1、专题十四 阅读理解1题型解读从2010年英语科考试大纲对考生阅读 理解能力测试的要求看,09年高考英语阅读理解 的命题思路会依然保持稳定,突出“得体地使用 英语的能力;用英语获取和处理信息的能力;用英语分析问题和解决问题的能力以及批判性思 维的能力”。按体裁划分,英语的阅读理解文章 可分为记叙文、应用文、说明文和议论文,其中 记叙文包括新闻报道、人物传记等,应用文包括广告、通知、申请书、图表文章等,说明文中科 普类文章在高考试题中出现的比较频繁,议论文包括文化、历史、教育、文学,还有社科类题材。.记叙文记叙文多以人物为中心,以时间或空间为线索,按事件的发生、发展和结局展开叙述。记叙 文的阅读要
2、注意:1)注重对人物和事件的分析。了解记叙文的 六要素,即时间、地点、人物、事件的起因、发 展和结果,从整体上把握文章的内容2)理清文章的线索。记叙文都有一个贯穿全 文的线索,以人物、事件、行踪为线索,或以人 物的思想感情变化为线索。 分析线索有利于把握 文章的行文思路和文章的结构3)弄清文章的记叙顺序4)分析各种描写的方法并理解不同方法对 不同主题的表达作用。5)注意分析记叙文中的议论和抒情文字。.议论文议论文是高考英语阅读理解中必考的体裁, 文章内容涉及人文类题材, 如文化、历史、教育、 风俗习惯,以及社会科学类,如社会学、心理学、 经济学,以及自然科学、生命科学等。在做这类阅读理解试题时
3、要注意把握文章的论点、论据和论证。议论文的文章一般来说有一定的难度, 试题多为观点辨认题、推理判断题、写作宗旨题和细节理解题,解题时要立足语篇, 寻找与试题有关的关键词句,把握文章的内涵,不能主观臆断或凭空想象,更不能以自己的观点代替作者的 观点。.应用文高考英语阅读理解的内容更生活化、信息 化、时代化,较多涉及广告等应用文体。应用文 是贴近生活的文体,包括广告、通知、申请书、 图表文章等,形式多样,题材各异,是英语阅读 理解中出现得较多的文体。 从近年的高考英语阅 读理解试题看,应用文的题材出现的比较多,比如学术活动安排、大学介绍、旅游观光等。广告 文章的阅读一般可采用跳读、略读等快速阅读方
4、 法,快速浏览信息,先了解文章的大致结构内容, 再看试题,带着问题在文章中搜寻相关信息;做此类阅读理解时,是先看试题还是先看文章应视 个人的阅读习惯和具体语篇而定,但广告文章比较长,不必记住所有信息,而要抓住文章的主要 线索,再看试题,带着试题的问题到相关信息处 寻找答案。.新闻报道与科普文新闻报道的文章在高考试卷阅读理解中占 有一定的比例,文章短,句子结构比较复杂,要 注意正确理解文章的含义。科普类文章包括太空与海洋、环境保护、发明创造、动物世界等,是高考英语阅读中必不可 少的体裁,一般来好所科普类文章的特点为:1)结构严谨,逻辑性强,文章有明确的主题, 论证主题的事实以及清晰的文章结构,一
5、般由导入、背景、主体和结尾这几个部分,主题局出现 在文章的开头或结尾。 这种阅读文章往往有比较 复杂的句子结构,长难句较多,句法分析比较困难,有时会使用多种语言现象,如被动与态、定 语匆遽、虚拟语气等。2)在处理科普类文章时要通读短文,了解文 章的主题,抓住体现主题的关键词句,特别是长 难句的理解,这是理解文章和解题的关键。.高考阅读理解还有海外风情类的文章,多 为名胜古迹、地域特色、异域风光、英美国家节日介绍等。2 命题分析从近年高考英语阅读理解文章和试题看,主要有以下特点:.词汇量保持稳定,并略有增长近几年高考阅读理解部分的阅读量基本保 持稳定,但自主命题省市新增加的其他阅读理解 考查形式
6、如阅读填空、阅读简答题的出现使阅读 量略有上升,这增加意味着对阅读速度的要求在 提高,因此我们要提醒和培养考生提高阅读速 度。.更加注重综合理解能力的考查阅读理解能力测试的主要设题方式有:1)理解所读材料的主旨和大意; 2)理解文中用以 说明主旨和大意的事实和细节; 3)根据上下文 推断词、短语或句子的含义; 4)根据文章的叙 述,作出简单的推理判断;5)理解文章的基本篇章结构;6)理解作者的意图、观点和态度。 阅读理解题型为:主旨大意题;分析推理题;细 节理解题;猜测词义题;以细节判断试题为主, 并加大深层次理解试题和篇章结构试题的考查 力度。.更加注重语言材料的真实性高考阅读理解文章的语言
7、材料一般都出自 英美国家阅读材料原文或适当修改,体现原汁原味,即 in English, about English (cultures, countries,etc.),不会出现反映中国的人或事的文 章。.选材多样化阅读理解试题体裁广泛,一般有记叙文,议论文,说明文和应用文;题材涉及内容广,在选 材方面,突出生态环保、人物传记、名人轶事、 社会风俗文化、大众科普、广告、文学作品、社 会热点、时文报道等,这些题材能使考生扩大对 异域文化的接触。.阅读速度要求每分钟 60单词。2010年高考阅读试题的命题方式和往年基 本保持一致。命题特点如下:阅读材料的选择尽 量作到体裁分布均匀,题材多样,语言
8、地道,材 料多为最近几年国内外报刊、杂志上具有时代性的原汁原味的文章。有很强的时代气息。143应试技巧常用解题方法(三遍阅读法)第一遍:浏览全文,把握文章大意第二遍:扫读语块,搜索有效信息第三遍:查读题项,定位正确答案阅读理解题目设置类型细节题1细节转述题1浅层理解数字题图表题排序题中心思想(最佳标题2深层理解、作者意图推断题划线句子和段落在文中的作用阅读理解应试技巧.快速、准确地捕捉信息词句,做好 细节理解题。先浏览一遍题目,把题目的要求储存在大脑中, 带着疑问去快速阅读,然后找出与题目相关的信 息词句加以理解分析,去伪存真。此种办法能有 效地避免做细节理解题时的失误。【技巧总结】准确捕捉信
9、息,注意对信息进行综 合分析,分清主次、真伪,避免受信息的干扰, 陷入高考题所设下的陷阱,误选干扰项,因为 某些干扰选项在文章中也能找到依据,具有很 强的迷惑性。.进行推理判断,做好 推理判断题策略指导:深层含义通常是隐藏在文字背后的延 伸之意,弦外之音,如作者的意图、倾向、语气, 人物的性格、心理、情感,故事的结局,事情的 因果关系等。因此大家需调动自己的逻辑思维能 力,透过字里行间,去严密推理,合理想象。【技巧总结】隐含信息并非 空穴来风,而是 有源之水”,即隐含信息也是以文章的语言为载 体。大家应准确捕捉信息,调动智力因素,严密 推理,合理想象,忌凭空想象或断章取义。 在阅读理解中结合自
10、己的常识进行判断是必要 的,但决不能以常识取代信息分析。推理判断既要严密,又要灵活。.进行词义的判断,做好 语意理解题策略指导:首先从词汇所处的语境进行分析,注意上下文之间的关系, 如:如果出现that is, that is to say或破折号等,我们可以断定,后面的内容 是对前面内容的解释;如果出现转折词but,however, yet以及表示相反结果的 on the contrary, on the other hand等,我们可以从所给内容相反的 意义去考虑。【技巧总结】高考语意判断题很多都是考查旧词 新义的理解。因此大家需把词汇或短句的字面意 义与语境和上下文结合起来,选择最切合文
11、章内容,最符合上下文逻辑的意义,切忌望文生义。.抓住文章的中心和主线,做好 主旨大意题 策略指导:读完一篇短文后应有意识地回味一下 文章的大致内容,理一理文章的脉络,体会一下 段与段之间的内在联系,这样做文章的中心一般都能概括出来,涉及文章主旨大意方面的题目自 然会在头脑中由模糊变清晰。【技巧总结】我们在归纳文章主题时,一定要注 意选项的内涵和外延必须能恰如其分地概括文 章的主题,既不能范围过大,也不能把某一细节 或侧面误当作主题。阅读时我们还应注意捕捉文 章出现频率较高的中心词汇以及文章和段落的 主题句。在选择文章题目时,还应注意语言方面 的特点:文章题目往往具有凝练、醒目的特点 5.猜测词
12、义题猜测词义是从特定的角度考查考生的阅读理解能力和处理生词的能力。猜测词义包括对词、 词组和句意的理解,是高考英语试题阅读理解中的 一类必考题。猜测词义题常见的解题方法如下:(1)根据上下文线索猜测词义任何一篇文章中的句子在内容上都不是绝对孤立的,都跟句子所在的段落及整篇文章有关。利用上下文提供的情景和线索,进行合乎逻辑的综 合分析而推测词义,是阅读过程中的一大关键, 也是高考的热点。(2)根据定义或解释猜测词义阅读文章中的有些生词尤其是新闻报导及科普 类文章中的生词,往往在其后有对该词进行解释 说明性的短语或句子,如to be, that is , mean,stand for, namel
