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1、.:.;DQL-6型光学测树罗盘仪 OPTICAL COMPASS MODEL DQL-6INSTRUCTION 哈 尔 滨 光 学 仪 器 厂HARBIN OPTICAL INSTRUMENT FACTORY CHINA用途DQL-6型光学测树罗盘仪,适用于森林资源调查中的各种丈量任务。如间隔 、高差、方位、程度、坡角等。同时,可以测定和标定树干恣意部位的高度和直径,每公顷胸高断面积、立木行率、区分求积、造材求积等。也可用于农田水利、土地规划、地形测绘等普通工程丈量。主要技术参数 望远镜:放大倍率16x有效孔径20mm视场角.230视距乘常数.50,100视距加常数0最短视距2m 磁罗盘:

2、磁针长度.67mm 度盘格值.1 竖直盘: 度盘格值.1 游标值.6 测高量程.40m 水准器: 圆水准器15/2mm仪器构造 仪器主要由望远镜组、竖盘组、罗盘组、安平组四部分组成,见图1。望远镜组1为16倍内调焦式,并可在垂直面内作360度回转,它不仅用来瞄准和测距,而且在分划板上没有测径标尺可用来测定树干直径。竖盘组不仅是望远镜的回转轴支架,而且装有与望远镜同步转动的竖直罗盘,盘面上刻有程度距为10m、20m、15m、30m的测高尺2,在程度距30m处可丈量40m高度。盘面下部还刻有角度尺4,可供倾角丈量用。为操作方便,备有横轴止动螺旋3和微调螺旋5,可用于准确调整。罗盘组由磁针10和磁针

3、度盘9组成。主要用于磁方位丈量,为保证丈量精度,罗盘合上还装有圆形水准器11。安平机构6是球臼式机构,即可以与三脚架衔接,又可以随意调理,可迅速方便将仪器安平。运用方法根本操作仪器安平 将仪器稳定的安装在三脚架上,并使仪器的各可调部位均处中间形状,调整球臼机构使罗盘之园水准器气泡居中。望远镜调理 首先旋转目镜视度圈,使眼睛明晰的看清分划板十字丝,转动仪器使望远镜粗瞄准器大致瞄准目的或标尺,在调理调轮,使之明晰的看清目的。方位丈量安平仪器,放开磁针止动螺旋7,望远镜十字丝竖丝瞄准目的,待磁针静止后,即可读取该目的方位。间隔 丈量 调理望远镜至明晰的看清标尺刻度,读取上、下夹距丝在标尺上所间隔的公

4、分数,乘以常数50,即得出仪器中心到标尺的间隔 ;如读取上、中两丝或中、下两丝在标尺上所间隔的公分数,那么乘以常数100,即得出仪器中心到标尺的实践间隔 。在丈量时为了读数方便,可以少量转动微调螺旋5,使之其中一横丝处于标尺上公分整数亦可。角度丈量 仪器安平后,调理望远镜经过分划板横丝瞄准被测目的后,可以在竖直度盘的角度尺上直接读取角度。高度丈量 根据作业和实践需求,可将仪器安顿在程度距为10m、15m、20m、30m恣意一点,安平仪器后,用望远镜横丝瞄准被测目的,然后可以在竖直度盘所对应的程度距高度尺上读取其高度见图2 a、ba、平地测高时,仰角高度加仪器高度为总高度。b、坡地测高时,仰角高

5、度加俯角高度为总高。图二上部直径丈量将仪器安顿于适当程度间隔 处根据作业环境恣意选定,仪器安平后经过望远镜用常数100观测被测树木的程度间隔 在分划板上间隔的公分数,然后再用望远镜横丝瞄准待测高度部位,并读取所对应的仰角a,在调整程度微调螺旋,使望远镜分划板上测径标尺零线对准树干一测,读取树干另一测在测径标尺上的读数d,那么树干上部直径D可按下式计算:计测实例: 图3所示,仪器至树干的程度间隔 为18m,那么在望远镜分划板中读得S=18cm,仪器瞄准待测高度部位时的仰角a=3030,树干在分划板测径标尺上。如图3图 三图 四树干在分划板上读数为1.2读数值d=1.2见图4。那么该部位树干直径为

