1、 1.Definition 2. Features of English and Chinese Passives 3. Conversion bet. Actives and Passives in E-C and C-E Translation 英语语态变换法讲解 1. Definition 1). Conversion (bet. Actives and Passives) the change from the active voice into the passive voice or vice versa in E-C and C-E translation so as to ma
2、ke the translated version conform with the idiomatic usage of the target language. 转态译法就是在翻译过程中把原文的被动语态转换成译文中的主动语态,或是把原文中的主动语态转换成译文中的被动语态。英语语态变换法讲解 2). 主动句适用于强调施动者,说明它的动作、行为所起的作用。 The Active Structurea structure having as the subject the person or thing doing the action. 3). 被动句是主动句中处于宾语的受事者被 提到主语位置
3、上,强调被动者(受事)的被动地位和被动状态。句中有时带有被动意义的标记,有时却不带这种标记。 The Passive Structurea structure expressing an action which is done to the subject of a sentence. 英语语态变换法讲解2. Features of English and Chinese Passives1). Peculiarities of English Passives(1). The wide use of the passive In the vast majority of cases the
4、 choice of the passive in English is due to one of the following reasons: A. When the active subject is known and need not be mentioned (施事已知不必言明) a). Visitors are requested to wait a while. b). The murderer was caught yesterday, and it is said that he will be hanged. 凶手已于昨日被捕,据说他将会被绞死。英语语态变换法讲解B. W
5、hen the active subject is unknown or cannot be readily stated. (施事未知或难以言明) a). New factories are being built all over the country. 全国到处在兴建工场。 b). Another bridge will be built over the river next year.C. When the active subject is self-evident from the context (施事从上下文中可以不言自明) a). She told me that her
6、 master had dismissed her. No reason had been assigned; no objection had been made to her conduct. She had been forbidden to appeal to her mistress. 她告诉我,她的男主人已解雇了她。男主人没有讲明任何理由,对她的行为没有任何异议,也不许她向女主人申诉。英语语态变换法讲解 b). The toast was duly drunk. D. When the active subject is not mentioned for some special
7、 reasons (tact or delicacy of sentiment) (使叙述显得圆通、得体,或为了表达某种微妙的情绪) a). Some things have been said here tonight that ought not to have been spoken. 今晚有人在此讲了些不该讲的话。 E. When active subject is less important than the object: a). A child was run over by a motor car. 一个小孩被汽车轧了。F. When the active subject i
8、s avoided for stylistic devices (to avoid incoherence on account of shifting construction) (出于造句的需要或修辞的考虑) a). Black actually loved her and was loved in return. b). Language is shaped by, and shapes human thought. 人的思想形成了语言,而语言又影响了人的思想。英语语态变换法讲解 c). The ceremony was abbreviated by rain. 因为下雨,仪式举行得很简
9、短。 (2). The Large Variety of Passive Patterns Passive forms of the finite verbs in 8 tenses commonly used; Passive forms of the non-finite verbs and their perfect tense; A. Passive forms of the infinitives I want the letter to be dispatched at once. B. Passive forms of the participles; Youll find th
10、e topic being discussed everywhere. 英语语态变换法讲解 C. Passive forms of the gerunds I have the honor of being elected. D. Passive forms of the sentences led by preparatory “it”; It is considered a shame to cheat in exam. 考试作弊是可耻的。 E. Passive forms of the verbs with double objects; He was given a prize. F.
