已阅读5页,还剩13页未读 继续免费阅读




1、在英语学习中,我们因阅读量有限,很难遇到和掌握每个多义词的各个意义,因此,在试卷中不可避免地会出现熟词生义。这给我们造成理解上的障碍,特别是完形填空。例如高考英语全国田卷完形填空中的第53题的答案bearing。学生往往熟悉bear做名词,表示“熊”,他们很难想到bearing表示“携带”的意义:53. He turned up at the hospital 53 gifts for the new mother Lindsey and her baby boy.A. bearing B. collecting C. opening D. making1小试牛刀卜面我们选取的几道高考真题,第

2、二栏是标注的熟义,你可以在第三栏里写下在句子中的生义。一起1. One more look and he noticed flames(2016年全国I卷)来试试吧!划线词熟义在句中的熨思1叽射击2mum,.一 一次,曾经3Ggurr小数字4vUK k nuttL算电5机指向it要点6平均的7apphM小请Xdtiillite那时,”后Q1 卜4 U.t-T从商业1生总1。比过程i 1LiiMt 叫cuh,暴力电12trXt瓜课文shooting out from under the vehicle.O nce fire and emergency people arrived, Larry

3、and the other man backed off.(2016年全国I卷)Sitting back in the car on the way to airport, Ifg ured _it all out. (2016 年全国 II 卷)Football season started in September and all summer long Iworked out . I carriedmy football everywhere for practice. (2016年全国 III 卷)I then made it a point to attend those meeti

4、ngs and learn all I could. (2017年全国I卷)Freddy was an averag e_student, but not an averag e person.(2017 年全国 II 卷)A Toronto man is offering a free round-the-world air ticket to the right woman. But restrictions apply . ( 2017 年全国 III 卷)Jordan Axani, 28, said he and his then girlfriend, Elizabeth Galla

5、gher, booked heavily discounted round -the -world air tickets in May. (2017年全国 III 卷)Maurice Ashley was kind and smart, a former graduate returning to teach, and thisjob was no game for him; he meantbusiness . ( 2018 年全国 I 卷)On every single move you have to analyze a situation,process what youroppon

6、ent ( 对手)is doing and evaluate the best move from among all youroptions . ” 2018 年全国 I 卷)I saw there were two instructors on board and a man lying across the middle. He was shaking violently . (2018 年全国 II卷)When most of us get a text message on our cell phone from an unknown person, we usually say “

7、sorry, wrong number! ” and move on. ( 2018 年全国 III 卷)参考答案:vi.冒出conj. 一就vt. (out)弄明白vi.锻炼n.特别留意adj.普通的vi适用adj.当时的n.要事 (mean business 是认真的)vt.审视adv.猛烈地n.文本怎么样?你写对了多少呢?纵观高考试题,熟词生义主要涉及四个方面,即:动词偏义现象、名词偏义现象、形容词偏义现象、词性活用导致偏义现象。01动词偏义现象They had been such a happy distraction( 调 剂)that I have saved all the po

8、stcards and still bring them out to read when I need a lift.save熟义:v.救,挽救生义:v.省去;留存Angela was all smiles and broke the news to Amy andDaniel.break熟义:v.打破,弄断生义:v.最先道出实情3.On the day Joe graduate, he presented the teacher with his most precious possession-the picture of a bright yellow sun. On the pict

9、ure Joe had written: This is the day I woke up tomy brightness.wake up to熟义:v.醒来生义:v.意识到,认识到4. I felt a little uneasy, but to my relief, I had a good excuse: A business had run over and Id wasted no time getting to the dinner.run over熟义:v.碾过生义:v.刚刚结束02名词偏义现象Upon awaking, I went to the kitchen to sta

10、rt the coffee, tea and morning goodies. I stood the shocked, crying a river, asking myself how my son could afford this expensive gift. Of course, the house awoke, and my son was thrilled with myreaction.house熟义:n.房子生义:n.全家人To get an education, he has struggling against many difficulties. His family

11、 was poor. His dad couldnt afford the board at college, so Dale had to ride horseback 12 miles to attend classes.board熟义:n.木板生义:n.膳食For a moment after my father sat down at the keyboard, he simply stared down at his fingers. Has he forgotten the notes.note熟义:n.笔记,便条生义:n.音符I m not suggesting you igno

12、re problems, or that you pretend things are better than theyare, but simply that you learn to allow things to be as they areat least most of the time,and especially when it s not a reallyeaig deal熟义:v.交易生义:n.重要的事03形容词偏义现象What was supposed to be a stopgap (权宜之计)trip turned into a new life. I kept tra

13、vellingbetween London and here and felt lighter than I had inmonths.light熟义:adj.轻的n.光生义:adj.轻松愉快的Just sitting in the wheelchair was a learning experience. I had never considered before how awkward it would be to use one.awkward熟义:adj.笨拙的生义:adj.难对付的,使用不便的04词性活用导致偏义现象I was growing up in Kuala Lumpur i