13、y, to refer to, to mean ,in other words等,有时也以同位语、定语从句的形式出 现,或用破折号、括号来表示。(3)根据反义词或反义关系有的文章作者为了增强表达效果, 会用一对反义 词揭示事物的不同点,形成鲜明的对比,这时只要把握其中的一词,就不难推出另一词的含义。(4)根据同义词或近义词关系常见的引出同义词的标志性词语有 or, like, similarly 等。(5)利用例证性线索某些冷僻的词汇后面会举一个例子,使词汇具体易懂。等连接性词语往往用来举例说明前面较难 理解的名词。(6)根据构词法猜测词义阅读中常会遇到一些由所熟悉的单词派生或合成的新词,可利
14、用构词法知识来推测其意思。6.阅读理解中的长难句理解策略指导:阅读理解中的结构复杂的句子一般分 为两大类:第一类是由复合句或并列句构成的长 复杂句子;第二类是省略句。对于第一类句子, 大家应抓其主干成分,理解其主体意思,其他的成分都是对主体意思的修饰和补充。对于第二类句子,大家应通过上下文找出省略成分,把句子补充完整。【技巧总结】结构复杂的句子往往出现在说明文 或议论文中,这是造成考生心理紧张的主要原 因。大家应冷静下来,结合文章所说明或议论的 中心话题,抓住主干,层层理解。14-4实战演练AThe research carried out by the University of Bari
15、in Italy could help prove hospitals who are accused of wasting money on art and decoration as it suggests a pleasant environment helps patients ease discomfort and pain.A team headed by Professor Marina de Tommaso at the Neurophysiopathology Pain Unit asked a group of men and women to pick the 20 pa
16、intings they considered most ugly and most beautiful from a selection of 300 works by artists such as Leonardo da Vinci and Sandro Botticelli. They were then asked to look at either the beautiful paintings, or the ugly painting, or a blank panel while the team zapped(照射)a short laser pulse at their
17、hand, creating a sensation as if they had been stuck by a pin. The subjects rated the pain as being a third less intense while they were viewing the beautiful paintings, compared with when looking at the ugly paintings or the blank panel. Electrodes measuring the brains electrical activity also conf
18、irmed a reduced response to the pain when the subject looked at beautiful paintings.While distractions, such as music, are known to reduce pain in hospital patients, Prof de Tommaso says this is the first result to show that beauty plays a part.The findings, reported in New Scientist, also go a long
19、 way to show that beautiful surroundings could aid the healing process.Hospitals have been designed to be functional, but we think that their artistic aspects should be taken into account too, said the neurologist. Beauty obviously offers a distraction that ugly paintings do not. But at least there
20、is no suggestion that ugly surroundings make the pain worse. I think these results show that more research is needed into the field how a beautiful environment can alleviate suffering.Pictures they liked included Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh and Botticellis Birth of Venus. Pictures they found ug
21、ly included works by Pablo Picasso, the Italian 20th century artist Anonio Bueno and Columbian Fernando Botero. These people were not art experts so some of the pictures they found ugly would be considered masterpieces by the art world, said Prof de Tommaso.1.The underlined word “ alleviate “ in the
22、 fifth paragraph probably means ”.A. cure B. ease C. improve D. kill 2.How many artists have been mentioned in the passage?A. 4. B. 5. C. 6. D. 7.Which of the following is TURE about the view of Prof de Tommaso s?Beautiful surroundings could help to heal sufferings completely .Hospitals must take th
23、eir artistic aspects into consideration first.Ugly surroundings will surely make the pain worse.Both music and beauty can reduce pain in hospital patients.From the last paragraph, we know that .some artists paintings were beautiful, so they were masterpiecesonly art experts could judge they were mas
24、terpieces or not, though uglythe artists mentioned above were not really art masters.some of them were art masters, while others were not.Which of the following is the suitable title for the passage?Beautiful surroundings can ease pain.Ugly paintings could be masterpieces.More research should be don
