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1、2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、Guan Dong saved an old lady out of the Yangtze River. great courage he showed!AWhat aBWhatCHow aDHow2、 Many foreigners attend the f

2、irst China International Import Expo (中国国际进口博览会)in Shanghai.Yeah, Im really proud of China. _fantastic progress China has made these years!AHowBWhatCwhat a3、Did Lisa notice you enter the house?I dont think so. She _ to the music with her eyes shut.AlistensBlistenedCwas listeningDis listening4、How ab

3、out raising some money for the people in the earthquake-hit area?_! They can buy some food and clothes with the money.AI disagreeBNot at allCGood ideaDIm sorry5、Do you know _? Im going to visit him.Sorry, I dont know.Awhere does Mr Li liveBwhere did Mr Li liveCwhere Mr Li livesDwhere Mr Li lived6、 T

4、here is a lot of wind in North China. Well, more trees _ every year to stop the wind.Amust be planted Bcan plantCshould planted Dmust been planted7、-He seems _ ill. Shall we take him to the hospital right now?-I dont think it matters. Maybe hes caught a bit of a cold.AterribleBterriblyCevenDto be te

5、rrible8、Please_the call to the sales department if the customer rings up for me again,.Arun throughBlook throughCgo throughDput through9、After playing football for more than half an hour, the students took rest.Aa few minutesBa little minutesCa few minutesDa little minutes10、-Excuse me, Miss Li. Cou

6、ld you help me to _these math problems?-Sure. Show me the problem.Awork outBhand outCfind out. 完形填空11、Sometimes, children want to grow up quickly. Thats because adults have 1 school rules to follow at all and they are allowed to do many things such as driving cars and moving out. But theres one plac

7、e in Japan where children want to stay 2 forever.Adults are not allowed to visit Japans Future Sweets Factory. Only students in Grade Six and those who are younger are allowed. They are asked to visit it 3 , leaving their parents in the waiting hall.Future Sweets Factory is in Hyogo Prefecture, 4 .

8、After kids pass through the gate, they will be in a waiting hall. There they must say 5 to their parents. Then they 6 a special kid-sized door to the magical place. In it, kids can taste sweets and learn how they are cooked.After kids get out, they are encouraged to 7 their exciting adventures(奇遇) t

9、o their parents. In fact, this communication between parents and children was Cook Susumu Koyamas motivation(动机) for starting the factory. “Nowadays, parents are busy 8 they dont spend much time listening to what their children are saying.” He said. “I hope parents will be more 9 about communicating

10、 with their kids.”Future Sweets Factory is a wonderful idea. It teaches kids to express 10 bravely and offers children an exciting experience.1Aany Bmany Csome Dno2Aold Byoung Ctall Dbeautiful3Aalone Bstill Canyway Daloud4AFrance BAmerica CJapan DBritain5Ahello Bsorry Cyes Dgoodbye6Alay out Bgive up

11、 Cgo through Dgive away7Asell Bdescribe Clend Dgive8Auntil Bif Cso Dbecause9Aserious Bworried Cnervous Dangry10Ahimself Bourselves Cherself Dthemselves. 语法填空12、阅读下面对话,在空白处填入恰当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式(最多不超过3个)。I used to be full 1passion and imagination. In my childhood, I dreamed of 2 (build) a castle with

12、 thousands of red roses. I also dreamed of travelling around the world to enjoy different cultures. But my dream3 (change) already. My dream not only focuses on 4 (my),but also on helping the staving(饥饿的) and 5(home)people who are now living on the 6(alone) island of poverty.I am glad to see my drea

13、m change. To me, a dream is the light at the end of tunnel and the sunrise of the new day. It gives me the courage and strength to keep on, overcome the challenges and achieve my 7(goal).I dont know how my dream can come true, 8I do know it will come true as long as I continue to pursue (追求) it. I w

14、ill keep my dream in my heart, study hard and be ready to do 9I can to help staring and poor people. I believe, one day, we will all live in a place of justice(正义)and 10(happy), where laughter is the language of the world. 阅读理解A13、 A dragonfly, only an inch and a half long, appears to be animal worl

15、ds best long distance travelerflying thousands of miles overoceans as it moves from continent to continent- according to a newly published research.Biologists who lead the study say the evidence is in the genes. They found that populations of this dragonfly, called Pantala flavescens, in Texas, east

16、ern Canada, Japan, Korea, India, and South America, have genes so similar that there is only one likely explanation. Obviously these dragonflies are traveling distances that are quite long for their small size, breeding with each other, and creating a common gene pool.But how do dragonflies from dif

17、ferent continents manage to meet and breed? Ware says it appears to be the way their bodies have evolved. For example, they increased surface areas on their wings that enable them to use the wind to carry them.Dragonflies, in fact, have already been found crossing the Indian Ocean from Asia to Afric

18、a. They are following the weather, says Daniel Troast. Theyre going from India where its dry season to Africa where its wet season, and they do it once a year.”Wetness is important for Pantala, and that is why they would take such a dangerous trip. Though many will die on the route, as long as enoug

