案:AB.help答案:BhomeworksC.my homework答案:C七、阅读理解(10分)The children often play footballC.atD.withC.atD.forC.askD.tellB.the homeworks D.mine homeworkin the garden and sometimes break,. Mrs Smith s windows.One afternoon Mrs Smith is at home and reads a book.In a minute , she closes h

12、er eyes and goes to sleep.At that time a little boy knocks(敲)at the door.Mrs Smith opens the door and asks , “Do you break my window again? “Oh, no,“ says the boy. Your window is open this time and our football is in your room.Can get it back , please?”.The children.often go to the garden.A.to playB.to fly kitesC.to play footballD.to play basketball答案:C.The children play football and often break Mrs Smith s.A.doorsB.windowsC.booksD.gardens答案:B.One afternoon Mrs Smith.A.is writing somethingC.is watching答案:DB.is cleaning windowsD.is readingA.opensC.knocks at答案:C5.The


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