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1、2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷请考生注意:1请用2B铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用05毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。2答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项,按规定答题。. 单项选择1、I think we have no _ but to wait.Acourage BdecisionCchoice Dsuggestion2、I called you last night, but there was no reply.Oh, sorry. I _ in the park at that time.A

2、was walkingBwalkedCam walking3、The Smiths welcomed us warmly and made us _at home.AfeltBfeelCfeeling4、Chinas first home-built aircraft carrier(航空母舰)hit the water in Dalian the morning of April 26,2017.AinBonCat5、Where is Tom?He is playing football _ the playground.Aof Bto Con Dfrom6、一Do you like mov

3、ie Dangal?一Yes. Its educational movie. I like it very much.Athe; anBa; anCa; theDthe; a7、In exams, the _ careful you are, the _ mistakes youll make.Amore; lessBless; fewerCmore; fewerDless; less8、(2016苏州市)If the customer rings up for me again, please the call to the sales department .Arun throughBlo

4、ok throughCgo throughDput through9、Im hungry, but I wont have dinner _ my father comes back.AafterBwhenCifDuntil10、-How do you like your life here in Mile?- It is _ city that I have ever been to.AcomfortableBthe most comfortableCmuch comfortableDmore comfortable. 完形填空11、I worked for a short time as

5、a waiter at a 1 a few months ago. I also helped to clean up the tables when it was very 2 One night, just before Christmas, I found a large black wallet 3 the floor near one of the tables. I guessed I should check it to find out 4 was the owner, but I was very busy at the time. And I imagined that 5

6、 there was something valuable in the wallet, the owner would be back. Sure enough, an hour 6 a man came up to the counter and asked if anyone had found a wallet. I 7 him to describe the lost wallet, and after he described it exactly, I gave him the wallet. He expressed his 8 He asked me if I had ope

7、ned 9 , and when I told him “no”. At once he opened it 10 showed that it had nearly $ 800 in cash. He took out a twenty-dollar bill and 11 it to me and I was amazed at this.Thinking about it later, I began wondering whether I would have been 12 if I had known what was in the wallet! I thought that i

8、f I had no way to 13 the owner and no one returned to get it, I might keep it. But it also came into my 14 that I actually saved someones Christmas plans by finding and returning the wallet. The good feeling it gave me was worth more than 15 we could buy with money.1Abookshop Bhotel Chospital Dresta

9、urant2Ainteresting Bbusy Cboring Dtiring3Aon Bin Cbehind Dunder4Awhat Bwhen Chow Dwho5Abecause Bif Cas Dthough6Aago Bafter Clater Dbefore7Aasked Bmade Clet Dordered8Aexcuses Bgreetings Cthanks Dwishes9Ait Bone Citself Dthem10Abut Band Cso Dor11Alent Bsold Chanded Dbrought12Awise Bcareful Ckind Dhone

10、st13Acatch Bmiss Cget Dfind14Ahead Bmind Cheart Didea15Aanybody Bnobody Canything Dnothing. 语法填空12、短文填空Other fail little it surprised they possible back serve be call toThousands of people 1attracted(吸引) to a 2-meter-wide lane in Tongcheng, Anhui province this spring festival. Although it was 2to co

11、unt the exact number, at35,000 people visited it each day.This narrow lane4 Liuchi Lane in Chinese, won greater popularity after the story behind it was broadcast(播放) on a CCTV show. At first glance it may seem unimportant, but to those who know5history,Liuchi Lane means much more than its appearanc

12、e. In the early Qing Dynasty, it 6as the boundary(边界) between Zhang family and Wu family. They quarreled(争论) fiercely over which family had the right to build a wall on the dividing line. After 7 to make a compromise(妥协), the Zhangs turned to Zhang Ying, a family member of Zhangs and also a top offi

13、cial in the emperors court. To their8, Zhang Ying did not provide the support they needed. He called for his family to move back 1 meter from the boundary. Seeing that, the Wus agreed to move 9another meter, thus Liuchi Lane was born.In reality, the story of Liuchi Lane is not only about how to get

14、along with10, but also a guideline for all the officials in China. 阅读理解A13、California HollywoodYou can stand in the footprints of Johnny Depp at Graumans Chinese Theatre and then meet his model(蜡像), along with Hugh Jackman, Lance Armstrong, and Brad and Angelina, all at Madame Tussauds.Santa CruzGo

15、to the Santa Cruz Surfing Museum, which is in a lighthouse, and see surfboards including one eaten by a shark. Next stop, the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk for a ride on the Giant Dipper roller coaster.Venice BeachThis is where skateboarding started, so you must visit the famous skate park right on the

16、 beach. Also watch the bodybuilders at Muscle Beach Gym, which is where Arnold Schwarzenegger started his career. Los AngelesHave you ever wanted to record yourself? Now you can visit the fantastic Grammy Museum. You can also learn how to dance like Michael Jackson, and find out about the connection

