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1、 人教版高中英语Book7 Unit5 Writing WritingHow to improve your compositionGuessing game She is from China. She looks smart . She has a talent for singing. She is good at English .Although she was born in post 1980,We all like her.She is our English teacher.She gets on well with students.Miss is an English t

2、eacher ,who looks smart.Not only does she have a talent for singing, but also she is good at English.She gets on with students so well that we all like her. Such( )A good writingstructureseveral partstopic sentencecontentall points coveredlanguage wordsphrasessentencesvariationStrategies for improvi

3、ng writing For variation of words and phrases(2 tips) 人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件Tip1Fresh and not overused words1.With the College Entrance Examinations coming, the senior three students are focusing much more on studying. It is more and more difficult to find jobs in China now

4、adays.approachingincreasingly人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件Tip2. Phrases come first.Firstly the quietness in the night will bring better effectiveness.(1)I have _ to study English better this term.(同义词decided)(2)We will _ the matter _ (同义词consider)made up my mindtake into account /

5、considerationresult in人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件 For variation of sentences(3 tips)人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件the senior three students are focusing on much more on studying. (1)With the College Entrance Examinations approaching,Tip1Use phrases to replace s

6、entences(absolute construction) (2)The College Entrance Examinations approaching, (prepositional phrase) the approach of the College Entrance Examinations, (non-verbal verb)As the College Entrance Examinations approach,(3)Facing 人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件It is known to us. Stay

7、ing up late will naturally affect the next days performance in class.As is known to us , staying up late will naturally affect the next days performance in class.Tip2 Use compound and complex sentences(1)It is known to us that(2)What is known to us is that人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting

8、精品课件1).A heated discussion was held to argue about the advantages and disadvantages of it.2) So its high time they made good use of every minute. 3)Only by doing so can we really make progress.tip2_ Tip3.Eye-catching structures(passive voice)(subjunctive mood)_(inversion)人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件人教英语

9、选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件非谓语各种从句with复合结构倒装It 结构虚拟.强调句型人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件Some transitional words先后顺序: to begin with,first, firstly,then, later, in the end, eventually,the last but not the least ,since then, afterwards递进关系:in addition, furthermore, still less, moreover,whats m

10、ore, to make matters worse, 人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件转折关系:but, on the contrary, nevertheless,yet,otherwise,however ,on the one hand on the other hand.表观点:in my opinion, in my view, from my point of view, as for me, personally , as far as one is concerned.人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品

11、课件人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件 上网是中学生最热门的话题之一。对此,有的同学说好,有的同学则持反对意见。请根据下面所提供的信息写一篇短文并发表自己的意见。优点缺点1、对学生帮助大1、大部分同学上网聊天玩游戏,甚至上不良网站.2、可查阅有关课程信息,上因特网学习2、 影响学生正常的学习3、了解最新信息,开阔眼界,扩大知识面3、对学生身心都造成伤害人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件 Nowadays, going online is one of the most popular topics of the stu

12、dents. The Internet is helpful to students. We can look for information and study on it. We also get the latest news from it. It helps us see more and learn more. The Internet has a bad influence on our study. Some students chat and play games on it. And someone even visits bad websites. These hurt

13、both our body and heart. So we should make full use of the Internet to improve us. And we should also avoid the bad influences of the Internet.A Students Version人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件A possible version Nowadays there is an increasing tendency that more and more middle schoo

14、l students are craze about surfing the Internet, about/on which opinions are divided.人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件 Students who are in favor of it hold the view that the Internet is of great benefit to them. On one hand, not only can they consult the Internetfor the information ab

15、out a specific subject butalso they can study on the Internet. On theother hand, they can be informed of the latestInformation. Moreover, they can broaden theirhorizons and enlarge their knowledge.人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件 Meanwhile, there are some students disapproving of it.

16、 As far as they are concerned, the majority of the students who surf the Internet merely waste their time in chatting, playing games or even visiting some bad websites, which has a bad effect on their regular study. To make matters worse,it might do great harm to their physical andmental health.人教英语

17、选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件 For my part, no one can deny the fact that the Internet is playing an essential role in our daily life. Nevertheless, its of vital importance that students should weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet. Only in this way can they make prope

18、r use of it. 人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件抄阅读文章中的句子; 不知所云.得分为0分人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件Bad sample卷面不整洁; 涂改较多;语言错误多;层次不清;得7分人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件语言不地道;中文式思维;词汇错误;卷面有涂改;但基本句子正确,得14分.人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件有少

19、许语言错误;段落结构合理;有必要的连接词, 书写干净整洁.得20分人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件技巧篇高考作文 25 亦不可小看, 应用,说明,和议论 其实并不难,定完文体,拟结构,要点扩成句,老师说的话一定要牢记,It结构 花样多, 强调最出色with 结构 做伴随,品味很独特高级词汇和倒装句,装点文章一定有亮色过渡词不能少, 文章更紧密,被动跟主动比, 更有吸引力在句中不能缺少从句,非谓语, 它使你文章色彩艳丽, 书写也很重要, 能画龙点睛, 阅卷人很开心, 档次不能低, 多多把范文印到你的脑海里,要满怀信心!青花瓷 作文版

20、人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件(二)回顾题材篇 李华年年是话题, 年年都留级,年年留级写作文, 高三到初一邮件书信留言条通知和日记, 应用文统统都是拿手滴, 前门大街改造后, 他写介绍信, 地点方位和特色一定要说清春游他捡过垃圾,植树造林,他又写日记李华是有钱人, 能去英吉利, 给房东写留言, 总共没几句去年他当了学生会的主席演讲比赛搞得是英语李华他很传奇, 无人可逃避, 分析他从事地历届作文题只要你用心就能坚持到胜利, Why not just do it 人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件人教英语选修7Unit

21、5rWriting精品课件Homework:(written work)Finish the following composition.人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件人教英语选修7Unit5rWriting精品课件 现在正是深秋季节.你校学生会以 “高三学生要不要参加秋游活动” 为题, 向高三学生做调查. 请你根据下表所示的调查结果,以 “Whether or not should Senior 3 students go autumn outing?”为题, 写一篇短文, 并适当发表自己观点,上交学生会.注意:1.短文开头已为你写好. 2.词数:100左右 3.高考: college entrance examination Whether or not should Senior 3 students go autumn outing?We have had a heated discussion on whether Senior 3 students should go autumn outing65%的学生认为35%的学生认为1.应该秋游1.不应该秋游2.接触大自然,呼吸新鲜空气,有利健康2.高考临近,没有心情玩.3.活动使精


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