11、 Passive forms of the verbs with complex objects; They neednt be kept waiting. G. Double-passive forms; The date is expected to be announced soon. 估计日期不久就会宣布。英语语态变换法讲解 The book is announced to be published. H. Passive sense in active form (pseudo-activity of the subject)(形式主动,意义被动) a). These new pro
12、ducts sell like hot cakes. 这些产品十分畅销。 b). The room filled rapidly. 房间很快就挤满了。 c). This kind of cloth washes very well. 这种布很经洗。 d). The clock winds up at the back. 这个钟在背面上发条。 e). The plan is working out. 这项计划正在制定。英语语态变换法讲解I. Passive sense conveyed in lexical items or word groups (词汇手段表达被动意义)(1). Nouns
13、referee (=to whom a question is referred to) 受委托者 his astonishment (=he was astonished) 他感到惊讶 the mans trial (=the man was tried) 那个人受审问(2). Adjs. respectable eatable (3). Pre. Phrases in ones possession/ in the possession of someone under the influence (of alcohol) 酒醉英语语态变换法讲解2). Peculiarities of C
14、hinese Passives (1). The rare use of the passive form Chinese passive forms are rarely used unless they express derogatory (or sometimes, commendatory) meaning. Following is a brief summary of those cases where the passive forms are used:A. Denote an action undesirable or unpleasant (不如意) 被: 被捕 be a
15、rrested, 被俘: be captured 让: 让人摆布 be ordered about 给: 给某人逼走 be driven away by someone 叫:叫人说的一文不值: be said to be not worth a farthing 英语语态变换法讲解 挨:挨骂: get a scolding/a dressing down 受:受骗: be deceived, 受伤:be wounded 为 所, 被所, 让给 她被花言巧语所陶醉。She is intoxicated with sweet wordsB. Denote an action desirable o
16、r pleasant (如意) 受: 受欢迎: be welcome, 受表扬: be praised 被:被评为先进工作者: be made an advanced workerC. Denote a neuter sense 由: 时间由他决定。 The time will be decided by him 这本书由三人合译。 This book was jointly translated by three persons.英语语态变换法讲解 为所:这已为该组织所接受。 This has been accepted by the Organization. (2). The wide
17、use of active forms to express the passive sense In Chinese almost no difference can be seen in form bet. the active and the passive, no inflexion of the verb, no transposition of the subject, even no passive label “被“ and the like before the verb. Many Chinese verbs are active in form but passive i
18、n sense, i.e. there is disagreement between the syntactic and notional active or passive. Here are some basic patterns in which active forms are used to show passive sense.英语语态变换法讲解 Pattern 1: O+(被)+(S)+V 1)、问题解决了。 The problem has been solved. 2)、困难可以克服。Difficulties can be overcome. 3)、会议延期了。 The me
19、eting was postponed. 4)、工作完成了。 The work has been finished. Pattern 2: O+(被)+(S)+V+M 1)、地图挂在墙上。 A map is hung on the wall. 2)、树栽在街道两旁。Trees are planted on both sides of the streets. 3)、沙发摆在客厅里。Sofas are placed in the sitting-room.英语语态变换法讲解 4)、字写在黑板上。Words are written on the blackboard. Pattern 3: M+V
20、+O 1)、客厅里摆着沙发。In the sitting-room are placed some sofas. 2)、窗户上贴着纸蝴蝶。On the window-pane is pasted a paper butterfly. 3)、街道两旁栽着树。On both sides of the street are planted trees. Pattern 4: O+(是)+S+(M)+V+的 (判断句) 1)、这些产品是我国生产的。These products are made in our country. 2)、 风速是用秒米表示的。The speed of wind is mea
21、sured in meters per second. 3)、万物都是原子构成的。All things are made up of atoms. 英语语态变换法讲解Pattern 5: O+ M+加以/予以 +V 1)、这个问题将在下一章加以讨论。This question will be discussed in the next chapter. 2)、 这必须在适当的时候予以处理。This must be dealt with at an/the opportune time/moment. 3)、这个词必须予以特别注意。The word must be paid special at
22、tention to. Pattern 6: (M)使/把/将+ O+(M)+V+M (无主句) 1)、必须使温度很快从室温升至摄氏125度。Temperature should be changed from room temperature to 125 C. 2)、不要故意把这些问题混在一起。These questions should not be mixed up. 英语语态变换法讲解3)、用这个方法把油与水分开。 Oil must be separated from water by this method. C. passives in the following situati
23、ons:1). When active subject is less important than the object (强调受事,突出被动状态) a). “财神爷”这个词,不是我的用语, 是农民的发明。(邓小平文选第三卷) That term, the “God of Wealth”, was invented not by me but by the farmers.英语语态变换法讲解b). 譬如罢,我们之中的一个青年,因为祖上的阴功(姑且我这么说罢),得了一所大宅子,且不问他是骗来的,抢来的,或合法继承的,或是做了女婿换来的。(鲁迅拿来主义) Suppose one of our p