19、h make it, the species survives. For the moment, the details of this wonderful insect trip are an educated best guess. Much more work is needed to be done. Ware and Troast hope that scientists can work on figuring out those routes.1What shows Pantala flavescens are the worlds longest-distance flyers

20、?AScientists have recorded the dragonfly across the world.BThe same dragonfly was found both in Asia and America.CThere are many Pantala flavescens in different continents.DPantala fiavescens in different continents have similar genes.2What may help Pantala flavescens fly over so long distance?AThei

21、r special body shape.BTheir special and strong wings.CTheir small and light body.DTheir strong sense of direction.3What is necessary for Pantala flavescens to breed?AWet weather.BWarm places.CDry environment.DEnough sunshine.4Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AScientists have f

22、ound the details of the trip.BDragonflies leave India because of the dry season.CDragonflies can hardly survive after such a dangerous trip. DThe dragonfly is animal worlds best short distance traveler.B14、 Are there too many kids obsessed(着迷的) with texting? Texting Nonstop!Yes, I do think kids are

23、too obsessed with texting. Many kids I know can be in the same room or even sitting next to each other, but they text each other rather than actually talk with friends, its hard to get their attention when they are texting. People seem to like to text more than talk.-RileyResponsible TextingNo, I do

24、nt think too many kids are obsessed with texting. Sometimes kids might just need some time alone on the phone. They probably just need to talk to their friends! I believe most kids are responsible and know when to stop texting. - EllaGuilty (羞愧的) About Texting Too MuchKids are really obsessed with t

25、exting. When I text my friends, almost all of them answer in less than a minute. Some of my friends even get their phones taken away for being on them too much. I see my friends most of my day at soccer time or at school, and even I am guilty of texting them several hours a day when I am home. Somet

26、imes it s better to spend time outdoors and with your family rather than with your phone. -TomGet physical Training -Get off the phone!A lot of my friends, as soon as they got a smart phone, texted or got online constantly. Spending that much time on a screen is not healthy for you or your brain. Pe

27、rsonally, Id rather spend time outside doing sports with my friends than on the phone. You can tell your friends things at school or whenever you see them next time - you don t have to spend all your time texting.-Shann1Who doesnt think many kids are obsessed with texting?AEllaBTomCRileyDShann2What

28、does Riley think of kids texting on the phone?ASpending much time on a screen is not healthy for brain.BThey have the ability to control themselves in texting.CSpending time outdoors is better than texting.DThey should stop texting too much and talk.3Which of the following is TRUE according to the t

29、ext?AKids spend more time exercising than texting.BIts common to see kids texting everywhere.CAll kids are responsible and know when to stop texting.DKids shouldnt have time alone on their phones to talk with friends.4The underlined word constantly means _ in English.AsometimesBfrom time to timeCsel

30、domDall the time5What kind of text is it?AA survey.BA storyCA noticeDA speechC15、We recycle rubbish, so why not language? Recycling language means using vocabulary that you have learnt before again and again. However, unlike rubbish that piles up (堆积) in our environment, if we do not recycle languag

31、e, we simply forget it. So how do you recycle language?There are basically three ways to do it. The first is through reading. Go back to your favourite articles and read them once more. Just reread them and do not worry about each vocabulary item. If there are some that you are not sure about, make

32、a guess and you will probably guess right. The second way to recycle is through writing. Look at some of your favourite articles and write either a short paragraph or a few sentences in your won words. After you have don this a few times, go back and read through what you have written, checking voca

33、bulary functions. Dont worry if you have made mistakes. Thats how you learn. The third way to recycle language is by having an imaginary chat with yourself about your favourite articles at home. You can pretend there is someone with you who speaks English and tell him what you are thinking about or

34、how you feel.1According to the passage, recycling language means _ .Arepeating vocabulary at timesBrevising vocabulary at a proper timeClearning new vocabulary as much as possibleDusing vocabulary that we have learnt very often2If we recycle language, it may_ .Abe kept in our mindBbe forgotten easil

35、yCpile up in our environmentDdisappear from our mind soon3Which of the following is properly the best title of the passage?AWhy to Recycle LanguageBHow to Learn VocabularyCHow to Recycle LanguageDWhy to Learn VocabularyD16、I am Alice. I like Wechat. It is fast, convenient and fashionable. And you ca

36、n use it for free. It can be used in my mobile phone. It has hold-to-talk voice messaging function. I am a fan of Leehom. Wang. Through Wechat, Leehom Wang often says something to me. Its amazing.I am David. I love Microblog. I update my Microblog when I am free. We can share instant(即时的) messages w

37、ith each other. I often look through Yao Chens Microblog. She has many followers. I make many friends with them. I often write something on my Microblog, for example, “Im in blue today. I didnt pass the exam.” Then many friends comfort me. I share my birthday party, my new phone, my new coat, etc wi

38、th my friends. It is fun.Im Lily. I dont like Wechat or Microblog. I dont believe them. There are so many crimes(犯罪) on Wechat. Many people are cheated(欺骗) because they believe in other people they meet on Wechat easily. It is not a real world. As to Microblog, I dont think it is a good way to make