14、n the early 1960s, when children from different races and religious stayed and studied together in harmony. At that time my family lived a stones throw from Ismail s.throw熟义:v.扔,投生义:n. 一步之遥While nursing her ill elder sister throughout the years, Charlotte discovered she had an interest in medicine.n

15、urse熟义:n.护士生义:v.护理针对熟词生义这一命题趋势,我们在复习中就应该特别注意以下几点:首先,培养自己在语境中猜词悟义的能力。依托语境和已有的知识进行合理的推断和猜测。这一能力 需要扎实的基本功和驾驭语言的能力,要善于利用已有的知识对词汇的意义进行延伸理解,捕捉与所 给语言环境意义相关联的信息,从而做出符合语境的判断。其次,加大知识储备的力度,注意积累,不断扩充词汇量。在复习中对那些平时比较熟悉的词汇不要 满足于知其一,更要知其二,这就要在学习中多查阅词典。查词典时,不应把重点放在我们熟悉的词 条上,应继续研读后面词条的意思,深究词汇的内涵。这样,既可以拓宽自己的知识视野,也完善了

16、已有的知识储备库。英文中有句谚语:Familiarity breeds contempt.(熟生蔑;亲近生轻侮)。不过,对于常见词可不要 “熟生蔑”,否则吃大亏!希望同学们在复习中重视熟词生义的积累,减少不应有的失分。课件讲解bo you know their meanings?Candidates in earthquake-stricken area are allowed to Ct (for) the college entrance exaa in JtHg.地震灾区的考生被允许在七月份参加高考.(sit,参加考试)熟词生义她缺乏告诉他真相的勇气。(want-缺乏,欠缺”She wn

17、nts the courage to tell hfw the truth,Mrs. Blacks whose garden is the best in our townreally h如gm。finge”.布莱特女士的花园是我们这最好的,她真的是园艺大师力(green fingers园艺大师ft is generally accepted tkat communication is an effective way to bridge the generation gap between parents and 沙陶神蟀遍认为,交流是消除父母和孩子间的代沟的有效途径。(bridge卜the

18、 gap消除(间的)隔阂;弥合差距)熟词生义高考趋势:在近儿年的高考题中,很多熟词意义不 熟口普通高中英语课程标准所给词汇表中只 给了单词及词性。考生往往单纯注重一些生词及 短语,忽视了熟词僻义。殊不知,熟悉的词汇在 特定文字中的取义,往往成为语句结构的枢纽,./力意义重大,可以帮助考生把握作者的思想意图: 常常是解题的关键所在.因此,我们必须全面掌 握词义,不可浅尝辄止.熟词生义?a x:a. 1x4a&V1 e e? a l&zt&?x ifi?iT?& Ti?J. ?i ?l?B.?x- ?1丁 ?9&4?Xl?i?J e?i雷CMW tti.tfi? 0 ?J/K?Jf*.?rV?lt

19、dJ?i1L&u?A: %?i&T o?., I2. ? ? ? o t?.?IRJ?(HA?lfx 3irtE?. Afe x?i& x. tt aJ?JA4?, ,d , ?t?TA&?f iZ?ii?&?4?i$0.2。1q年全国f卷中的熟词生义?%&? 1Chris trips on the -Id, a pronunciation difficulty for many non-nafive English speakers.(USB)Then came my tweens and teens, and mean girls and cool kids. (l? ?D)The lik

20、ables -wteysvith-others qualities strengthen schoolyard friendships, jump-start interpersonal skills and, when tapped early, are employed ever aker in life and work. (l? D)Modern methods of tracking polar bear populations have been employed only since the mid-1980s,.(?)Further up, the weather change

21、s - low clouds envelop the mountainsides, which are covered with thick grass. I count twelve shades of green from where I stand. (w u )熟词生义1语能 再现:But hes nervous.hould .should. Chris trips on the-Id, a p:enJTiv w-iy ygu nunciation difficult it,I.Chris trips on the -Idc apronunciation difficulty for

22、many non-native English speakers.(2019a&I Ifi JB)for many non-native English speakers. His teac er,next to him, whispering support. ” .Votefor. me . Except forsome tsurns,bIe Chris is doing amazingly well. When he brings his speech to a nice conclusion, Whaley invites the rest of the class to praise

23、 him.tnp k绊倒便1丹trip *说话磕磕绊绊基本义衍生义 ;浦川目仇的浜陪炉M “工人V”用4心祈从以熟同生义1? 2. Then came my tweens and teens, and mean girls and cool kids.(2019 Il JD)NE9iiOAv4. e v41f? i. ifiZf T?&f *TAt?BBSAiii.- KJ Then came my tweens and teens, and mea girls and cool kids. The v rose in the ranks not bv being friendly but b