24、oor youths, thanks to the virtue of some ancestor (if I may be permitted to suppose such a thing), comes into possession of a large housenever mind whether obtained by trickery, force, lawful inheritance or marriage into a wealthy family. c). 这是虽在北方的风雪的压迫下却保持倔强挺立的一种树。(茅盾白杨礼赞) This tree remains stubb
25、ornly erect even when crushed by the wind and snow of the north. 英语语态变换法讲解2) When the active subject is not mentioned for some reasons (tact or delicacy of sentiment) (因种种原因,不出现或无须说明施事者) a). 如果工程是在人们的眼皮子底下进行,今天加一尺,明天高五寸;人来人往,满地乱砖泥水,最后工程结束时人们也会跟着舒口气,觉得这乱糟糟的局面总算有了了结。(围墙) If the construction had been c
26、arried out under ones very eyesadding a foot today and six inches tomorrow, with people coming and going and the ground littered with bricks and plaster, when it was finally finished everyone would have felt a great sense of relief that the chaos was over. 英语语态变换法讲解b). 黑暗是一秒钟一秒钟地淡了,但是它还留下了一个网。山啦,树啦,
27、河啦,田啦,房屋啦,都罩在它的网下面。(月夜) Second by second the darkness faded, but it still was a net that covered everything. The mountains, the trees, the river, the fields, the housesall were enmeshed in it. 3). When the passive voice is used for stylistic devices (to avoid incoherence on account of shifting const
28、ruction)(使句子结构匀称,文气连贯) a). 他在全盛时期极孚众望,无论富人还是穷人都用同样敬重他。 In his day, he enjoyed tremendous popularity and was adored by both the rich and the poor. 英语语态变换法讲解 b). 英语语法课时,我们上冠词的用法,然后做了一些练习。 In the hour of English grammar, we were taught the usage of the article and then did some exercises about them. c)
29、.她出现在台上,观众报以热烈的掌声。 She appeared on the stage and was warmly applauded by the audience. 4). The passive voice is used in some Chinese idioms or active structures with generic persons (某些习惯用语或泛指人称为 主语的主动句) a). 大家忽然听到了防空警报,急忙寻找掩护。 The air raid sirens were suddenly heard to warn people to take shelter.
30、英语语态变换法讲解 b).可以有把握地说,会议会如期召开的。 It may be safely said that the meeting will be held on schedule. 5). The passive voice is used for politeness (语气委婉,措辞礼貌) a). 请您为大家表演个节目。 You are requested to give a performance. 英语语态变换法讲解6). The passive voice is used for expressiveness and vividness (借助英语的一些固定搭配或词组) a
31、). 有经验者不易上圈套。 An old bird is not to be caught with chaff. b). 他得意忘形。 He was lost in exhilaration. c).他天生适合做水手。 He is cut out for a sailor. 7). In some active structures with a passive sense (含有被动意义的主动句) a). 这个问题必须马上解决,否则会贻误工期。 This problem has to be solved immediately, or will delay the schedule. 英语
32、语态变换法讲解3. Conversion bet. Actives and Passives in E-C Translation 1). E. Passives into C. Actives (英被动汉主动) A. Original subjects unchanged (原主语不变) a). Result slips for the putonghua proficiency test will be issued to the testers tomorrow. 普通话水平考试成绩单将于明天发给考试者。 b). Such liquid fuel rockets as are now b
33、eing used for space research have to carry their own supply of oxygen. 像现在用于宇宙研究的这类液态燃料火箭,必须自己携带氧气。英语语态变换法讲解c). If oil is struck, a cover is firmly fixed to the top of the oil pipe and the oil is allowed to escape through a series of valves. 如发现/钻到石油,则在油管顶部紧固地加盖,让石油通过一系列阀门流出。 B. Original subjects in
34、to objects (主语宾语) a). By the end of the war 900 people had been saved by the organization, but at the cost of over 200 Belgian and French lives. 大战结束时,这个组织救出了900人,但那900人是以200多比利时人和法国人的生命为代价的。英语语态变换法讲解b). If bad weather is expected, the forecaster must be able to suggest another airport within the ra
35、nge of the aircraft where the weather will be suitable for landing. 如果预计天气恶劣,天气预报人员必须能够在该飞机航程内提出另一个天气适合着陆的机场。c). During the visit, extensive, earnest and frank discussions were held between the two leaders. 在访问期间,双方领导人进行了广泛、真诚和坦率的交谈。d). A national link-up of computers could mean that a large amount
