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1、 PAGE 页码 14 / NUMPAGES 总页数 14人教版2022年六年级英语下学期期末复习全能练习单班级:_ 姓名:_ 拼写单词1. 读一读,写一写。写出下列单词的-ing形式。1swim_ 2fish_3draw_ 4see_5go_2. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Therearesomewhite_(goose)swimmingontheriver.2._(this)niceT-shirtsareouruniforms.3.Mr.Wangsofficeisonthe_(four)floorofthebuilding.4._(be)TomsparentsborninEngland

2、?5.LiLeisfatherlikes_(cook)Chinesemealsverymuch.3. 写出下列单词相对应的原型或过去式。(1)is_ (2)were_(3)visit_ (4)went_(5)take_ (6)play_4. 看图写单词。 _ _ _5. 按要求完成下列各题。1.swim(动词ing形式)_2.watch(第三人称单数形式)_3.have(第三人称单数形式)_4.drop(过去式)_5.difficulty(复数)_6. 排列顺序。(1)Thelioncaughtthemouse.(2)Thelionandthemousebecamegoodfriends.(3

3、)Thelioncouldnotgetoutfromthenet.(4)Themousewokethelionup.(5)Thelionletthemousego.(6)Themousehelpedtheliongetout._7. 根据句意, 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。TherearemanyoutsideclassactivitiesinourschoolandIminthe_(dance)group.Theteacheris_(please)withwhatwehavedoneinclass.Heworkedhardand_(success)inhisbusinessatlast.

4、Tomranso_(quick)thatIcouldntcatchupwithhim.Youreso_(luck).ThisisthelastticketforGuiyang.8. 写出下列单词的正确形式。1.cold(比较级)_ 2.white(对应词)_3.third(基数词)_ 4.pick(现在分词)_填空题9. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1People in different_(country) have different habits.2My parents and I_(visit) my grandparents next month.3Xiamen is a good pl

5、ace for_(travel). We_(go) there this summer holiday.4Miss Li_(teach) us about Tower Bridge next week.5Liu Tao usually_(send) me beautiful photos.6Are you going_(play) the piano?No, Im not.7There are some_(visit) in our city.8Yang Ling wants_(know) more about Australia.10. 填空题。1A: Is the man_than the

6、 woman?B: Yes, he is stronger than her.2A: How_are you, Tom?B: I am 75 kilograms.3A: What_are your shoes?B: My shoes are size 38.11. 看图选词填空。sleeping running crying laughing late sad tired happy1.Why is she_?Because she is_.2.Why is he_?Because he is_.3.Why are you_?Because Im_.4.Why is he_?Because h

7、e is_.12. 根据中文提示,在横线上填上恰当的单词。1We_(骑)horsesthis morning.2Lilywashappybecauseherfather_(买)heranewbag.3Johnis37kilograms. Tomis35kilograms. SoJohnis_(重)thanTom.4Whichis_(更快的),thesnakeorthesnail?5Ireceived(收到)many_(礼物)onmyholiday.13. 根据首字母或汉语提示完成下列句子。1The girl_(伤心地哭)just now. What happened to her?2_(我和我

8、的妈妈) went shopping yesterday.3Su Yang and I_(成为好朋友) last year.4I said to my mother q_.5I do my homework w_my hands.6David plays table tennis h_.7H_can you help me?8The ball in the tree is too high. I cant r_it.9Dont be sad, I ll come back s_.10Look, the boy is h_the balloon too hard. Im afraid it wi

9、ll be broken(坏的).14. 用动词的适当形式填空。1Cathyalways_(wear)ablueT-shirtinsummer.2Listen, what_they_(talk)about?3Canyou_(ride)abike?Yes. Ican.4You,TomandI_(be)goodfriendsnow.5Whattime_(do)yourmothergetupinthemorning?15. 按要求写出下列单词的正确形式。1. love(同义词)_ 2. make(第三人称单数)_3. we(形容词性物主代词)_ 4. I (宾格)_5. them(主格)_ 6. A

10、merica (形容词)_16. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Many people love_(Australia) football.2My parents and I_(go) to my grandparents home next month.3Liu Tao_(not brush) his teeth last night.4Our classroom is on the_(one) floor.5How about_(go) for a picnic tomorrow afternoon?6It is_(rain) today. But it_(be) sunny yesterda

11、y.7Ben likes_(eat) nice food.8We can find some_(photo) on the wall.选择题17. Mike has to practice _ in the swimming pool twice a week. ( )A.swim B.swam C.to swim D.swimming18. The pandas are _. ( )A.white B.black C.black and white19. _of the newspapers in the world are written in English. ( )A.Three qu

12、arter B.Three fourths C.Three-fourth D.Third-four20. I am a student. You _ a teacher. ( )A.is B.was C.are21. For the safety, everyone _ follow the traffic rules when he is driving or walking. ( )A.need B.must C.may D.could22. 选择不同类的单词: ( )A.riding B.read C.run23. How _ are you ? ( )Im 160 cm tall.A.