25、e in the field.Latest environmental research.This hotel is located within the Kista Gallerian Shopping Mall in Kista, the center of the metropolitan regions electronics and telecommunications industry. The shopping centre houses 140 different shops. The city of Kista has direct bus links with Stockh
26、olh-Arlanda airport as well as easy access to the entire Greater Stockholm area by underground. Convenient public transport links may be found within 100 metres of the hotel. The hotel is therefore an outstanding starting point for countless short journeys in the surrounding area. In Stockholm, abou
27、t 10 km away, guests will find a range of entertainment venues (场所),the sea, and the nearest railway station. In only a 15-minute drive, it is possible to reach Stockholm old town as well as countless cultural venues.Established in 2002, this fully air-conditioned hotel consists of a total of 127 ro
28、oms including 39 apartments, spread across 13 floors. The family-friendly hotel welcomes guests in an elegant lobby where there is a 24-hour reception desk and several lifts. Further facilities include a newspaper stand, a breakfast room, and a public Internet connection. All guests may take advanta
29、ge of the laundry service, and parking spaces are available for those arriving by car.With the subway: |Take the blue line Nr 11 to Akalla. Get off at the station Kista. | Go out on your right hand side down to the bus station. The entry of the hotel is situated in front of the bus station.|By car a
30、rriving north:|From E4, drive towards Stockholm until the second way out towards Kista. Drive on the right line until you come to a round about. Take left towards Arvinge. Drive straight ahead until the next round about; take right under the tunnel and you will be on Danmarksgatan. The hotel is situ
31、ated on the right side of the street in front of the bus station.What s the passage mainly about ?Information of a hotel.Information of a website.Information of a car.Information of a city.What may probably be talked about following the last paragraph?How to find Stockholm Kista Hotel.The location o
32、f Stockholm Kista Hotel.How to arrive at Stockholm Kista Hotel from south by car.How to apply for the membership of the website.What does the underlined word metropolitan ” mean ?A. Of a major city.B. Of a famous man.C. Of a famous port.D. Of a known car.If you stay in the hotel,.you can easily find
33、 a restaurant that appeals to your tasteyou can enjoy the sea viewyou can get free laundry serviceit is very convenient for you to do some shoppingThe hotel has a history of years.A. 4 B. 6 C. 8 D. 10CCasual Fridays are days when the usual dress code of an office is relaxed. Since Fridays mark the s
34、tart of the weekend in many countries, behavior in general tends to be more relaxed on Fridays, with some employers not being as particular about standards, and sometimes this is formalized in a casual Friday policy.Truly casual clothing like sweatpants and t-shirts is usually not satisfying.The cas
35、ualFriday concept was one of the first signs that strict dress codes for offices were starting to relax. The principle of Dress-Down Fridays seems to have appeared around the 1950s, probably in response to changing attitudes about careers and the workplace. Over time, some offices have relaxed their
36、 dress codes even more, adopting a business casualdress code every day.On casualFridays, employees may wear clothing which is classified as business casual meaning that it still obeys certain standards. Clothing must be clean and in good repair, with no spots or discolorations(变色).Men are generally