36、of information will be supplied to anyone who uses the system. 把全国的电脑连接起来意味着可以向任何使用该系统的人提供大量信息。英语语态变换法讲解e). Sluggishness in the economy cannot be explained by cyclical factors; we need structural changes. 周期性因素并不能解释经济停滞不前的原因;我们需要进行经济结构改革。C. Passives into the predicative verb“是”(英被动汉判断句) a). Science
37、is discovered by a process of inquiry, observation, and experiment. 科学的道理是通过询问、观察、实验这样一个过程发现的。 b). How can a series of motionless, or still, pictures be blended on a screen to produce motion pictures? 英语语态变换法讲解 一组不动的即静止的图片是怎样在银幕上连到一起合成电影的呢?D. Adding an indefinite subject (添加适当的主语,如“有人,人家,人们,大家,众人,我们
38、,人,本文”等) a). To explore the moons surface, rockets were launched again and again. 为了探测月球的表面,人们一次又一次地发射火箭。 b). Vitamin C is much more than just a tonic for resisting colds. It is known to play an important role in the prevention of cancer and the promotion of a healthy heart and vascular system. 维生素C
39、绝不仅仅是可以御寒的补药。人们还知道,维生素C在防癌和促进心脏以及脉管系统的健康方面也起着重要作用。英语语态变换法讲解E). E. passives into C. subjectless sentences (英被动句汉无主句) a). Therefore, effective measures should be taken to control the size of cities so that they can grow healthily and steadily. 因此,应采取有效措施控制城市规模,让城市健康平稳地发展。 b). The unpleasant noise must
40、 be immediately put to an end. 必须立即终止这种讨厌的噪音。 c). Attention has been paid to effective measures to prevent corruption. 已经注意到采取有效防腐措施。英语语态变换法讲解 d). Priority should be given to improve the quality of the products. 应注重提高产品质量。 e). Efforts should be made to proceed from reality, to take measures suited t
41、o local conditions and to give guidance tailored to the situation and plan carefully. 要坚持从实际出发,因地制宜,分类指导,搞好规划。 英语语态变换法讲解F). E. Actives into C. Passives (英主动汉被动) a). The government has vowed to sweep all shoddy and fake goods off the shelves. In addition, stiff penalties loom for counterfeits. 政府发誓将假
42、冒伪劣商品彻底清除出货架。此外,假冒伪劣商品生产厂家将受到严厉处罚。 b). Single-sex schools are losing out to co-educational institutions. 单一性别的学校越来越不受欢迎,正被男女混合的学校所取代。 c). The sale of assets by the railway company could well kill a proposed deal for joint operations with a road haulage firm. 这家铁路公司出售资产,完全有可能使其与一家公路运输公司拟议的联合经营协议被取消。英
43、语语态变换法讲解2). Keeping the Passive Structure Unchanged(英被动汉被动) A. Rendering into Chinese by using“被” or “给” a). If the scheme is approved, work on the project will start immediately. 如果方案被批准,这项工程将立即动工。 b). Part of the light may be reflected, absorbed or transmitted by the thing or object that comes int
44、o its way. 一部分的光或全部的光可能被(给)挡住其去路的东西或物体所反射、吸收或透射。英语语态变换法讲解B. Rendering into Chinese by using“遭” or “受” a). Every one was fed up with her gossip. 人人都受够了她的流言蜚语。 b). He was set upon by two masked men. 他遭到了两个蒙面男子的袭击。 c). He was policed by the bosses cops. 他受到老板雇用的警察的监督。英语语态变换法讲解C. Rendering into Chinese
45、by using “为所” a). Such conduct will be looked down upon by all with a sense of decency. 这种行为将会为一切有良知的人所蔑视。 b). I was so impressed by these words that I used them later for a Christmas card. 我为这些话所深深感动,后来我把它们写在圣诞贺卡上。 英语语态变换法讲解D. Rendering into Chinese by using 把”or“使”or“由”(译成“把”、“使”和“由”句)a). Goodyear
46、, an American, had been trying for years to find a way in which rubber could be made hard, non-sticky, and yet elastic. 有一个叫古德伊尔的美国人一直在努力寻找一种方法把橡胶做得硬而不粘,但是却有弹性。 b). The time will come when homes will be heated from a small reactor in the basement. 有朝一日家庭将由安装在地下室的小反应堆供热。 英语语态变换法讲解F. The passive voice
47、 replaced by other structures (英被动汉主动) a). The village is populated by about 15,000 farmers. 这个子里住着大约15000农民。 b). The news was passed on by word of mouth. 众口相传,消息不胫而走。 c). His holiday afternoons were spent in ramble about the surrounding country. 每逢假日的下午,他总要漫游周围的乡村。 d). Not only politeness but an at
48、titude of reverence is demanded in church. 在教堂里,人们不仅要有礼貌,而且应该有一种虔诚的态度。英语语态变换法讲解e). She was delivered of a boy. 她生了一个男孩。f). He has been wedded to translation. 他已与翻译结下了不解之缘。g). he factory is understaffed by skillful workers. 该工厂缺乏熟练工人。h). The Chinese Table Tennis Team also visited a Manhattan public s