39、friends. And you should write something no more than 140 words. I like keeping diaries. I dont want to my secrets known by others. I am a low-key(低调的) girl.1Who loves Microblog?AAlice.BDavid.CLily.DLeekom Wang.2What does Alice think about Wechat?AIts fast and convenient.BIts fashionable but slow.CIt

40、s safe and useful.DIts fun but expensive.3Why doesnt Lily believe Wechat?ABecause many people are cheated on Wechat easily.BBecause she doesnt like to say anything to her friends.CBecause she doesnt think it is a good way to make friends.DBecause she prefers keeping diaries to showing secrets to oth

41、ers.4Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage?AWechat has hold-to-talk voice messaging function.BDavid can share his feelings instantly on Microblog.CLily prefers reading to writing.DThere is a word limit on Microblog.5From the passage we can learn David is _.Aa helpful boyB

42、an open-minded boyCa stupid boyDa lazy boyE17、 WecanmakemistakesatanyageSomemistakeswemakeareaboutmoneyButmostmistakesareaboutpeople.“DidJerryreallycarewhenIbrokeupwith Helen? ”, “WhenIgotthatgreatjob,didJerryreallyfeelgoodaboutit,asafriend?Ordidheenvymyluck?”Whenwelookback, doubtslikethesecanmakeUS

43、feelbad.Butwhenwelookback.Itstoolate.Whydowegowrongaboutour friends-orourenemies?SometimeswhatpeoplesayhidestheirrealmeaningAndifwedontreallylisten,wemissthefeelingbehindthewordsSupposesomeonetellsyou “yourealuckydog”Ishereallyonyourside?ifhesays“Yourealuckyguy” or “Yourealuckygal”Thatsbeingfriendly

44、But “luckydog”?TheresabitofenvyinthosewordsMaybehedoesntseeithimselfButbringinginthe dog” bitputsyoudownalittleWhathemaybesayingisthathedoesntthinkyoudeserveyourluckHowcanyoutelltherealmeaningbehindsomeoneswords?OnewayistotakeagoodlookatthepersontalkingDohiswordsfitthewayhelooks?Doeswhathesayssquare

45、withthetoneofvoice?Hisposture(体态)?Thelookinhiseyes?StopandthinkTheminuteyouspendthinkingabouttherealmeaningofwhatpeoplesaytoyoumaysaveanothermistake.1Fromthequestionsinthefirstparagraphwecanlearnthatthespeaker_.Afeelshappy,thinkingofhownicehisfriendsweretohimBfeelshemaynothave “read”hisfriends truef

46、eelingscorrectlyCthinksitwasamistaketohavebrokenupwithhisgirlfriend,Helen.Dissorrythathisfriendslethimdown2Inthesecondparagraphtheauthorusestheexampleof “Yourealuckydog”toshowthat_AthespeakerofthissentenceisjustbeingfriendlyBthissayingmeansthesameas“Yourealuckyguy”or“Yourealuckygal”Csometimestheword

47、susedbyaspeakergiveacluetothefeelingbehindthewordsDtheword “dog” shouldntbeusedtoapplytopeople3Thispassagetriestotellyouhowto_.AavoidmistakesaboutmoneyandfriendsBbringthe “dog bitintoourconversationCavoidmistakesinunderstandingwhatpeopletellyouDkeeppeoplefriendlywithouttrustingthem4Inlisteningtoaper

48、son, theimportantthingis_.Atonoticehistone,hisposture,andthelookinhiseyesBtolistentohowhepronounceshiswordsCtocheckhiswordsagainsthismanner,histoneofvoice,andhispostureDnottobelievewhathesays5Ifyoufollowedtheadviceofthewriter,youwould_.AbeabletogettherealmeaningofwhatpeoplesaytoyouBavoidanymistakesw

49、hiletalkingwithpeoplewhoenvyyouCnotloserealfriendswhosaythingsthatdonotpleaseyouDbeabletoobservepeopleastheyaretalkingtoyouF18、CWhen cold winter days seem gloomy (灰暗的), nothing is better than a nice hot pot meal to warm and cheer you up.Hot pot has a long history. It is the most popular type of food

50、 in China, according to a survey by the consumer review website D. There are about 350,000 hot pot restaurants around the country, the largest number of any type of restaurant.While enjoying a hot pot meal, people sit around a table and eat from a steaming pot. They put meat, seafood, vegetables, to

51、fu and bean noodles in the soup to boil. Meat, especially mutton, is often cut as thin as paper, so it should not be cooked too long. Otherwise, it will lose its tenderness (鲜嫩).There is also a range of soup types to choose from: spicy, mushroom and tomato. Usually a hot pot has two parts inside. On

52、e side is spicy, while the other side is not so spicy. So everyone can enjoy eating it how they like.You dont have to master great cooking skills to enjoy hot pot either. When the food is ready, take it out and put it in different sauces to give it a special flavor. Some also drink the soup from the pot.Enjoying hot pot is about more than just eating. While the pot cooks people talk and drink. Unlike some me


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