6、在丈量上部直径的同时,亦可在测高尺上读得该部位的高度。仪器保养及本卷须知仪器出厂前曾经过校验,如仪器经过长途运输、碰撞、猛烈震动或长期不曾运用时,在运用时,在运用前应对圆形水准器安平精度进展检查,如有误可经过三个带孔螺钉8进展校正。仪器运用终了后,应将磁针锁住以免轴尖磨损。各调整机构应复中间形状,各制动机构应妥善锁紧。仪器应保管在枯燥清洁处,防止各光学件生霉及金属件锈蚀。运用中望远镜光学零件外表应防止污物触及,仪器经维修或拆装后,必需重新校准后方可运用。仪器成套性光学测树罗盘仪.1台皮 合.1个三脚架.1付校正针.1支运用阐明书1份合格证.1份电子计算器由用户选订的配件套L I S TUseT

7、echnical Data c)measurement of distanceStructure d) measurement of anglesInstructions for use e) measurement of heightpreparation for measuring f) measurement of diameterazimuthal orientation NoticeUse Optical Compass Model DQL-6 is applicable to surveys in forestry resources. For example, distance,

8、 differential altitude, azimuthal orientation, slope angle, trees height or diameter, etc. Besides, its suitable for agriculture, hydraulic engineering, geology and general engineering.Technical Data Telescope Magnification 16x Clear object aperture 20mm Field of view 230 Stadia multiplication const

9、ant 50.100 Stadia additive constant 0 Shortest focusing distance 2mCompass The division unit of dial 1 Vertical dial The division unit of dial 1 Vernier scale 6 Measuring height range 40m Precision of circular bubble 15/2mm Weight 1kg Size 130 x100 x220(mm)Structure Model DQL-6 is made up of telesco

10、pe, vertical dial, compass and leveling unit. See Fig1 Fig1telescopebacking-up screw for telescopeangles scaleslow motion screw for telescopeheight dialeye lensadjusting screw with hole backing-up screw for needleleveling unithorizontal dialneedlecirular bubble Instructi ons for usePreparation for m

11、easuringFirst screw the instrument on the tripod, then adjust the leveling unit for keeping the circular bubble in the center. And all the adjustable parts should be kept in the proper position (not in the limit). In measuring, the telescope is the main part for taking aim, first adjust the eye lens

12、 till the cross hairs can be seen clearly through the eye lens, then adjust the focusing wheel up to the target can be seen clearly, too. In this case, you can begin your work.Azimuthal orientation First release the needle by turning the button for needle and make the vertical line on the reticule p

13、late in the same line with the target. Well you can get the reading after keeping the needle still.Measurement of distance First adjust the telescope till the scale on the rod can be seen clearly. If you get the reading on the rod between the up line and the down line on the reticule plate, the read

14、ing must time 50 and this is the distance form instrument to the rod. And if you get the reading on the rod between the middle line and the up line or the domn line, the number must time 100 and this is the distance you wanted. You also can turn the slow motion screw for telescope 4 for getting read

15、ing easily.Measurement of angles First adjust the telescope and make the horizontal line on the reticule plate in the same line with the measured target. Then the angles degrees can be read straight off the scales of angles scale.Measurement of height Put the instrument at any point from distance of

16、 10m, 15m, 20m or 30m, then adjust the telescope as in paragraph d) above. Now the height of tree can be got from the height dial.(See Fig 2 a,b)Measurement of diameter Put the instrument in the proper position that you wanted. First measuring the horizontal distance(s) from instrument to the tree,

17、then measuring the angle of elevation(a). After this turn the slow motion screw 4), as soon as the “zero hair line concides with one sicle of the tree, you can get the number (d) on the horizontal hair line (d is from “zero to the other side of the tree). Well you can count the diameter according to

18、 the formula. For example (See Fig3、4) S=18cm a=3030 d=1.2 thenNote: At the same time, you can measure the height of the trees same part.abFig2Fig3Fig4NoticeThe instrument has been adjusted before leaving factory. Please check the circular bubble before using it. If its not in the center, you can adjust again with the three a


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