37、allowed to wear casual trousers and bright-colored clothes, and in some offices they may be allowed to wear button down shirts or polo shirts, with or without a tie. Women tend to wear neat skirts or dresses; casual trousers are common and generally perfectly acceptable, except in very conservative
38、workplaces.As a general rule, extremely casual clothing like jeans, shorts, t-shirts, tank tops(吊带衫),and so forth is discouraged on casualFridays. Employees are still expected to make an effort to look professional, out of respect to their offices and their customers.Many people feel that casual Fri
39、days aregood for employees mood, encouraging employees to express their individuality and feel more comfortable in the office. Others feel that business casualdress and the concept of casual Fridays devalues the workplace, by taking a sense of formality and respect away. Approaches to casualFridays
40、vary, depending on the industry and the nation; the technology industry, for example, is well known for casualdress in general, while major financial companies tend to dislike casual dress.From the second paragraph, we can inferthe casual Friday concept is out of fashionits forbidden to wear casual
41、clothing in offices beforethe idea of casual Fridays has originated from the early 1990semployees can all kinds of casual clothing every day now.The underlined word devalue in the last paragraph means.A. think little ofB. think highly ofC. estimate highly D. take the place of 13. Generally speaking,
42、 on casual Fridays as a worker in a company you can wear.A. jeans B. tank topsC. shorts D. polo shirtsThe article most probably appears in the newspaper Column.A. Sports B. Entertainment C. Culture D. Customs DIn South America, the rich soil of the Amazon River basin(流域)in Brazil is known as black g
43、old”. Scientists found that the secret of this rich soil was charcoal( 木炭).Local people made it from animal bones and tree branches. They mixed the charcoal with the soil about 1,500 years ago.Now, scientists in the United States have done a modern demonstration. They say charcoal fertilization offe
44、rs a revolutionary way to improve soil quality for hundreds or even thousands of years.Mingxin Guo and his team at Delavare State University heated tree leaves, corn stalks(茎),small pieces of wood and poultry waste into biochar.” They reported their findings at a recent meeting of the American Chemi
45、cal Society in New Orleans.Biochar could be good news for farmers with poor soil and hungry populations to feed. Professor Guo says it could even help against global warming.Biochar can reduce the loss of nutrients in the soil.Biochar can help keep the globe warm.18. Which of the following can be th
46、e best title of the passage?Using charcoal to make soil into black gold ”Using charcoal to reduce the carbon dioxideHow Amazon River basin produces golden blackGuos research on producing biocharEJapan will hand out its first “ NobelPrize of Manga for artists in the comic book field abroad. This is a
47、nother step in Japan s efforts to show thepower of pop culture diplomacy.The International Manga Award, which was compared by manga lover Foreign Minister Taro Aso to a “ Nobel Prize when he first proposed it, will be given to an artist working abroad whose work best contributes to the spread of the
48、 manga form worldwide.Manga, a name used for Japanese style comic books, often combines stories with drawing styles that differ from the overseas superhero comics and cartoon, particularly in their frequent emphasis on cuteness.The winner will receive a certificate and trophy at an awards ceremony,