17、 among different music styles.1If you want to stand in the footprints of Johnny Depp, where can you go?ALos Angeles. BHollywood. CVenice Beach. DSanta Cruz.2People must visit the skate park on Venice Beach because _.Askateboarding was started thereBmany famous people go thereCthey can learn how to d

18、ance thereDthere are roller coasters to ride on3The passage is probably a(n)_.Abedtime story Bletter from an old friendCschool notice Dintroduction for touristsB14、 A new rubbish sorting system (垃圾分类系统) has been put into use in Fangchengyuan Community in Beijing. Local people not only sort their rub

19、bish, but also put QR codes (二维码) on it.“When the rubbish is collected and the codes are seen, I will get reward points to exchange for small gifts and even some money,” one of the local people told reporter. “Its really creative and encouraging.”China produces quite a lot of rubbish every year. Muc

20、h of the rubbish is buried (填埋) in soil or burned without being sorted. Landfills (填埋场) take up a lot of land and have a risk of polluting the soil and water nearby. And burning rubbish can produce harmful gases. Through rubbish sorting, we can reduce the use of landfills and air pollution.Whats mor

21、e, rubbish sorting saves resources, which could bring economic benefits (经济利益). For example, a ton of waste paper can be reused to make about 850 kg of paper, saving 17 trees and 50 percent of water. Because of their benefits, some countries have developed successfully sorting systems.Japan has a st

22、rict and detailed system. When people throw away a water bottle, the cap, the wrapper (包装纸) and the bottle itself have to go into three different bins.In Australia, every family is provided with three rubbish binsthe red lid (盖子) bin for “general waste” like food and plastic bags, the yellow lid bin

23、 for “recycling” like steel and glass, and the green lid bin for “green waste” such as grass and leaves. On the streets, the bins are printed with pictures of the things that are allowed inside. It makes recycling quite easy.1What will local people probably get if they put daily rubbish into the new

24、 system in Fangchengyuan Community?AA computer.BA car.CA lot of money.DSome small gifts.2Which of the following is NOT the result of burying rubbish?APolluting soil.BPolluting water.CTaking up a lot of land.DSaving resources.3Which paragraph discusses the economic benefits of rubbish sorting?AParagr

25、aph 3.BParagraph 4.CParagraph 5.DParagraph 6.4In Australia, which bin should you put food left after dinner in?AThe red lid bin.BThe yellow lid bin.CThe green lid bin.DThe black lid bin.5Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?AIn Australia, the green lid bin is used for all kinds of re

26、cyclable wastes.BIn Japan, all kinds of things for recycling are printed on rubbish bins.CJapanese people cannot throw a bottle into a bin unless they move away the wrapper first.DIn Australia, much of the rubbish is buried in soil or burned without being sorted.C15、Do you know sand has been used to

27、 draw pictures since ancient times? Today, sandpainting, an interesting art, will be introduced to you.Sandpainting is an art of using the sand to make a fixed or unfixed painting. Maybe we all played fixed sandpainting as we were young. We first painted a simple picture, then we brushed glue to the

28、 section, and at last we poured colored sand onto the glue in order to make it fixed.Unfixed sandpaintings have a long cultural history around the world. People poured sand on a surface to make paintings or use some tools to draw pictures in the sand directly. They are often temporary(临时的) Different

29、 people draw sandpaintings to express different meanings:love of nature, admiration for God or love of beauty.Nowadays, sandpainting becomes a performance art and its popularity has risen. On the stages, sandpainting performers make a series of images by drawing lines and figures in the sand with th

30、eir fingers and hands. The series of images are used to tell a storyKseniya Simonova, who is from Ukraine, is one of the greatest sandpainting performers in the world. People call her The Lady of the Sand”.Simonova said that she never dreamed shed become a sand artist, and when she began practicing,

31、 she nearly gave it up. But she persevered, looking after her baby in the daytime and training every night. You Are Always Nearby is one of the most famous performances of Simonova. It is a story about a young couple separated by a war in which the soldier is tragically (悲惨地)killed, but returns in s

32、pirit to watch over his wife and child. This performance makes all audience(观众)cryArt is everywhere and is not far away from common people. Art of painting is in our life,even in the sand.1Which of the following is necessary to make a fixed sandpainting?AWaterBA printed picture.CColored paper.DGlue2

33、What does Paragraph 4 mainly talk about?ASandpainting is becoming more and more popular.BA great sandpainting performer in the worldCA story about a young couple separated by a war.DWhat sandpainting tries to express.3The underlined word persevered can be replaced by .Aset offBgave outCheld onDended

34、 up4What do we know about Simonova according to the passage?AShe is the best painter in the world.BBeing a sand artist is her biggest dream.CShe once gave up performing for her family.DHer performances are popular with people.D16、In order to deal with the shortage (短缺) of womens restrooms in public

