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1、Task Hazard Analysis- False work scaffold erection for building one工作危险评估 1#栋满堂架搭设(示例)(Used for works that has a high risk of resulting in a serious worker exposure, injury or death or an environmental violation)(运用于有可能导致工人严重事故或伤亡或暴露于环境破坏的高危工作)Date of Operation操作时间Rev AContractor承包商Location区域Task /

2、Scope工作/工作范围Hazards:危险:(示例)1Damage to scaffold stability and others by unqualified material材料不合格对脚手架的稳定性及其他造成的损坏Trip hazard绊跌伤害Personnel protective Equipment人员保护装备Gravitational Hazards重力危险Overhead Lifting Hazards头顶的吊装危险Fall from height6高空坠落Analysis/Action Required:要求的分析/动作(示例)1Damage to scaffold sta

3、bility and others by unqualified material材料不合格对脚手架的稳定性及其他造成的损坏钢管应平直光滑,无裂缝、分层、硬弯、毛刺、压痕和深的划道。钢管 严禁打孔。旧扣件使用前应进行质量检查,有裂缝、变形的严禁使用,出现滑牙的螺栓必须更换Pipe shall be straight, smooth, no crack, tear, bend, burr, press mark. Steel tube forbid boring. Old steel tube should be checked prior to use it, the steel tube w

4、ith cracks, distortion are not allowed to use, the bolt which can not fixed tightly are not allowed to use.脚手架的构配件质量与搭设质量,应按规定进行检查验收,合格后方准使用Prior to use, construction member quality and erection quality of scaffold shall be inspected and approved.Trip hazard绊跌伤害所有材料必须放置在指定的位置。做到场内材料堆放整齐,不堵塞运送钢管扣件的路线

5、,搭设区及时用警戒线围护起来,无关人员不能进入搭设区域The material should be laid at the right place. Parking the materials clearly and not interrupt the route of delivery.Using warning line enclose the area of erection. Anybody has no business with erection cant enter into the area.Personnel protective Equipment人员保护装备所有施工人员作

6、业时必须穿戴好合格的个人防护用品。登高作业必须使用双大钩保险带,保险带应遵守高挂低用原则。All workers should wear PPE well. Working at high altitude must use safety belt, safety belt should accord with relevant regulation. Harness must be hanged exceed waist.Gravitational Hazards重力危险在围护区域不允许进行其它工作。司索工在护栏内的任何可能区域工作。超过 1.8m 司索工要穿安全带。No other wor

7、ks to take place in within the barricaded areas. Riggers to work from within handrails where possible. Riggers to wear harness when ever above 1.8m.Overhead Lifting Hazards头顶的吊装危险特殊工种人员(塔吊司机、指挥、司索等)持证上岗,严禁无证上岗操作, 并经过特殊工种培训后,方可作业。塔吊工作时沿旋转半径用警戒线围护,旋转半径中严禁有人通过。塔吊吊装严禁超载, 严格遵守“十不吊”原则,塔吊回转限位必须处于自由状态Specia

8、l trade workers (tower crane operator, signalman and rigger ) must hold the certification, and have BLLs special trade training, then they could start working. The tower cranes work must comply with the relevant regulation. When the wind is over grade 6, stop working, the turning limit should stay a

9、t free estate.塔吊工作时严禁任何人在塔吊调运半径中活动,严禁超出塔吊起吊能力的调运。When the tower cranes are working , forbid any person passing through in the radius of tower crane. Forbid exceeding the capacity of tower crane.Fall from height6高空坠落进行上下立体交叉作业时,不得在同一垂直方向上操作。下层作业的位置,必须处于依上层高度确定的可能坠落范围半径之外。凡人员进出的通道口,均应搭设安全防护棚。脚手架要结合工程进

10、度搭设,搭设未完的脚手架,在离开岗位时,不得留有未固定构件和不安全隐患,确定架子稳定Do not work on same vertical plane, The working location of lower plane should out of the falling radius of above level. Protection shed should be set on the entrance of the access. The scaffolding should be installed according to the construction schedule.

11、Due to the uncompleted work, the unfixed elements and unsafe factors should not be left. The workers should ensure the scaffolding is stable before they left the site.,Attachments to be submitted prior to the operation are as follows:在开展工作前应按以下递交附件:(示例)TOWER CRANE Operators License操作员的执照SCAFFOLDERS

12、LICENSE架子工的执照Riggers License索具装配员的执照Submitted By:Reviewed By: 递交人:审查人:Date:Date: 日期:日期:Communication:This Task Hazard Analysis will be reviewed with the crew each before the operation begins along with SWMS and crew will sign off.交流:在施工开始之前,本工作危险分析将和安全工作方法一起为所有人员审阅,并签收.If task continues for more than 7 days crew mus


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