49、and will spend 10 days in Japan meeting with local comic book artists and publishers.“Manga have been spreading overseas and are selling quite well, Aso said when announcing the award to the public.I want to further improve thecommunicative power of these so- called pieces of pop culture .”Aso has a
50、rgued that warm feelings for Japanese comics and cartoon can translate into warm feelings for Japanese foreign policy.He has proposed sending cartoon artists overseas as cultural ambassadors and the government has named some officials to advise ways to promote Japanese cartoon and culture toIntensiv
51、e (集约的)farming and overuse of chemical fertilizer give out carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Biochar does the opposite, he says. It traps carbon in the ground.The researchers plan winter wheat in containers of soil in a greenhouse some with biochar, some without. Professor Guo says the wheat grows
52、 much better in the pots with biochar. The soil was added two percent charcoal to. But he says even a one percent treatment will increase productivity.The results demonstrated that biochar can increase organic matter in soil. Loss of nutrients in soil is an increasing problem world wide as farmers t
53、ry to grow more food for growing populations.Next the team will carry out a five-year study of biochar with spinach( 菠菜),green peppers and tomatoes.Mingxin Guo says he learns about the black gold” in Brazil from a magazine story. He explains that it was discovered in the jungle, in the area where wa
54、ters flow to the Amazon, in the 1960s. But it was not until recent years that scientists began to bring public attention to it.According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?The researchers will go on proving their theory.The leading researcher learns the theory from the magazin
55、e.Charcoal was discovered 1,500 years ago.Common farming can produce more carbon dioxideBiochar has the following advantages EXCEPT that .it can improve the condition of the soilit can be used as a kind of energy C. it can help against globe warming D. it can increase productivity of the corn 17. Ac
56、cording to the research why could the Biochar help against global warming?Biochar can reduce the carbon dioxide.Biochar can keep the carbon in the soil.Manga overseas.D. To hand out its first Nobel Prize of Manga22.We can infer from what Aso said that.foreign audiences.The award committee, consistin
57、g of manga artists and publishers, is expected to make its selections quite soon.According to a ministry official Nobuyuki Watanabe, the prize carries no monetary reward. The trophy ;design has yet to be finished, but it will be something “ appropriate ”.19.The International Manga Award will be pres
58、ented to .the person who is expert at comics and cartoon.a foreign artist who has contributed to the development of manga.a Japanese who has achieved a lot in creating new methods of drawing.an artist who makes contributions to introducing manga to the other foreign countries.Which statement is fals
59、e about Manga?Manga refers to international comics and cartoon.Manga is different from the overseas comic books.There are stories and pictures in manga.Manga are popular not only in Japan but also overseas.What has the Japanese government done to show its support?To send cartoon artists overseas as
60、cultural ambassadors.To propose “Nobel Prize of Manga .To name officials to advise ways of spreadingAso is presented with the International MangaAward because of his love of manga.Aso wants to introduce Japanese culture to foreigners through manga.Aso has suggested sending manga artists overseas for
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