13、old B.tall C.heavy24. They _about three hours to get there yesterday. ( )A.takes B.took C.taking连词成句25. home, theres, at, nobody (.)26. afraid, am, them, I, of (.)27. wear, warm, clothes, she, should (.)28. favourite, is, your, month, what, (?) 29. school, come, to, How, you, do, (?)30. should, lake

14、, breath, to, count, you, a, ten, deep, and (.)31. a, with, lets, a, on, it, card, find, snowman, (.)32. not, on, go, Tuesday, Why (?)阅读理解33. 短文阅读。“Ladies and gentlemen, this is our pilot speaking. I hope you are enjoying your flight to Milan this morning. Now are passing over the nice city of Genev

15、a, in the west of Switzerland. If you are sitting on the left hand side of the plane, you can see the city from the window, we are flying at 10000 meters and we are flying at a speed of 700 km/h. Im afraid the weather in Milan this morning is not very good. Its raining and theres a light wind blowin

16、g. Enjoy the rest of your flight. Thank you for flying with us today.1They are flying to Milan _.( )A.in the evening B.in the morning C.at noon D.tomorrow2Geneva city is in the _.( )A.east B.north C.west D.south3They can see Geneva city _. ( )A.in the right side B.from the right windowC.next to Mila

17、n D.on the left side4The plane is flying _ meters an hour at a moment. ( )A.one thousand B.ten thousandC.seven hundred D.seven hundred thousand5Whats the weather like in Milan this morning ? ( )A.Its rainy and windy. B.its very good.C.Its snowing and theres a light wind. D.its nice and sunny.34. 阅读短

18、文,选择正确的答案。A little mouse thought he was the tallest and strongest animal in the world. His mother said to him, Dont say that in front of an elephant. He doesnt like that. The little mouse didnt listen to his mother. He went out to look for the elephant, but he didnt know who the elephant was. He ask

19、ed an ant(蚂蚁) first, Are you an elephant? No, Im not, said the ant. An elephant is much bigger than I am. Suddenly(突然), he saw four big trees. Let me climb up(爬上) a tree. Then I can see where the elephant is, said the little mouse. Get down! Get down! someone shouted(喊) to him. Im the elephant. Go a

20、nd climb that tall tree nearby. Then you can see me. Now, I see. The elephant is the tallest and strongest animal in the world, said the little mouse.1What did the mouse think of himself?( )A.He was the tallest and strongest animal in the world.B.He knew nothing about elephants.C.He thought he could

21、nt find elephants himself.2The mouse in the story_.( )A.wanted to see antsB.wanted to know what the elephant was likeC.wanted to climb the tall tree3The mouse saw_ at last.( )A.four tall trees B.an elephant C.an ant4Which is TRUE according to(根据) the story?( )A.What the mouses mother said at first w

22、as true.B.The little mouse listened to his mother.C.In the end, the mouse didnt see the elephant.35. 阅读John的日程表,选择正确答案。(1)_ is ill in hospital.A. Kate B. Uncle Peter C. John(2)John has a swimming class on _.A. Sunday B. Tuesday C. Wednesday(3)John is in the _ at 5 p.m. on Wednesday.A. library B. sup

23、ermarket C. hospital(4)John meets Sam _.A. at home B. in the hospital C. at the airport(5)Kates birthday party is from _ to _.A. three; five B. five; eight C. five; seven36. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。 Yesterday was New Years Day. People didnt work. Children didnt go to school. The weather was snowy. The child

24、ren were very happy, because they could play in the snow. They could make snowmen and throw snowballs. They could also ski. They had fun. How happy they were!1Today is New Years Day.(_)2Children didnt go to school.(_)3The weather was sunny.(_)4The children were very happy.(_)5The children could play

25、 in the snow.(_)37. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。There is a reading room in our school. Its big and bright. On the right wall there is a map of China. There is a nice clock on the front wall. Many books and chairs are in the reading room. Many Chinese and English books are on the bookshelves (书架).Many pupils often

26、go there and read different books after class. They like English books. The teachers often come here. They like newspapers and magazines (杂志). The pupils in our school clean the reading room every day. They clean the windows, desks and chairs.1The reading room is _. ( )A.only big B.only bright C.big

27、 and bright2There is a map of China _. ( )A.on the front wall B.on the right wall C.on the left wall3There is a nice clock _. ( )A.on the front wall B.on the left wall C.on the right wall4Many pupils often go there and read different books _ class. ( )A.before B.in C.after5_ clean the reading room e

28、very day. ( )A.The teacher B.The pupils in our school C.The workers38. 阅读短文,判断下列句子正误。This is a picture of my friends. We took it in Shanghai. We went hiking in a nature park. The park is in front of a zoo. At first, all of us were happy and excited. We had a picnic near a lake. We played games, sang

29、 songs and danced. Then John flew a kite. Suddenly, the kite fell down into the lake. John was very sad. Peter is stronger than the other of us and he can swim, so he jumped into the lake. He took the kite oust and returned it to John. John was very happy.( )(1)We had a picnic in a nature park.( )(2

30、)The zoo is in front of the nature park.( )(3)John was sad because he fell down into the lake.( )(4)John helped Peter to take the kite out.( )(5)John and Peter went to Shanghai on their holiday.39. 阅读理解。On Christmas Eve(平安夜)the night before Christmas Day children are very happy. They put their stock

31、ings(袜子)at the end of their beds before they go to bed. They want Father Christmas(圣诞老人)to give them some presents.Mr Green tells his children that Father Christmas is a very kind man. He comes on Christmas Eve. He lands on(登上)top of each house and comes down the chimney(烟囱)into the fireplace and br

32、ings children a lot of presents.Christmas Day always begins before breakfast. The children wake up very early. They cant wait(等不及)to open the presents in their stockings. Then they wake up(唤醒)their parents and call: Merry Christmas!Do you know what Christmas means? Christmas Day is the birthday of J

33、esus Christ. When Jesus Christ was born(出生), many people gave him presents. So today, people still do the same thing(同样的事)to each other.根据短文,判断句子正误,用(A)代表正,用(B)代表误。1Christmas Eve is the night of December 24.(_)2Father Christmas often puts the presents into childrens stockings.(_)3Father Christmas comes into the house through(通过)the window.(_)4


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