35、places, unisex (不分性别的) public toilets have been introduced into many cities. Will you feel comfortable using such a public toilet? Youre welcome to share your ideas.Cathy (China)Toilets should be separated into mens and womens. As a woman, I dont want to share the same toilet with men which will mak

36、e me feel embarrassed. I dont think that making all the toilets unisex can solve this problem.Mark (Australia)I think increasing the number of womens toilets is the best choice. I always feel sorry for the ladies as there never seems to be enough toilets and they always have to wait in line.Roger (t

37、he US)In the United States, there are lots of public unisex toilets. The toilet here is a one-room toilet, so each person can be alone with a locked door. When a woman leaves, a man can go in. In my opinion, it is silly and very _ for men and women (and kids) to mix together in the same room!Nick (t

38、he UK)There have been unisex toilets all over London for years. This just isnt a big deal. If the doors offer enough safety and protection, I dont have a problem with it in most situations. In France unisex toilets are also common, and they have been around for years.1Why are unisex public toilets i

39、ntroduced?ABecause sharing is quite popular nowadays.BBecause unisex public toilets are very popular.CBecause people are looking forward to them.DBecause there arent enough restrooms for women.2How ill Cathy feel if she has to use a unisex public toilet?AExcited.BEmbarrassed.CUpset.DWorried.3What is

40、 Marks advice?AIts better for men and women to share the toilet.BIts necessary to build more toilets for women.CIts better to offer much protection for unisex toilets.DIts necessary to change some mens toilets into womens.4Which of the following words can be put in “_”?AdangerousBinterestingCeducati

41、onalDpossible5Whats the passage mainly about?AWhy womens toilets are fewer than mens.BHow unisex public toilets become popular.CDifferent opinions about using unisex public toilets.DDifferent ideas about how to build public toilets.E17、Shopping in Rongda Commercial Building will be cheaper and enjoy

42、able on May Day, May 1st.4 hours freeIf you spend more than 200 yuan in the building, you can get 4 hours free parking in the parking lot. Showing your shopping tickets to the service desk is OK.50% discount(折扣)If you have a VIP card,you can get 70% discount on any PORTS clothes you buy. We have man

43、y kinds of womens dresses, sweaters, skirts and trousers for you to choose. Im sure you will find something you will enjoy.Half-price movie ticketsHave a meal for at least 40 yuan at the Market Cafe, you can receive a half- price movie ticket for the film Iron Man III. The full price for each ticket

44、 is 37 yuan. Have a meal for more than 100 yuan, you can get two half- price tickets for the film Personal Tailor. You can save 40 yuan for the two tickets.Buy two, get one freeBuy two bottles of orange juice or apple juice at the suppermarket, youll get another bottle of juice of the same value.1If

45、 you spend 238 yuan at the building, you can get _.ACD freeBa 4- hour free parkingCVIP cardDa skirt free2If you want a bottle of juice free, you have to _.Ahave a meal at least 40 yuanBspend 200 hundred yuan in the buildingCbuy two movie ticketsDbuy two bottles of apple juice3If you buy two PORTS sw

46、eaters at the original(原始的) price of 900 yuan, you should pay _on May Day.A270 yuanB630 yuanC450 yuanD810 yuan4If my brother has a meal for 203 yuan at the Market Cafe, he needs two tickets for the film Personal Tailor on May 3nd, he should pay _.A80 yuanB40 yuanC74 yuanD20 yuan5The form you have re

47、ad is most probably_.Aan emailBan advertisementCa letterDa reportF18、One day, I took an underground to work, I saw something that made me very sad.On the tube (underground in London), a mother kept looking at her phone screen and playing a game with her daughter sitting beside her. The little girl,

48、about 5 years old,was talking to her mother about her day, repeating the next stops name cheerfully,praising her mothers long nails trying to catch her mothers attention. Her mother just nodded and answered “Mm, hm” with her eyes glued to the screen, busy passing the levels of the game. I watched th

49、e girl give a final try to at least get her mum to look at her, but it was no use. Then the little girl turned silent. It was a shame the motherdidnt notice that.It broke my heart and got me wondering what kind of game would make the mother forget she has the most beautiful thing in the world, the h

50、uman she created, the person she loves with all her heart? What it meant when she couldnt look into her daughters eyes and even stop to listen to the girl?Some parents are almost like the teenagers, always on their phones with mindless games or going through WeChat. Perhaps parents have many things

51、to deal with, but sometimes they are everything to their kids.This is not an only example. Ive seen too many such examples. I might not be a parent myself, and probably still have a long way before becoming one, but I know what I saw isnt right.The scene used to be seen among teenagers very often wh

52、en parents complained how their children were crazy about their mobile phones. Look how the situation has changed! The parents have become “technology slaves (奴隶)”, that is to say, they cant control themselves while using mobile phones. Now some middle-aged parents hold the best iPhones or Samsung phones, which are probably the only two brands they know. They are playing the simple games with so expensive mobile phones. Im uncertain w


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