49、chool, delighting the pupils and being delighted by them. (China U.S. Table Tennis”) 中国乒乓球队还访问了曼哈顿的一所公立学校。队员们和学生们都为这次见面感到高兴。英语语态变换法讲解4. Conversion bet. Actives and Passives in C-E Translation 1). C. sentences with passive labels(有被动标记) “被”、“受”、“遭”、“给”、“让”、“挨”、“叫”、“为所”、 “加以”、“予以” A. C. Passives into
50、E. Actives(汉被动英主动) a). 他被吓得坐了起来。 He started to sit up. b). 天太冷,水管都给冻住了。 It was so cold that the pipe froze. 英语语态变换法讲解c). 他们将冲决一切束缚他们的罗网,朝着解放的路上迅跑。一切帝国主义、军阀、贪官污吏、土豪劣绅,都将被他们葬入坟墓。(毛泽东选集第一卷) They will smash all the trammels that bind them and rush forward along the road to liberation. They will sweep al
51、l the imperialists, warlords, corrupt officials, local tyrants and evil gentry into their graves. 英语语态变换法讲解B. C. Passives into E. Passives (汉被动英被动) a). 窗上的玻璃叫那个孩子打破了,他一定要挨骂的。 The windowpane was broken by the child; he will certainly be scolded. b). 社会主义思想体系已为全国人民所接受。 Socialist ideology has been acce
52、pted the people of the whole country. c). 整个地区为热带、亚热带森林所覆盖,气候独特。 The whole area is covered by tropical as well as subtropical forest and has unique climate.英语语态变换法讲解d). 社会上行行色色的人物,被区分得一清二楚。 People of all sorts in our society have been clearly revealed for what they are. e). 人生的道路虽然漫长,但紧要处常常只有几步,特别是当
53、人年轻的时候。(柳青:创业史) Although the road of life is long, its most important sections are often covered in only a few steps, esp. when a person is young. 英语语态变换法讲解C. Special Chinese Actives (特殊类型的主动句)(汉主动英主动:似是主动,但其谓语动词多为不及物动词和某些特殊用法的动词) a). 这酒口感不错,与价格相称。 This wine drinks well for its price. b). 白台布容易脏。 Th
54、e white table cloth stains easily. c). 这种食物不好消化。 The food wont digest well. 英语语态变换法讲解2). C. sentences without passive labels (没有被动标记) Such sentences appear active in structure, but actually passive in meaning, with their subjects being logical objects of the predicate verbs. A. C. Actives into E. Pa
55、ssives (汉主动句英被动句) A). Keeping the original subject (原主语不变) a). 知识分子的问题就是在这样的基础上提出来的。 On such a basis has the question of the intellectuals been raised. b). 大米产于南方。 Rice is chiefly grown in the South. 英语语态变换法讲解 c). 来宾请出示入场券。 Visitors are required to show their tickets. d). 晚上九点以后,长途话费可以减少50%。 After 9
56、 p.m., the long-distance telephone rate can be cut by half. 英语语态变换法讲解B). The object into the subject (原宾语主语) a). 一群人立刻把他围住了,向他提出了一个又一个的问题。 Very soon he was surrounded by a crowd and was snowed under with questions. b). 我国各族人民每年都要热烈庆祝“十一”国庆节。 National Day is enthusiastically celebrated on Oct. 1 by t
57、he Chinese people of all nationalities every year. c). 中美已经建立了外交关系。 Diplomatic relations have been established between China and the United States. 英语语态变换法讲解d). 政府授权工商部门严厉取缔投机倒把活动。 Departments in charge of industry and commerce are authorized by the government to ban speculation and profiteering. C.
58、 Subjectless C. Structures into E. Passives (汉无主句英被动) a). 必须加快现代企业制度建立,深化经济体制改革。 The establishment of a modern corporate system must be accelerated and economic restructuring deepened. 英语语态变换法讲解b). 发现了错误,一定要纠正。 Wrongs must be corrected when they are discovered.c).清理并减少了行政审批事项 Administrative procedur
59、es for examination and approval were rectified and reduced. d). 加强了政府决策科学化、民主化工作,对涉及群众利益的重大事项实行公示、听证等制度。 Government decision making was made more scientific and democratic, and a system of public notices and public hearings on matters affecting the interests of the people was instituted. 英语语态变换法讲解e)
60、. 继续加强“三农”工作。28个省(区、市)全部免征了农业税,全国取消了牧业税。 Work related to agriculture, rural areas and farmers was further intensified. The agricultural tax was rescinded in 28 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government, and the livestock tax was rescinded nationwide.f). 体
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