24、y smoking cigarettes, breaking rules and playing jokes on others among wnom 1 soon round myseir.mean adj 同形异义词;熟词生义刻薄的,不善良的=?Why are you being so mean to me? X:熟词生文1箔雷 圭雷 谓语The likables plays-well-with-others qualities strengthenschoolyard friendships, juimpp-start interpersonal skills andwhen )tapp

25、ed earl/, a嗅 employed ever afte门n life and work.?k%(2 0 19 A I lii_ i D) ejump-strtrt匕合成词全力启动,加快开展enjoys A.toges6ojo8 S.touse熟词生义1灵雷 君享谓语3. The likables-wplaysith-others qualities strengthenschoolyard friendships,jump-rtsta interpersonal skills and,when)tapped earl/, are employed ever afte门n life an

26、d work kkJn时间状语从句,省略了主语(2019全:国I阅读D)vTArP基本义化轻拍,轻叩) 由且塌到他以,衍生义(已发掘,利用)熟词生义1.3. The likables-wep-w茴-others qualities strengthenschoolyard friendships, jump-start interpersonal skills and, when tapped early, are employed ever after in life and work.(1% igD)时人喜欢的人能与他人很好地相处,从而增强校三友谊,激发人 际交往能力口这些能力如能及早发掘

27、,将会在未来的工作和生活 中得以应用。Modern methods of tracking polar bear populations have been employed only since the mid-1980s,. . (i oi JJifii)v, E熟词生义1?5. Further up, the weather changes - low clouds envelop the mountainsides, which are covered with thick grass. I count twelve shades of green from where l stand

28、. (2019a fi I )KJ: At the base is a rainforest. It ends abruptly at 3, 000 meters, giving way to lands of low growing plants. Further up, the weather changes (w clouds envelop the mountainsides, which are covered with thick gra5s. I count twelve shades of green from where I stand.shade: i?ML 1Si ;Zi

29、fi,?twelvi? iiRJJ.TtLearn/% tip【通过分析析体语境,根据熟词的基 本义推导出衍生义。%,advertise (v.) (v.) ? ?$IIt 1:1. Our exhibits will feed your mind, but what about your body?feed (v.) (v.) . , $? , (* 17Q l A)z.i gave the homeowner a recording of the hunger screams of owl chicks. These advertise the presence of chicks to

30、adults. (2O17A l B)1) Settle (oneself)into the armchairs2) Settledown in N.Y.?$.The post has since gained the attention of social media users all over the world, receiving more than 184.ooO shares and 61, oo likes in just three days. (zO18A)share (5)分share(n.)在万一联网中的分莓,即转发 like (优)喜欢HikeSJ因为喜欢,所以给F点

31、赞settlev. settlementn. settlern.?6?*.p tflf* fwOH今量HhSetile down to Ihe researchSettle the tough rob e =handIe/ approach/address)?Settleon/upon the date of their weddings 6)Settleinto thenewlife(二万tinto/ adaptto/ adjusto)+高考链接2;熟下层社会Holker once again opens its gardens inaid of the disadvantaged.disn

32、drantnpe (n.)/ 曲在社会匕处于劣势disadvantaged (a.)77Cover the hole with the plastic sheet, securing the edgesof theplastic with dirt and weighting the sheet s center down with a rock. (201/ Q I D)weight n.重信(基本义) I1 一Learning tip出熟词的衍生义。、仁川审.物同定3利用图词法(多为派生和转化)推导;一9(2019 全国 IIestson the sofa ev24.学以致用2Most o

33、f the bills on the board were singles, but; few people left fives, tens and even twenties. (2012 浙江阅读B)When a student attacks a professor on the socif media, the language used actually says more abou the student.七选五). , they were performing a calculation, not just memorizing the value of each combin

34、ation. (2019国III阅读D)orning Britain s Susanna Reid is used to学以致用2熟词生义23.they(moneys) were performing a calculation, not justme数学以致用2fl熟词生义2Most of the bills on the boad were singles, but a few peopleleft fives, tens and even twenties. (2019浙江阅读B)single : adj.单一的,单个的 生义:乩一元纸巾2. When a student ahacks

35、a professor on the social media, the language used喘耀艘火嚓就薪1嚼觑福 19全国川匕选五)der【曲用帽米更:嘲唳辗疑完型)生义:adj.(物)丧失能力的,(车)不能行驶的Good Morning Britain Susanna Reid is used to grilling guesL on the sofa every morning. (2018A l lgi2B)gi ill X : n v - MX v. i ai U . i8l 7iOne more look and he noticed flames shooting out from un熟词生义3Pt?eLAS fs hefpi? ups to understand whut the keqs?rsss poic?s a?d we n?i?ht use toe,*de3lti电工上r电 。0妙旷 drivers ad? ow iJn0fO?l tOo n?dresstfiesS problems.P宦魏助于丽嬴5


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